
Strippers make no sense !

Friday, September 9, 2016 9:29 PM
Not every stripper but the strippers that give their phone number out just to make the guy think she likes him so he will keep coming to see her make no sense cause eventually the guy is going to catch on and it's gonna backfire in her face and she's gonna lose her customer ! I just had that happen to me and now im mad at her and we still text but I'm going to tell her in a nice way how I feel ! She's a nice girl I don't like that she's doing this game


  • Ch3ll
    8 years ago
    Hey sent you a PM
  • rh48hr
    8 years ago
    But she'll find a dude who is gullible enough to keep coming in and spend money in the hopes she changes her mind. Then she bless him dry. She doesn't need your money.
  • sf_payday
    8 years ago
    Guys come and go in these women's lives, and most guys are just after one thing; as a result, they are very familiar with the average shelf life of a customer. It takes a special set of conditions to understand how to keep a stripper (happy).
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    I agree with rh48hr. It's all a numbers game
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Not all guys fall apart once hearing the truth. And yes it is a numbers game, in many cases she will get plenty of money out of the customer before he figures it out and moves on to a new dancers. As they say in basketball: "don't hate the player; hate the game." Don't get so worked over a teenager in lingerie. Visit the clubs. Pay/tip the girls that fancy your interest, enjoy yourself, return to your life. Use the club for its intended purposes. Re-visit as necessary. Enjoy the show / enjoy the ride. Not really complicated.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    "Not every stripper but the strippers that give their phone number out just to make the guy think she likes him so he will keep coming to see her make no sense cause eventually the guy is going to catch on and it's gonna backfire in her face and she's gonna lose her customer !" What? It makes total sense for a stripper to give out her phone number and make guys think she likes them. This is good marketing. This is how dancers make their living. If you are so delusional that you think that every stripper who gives you her number is in love with you, the problem is with you.
  • K
    8 years ago
    There are several reasons she might have given you her number other than to string you along. She wanted you to know when she is working so you could come in. She was hoping you'd man up and suggest a paid date. She genuinely liked you and was considering dating you but changed her mind after she got to know you a little better. She wants a friend and not a boyfriend.
  • K
    8 years ago
    If you are going to get so upset over such a small thing, I strongly suggest you never date a dancer. Just imagine how upset you'll be when she cancels a date to hang out with her best customer. Or some guy takes her away to Cancun for a few days. Or you stop by her place and find her paying off her dealer with a BJ.
  • ATACdawg
    8 years ago
    "we still text"????? So, she is replying to your texts. That puts her light years ahead of most dancers. Most will only reply to texts related to your appearance at the club.
  • rickdugan
    8 years ago
    It makes perfect sense if one assumes that most guys are one and done unless she gives them some reason to return.
  • 4got2wipe
    8 years ago
    Stripperheels, I think we need more context here to evaluate whether her actions are nonsensical or brilliant! K gave several sensible reasons why she might give you her number. Did she imply that she was open to a paid date? Somebody else on here mentioned using Ockham's razor to evaluate things (I can't remember the context). I suggest you do that. If the simplest explanation for her giving you her number is wanting to get you to pay her out of the club (based on other actions) then that's probably why she gave you her number. If she did not do so she may be stringing you along. She may feel that enough guys will fail to call for some reason (e.g., they're married or in a LTR); instead they'll just return to the club. She can make money off of those and if she loses the occasional PL that thinks he's going to become her boyfriend it is probably for the best anyway. After all, PLs that want to become stripper boyfriends are probably best avoided. ;)
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    jackslash-->"What? It makes total sense for a stripper to give out her phone number and make guys think she likes them. This is good marketing. This is how dancers make their living. If you are so delusional that you think that every stripper who gives you her number is in love with you, the problem is with you." There you go. No need for any more discussion. Where's that close thread button? Close thread! Close thread! lol I love when PLs refuse to own their sucker-itude (I'm pretty sure that's a word) and blame their crazy thoughts and feelings on the stripper. I do think there are strippers who are maliciously manipulative, but anyone who reads anything into a stripper giving out her number, should be doing some contemplation on their own emotional state and emotional intelligence
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    Just remember if she gave her number to you, then she also gave her number to a dozen other guys more than likely. I have on occasion met up with dancers and sometimes things escalated from there. I didn't always hook up after getting a number. At least one or two dancers were playing a game or more than likely wanted or were open to p4p but I didn't want to go there. Everyone is different just like regular dating. I have 4 sisters. I noticed they often didn't go out with guys who just walked up and said wanna date? Kind of like a dancer asking wanna dance out of the blue. They wanted to be talked into it even if they really liked the guy. Phone number, ot texting, step a to going out. For me we usually already agreed to go out and the number was just to contact her.
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    You make lots of sense
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