
Are holidays a good times to go to club?

Saturday, December 10, 2016 8:14 PM
I've been bouncing this around in my head but wanted to get more data (not enough of my own reconnaissance). The overall question is "Are holidays a good time to go to the strip club?". With Thanksgiving just past is a Christmas coming up, do any of you specifically plan to go to the club because "the dancers need to make money?" Or are the hot ones at home with the family? Are there holidays this works for (e.g. New Years) and others that backfire (Easter)? Any thoughts, suggestions, theories, or general comments would be appreciated.


  • ime
    8 years ago
    I would say as close as you can get to the holiday without it being the actual holiday is about as prime as you can get with strippers. They will need the money, most can't plan for anything so of course if they are buying stuff it it is going to be last minute and they always want to make some ridiculous amount like $800 to buy there kid a toy. If it is day shift on like NYE it is probably a good day too. These are my thoughts on it.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Any day that you are above ground is a good day to good to the clubs, IMO.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    IME holidays have usually been detrimental to my SCing as clubs will often been fuller and IME fuller clubs are inversely proportional to me having a good time - usually the more custies the less dancers are willing to pay any particular custy attention, in essence there is much more competition for the T&A and that usually does not bode well for the PL - IME fuller clubs often lead to lower QoS
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    The period between Thanksgiving and Christmas is good for clubbing. Not only are regular dancers trying extra hard to earn money but also occasional dancers are coming to the clubs for the season. Last year I had sex with 2 dancers who told me they only stripped around the holidays so they buy their kids presents.
  • gunrack
    8 years ago
    I'm wondering about that myself. I felt it would be weird to go to club on November and December because of the 2 major holidays and plus with New Years coming up too. But some of you are saying it's better to go now because it's less people and the girls are more motivated for money. So now I might go now.
  • bubba267
    8 years ago
    @jackslash -agree this is usually the case, but doesn't seem to be holding true at Follies this year. Advanced scouts (Shadowcat) as well as a couple of my stripper friends are reporting lower numbers of dancers and customers with few holiday only gems, like we are used to seeing. Could be a local only phenomenon.
  • bang69
    8 years ago
    I have found that going to a sc around XMas is a great time for xtras. Reason being strippers need money for gifts for their kids
  • impala
    8 years ago
    Less customers and desperate strippers make a great combination
  • day_trader
    8 years ago
    Early January should be a good time to go as well. PL's overspend on their families over the holidays. Xmas, boxing day, and New Years eve all within a week of each other, and then bills at beginning of the new year. Expect a quiet January at my local.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Best time of the year
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Best time of year, agree. I typically double down on this period, and save some of my strip club budget to make extra trips this time of year (although, alas, it's not working out so far, haven't been in once yet). Anyway, there's usually far fewer customers, and coupled with dancers who are eager to earn present-buying money ... well, it's a great time, treat your stripper right and she may well show extra appreciation, especially if she knows you'll be in a few more times over the next couple of weeks.
  • K
    8 years ago
    This is a good time of year to club. They need extra money. Even when they don't need extra money they consider your offer in light of what more they can buy. They can always push off the rent for a few days. But Christmas comes on the 25th no matter what. new years' eve comes on the 31st. Two fewer days to work. Lots of presents to buy for others and even more for themselves.
  • rogertex
    8 years ago
    agree with day_trader If you think December is good (which it is) - experience January. IME, in Jan 1. A-Team returns from family, carribean - very cheerful and ready to play 2. PLs are spent (see thread above - double down, etc) and own expenses Beautiful, cheerful dancers and few customers - I'll take that
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