Which is better?
layin low but staying high
What's the best life:
1. A monogamous relationship with a civilian woman in your same age range if the woman is very attractive for her age, is a sexual freak who will try hard to meet your every sexual need and desire, and is fun, pleasant, and not a bitch, or
2. Living alone with no long term girlfriend or romantic relationship but having a group of gorgeous young sex workers who for a competitive price will fulfill your sexual fantasies.
You must chose one or the other and cannot mix worlds. For example, you can't be with the civilian and fuck sex workers on the side.
1. A monogamous relationship with a civilian woman in your same age range if the woman is very attractive for her age, is a sexual freak who will try hard to meet your every sexual need and desire, and is fun, pleasant, and not a bitch, or
2. Living alone with no long term girlfriend or romantic relationship but having a group of gorgeous young sex workers who for a competitive price will fulfill your sexual fantasies.
You must chose one or the other and cannot mix worlds. For example, you can't be with the civilian and fuck sex workers on the side.
Autocorrect is changing to words that aren't even words.
As the old joke goes. I don't pay for sex. I pay for them to leave. I have dated civilian women in the past.
#2 in my opinion is less complicated. I have chosen #2 without really considering it too much. If for no other reason, I was tired of all of the games civilian women play.
Anyway, I will never be married to a woman or live with a woman again. But this does not mean that I will not have long term connections to them. It will just work differently.
My view is that monogamy is bad for women and men.
Remember coldnshallow? She would never go along with this, even though her own life experiences tended to support it. Not wrong form women to try and demand monogamy. But I feel that it is horrid. It is not just that the one partner ages or has limitations. I feel that the institution it self is toxic.
So when JS69 was talking about dumping DS1 in favor of his Civvi MILF, I advised caution in going that way. Need to really think it through.
My ex-wife had her limitations, but the societal pressures are what really poisoned it. I feel that we need to find other ways.
It's tougher though in situations where your partner is average for her age and is half hearted about sexually satisfying you.
If you're that happy, dump the whores.
#2 would be more exciting, like a rollercoaster.
I would probably have to go with #1, I would be curious if I could actually do it and remain "faithful." My guess is no.
Most guys want a beautiful woman who will love them and satisfy them sexually. Some don't want the hassle, and many have come to realize how rare that type of woman is.
Paying for it will never stroke the ego like civvy sex.
The point is -- I am not convinced she exists. If you reach middle age or beyond and have a wife that " is very attractive for her age, is a sexual freak who will try hard to meet your every sexual need and desire, and is fun, pleasant, and not a bitch" then hit your knees every night and every morning. Oh yeah, and pet that unicorn for me.