Ugly dancers
layin low but staying high
Why do PLs tip ugly dancers? I'm talking about butt ugly girls that every normal guy should recognize as untouchable. And this was not guys sitting at the tip rail. These are guys who walk across the room and move chairs to give the ugly girls a few bucks. This happened several times.
runners should be fast
boxers should be strong
soldiers should be brave
professors should be smart and
strippers should be hot.
Years later and after a couple of extended periods away, I would tip every dancer who took the stage, even though I stopped sitting at the stage. My rationale was that the dancers were working, so it was only fair that they be paid for it.
I started making exceptions to that after ones I wasn't interested in would do stuff like kiss on me or blow hot breath in my ear, which I found gross. Then I realized that everyone else in the club was using tips to signal interest in lap dances, and that I was getting lots of approaches from dancers I wasn't interested in because of stage tipping.
It wasn't all bad, though. The whole club felt really friendly during that period.
Talking with dancers in the club, and on StripperWeb, or here on Tuscl, they all say that they don't expect tips on stage. Some are divided on if you are obligated to tip if you are watching or not. So there is some division there. But if you aren't really enjoying it, they'd almost unanimously rather no tip versus a pitty tip. YMMV. Though most will sell a pitty dance. But a tip on stage even a pitty tip seems to signal to them you like than and may appreciate her company later and/or dances.
I'm thinking pitty stage tips are dead in the post-9/11/2001 and post-2008-recession world. But I'm not a hardcore monger so I might not be totally on the up and up.
Good post, ppwh!
That aside, I have tipped some ugly girls. Usually, they're friends with a hot one I like and sometimes sit with us and chat. Occasionally, we'll get friendly and I'll toss em a couple bucks while on stage. There's probably another reason or two, but I don't tip out of obligation.
It's 50/50 this and the "beauty is in the eye" theory. For a very small minority it really may be personality but that ties into "trying harder".
Though I'm sure tastes different and some guys or gals on here would question why am ripping her or question her attractiveness. I agree, eye of the beholder. Definitely!