Emily of tuscl, being interviewed on a podcast #ridiculous

Help me out here. Give me some advice I can share next time I'm on the air ...
*I start to talk after about 20 minutes
Find them on twitter (twitter.com) and facebook, give them some love on our episode for us ... lets show them how strong our community is.
PS: Founder says "thick jeans" is the worst advice. I might agree with him on that, ha.
last commentGood elaboration on the glossary and abbreviations. Next time, tell them about ROB's and blue light shopping.
Thick jeans = no bueno.
Juice crew for life
Best club gear is athletic gear that is soft and can be passed off as dress clothing in a dark club..also should only use black clothing in case of a LDK natural or forced
Jeans? What is this?
CrazyJoe would shit in their diaper, that's what I think of their idea.
Jeans is a rookie mistake
Talk about the system and how Ricky boy uses a white polystyrene suit to suidice crack whores LMFAO
Also talk about the art of a LDK in a clean club
Sweet interview, you gave the scoop on TUSCL well, Emily. Next time ??? Hmm, going to think about that one.
No shirts with buttons. Getting fishnets snagged on a button, during the song you paid for sucks ass. She's trying to get unhooked, you're trying to unhook her, and no one is getting any grinding done.
Sweet job - the radio dudes seemed too hyper, wouldn't even let you complete a sentence.
Ha Ha $2 bills.
You are on a roll Emily (maybe you are LoPaw afterall)!
For next outing here are a few tips:
TUSCL can be used to find all strip clubs in a city ("browse nearby" button).
Club ratings are suspect but give you an idea about highest rated dancers or lowest rated and also the best and worst value clubs. This saves a business visitor time - because the most hyped club in a city is almost never the one where great times can be had.
A couple of ideas to take TUSCL to the next level:
Add "Like" and "Dislike" button for every Review, Discussion and Article.
This will bring the best stuff to the top based on community feedback.
Reach out to the dancers and give them free membership to TUSCL.
All they should do is fill out their profile: Stage Name, Club(s), Stats, ethnicity, why a customer should drive 25 miles to see her and optional, but highly recommended, full body shot (face obscured ok, if dancer is shy)
Each club's page should show dancers that are working at the moment.
Of course each dancer is responsible for updating that - and there will be mistakes and inaccuracies.
However, a dancer wants to advertise she is working a certain shift. Means more money. TUSCL members will check this website often just to avoid a club with less than 5 dancers working - i.e., avoid wasting their time.
So in the end it will work out and turn out to be fairly accurate.
That "live stat" feature can be extended for a club to announce unexpected dance/drink/food specials on a slow night. They would love flash mobs suddenly show up at 7:30 PM - as an example.
Face it - the biggest time waster for a strip club regular is a "dead club" - which you realize only after you have driven to the club and paid cover. TUSCL can help a bit.
Emily! Emily! Emily!
Is they next radio show going to focus on some of the crazier stories on here?
Perhaps a show focused on lapdanceking82. That would be brilliant! ;)
(No disrespect to lapdanceking82, I just like his stories)
^^^ They should spotlight when LDK decided to grab the hips of an air dancer and forced himself to grind on her to completion. Classic LDK !
I've asked dancers about jeans and they all have had no opinion; not sure exactly why we hear not to wear them.
I wish the interviewer had asked about the need for an 'edit' function....Emily?????
Great job Emily. The only obvious error was that you didn't mention wearing a white three piece suit. Do try to explain the System next time. It is Rick's only contribution to humanity. Perhaps you could take Juice with you for the next interview. Desertscrub could also add some colorful commentary.
Best news of all. Emily definitely sounds like a redhead.
KFC up da ass hole LMFAO
Emily voice is hot...she kinda sounds like a stripper lol....she said "chub" lol...so cute
11 out of 17 clubs had jizz all over lol
New LDK challenge go into the club with a hand held black light LMFAO
These guys sound like rookies LMFAO
They want a bounce house LMFAO aka kiddy Coral LMFAO
Aaaahhhh...Emily found a way to work my name in lol...she used the term juice and juiced ...thanks beautiful
She said to do a OTC at Denny's LMFAO...I love this chick
LDK in a Diaper LMFAO
Strip Club Cult LMFAO brilliant
You can still listen to this just click the link and fast-forward to 22 min in to find Emily and Tuscl convo
Fonder you need to give Emily some Dick as a Reward
I'm totally down for a Barbara Walters style interview with Emily LMFAO
How did she not talk about "The System" 35% success rate over 18 months and at least $3k
Tuskel? Isn't it pronounced tussle?
Those nerds wouldn't make it one hour in a stripper club without being juiced
Oh for those newbies crashing the party...The System works.
In all my years of clubbing, I have never received a $2 bill as change at ANY club.
The adult diaper thing will never work either. Too much work when you can just wear a rubber if you are really concerned about if.
And the advice on wearing thick jeans? Uh... No. Do not do that.