
How much should be spent on a strip club recon mission ?

Avatar for JuiceBox69
JuiceBox69Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads

Back in my broke days I used to recon clubs with enough money to put gas in my car, McDonald's in my tummy, $10 stage tips and one $25 dance lol.

I honestly haven't reckoned a club in a good minute and since I've got cash on hand how much should I use ?

Reckons are cheap visits for future trips right ?

Or am I looking at this wrong ?


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Avatar for ime

Depends on how you want to do recon. You can probably do recon sitting at the bar observing pretty cheaply. If you are gonna try out lapdances it could cost a lot more.

Avatar for sp

For all the guys at work, friends hitting the local clubs or anyone else that cares to listen, I am the "scout team" or recon guy. I would say you need to have enough to get in, one drink, tip money and enough for 4 lap dances. Most of the clubs I've hit, the dances are 25 and I try to get 2 from 2 dancers to get the feel. 125 to 150 in the pocket. Bring on the details. I'm listening.

Avatar for twentyfive

You could do a Papi style drive by and all it would cost is gas money )

Avatar for Subraman

Like sp, I'm the chief intelligence officer for my crew :)

My recon budget is exactly the same as my operational budget: At least enough for 2 VIPs ($200), plus another $100 for possible cover charge, stage tipping, and alcohol. I don't see what the value of a recon is, if you don't come back with knowledge of what is arguably the MOST IMPORTANT information: what do private dances cost and what goes on during those dances? I mean, sometimes I can tell right away the club isn't my thing, and I don't spend all that money. But if the girls are pretty, the alcohol is affordable, and the hustle level is acceptable -- total waste of time if I don't do some dances. What is it you're waiting for, if you don't do dances during your recon? Do you have to go home and ponder the club on an ontological and metaphysical level before you commit to a VIP? If the place is go, why put limits on yourself as far as recons having to be cheap no-dance affairs?

Avatar for JuiceBox69

Mind fucking myself LMFAO brilliant

Avatar for goosman

I think you can do a thorough recon for the price of admission, a drink and a dance. No more than 60 bucks total if you know what you're doing.

Avatar for Jascoi

man. i still have a lot to learn.

Avatar for Slumperro

Im with SP. Wont even step inside a club without $100-$150 in my pocket. Never know what you may find out.

Avatar for etsutwigg222

To do a proper recon, I feel that you have to be ready for at least 2 VIP trips. So I usually go with at least 300 to 500. That way if I find that unicorn, I can partake. If not, then I go home with the cash.

Avatar for shailynn

Depends on the club and what you have to pay to get in:

Typical charges:

  • Cover Charge

  • Coat Check

  • Valet Charge

  • Drink / Waitress-Bartender Tip

  • Some money to tip dancer(s)

I don't see how you can get out of the charges I mentioned above, but of course many clubs don't offer things such as valet, coat check, etc.

I'm most likely going to get a drink, and I am most likely going to throw a few dollars to the dancers on stage even if I really don't want a dance from them. After I finish my first drink, if I don't see anything I like and have given a decent amount of time to see girls come out of the back, I leave and move on to the next.

If I'm rolling through maybe 4 clubs on one night trying to find a good dancer, maybe by my 4th visit if the clubs crowded and I'm driving I may not even get a drink because it's too much of a pain in the ass to go to the bar and there's no tables open so I cannot get a waitress's attention.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Strip Club recon will always be expensive. Otherwise it is incomplete. But what I would suggest is not letting girls sell you dances. Instead, using charm and money, try to get them into a 3rd base w/DFKing front room makeout session.

If that won't happen, then consider the recon mission concluded and the results negative.


Brian Eno



TJ School Girls


I like the looks of them, but I would prefer them in higher heels and overall a more slutty look.

Avatar for jestrite50

Never spend money interviewing girls in the back room. Talk to them, caress them, kiss them, IN THE FRONT ROOM. you don't buy a car Until You Test Drive It !!! See what they will do out front before being suckered into mediocre dances out back.

Avatar for wallanon

I try not to spend more then $100 in a club if I'm on the fence about it. Sometimes I'll do a dance or two if there's a dancer around with potential and I want to check out the back. Most clubs I can make a call on with just a drink and a few dancers rotating through. I get the chatting part of it out front, and I'll do that if I have time, but some of the hottest dances I've ever had were done after a $1 tip at the stage or a few seconds of chit-chat before we went back. It all depends on the girl.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Jestrite50 is the undisputed expert!

You do your reconnaissance in the front room, using charm and money to get a DFK + massaging + FOV + FIV makeout session going.

If that fails, then maybe another girl who was watching the interaction will jump into to take the first one's place. But otherwise, this is the juncture to cut your losses and declare the reconnaissance result a negative.

Don't listen to girls talk about what the will do in the back room. If they really mean it, they will be doing it right there with you in the front room, instead of talking about it.

A place where they try to force it all into the back room is the modern version of a clip joint. When they do it that way, it not only raises the cost, it spoils the quality of the interaction.


R.E.M. - Shiny Happy People


Avatar for Playademan

Let's see

Assuming a brand new club that I know nothing about

0-20 for cover

0-7 for coat check

5-20 for drinks

10-20 bucks for dance tips, could be a place where the girls just go around after every dance

40-60 for lap dances ( I like to get a minimum of two from a new dancer unless she's really bad)

So in essence about 130-140 to be safe

Avatar for san_jose_guy

If you are looking for extreme mileage then you want FS-ITC. But to make that real nice, it has to be GFE-FS. And the way you get that is by selecting the girl yourself and applying some charm and some money, and getting a front room makeout session going. Don't let girls sell you dances. That is a chumps game. Wait until things have escalated to the point where your pants need to come down. Then you invite her to the back room, or just take her home with you.

And yes, it all costs money, and at each stage of the process. But just don't let girls sell you dances.


Avatar for jestrite50

This is so right. I learned my lesson early on. I don't like dissapointment. Who does ? So why set yourself up for dissapointment by buying dances from a girl that you have no clue what or how she will do in the back. This is a fools game. First you have them show you everything they can and will do in the front room then you will know what they will do in the back room. (Within limits, I understand) but t a least you will have a better idea what to expect.

Avatar for Jascoi

try $2 dollars. who knows... you might get lucky.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

I normally take a min of 200-bucks just in case but I go w/ the intention of spending as little as possible but will spend if I really like the club - I usually recon a club when I'm not sure it's my type of clubbut I'm just curious, if I've never visited a club but the reviews have really piqued my interest then I go w/ an expectation of getting my freak on and not necessarily reconing out of curiosity.

If the club talent is not my niche I often don't get any dances and my only expenditure is cover and one drink (I'm not much of a stage tipper recon or not) - sometimes I'll get some dances out of boredom but usually regret spending the $$$ if the talent was not my niche.

Avatar for rockstar666

I'm like Subraman in that even if I'm going to a new (to me) club, I bring enough cash for a normal trip. For me that's 10-15 dances, drinks, and waitress tips. In my club that's not a lot; maybe $250. Most clubs would take more like $500. But I haven't tried a new club in years because I don't travel much any more and the few good clubs besides my usual haunt are all over an hour's drive.

Avatar for rickdugan

Every new club visit basically starts as a recon mission for me. In the early part of the visit I sit back a bit and let things unfold. But I am always ready for the full experience if fun is in the air. Conversely, I'm also always ready to walk out the door with my cash if things don't feel right. For me it's all about being disciplined and striking when the opportunity presents itself.

I just can't imagine pissing away limited cash simply to pay for a door fee, a couple of overpriced drinks and one or two LDs. If cash is that tight, then there are better uses for the money. Maybe instead of McDs you could throw a steak on the grill, or visit a pub and eat a real meal with a few normally priced drinks, or keep a couple of bucks so you can eat tomorrow too, or...you get the picture.

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