Meet the Boyfriend

avatar for jackslash
When I arrived to pick up my favorite stripper Jenna for an afternoon of OTC and rang the bell, a dude answered the door. A dude?

The dude looked like he was in his 30's (about 30 years younger than me). His arms and neck were covered with tattoos--stars, crosses, hearts, a skull, a dagger. The tattoos were crudely drawn in black ink, perhaps created by a prison artist rather than professional tattooist. The young man was a few inches taller than me, thin, and muscular.

I politely inquired, "Is Jenna home?"

He said, "Yeah. Come on in."

I walked into the apartment and stood there awkwardly. The young man said, "I'm Donnie. I know about you and Jenna. I'm cool with it." He then went over to where Jenna's toddler Todd was playing, carried the boy over to a table, and changed his diaper.

After a few minutes Jenna emerged from the bedroom. She told Donnie she would be home after 6PM, and told him to call her if the baby had any problems.

I had many questions for Jenna--like "What the fuck is going on?"--although I did not phrase it so bluntly. She had previously told me about her baby daddy Donnie, saying that he cared only about playing video games and getting high and that he had never paid a dime in child support. He did not have a job nor a home, crashing with relatives or friends or in vacant houses.

Jenna explained that her regular babysitter had canceled on her, and so she was paying Donnie to watch their son while she went out with me. She let him visit his son when he wanted and this would help her out.

I did not know how much of this I should believe. I don't think Donnie is living with her--or at least he hasn't been living with her in the past. I've spent time in her apartment and have not seen any evidence of a dude living there.

However, Donnie appeared to me to be much more presentable than drugged-out loser she had told me about. Does she sometimes let him stay with her and have sex with her? Probably.

I don't have any right to object to her sexual partners. I'm not the father of her child like Donnie, and I'm not her only customer. But I did not like to think about her fucking Donnie.

The thing I disliked most about her boyfriend was that he is better looking than me. Of course he is much younger than me, but even when I was in my 30's I was not as good looking as him. She must enjoy fucking him more than she enjoys fucking me, and this makes me pathetically jealous.

Have any of you had experiences meeting your stripper's boyfriend?


last comment
avatar for RandomMember
8 years ago
So who is the toddler -- Donnie or Todd?
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
When I started reading this I thought it was going to be one of Jackslashs jokes, but it's not.

We are all fools to think that these strippers aren't banging other guys, even the younger PLs on here as well.

I often suspected my retired ATF who wanted me to marry her banged guys on the sly, who am I to complain? I'm freaking married myself.

It's part of the reality but we don't like it thrown in our face. In your case (jackslash) had the baby sitter not cancelled you would of met her at the door instead of the baby daddy. Maybe take it as a compliment, she thinks enough of you that meeting her baby daddy wouldn't rattle an old vet like yourself. Or, she's just too dumb to know any better.
avatar for JohnSmith69
8 years ago
I have been told by strippers that their boyfriend and/or husband knew about what we do together. Free girl even showed me texts with her husband telling him that she was going to be ducking me. But while I've met the boyfriends of strippers who were friends of my strippers, I've never met one of my strippers boyfriends and I wouldn't want to. He has a lot more reason to be jealous of me than i have to be jealous of him. This is one reason that I usually carry a gun on dates with a stripper who is not a DS.
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
I would be fucking furious if my stripper did this to me. Had you interact with the boyfriend without even telling you first? Every stripper I've been with, if someone was at the house, would urgently text me to change the plan. I'd read her the riot act over it.

Ignoring all that, I know my strippers are fucking other guys, for free. As a theoretical concept, that doesn't bother me at all. More than a few times, I've had CFs with whom I'd trade sex stories, with no jealousy on either side. Sometimes, when it becomes more real to me, often it's a don't-care, but once in a while I'm surprised to find that it bothers me. Some years back, I had an ATF, and we often swapped our "real life" sex stories, I loved to hear about her sex life and she pretended to love to hear about mine. But then one day, she told me that she might fuck the guy who worked at the restaurant down the street. And THAT bothered me. I knew that guy -- he was younger than me, but even 15 years older I think I'm more handsome than he is, and I blew him away when I was his age, and SHE'S GOING TO FUCK HIM FOR FREE WHEN SHE CHARGES ME MONEY. Again, I was a little surprised, we'd always traded sex stories, but this one got me -- she's gonna fuck an ugly (to me) guy for free. Weird.
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
remember... she doesn't love you.
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
we live in the moment.
avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
Not like that, but I've met boyfriends of strippers. Most of the boyfriends didn't seem to be great guys.
avatar for mrrock
8 years ago
Yeah it would be awkward to say the least. I've never met other partners of my otc girls
avatar for Tiburon
8 years ago
Your 60 and this type of shit still flies over your head?! Wtf man. Women lie ALL THE TIME about their exes. Whatever the deal is, she exaggerated greatly about his situation. Usually because she's a jilted lover. Doublely so when it's a baby daddy. Come on, you can be that old and thick (not in the good way).
avatar for skibum609
8 years ago
I couldn't possibly care less what a per diem worker does on their free time. The idea that there is the remote possibility between a hooker and her john is hollywood bullshit.
avatar for MrDeuce
8 years ago
Almost as soon as I met my ATF in April, she told me that she was living with her boyfriend and fucking him bareback because she's 32 and wants to get pregnant. After our first VIP (featuring mutual oral sex), she hinted that she would be available to meet OTC, but I resisted because of the whole live-in boyfriend thing. I should mention that he was the stereotypical loser stripper boyfriend: an emotionally abusive, pot-smoking video-game player with partial custody of his daughter by a previous relationship. He's the one who sent her back to work as an extras girl at a strip club to support both of them while he stayed home, smoked weed, played games -- and checked her phone every night for texts from customers (including me!).

It wasn't until she surreptitiously ditched the boyfriend in August by moving out of their apartment into another one that I agreed to meet her OTC. Because she has told me that she needs sex every day, I have no doubt that she is fucking other people for free. Honestly I'm not crazy about it, but it comes with the territory -- I just don't want to hear about it.

If I ever went to her (or any stripper's) house and encountered a dude at the door, I would leave immediately and never see her again.
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
BTW, in case it wasn't clear -- my reaction in my post above was not about her having a bf or a booty call or whatever (which 99% of the time I don't give a fuck about), but the personal security implications of her having you waltz up to her house to talk to her boyfriend. I think both common sense and respect-wise, she should tell you in advance that that's what's going to happen. I'd expect that just basic risk-mitigation-wise, close to 100% of the time I would choose to wait for her to come outside instead. Meeting her boyfriend is not a choice she's allowed to make for me.
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
Subra - remember you're talking about a typical stripper, their thought processes don't run that deep.

What is convenient trumps what is "right"
avatar for etsutwigg222
8 years ago
Well, I will the list of PL's that met the bf. I have been seeing CF OTC for 1 1/2 years now with no flake outs and knowing about no job, loser bf since we started ITC. I take CF and kids out to dinner and movie/arcade every two weeks for past 10 months or so with bf left a home playing video games. In August, I arrive to pickup group for our scheduled night out. As is normal, I am parked on street waiting. First the kids come out and jump into car saying Mom is finishing getting ready (She is always last out). CF gets into SUV and asks if we can invite bf to go, but she will pay for his dinner !?!?! Not giving it much thought, I say sure why not. One of kids goes in a brings him out and Mom introduces us. He just nods and shakes my hand. We have our typical night of dinner and movie with bf not saying over 10 words for 5 hours. Kids want ice cream but bf asks if we can take him home. I figure CF will stay home with him as kids and I get ice cream, but she stays in car and goes with us.
I find out the next night, as I am waiting for CF to come out to car for our normal OTC date, that bf moved out that day. CF said he agreed with her that he could not compete, so he had to go. Almost 3 months later, everything is the same except no bf and OTC is at her home while kids are at school.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
Nothing a stripper does would surprise me - I'd probably be kinda surprised vs pissed - 99% of the time we PLs are just in the custy zone and the better custy we are the more they'll see us as just that (the more we get custy zoned) - whether consciously or subconsciously these girls will never see us nor respect us as anything more than a meal ticket even though it can often "not feel that way" (just stop giving her $$$ and see the truth come out).
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
the strippers are often gonna have some kind of tie w/ the baby-daddy and them having a kd together means there will almost-always be a tie there and he may often be the guy they wanna fuck - I would not be surprised if they had more kids together
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
How old is Jenna?
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
Shailynn and Papi -- yes, when it comes to strippers and good judgement, I realize the rule is "expect the unexpected". That said, in all the years I"ve been doing this, I've never experienced anything like a stripper SURPRISING me with a meeting with her bf. They seem to know that that could kill the golden goose.
avatar for impala
8 years ago
Thing to remember is that yours is a transaction based relationship. That being said, your paying for the fantasy, which IMO should include you not having to meet Donnie. Your paying for her to act like (at least while you're together) that your the most important person in her life (yes it's an act and we know that, but your paying for it).

That being said, tell her of your displeasure. Don't get nasty about it or anything, but let her know.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
I would not say anything to her about it, IMO it would come across as a jealousy thing and that's not a good look - I wouldn't let it affect me but to Subra's point it's just not a good idea to have two of "her men" be there at the same time.
avatar for impala
8 years ago
Oh, and what's worse, have her mom meet you at the door. Had some OTC set up once with a stripper at her place, she told me that she lived with someone else but she was cool with it. Arrived and older women answered the door, and was giving me the nastiest looks. When my "date" came out and called the other person mom, just got way too weird and had to bail on that one.
avatar for JamesSD
8 years ago
Strippers aside, every single mom has a complicated relationship with her baby daddy and sometimes fucks him.
avatar for stripfighter
8 years ago
Won't do it. Would feel that he's her pimp and you're a John.
avatar for pensionking
8 years ago
She was wrong for putting you in the position of being greeted at the door by ANYONE (BF, Husband, Pimp, Roommate, Mother, Brother, whatever) without telling you before and clearing it with you. Not cool!!

I completely agree with the safety concern issue. Were I to be greeted at the door by anyone other than my date, I wouldn't say any more than "I think I have the wrong address -- so sorry" and would immediately leave. I probably wouldn't go through with the date at that point, either, even if she came outside chasing after me.
avatar for jackslash
8 years ago
Papi, Jenna is in her late 20's. She's stripped for about 10 years, but she's a very nice, clean Detroit stripper.

avatar for Eagle1191
8 years ago
This is when you say "sorry I have the wrong house/address" and leave pronto like another poster said.
avatar for MrDeuce
8 years ago
jackslash wrote "she's a very nice, clean Detroit stripper" Why do I think that was ironically intended? :)
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
By clean I think jack meant she showers
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
I would not like that kind of a set up. Wouldn't want to be told by a guy, "I'm cool with it", because probably I'm not cool about him.

I'd want to know the girl had how she manages her affairs.

avatar for likes2look
8 years ago
I'm still trying to figure out why Donnie has to be paid to take care of his own kid. Not exactly father of the year if you ask me.
avatar for mikeya02
8 years ago
At least Jack didn't bring over a surprise gift of lasagna. Wouldn't want the boyfriend eating it
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
LOL @likes2look - I missed that idiosyncrasy - yeah; she's fucking the baby-daddy
avatar for jester214
8 years ago
Am I the only one that is more concerned about Todd?
avatar for mikeya02
8 years ago
You're right. Poor baby Todd
avatar for jackslash
8 years ago
Jenna should have told me Donnie would be there. I could have brought him some lasagna and he would have had something good to eat while I fucked his baby mama.

avatar for rogertex
8 years ago
Interesting event. And the comments are always fun to read.

I'd be taken aback too only because it came as a surprise.
My best OTC experiences have been with dancers with a steady BF or GF.
Dancers with no BF or GF - sex is exceptional but exit is not smooth.
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
Jester + 1. I'm 95% sure I've been there.
avatar for gawker
8 years ago
I've written many times about my interactions with my ATF's BF. They had a baby when they were 19 and they've been together for 11 years. They are both drug addicts and her mother is raising the child. The first time I met him was pre-arranged and I cooked dinner at their apartment and then they had sex while I watched for an hour. He's a very rugged dude who works as a roofer and works out incessantly since he quit drugs about 6 months ago. He and I have had many phone convos and I would frequently drop her off at his 1/2 way house when he was quitting. She couldn't stay sober so he dumped her, but he occasionally calls me to see how she's doing.
I know a lot of the money I blew on her supported his habit and I especially enjoyed her when he spent 18 months in state prison. I'm aware of two occasions when he slapped her around and he literally dragged her into the gutter once when he was on probation. He got sent back to finish his sentence after that.
He threatened me one time and I reminded him that A & B on an elderly person is a felony and he backed off.
I know she dreams of getting sober and living happily ever after with him, but he's got a 21 year old GF whose a college student and doesn't do drugs, so he may opt out on her drama and their co-dependence.
He's a sexual athlete when sober and she likes it a little rough from him. With me there's no indication of that as her behavior sexually is very different with "customers" as opposed to lovers and she's very up front about it.
I also have become very aware that my relationship with my ATF has slowly becoming more of a parenting role ( according to her mother, she's 31 going on 16) than fuckbuddie. Such is life
avatar for ime
8 years ago
Lloyd Schoene no one has ever thought you were cool
avatar for magicrat
8 years ago
I would side with the guys who say you're older and shouldn't get too pissed off about the situation. I recently met a sugarbaby for the first time at her place and she insisted her "roommate" be there for the initial meeting. I met him, we had a decent conversation, she and I left for lunch, came back to the apartment, he left, we fucked and I was fine with it. He hasn't been there since so maybe I got the seal of approval from him?
avatar for bvino
8 years ago
Too much drama for me. I guess that is why I rarely go for OTC. When I do it is always at a neutral place where I can observe the arrival. Too much uncertainty with drug using young men who need money. I can ,maybe , overpower most of my fuck toys but not their boyfriends.
avatar for Clubber
8 years ago
Yes, I met my ATF's BF once. He came in the club once when she was sitting with me. I already knew about him, but never did we hit the club at the same time. She said she was going to sit with him and he didn't know how close we were.

Anyway, as I was leaving, I stopped and said to her, I had enjoyed our talk about music (truthful). She said the same and introduced him to me as her BF. BIG SOB! I am happy we never had a run in, although when she left him and confided in me, I wanted one, but preferred to stay out of jail.
avatar for RandomMember
8 years ago
Just re-read @Jack's well-written, honest, post. Jenna has her hands full with two toddlers to take care of -- her son and the biological father of her son. My take is that she trusts @Jack and his influence as having a positive influence on her son.

As @Jester and @Mikeya point out, it's the kid who's the victim in all this. Worst case, he might grow up thinking that men can get high and play video games, while women are the responsible ones who do the providing. Dysfunctional patterns sometimes get passed on to the next generation. OTOH, I had a long-term experience with a dancer single-mom, and she was a pretty terrific, loving, mother.
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