Of course at extras club almost any hoe can get me up then off it's just some need to work harder than others
On the ideas of getting just dances ever wonder why we don't get erections with any dancer we pick ? Or maybe it's just me lol
I can pick a chick I think is hot but not crazy over and get in the back and nothing
Next chick be OK looking but I'm crazy over because we connect in some little way either through conversation or just getting comfortable over past visits and boom I'm rock solid with her playing with it like crazy
My favorite dance move is to get hard as fuck then have them rub that pussy on it while I breast feed
Ha. With modern medical help, I'm never worried about rising to the occasion. That leaves me free to work on all the other stuff to optimize my club experience. Please don't throw stones at we who are over 50 and like having the response of a 16 year old.
warhawks; Yes i had low T and ot that addressed. I do get aroused normally,but with cidenifil help, and at $1 a dose from the on line people...what's not to like?
Was 450 pounds but down to 370 and counting right now....hoping to be at 300 in 2018...also not pure fat...got a lot of muscle from past power lifting and current weight lifting mintance aka light weight high reps
Juice, watch for the girls whose customer heads straight out the door rather than going back to the table when they finish their VIP session, after 3 or 4 dances- those are the girls you really want :)
And yeah, I had to troll you with this new Dom Kitty Avatar. Hope you approve, remember imitation is a form of flattery.
Juice only visits once every 2 or 3 months? I thought I was setting a record going without visiting a strip club for almost 2 months. However I spent only about 15 bucks total the other night. I wanted to break up a long ass drive so stopped by the club. I had already driven almost 300 miles and had another 50 to get home all at night mostly on interstates.
Back more on topic, I really wondered what was going on with my own body when after drinking at least a few beers during the night and no dancer usually got me that excited, somehow this one dancer who wasn't my type went like all aggressive on me insisting she dance for me. She was like a snake charmer and I didn't understand wtf was going on. That was just another weird night in an unusual way. I have wondered if pheromones may be responsible for sudden unexplained reactions. I read drinking alcohol can lower T levels all by itself but I enjoy having a couple drinks more than I enjoy the lap dances.
Juice wrote, "My favorite dance move is to get hard as fuck then have them rub that pussy on it while I breast feed"
So Juice, when a girl approaches you, do you like to be seated on a bar stool and keep the girl on her feet? And his this how it is at ATL Follies, and in Shadowcat's corner?
Or you like standard chairs and to have the girl sit on your lap?
I am surprised clubs do not serve watermelon (,) juice (pun intended).
Avoid drinking alcohol (if you were considering .. google "whiskey dick" ... depressant plus blood rushes away from the penis). Try watermelon. Maybe Dougster will short watermelon futures.
last commentCheck your testosterone level.
Was 450 pounds but down to 370 and counting right now....hoping to be at 300 in 2018...also not pure fat...got a lot of muscle from past power lifting and current weight lifting mintance aka light weight high reps
I've chalked it up to being more financial responsibility but maybe it's actually low T
The excitement of strange pussy in a club always did it for me everytime no matter what.
Something about a new girl. Must just be instinctual.
Take a pill in Ibiza.
Fuck you jackie
I know of some pills you can get from North Korea. I hear they are killer.
Very fee times have I popped from her just being that hot...maybe like two times like this
And yeah, I had to troll you with this new Dom Kitty Avatar. Hope you approve, remember imitation is a form of flattery.
The advice you give is solid thanks man
That was just another weird night in an unusual way. I have wondered if pheromones may be responsible for sudden unexplained reactions. I read drinking alcohol can lower T levels all by itself but I enjoy having a couple drinks more than I enjoy the lap dances.
If one girl can limit her stripper shit and seduce me while pretending she actually likes me (she doesn't) then that's the ticket!
So Juice, when a girl approaches you, do you like to be seated on a bar stool and keep the girl on her feet? And his this how it is at ATL Follies, and in Shadowcat's corner?
Or you like standard chairs and to have the girl sit on your lap?
Avoid drinking alcohol (if you were considering .. google "whiskey dick" ... depressant plus blood rushes away from the penis). Try watermelon. Maybe Dougster will short watermelon futures.