
Think you could do this?

Breathe, breathe in the air


  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    I could not even do it down on the ground.
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    I wonder if his death will be on youtube? One wrong gust of wind.......
  • gawker
    8 years ago
    I prefer my risk taking to be going bareback with a hot stripper.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Shit, I was eating dinner just before watching this, I almost threw up. No way, Jose !!
  • ATACdawg
    8 years ago
    Once, before I fell into and down the chimney, killing myself.
  • HungryGiraffe
    8 years ago
    Nope, and that's some dumb ass shit right there!
  • VeryBigDawg
    8 years ago
    I got scared just watching the video!
  • 4got2wipe
    8 years ago
    No. I have mild acrophobia so just watching it made my skin crawl.

    Did anybody read the comments? There was at least one thread that was surprisingly racist. There may have been more, since I decided to stop reading after the first. Seriously non-brilliant! :(
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    I was doing okay until he used the GoPro on top of his head.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    "Stupid is as stupid does" - Forrest Gump.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I haven't even tried to ride a unicycle. Not going to even climb up on top of a tower. I did enough stupid stuff when I was younger. One thing goes wrong or unexpected, and you become a story on the evening news.
  • bang69
    8 years ago
    I agree with gawker 100%. I was so wanting that dumb ass would fall
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    no. thank you. I'd rather bbfs every stripper from now on .
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    that should be EVERY stripper and girl and woman.
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