
Awkward situation

Older than dirt
Thursday, December 29, 2016 2:13 PM
There's a dancer I've known for 7 years or so. She was 20 years old when we met and while she hasn't worked as a dancer for several years we've stayed in touch and gotten together for an occasional blowjob. She's also had many health issues and has a 42 year old virgin who sees her and pays her bills on a weekly basis. So between her income from a couple of paraplegics who she visits and food stamps she manages to smoke crack pretty regularly. She lives with her mother who is approaching 50 years of age and smokes crack with her daughter. I'm unsure where Mom gets her money, but the word WORK is not in their vocabulary. Both of these women have been in and out of detox so often they know which ones have the best food, know counselors by name, etc. The ex-dancer was a full fledged 9 when I first met her, but between her sedentary life and her health issues, she's lost some appeal but is still a solid 7. I recently had made arrangements to see her and she said she had a lot of hotel points and could get a free room if I'd pony up $100 for crack. I got to her house and she was dressing and the mother immediately called her favorite dealer, placed an order, then turned to me to tell me that her daughter got a real good deal on the hotel room for us. Then when her daughter came into the room the mother accused the daughter of looking like a prostitute. They argued about what she was wearing, the dealer showed up and transacted business, and we left. We got to the hotel about 5:00 and did what comes naturally for a couple of hours. We then talked and horses around and I told her I had to leave by 9:00. She called her mother, asked her to come to the hotel, bring her toothbrush and PJ's and they'd stay the night just as I was leaving, Mom arrived. Asked me if I had a good time with her daughter. Now, is it me or is this a fucked up situation? The mother (and I'm old enough to be her father) seems to be totally accepting of the fact that I spent 4 hours at the hotel fucking and sucking with her daughter. I find it awkward as hell and told the dancer that and she started crying, saying I was mean and hurtful. Maybe just old fashioned.


  • footballguy
    8 years ago
    Sounds pretty awkward. Weird that the mother accused her daughter of looking like a prostitute yet she seemed to be aware that's exactly what she is. On a side note, I thought that story was going in a different direction towards the end. I thought you were gonna say the mother showed up and wanted a threesome.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I would not be seeing someone who uses drugs, and I would never let drugs factor into our session, really our time together. I'm serious, I would not know most of the people you post about. I just wouldn't. Happy New Years! SJG The Best Of Cream | Cream Greatest Hits Playlist [view link]
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    what will she choose... you or mom and crack?
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Man I can't wait for Random Member to analyze this post! How did she get the hotel points? Has she been fucking the life guard at the hotel pool?
  • gawker
    8 years ago
    Football guy - I shudder to think of a threesome - the Mom is overweight with pasty skin and a pallor which is less than attractive. SJG - while I respect your right to stay away from drugs I just wish you could say so without sounding " holier than thou". There are many very attractive dancers who are addicts and are in need of $$ to support their habit. It seems like such a waste to bypass their entreaties for companionship, succor, and a meager contribution in exchange for sexual favors.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Sorry gawker, I don't mean to sound holier than thou. Really it is just practicality. You can tell early on if you are talking to a druggie. They are goofy, and usually they will start talking about drugs too. I've been staying away from druggies since I was in jr. high school. I don't want to live like they do. I want my wits about me. And yes, there are lots of attractive dancers who are drug addicts, but there are also lots who are totally clean. And these latter are the ones I get along with, and they seem to open up right away to me, when they see that I must not be someone who uses drugs, or alcohol, or tobacco either. And of exchanging for sexual favors, sex is only part of a formula for relating to someone. As I see it, it needs to be with someone you actually get along with. And of course I would never want to be subsidizing someone's drug habit. Paying a girl's rent is what lets her be there all dolled up at the club. It keeps her out of FIRE ( Finance, Insurance, Real Estate ). Always happy to see my money go that way. But to drugs, no never. SJG Foreigner Greatest Hits | The Best Of Foreigner [view link]
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    I know where Gawker lives and you're more likely to find gold on the streets than a stripper who isn't on drugs.
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    I find myself astounded that gawker has finally met a situation he considers "awkward." :)
  • Corvus
    8 years ago
    @GMD, I had the same thought. Was certainly unsure what @Gawker would find to be awkward? Gawker, I think it's fucked up for sure. It would have been much better for you if mom had not shown up until after you left. And there's nothing wrong with being old fashioned. Keep fucking girls much younger than you are, that's as old fashioned as it gets. And lots of fun too.
  • warhawks
    8 years ago
    ^^^ Agree. Some of the posts in the past from gawker seem more awkward than this... If he ever wrote a book, it would be a certified best seller. Although many would probably consider it fiction. But we know you can't make that shit up...
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    I personally think Gawker is awesome. His decisions aren't always the wisest but you have to factor in what he has to deal with at home everyday, which would make his decisions a little more understandable. He certainly is at the top of my list of TUSCLers I would like to personally meet.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    Gawker! Gawker! Gawker!
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    I agree with all shaylnne says Love you Gawker So are you just in dive bars or upscale ?? Is your location that bad ? Always love your stories keep it up and live fast my friend...u inspire me
  • ppwh
    8 years ago
    Damn, gawker! Why you gotta say shit like that to the ladies?
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    There are many very attractive dancers who are addicts and are in need of $$ to support their habit. It seems like such a waste to bypass their entreaties for companionship, succor, and a meager contribution in exchange for sexual favors.- GAWKER I really enjoy his out look on life and the light he shines on this I agree and I should learn myself not to pass up such great opportunity and even dare I say chance for mutual ministry God bless you brother
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Whether you're dealing with a crackwhore or a crackhead, the crack always wins. So you know and have known what she's a crack addict? I used to know a pretty hot chick, a solid 8 MILF, that had a huge crush on me. We hung out a bit, but I never grabbed the pussy because she used heroine. I don't know whether she shot up or smoked it, and it didn't matter. When you get into those hardcore addictive drugs, or dealing with any addict, you can safely assume that they have traded their pussy for drugs when short on cash. I have yet to meet a dealer that insists on covers like we do. I have passed on a lot of civvie pussy because they were into the hard drugs. Weed, molly, and acid are fine; even the occasional line as long as they're not addicted; but crack and heroine are deal breakers.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    My Last CF used to tell me stories of dancers that would make a $300 night in dances but leave the club broke from paying all the drug dealers off for drugs. Nasty cycle At least we can do for them is make sweet sweet love to them ; b
  • 4got2wipe
    8 years ago
    First off, brilliant story gawker! You always have the best tales! ;) Second, I'm with san_jose_guy on the drugs. No disrespect and I certainly don't mean to judge you or anybody else. Just a personal opinion on my part. I know a lot of strippers use serious drugs (i.e., illegal drugs other than marijuana) but I just don't want to be around it. One vice is enough for me! ;) Third, the mom situation is seriously fucked up. But it almost seems like the mom wanted you to say something about her daughter's performance. Which is even more fucked up! Keep the crazy stories coming! ;)
  • ATACdawg
    8 years ago
    Gawker, have you ever considered a music career? You could succeed like Jimmy Buffett, making gold out of all those bad life decisions! ;-)
  • bubba267
    8 years ago
    gammanu summed up my sentiments precisely. If I ever figure out a girl is using anything more than weed or occasional line, I'm out quick
  • jester214
    8 years ago
    While I do know that some, maybe most, of the money I've spent on strippers and on sex goes to drugs or things just as bad, actually seeing it spent that way would be a turn off for me.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Want Out? National Free Help hotline 24/7: 1-800-551-1300
  • gawker
    8 years ago
    My ATF has, as I've mentioned here a million times, been a 15 year heroin addict. I've been seeing her regularly for 7 years. I figure 70% of the money ( hundreds of thousands) I've given/paid her has gone into her veins; 20% into her BF's veins; and 10% for food, rent, transportation, etc. I truly, honestly like her, enjoy her company and enjoy the best and most varied sex of my life. I also realize that I'm a victim of Sir Save-a-ho syndrome and desperately want to see her break out of her cycle before I leave this mortal coil. I've taken her to detox innumerable times, I've brought her into my home to get her off the streets and have made a fool of myself trying to "help" her. She's now about 50 days sober, still is wracked with urges, but is doing a decent job of staying away from her druggie friends. Her step-mom finally convinced me that giving money to her when she's using is nothing but enabling. She has convinced me that she has strong feelings for me and after living with her lies, deceptions, and half truths for years ( it's in the addict's job description) I believe her when she says she loves me, just not as a lover. I'm not blind to the fact that having sex with me is not as stimulating for her as a hot guy her own age - I know the difference between fantasy and reality. But when she sends me a hand written letter stating that I've had a positive impact upon her life which will last long after I'm gone, I know that the fact that I've generally treated her with respect, that I've helped as well as enabled, and that I've been a factor in her beginning to think that she's not a piece of shit but is one who deserves better in life. My point? I'm not necessarily a better person than she. I started life with nothing and had a career I'm proud of. She's made some bad choices in her life and dealt with the consequences. Time to move forward..
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    We live in a society where familial child abuse is the norm, it is expected. The middle-class family is unlike anything which has ever before existed. It only does exist because people are allowed to exploit children, to use them to gain social status. But the vast majority of the survivors have zero idea that this is the case. SJG
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