
Birthday Ideas

Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]
Saturday, November 19, 2016 12:15 AM
As of midnight, November 19th, it is my 24th birthday. The only downside is that I have no idea on how to celebrate this year. I've gotten past that age where I stopped caring on whether festivities or gifts happen on this holiday or not. There was a surprise party tonight at the club I work at, so that was a pretty exciting time. There was cake, balloons galore, a mini-lap dance from every girl working, and a card with birthday money. I'm taking Saturday night off so I can do something outside of work, except.... I have no idea what I want to do. Do something by myself? Go out with the boyfriend? Go out with the best friend? Go club-hopping? Give me some thoughts! I don't even care if it's something general like going to Dave & Buster's or some shit. How do you all usually celebrate (assuming you do)?


  • ThereAndBackAgain
    8 years ago
    This is not Facebook. This is the most polite comment you will see on this thread.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Depending where you live, Eve, go luxury car shopping before going out for dinner with your boyfriend. Imagining life in one of these exquisite vehicles and talking about your dreams at dinner is an enriching experience. I've been to several of the top end car dealers through the years and life in a Bentley is different.
  • Eve
    8 years ago
    It's not Facebook with that attitude. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I'm in Jacksonville, and I figured dinner at Gold Club would suffice food-wise. I'm a sucker for electric and/or hybrid cars, but I doubt there is a Tesla dealership in my city. Though it does remind me of those videos you see on Youtube of those girls sitting in their bikinis or some shit while doing a test ride in a sports car at 100 - 200 mph as the camera catches their reaction. That's something I wouldn't mind trying.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    I'll take you out to dinner, Eve. But I'm in Detroit.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I keep it simple for my birthday. Just some cake and ice cream with a nearby relative. I don't do anything different. If I want to do something, I don't feel a special need to celebrate a special occasion. If I want to do something, I just do it instead of waiting. Assuming I have time to do it. I don't make New Years resolutions either. If I feel like doing something, why wait? I guess if you need an extra incentive I guess you could.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    a toast to you, eve. good health! beauty! and love. 'clink'!!
  • Clubber
    8 years ago
    Can't help you. I don't even remember 24.
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    I only make a big deal about 10 year birthdays so I am of no help. I would say that you are 16 years from 40, which is about the time I started planning my 40th birthday present, which was the best birthday present one has ever had. I took 1998 off from work for my present and spent a year skiing, golfing, partying and going on vacation.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    24 is 69 minus 45, Clubber. :)
  • Eve
    8 years ago
    I mean, birthday sex usually is already within the agenda without mentioning, so that suggestion is already on the plate - with or without ball stubble. On another note, the birthday card had $200 in it so maybe I'lllllllll... nope. Still got nothing. Dinner might just settle it since all the festivities happened last night.
  • Clubber
    8 years ago
    vm, In reality, I sometimes surprise myself with what I can remember from the past, and yet, things from last month I might not recall any number of things. Perhaps my brain is full and the "sort out the BS" circuit is working. :)
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Happy birthday!
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    Happy Birthday, Eve! I'm much more than twice your age and I *still* plan elaborate birthday celebrations for myself. For my 60th, for example, I spent a wonderful day with a loved one in St Louis. We explored a sculpture garden in the morning, had a great Mexican lunch, spent the afternoon at an aquatic center in a rich West County suburb called Des Peres (swimming pools, water slides, diving boards, lazy river -- we did it all!), saw an art film at the Tivoli in the Delmar Loop, and ate dinner late at nearby Pi Pizzeria.
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    Eve, I have a concrete birthday suggestion for you, depending on your sexual predilections. Have you considered proposing a threesome to your significant other? This could be FMF or MFM or, hell, FFF as far as I'm concerned. What made me think of this was a hint dropped by my ATF during a torrid VIP on her birthday in June. She said she was hoping for a threesome that night with her boyfriend and another dude. Under the (probably correct) assumption that she had me in mind as the other dude, I politely declined with "I insist on having the only dick in the room". But your boyfriend may have no such restrictions, or you may prefer to have another chick in your bed.
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    desertscrub, you strike me as one mean-spirited SOB! Who pissed in your Froot Loops? How did Eve's request for birthday ideas merit such vitriol?
  • ThereAndBackAgain
    8 years ago
    @Deuce stop trying to pretend to have grand noble ideas. The only ideas that I see here are sex related. desertscrub is right to bluntly say what you are trying to say in ornate English. Eve try anal fisting ( silent duck and quaking duck) and then dine on a Peking Duck , Chinese imperial cusine . That way you would remember it.
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    TABA, do you really see no difference between my suggestion of a birthday threesome and the charming Mr. Scrub's proposal that she suck *his* dick and then let him buttfuck her? SMH
  • Eve
    8 years ago
    That would require 2 tubs of vasoline, TABA. I trust that you give this idea based on positive experience, so I'll let you know down the line how it went. On the topic of threesomes, it's something we've dabbled with. We've been in an open relationship for 5 years now, and have no issues with multiple partners. Only thing to do now is to find a lady friend that has the freedom tonight to partake! It's a good thing I'm getting all these butt fucking suggestions, considering I'm on the rag. ;]
  • ThereAndBackAgain
    8 years ago
    Before I read all the comments, I was going to say visit the church and do some community work. Visit a church as MMF or FFM or FFF. Try to fast (not eat) anything for 12 hours. Reflect on your transgressions, and the hurt you have caused to your family and then resolve to be a good person. Then donate 100 dollars to oxfam, and 3 dollars to Wikipedia. They keep reminding me.
  • busta_nut
    8 years ago
    I've got my red wings... What club do you work at in Jax? I live here.
  • gothamyte
    8 years ago
    recently, on one of my birthdays, i spent the day by myself. turned off my cell and turned on my headphones. listened to music all day and didn't talk to anyone. walked around by myself downtown to check out the buildings. ate whatever i wanted when i felt like it. nobody to rush me around or tell me what to do. didn't have to answer to anyone. it was a sunny warm day and i'll always remember it. oh and walked around in something comfortable: a v-neck white tee shirt, sweatpants, sneakers and a light jacket. it'll be a birthday you'll always remember--the one you spent in quiet solitude where you didn't have to answer to nobody. turn your cell off!
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Amen, those insights are a delight to experience. Peace, on your day.
  • gothamyte
    8 years ago
    by the way, happy birthday and i think you should make up another thread asking what you shouldn't do or what doesn't work on an upcoming birthday for me it was going to the casino. you don't wanna lose money or be a loser on your bday you don't wanna spend most of your bday traveling to your bday destination. make sure you wake up on your bday where you wanna be plan ahead so you're not broke on the day of your bday
  • gawker
    8 years ago
    My ATF and I share the same birthday ( only 40 years apart. When I turned 65 and she 25, we worked on one of her fantasies. She's always been somewhat fascinated/curious/interested in jails and prisons. In Boston there's a high end hotel built in what was for over a century, a jail. It's really exquisite and has kept the jail theme - bars on the windows, photos of the building in its day and a restaurant named "Clink". At the time, her BF was serving 18 months in state prison and she once spent a week in the Women's State Reformatory ( she didn't reform). But, she says if she didn't have a record, she'd like to be a guard. Anyhow we bought a one night package for dinner and a suite ($645) and I brought handcuffs and she was a very bad girl. We even had her favorite dessert delivered to the room with extra whipped cream.
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