
First song or second song decides..

Somewhere in the club
Usually first song with a dancer decides whether I am going to have few more dances with her. If I didn't like first song that's it no more dances. Few times I tried by extending to second song assuming it will be more intense and sensual and liberal but no.Its same as first one with little more teasing for up selling to 3rd one.
But whoever gives me amazing first song dance she is the one I would be spending all my money .


  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    I agree, it's amazing how the 1st isn't over and I'm like "no way I am done," and it's only been maybe 2 minutes at most into the 1st song. There have been times where I want to stop the dance in the middle, pay, leave and take my losses.

    On occasion I will take a 2nd sympathy dance because I know the girl is trying, she just doesn't know what she's doing. Her heart is in the right place but her body isn't cooperating.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I don't run into it as much these days but in previous times there were times when I would run into a dancer that would purposely give very little mileage on the first song to sorta force you to do at at least a 2nd song in order to gwt some mileage, some of them would say they would not get topless till the 2nd song.

    I would take this shit when I was green & not TUSCLarly educated but these days I pretty much have zero patience/tolerance for this but have not ran into this in a long time - a dancer that gives me a crappy 1st dance b/c she wants to force me into more dances is a one & done not only for that visit but very good chance I'll never get dances from her ever again - and if I'm extra pissy that day & I catch on to her shit very early-on into the song I nay just get-up & not pay her for even that song which I have actually done at least once b/f that I recall - if the dances are cheap ($10) I'll nust eat the one bad dance & stop, but if dances are $20+ I won't pay the ROB and if I catch on to her bull early-on in the song.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    Interesting topic.
    According to some stripperweb dancers they believe it's better to give tame dances to begin with until a certain number of songs(3? 4?). in essence they want a certain amount of money before you get a good dance. To me from a customer pov this is counter productive. I could only see this working on inexperienced pl's with money to throw away.

    I agree with op. More often than not, if it's lame to begin with it doesn't get any better(at least not fast enough within a reasonable # of songs). And besides why would I spend money buying lame dances( w/o any guarantee it's gonna get better no less) just to get the same quality dance others give to begin with. The ones that give good dances from the start Will always get more dances from me. I give 1 dance(2 if she's a 9+) and if it sucks I'm done.
  • RTP
    8 years ago
    I think this post will make me change my own personal policies. I usually give a dancer two dances, but as I think about it, if the dancer is not impressive on dance 1, it rarely gets better after 2. I think one and done from now on.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    ^it really is a good policy. We shouldn't reward nonsense like this with more than one song.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I'm cognizant that for dancers time is $$$ so I will usually get 2 dances if they are trying and the dancers are good enough, but if the dances are just meh or she looks totally disinterested then she is wasting *my* time & it's one & done.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    I agree, when I was green I'd give them 2 dances. These days I'll politely stop them afer 1, pay her and go back to the bar.
  • GoVikings
    8 years ago
    it's one thing if the dancer is new at stripping/giving lap-dances and she doesn't quite know what she's doing--because she's a beginner at it.

    but if that's not the case, i don't understand why they would purposefully want to give lame first-song lap dances. it seems to me that if you give a great dance from the START, that would entice the customer to buy more. as opposed to starting out giving tame dances on purpose--which is likely to discourage him (or lopaw) to buy more
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    ^it's definitely a thing but it's not all that common for the obvious reasons. But I think it's mostly a GPS thing where they think their better than other dancers "giving it all away" on the first dance. Strippers do a lot of things we don't always understand, but this tactic is not at all logical.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    It's not my business to tell her how to run her stripping business. But if she keeps doing that she's just going to end up being the "fluffer chick" scraping $20 out of each guy or gal customer while he or she goes and gets dances (finishes) with the better talent.

    You can usually gauge her after 1-2 songs. Mileage and rapport help stack dances for me. And the dancers know when you are an experienced monger and the smart ones cut that out. And sometimes you need to give a newbie dancer or a baby dancer some slack. It works both ways.

    I still attest that shopping for gorgeous women is mind blowing fun, to quote RandomMember.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    I'm mostly the same way, but if the girl is super hot, I'll give her a second dance to make amends (usually it still sucks after two dances though).
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Isnt this extraordinarily obvious? If the first dance sucks (in the negative sense of sucking), then you'd be an idiot to keep going.
  • Ch3ll
    8 years ago
    Ill usually go for two at least, but sometimes they are so bad or I'm just not feeling them and one is enough. I like shailynn, have sometimes wanted to ask them to just stop and I'll pay them and they be on their way, but I don't want to come off as rude.

    I can't recall ever doing just one and immediately going to VIP. Usually two or more will help me decide if I'll be doing VIP with them.
  • wallanon
    8 years ago
    Usually two unless she is clearly not going to get anything going. Yesterday I stopped a dancer at one because I already knew the next time it'd be a good visit. Her first dance was actually pretty good. It was the end of the shift, so I was getting a preview for when we both had more time.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    At Follies I normally give a dancer new to me 2 shots and most of the time the second dance is better than the first. Plus I always come to the club with a wallet full of $20's. I hate making change but if they are really bad I'll stop em at 1.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Front Room Friendliness, don't let girls sell you dances.

    You can feed her money when she is sitting with you in the front room. If she wants to get GFE with you, she can do it in the front room.

    Need to break out of the structure of keeping time in songs and using booths and back rooms.

    After things have escalated to the point where it is really necessary, you invite her to the back room. But that point you won't have any problems with her.

    Probably best to plan on taking her home with you, when you do it this way.

  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    It's easier to experiment with a second dance at $10 but at $20+ it's tough to grasp why I should be obligated to waste time and money buying a wack dance before I get to the "better" dances.
  • Dolfan
    8 years ago
    Most of the time I'll give girl two dances to try things out. I expect a bit of an escalation from song one to song two, or if you're a glass half empty kinda guy I expect she'll hold back a bit on song one. I've had some shit first dances from girls who've I've then become fans of. There are a number of things that will cause me to stop at one, and in a few cases I have stopped girls halfway. I've always paid for those half dances, but I've found that it really, really pisses them off when I ask them to stop or simply stand up and toss the money on the seat.

    Like Papi said, if I get the impression she's holding back on song one expressly for the purpose of selling a second one, I'm gonna cut bait ASAP. If there's a reasonable chance she's just getting to know what I like, I'll give her that chance. There's also a clues in that pre-dance time, if she tries to start halfway through a song I'll get up and leave without paying^. If she sits next to me and keeps her clothes on, I'll usually go through with the first dance but there's a 99% chance we won't get to number two. I have called it off after a few girls sat down next to me to wait for the next song without disrobing, but those were girls with complex outfits and I wasn't about to pay for a dance with them either wearing it spending most of the song trying to get out of it while I sat there and watched. Now, I just avoid those girls all together.

    ^ Some exceptions apply
  • jestrite50
    8 years ago
    Why would you buy anything before testing it out
    That's why we test drive cars. Don't buy a dance until you see how she performs front room then if you like it take it for a test drive
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    8 years ago
    At the $10 or less clubs, I will get at least two dances from her. The only exception if the dance is total air (not even one way touching) which in that case is a one an done.
  • ATACdawg
    8 years ago
    I'm a happy guy today! For any of you who remember my two unicorn finds, U2 had been on the missing list for the last 2-1/2 months. Last week, her name was on the schedule but without any shifts. Same for this week, but when I went to the club, she was there and remembered me from the last, actually, the only dance we had in May before her hiatus.

    Anyway, back on this discussion topic, I was reminded of the first lap dance U2 and I did. We had made a pretty good connection. She took off everything but he thong and when the music started, we were off. It was as good a dance as the club would allow, and while she allowed a bit of two way contact, she was constantly having to watch out for the bouncer.

    I asked her why anyone would pay for a room under those circumstances. She told me that full two way contact was OK and that the bouncers don't even check. "Well, what are we doing here? Let's go!"

    One dance, decision made, and a great time was had by all.
  • HungryGiraffe
    8 years ago
    One and done, if service is mediocre.
  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    I'm a VIP kinda gal, so I make sure that any dancer that I am taking for a test drive KNOWS that she is being evaluated for potential VIP action. If she doesn't bring it on the first song (or two if it's a 2fer1), it's over and I'm on to someone else.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    I'm a cheapskate so there is no way I would chance paying for a second subpar dance.
  • dr_lee
    8 years ago
    I've had dancers do squat the first song, but as she gets into it, by the 3rd song or so, she's ripping my clothes off. You may want to at least hang with it for a few songs. See where it goes.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    I don't think it takes a stripper a song to "get into it". In fact they rarely ever do. It's a job. Increasing the mileage as dances add up is just a hustle.
  • Darkblue999
    8 years ago
    Think about this.
    If a dancer is not into it in first song,she lost 5 songs and regular customer.I usually take 5 dances if I like the girl.
    If she does the same thing with others, how many dances she would have lost ( assuming average of 3 to 4 dances per customer per session) and regulars.
    They don't get it.
    Dancers on stripperweb advice not to give good dance in first song itself.That way they are losing lot of money.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Exactly Darkblue. Smart dancers have a saying for that, "stopping to pick up nickels in front of bulldozers." It also applies to asking for tips. If it's not obvious, one should not stop to pick up nickels in front of bulldozers. ;)
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    My dances are never subpar, but I will admit they get better after the first one. Guys almost always get more than one (I usually reel them in during the second song).

    If a guy only gets one song he is stupid and I don't want his business.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    @ Nina

    If that is true, refund the PL for your subpar first dance.
  • Darkblue999
    8 years ago
    @Nina , if guys almost always get more than one song that means first was good and second song was very good then third song must be the best.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Nina's method is one I see a lot. Where the first dance is really good, then the dances keep getting better. It's like playing XBOX where every $100 spent unlocks even more achievements, where you're breaking rules and city ordinances. That's fine. I don't expect the farm for $20.
  • Darkblue999
    8 years ago
    Also, they add extra moves as the song count keep going up like dancer standing on the couch.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    "If that is true, refund the PL for your subpar first dance"

    CAN YOU READ? I literally said, "my dances are never subpar." The first dance isn't going to be subpar and neither is the 20th. I won a trophy for "best lap dance" at a club I worked at years ago LOL.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago

    You said your first song is worse than your others. That, my dear, makes it subpar by definition.

  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    Nina, are we talking airdance to low mileage or low mileage to higher mileage? If the former, I'm sorry, I stop after one.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    I need good mileage on first to continue to the second. The only way I'd make an exception is if we hit it off really well in the front room. (Did I use that term correctly?)
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    I don't do air dances.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    "You said your first song is worse than your others. That, my dear, makes it subpar by definition."

    Then, by definition, it would be impossible for my one dance with one guy to be subpar because I wouldn't have given him any other dances to determine what is below or above par...

    And what I said was that my dances get better as I go along.
  • s88
    8 years ago
    At my upscale reg topless only SC, I had a tall skinny blonde, nordic face, suddenly grab my hand, and go "its my favorite song" (nice excuse lady) and pull me to LD area physically. I agreed. I goto the LD area, after 1 song she hasn't removed her top, when she should've, in song 2 I try to pull out her tits, she stops moving, smiles pulls my hand off her tits, and recovers her tits, 20 secs later I try to touch her tits again and I get my hand knocked off and her physically moving to sitting on my kneecaps practically.

    In song 3, I verbally confront her, and ask if she is going to show her tits, she told me "my dances are slow and sensual, you need to wait until I am ready, just sit back and enjoy my performance". I stay quiet, to get my $s worth til the song ends because I've had strippers instantly get off me and demand $ for half a song (the last song) when I tell them to "stop" at next song. Arguing with them to finish the current song wont help since the argument is just eating time till the DJ's song finishes and then she can leave and still have the last laugh. Back to present, at 3-4 song mark, I tell her to stop, she has the balls to say "tips are appreciated", I tell her "what did you do to deserve a tip?" she responds "I'm not showing you my tits for $20, a gentlemen buys more songs than you cheap motherfucker". I give her $60 and learned my lesson.

    If you dont take off your top, or don't let me pull out your tits out in song 1 when I see you are refusing to take off your top in song 1, its over at 1-2 mark you ROB.
  • s88
    8 years ago
    I forgot to add, she was a skinny model type, you can make out her ribs, VS quality face, but her nipples and tits were post postpartum. Perhaps she never lets guys see her tits because she thinks they will stop the dance when they see that, honey, it doesn't work that way. If you dont show your tits, unless its a virgin custie that doesn't know the SC LDs are topless, the PLs will stop the dance.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    Why did you go past dance 1?
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Easier to lead it yourself if you talk with her and try to get her making out with you, in the front room. You can still feed her money, but it is a more flexible arrangement and their should be no house cut.

  • rl27
    8 years ago
    First song usually determines it, but I generally go for two just to be sure. The first song weeds out dancers who are all air or little contact. Second song weeds out dancers who push for the expensive dances. A common tactic I have seen in certain clubs is to give a very good first dance. Then the second dance would be mediocre, with the dancer constantly trying to upsell for the more expensive dances. If a dancer gave a top quality dance for two songs then she was one I would see many times.
  • s88
    8 years ago
    @flagooner Her whoreish/hookup behavior before the LDs made me misjudge how liberal she was in LD area. I used to give 2 songs at the SC before I stop a low mileage stripper, with grab me and physically pull me into LD and no tits stripper I described above, I went to 3. I now am more conservative at this SC and cut off at 1 song if no tits. The rule is mentally hard for me to enforce since the strippers here all look like Victoria Secrets models but I am getting numb to the hotness affecting my choices. I use a bucket list system of evaluating strippers, with a series of tests. Going through all the tests sometimes takes courage, since I secretly want to date the stripper so I want to be "slow", but that is the wrong way to think a SC, but it takes active effort to be "dont be a BF, be a custie" in a SC.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    "The first song weeds out dancers who are all air or little contact. "

    If you got the girl next to you or on your lap, you can feed her respect money and find out how friendly she is willing to get with you. No need to pay the booth or back room tolls until much later.

  • jestrite50
    8 years ago
    I agree here. Always try to start making out with her in the front room first to see how she reacts to it . If she doesn't want you doing it out front then most likely things won't go well out back.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Agreed. SJG front room method beats out the first song test. It's the best test or the best indicator/predictor there is.

    Get her off-script tonight!

  • ppwh
    8 years ago
    I think this depends to some extent on the club. At a club with low dancer turnover, a dancer can warm up over time. On an individual night, though, I find it works better to cut bait early.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    good reasons for doing the two for one dance. at the least I expect a girl to have her top off by the end of the first song. thank goodness that most girls have her top off long before the end of the first song.
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