
Dancers ordering expensive drinks ?

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)

How do you feel about a dancer ordering an expensive drink (on your tab) in a club where dancer and custy drinks are the same price (she just happens to order something expensive).

Do you get upset if she orders something very expensive, perhaps the most expensive drink in the house, w/o asking you first if it's ok?

Obviously there are different scenarios:

a) you offered to buy her a drink w/o her or the waitress asking

b) the waitress hit you up w/ the "wanna buy the lady a drink" and you said ok

c) dancer asked you if you could buy her a drink

w.r.t. (a) above I may just eat-it but I'd be pissed if it was under circumstances (b) or (c) above; and even under (a) I would have hoped she'd ask me if it was ok to buy something much more expensive than the avg drink.

I recall when I was greener to SCing and hit up Baby Dolls Dallas on a late dayshift and a dancer asked me if she could get a drink - I said "ok" and when the waitress came-back I found out she had ordered a $25 mini-champagne bottle - I paid the waitress but was kinda pissed and told the dancer she should have told me what she wanted to order and that is was an expensive drink - I kinda doubt she would have paid for a $25 drink out of her own $$$ - in retrospect I probably should not have told her anything but like I said I was greener back then - I'm also not a drinker thus don't like to spend my $$$ on drinks and these days more often than not I don't buy dancers drinks since I don't have faves nor do I hang much w/ the dancers ITC beyond just getting dances.

So - how would you feel if unbenounced to you a dancer orders a very expensive drink on your tab?

a) you're ok w/ it

b) upset

c) tell the waitress "hell no" I ain't paying for that

d) other


  • stripfighter
    8 years ago
    I don't buy drinks
  • stripfighter
    8 years ago
    for new dancers. Sometimes for ones I know
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    I can't remember getting really gouged. I was with my ATF once and an ex BF of her's came into the club and tried to convince her to dump me and come and sit with him. He even offered to buy her a drink. So she ordered the most expensive thing they had on the menu and drank it with me.
  • ppwh
    8 years ago
    Usually, the dancer tells me what she would like. That way, I can price it and order it, so there isn't that kind of risk.

    The circumstances surrounding the drink order is generally what would be more important to me than the price of the individual drink, though. A couple of times, a dancer asked for a cheap drink, got called on stage and then wandered off. I would rather spend a bit more on a drink and have a great time with the dancer than $5 and have her walk off with it.

    The ones I have gotten drinks for have always asked for stuff priced in the $5-12 range, though. If a dancer asked for a $25 drink in a club where drinks weren't the hustle, that would probably cause me to lose interest.

    As some have said in various discussions, under the right circumstances, buying drinks can be the best use of money in the club.
  • Ch3ll
    8 years ago
    Lately, I've been in the habit of buying dancers drinks. Regardless of who initiates the order, I always ask the waitress so how much will it be after she's gotten our order. That way I know whether to say hell no before the drinks even come out.

    If somehow a dancer ordered something that was pretty expensive, over $15, then I'd have to say hell no or you buying it. I like to drink so luckily I'll know most times if it's some expensive shit or not.

    Papi when I was out at Cocoa Beach, one dancer I was with and had already bought a drink, took it upon herself when we went to VIP to ask the waitress for a drink. I sensed she was trying to get it on my bill, so I told her and the waitress that's she was paying for it.
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    I like that the nude clubs here don't have booze.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    I don't like buying strippers drinks for a bunch of reasons,(not knowing how much alcohol is in dancer vs customer drinks, them ordering expensive drinks, ordering a drink and they disappear as soon or soon after they get it as ppwh had happen, a club once let me but a drink for an underage dancer and then took it away with no refund, etc.)
    However I do ocassionally buy dancer drinks. If I offer I know there is a possibility she may get an expensive one. If I offered that means I'm really into her and willing to pay w/e for her drink. If otoh she or a waitress asks me to buy her a drink, I ask how much it is first.
  • maho
    8 years ago
    This is a funny question.

    It's always a mystery to me until the server brings the drink and says how much I owe.

    If it's something that comes in a bottle I know it's going to be $10 including tip (think Detroit drink prices).

    If it's a drink in a glass....that's when the mystery starts. :-) Some of those drinks only run $10 including tip so that's cool. Sometimes though the server will say something like $15+ and I kind of roll my eyes to myself thinking 'dang girl, what did you order?' I always pay and don't never say anything.

    If it's a dancer I end up liking, I don't really care what they order. Even when hanging with a dancer for a long time the most they ever really order is 2-3 drinks. In my experience the dancers I've come to like and hang out with on return visits to the club, the drinks they order are in the $10 range.
  • maho
    8 years ago
    In regards to my last sentence above, I think dancers know when they are ordering modestly priced drinks, and when they are splurging.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    You guys are insane for letting the stripper order her own drinks, especially if you don't know what they cost.

    95% of the time, I tell the stripper we're doing shots, give her her choice of vodka, tequila, and whiskey, and then I order BOTH shots. If she doesn't want to drink, I thank her for her time and send her away. If she wants mixed drinks, I thank her for her time and send her away (although occasionally, again, I'll ask her what she wants, and order it myself, asking the price and specifying the alcohol first).

    My usual SC trip is 3-4 hours straight of drinking ... No way could I afford that if I let the stripper choose her own drink, of some unknown price. There's $20+ drinks in most clubs.

    Anyway, to answer the question: if I let the stripper order her own drink, and I don't even know the price, I'm pissed at myself, not at her. Strippers gonna stripper.
  • clubdude
    8 years ago
    I've lucked out most times. The stripper orders a beer or a shot ( even though some shots can be expensive). Can't recall the last time a really expensive drink was ordered,
  • TxVegas
    8 years ago
    I don't really care about the drink costs for dancers. If I offer to buy her a drink, I know that we will be hanging out while she drinks it and I can decide what my interest level is from there. Clubs have so many differing rules about girls and drinks. Sometimes, clubs require girls to be bought xx drinks during their shift or their tip out increases. I just consider it another tax or cover.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    About a month ago a dancer asked if she could sit down next to me.

    She wasn't my type so I told her it was okay but I was waiting for another dancer.

    She startedup a conversation with me and ordered a top shelf mixed drink. She must have gestured to the bartender that it was on me because the bartender told me it would be $15 or whatever it was. I refused to pay telling her that I never ordered it. The bartender made the dancer pay after which she got up and left all pissy. The bartender got a chuckle out of it but I was a bit upset at her too because she should have asked me if I was paying instead of assuming it. It was like she was an accomplice.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    I buy drinks for dancers, and they usually cost $12 to $20. If the dancer is new to me, I expect her to ask if she can have a drink.

    Something that has pissed me off is when a dancer receives a drink on my tab and gets up and walks away.
  • s88
    8 years ago
    "I don't like buying strippers drinks for a bunch of reasons,(not knowing how much alcohol is in dancer vs customer drinks, them ordering expensive drinks, ordering a drink and they disappear as soon or soon after they get it as ppwh had happen, a club once let me but a drink for an underage dancer and then took it away with no refund, etc.)"

    All the reasons you wrote is exactly why I never order drinks for strippers that I dont have a relationship with. Once you DFK or fuck them in VIP, or met OTC, it is a very different relationship between me and her, but before extras happen, a bottle rat is just being a bottle rat, which I have no interest in. Either you perform in VIP or you dont. I'm not buying drinks for girls who say "thanks looser, I'm going back to my MMA boytoy (nightclub)/whale(SC)".

    One SC I know serves water in shot glasses at $18 each for strippers. You and your wallet get fucked, but oh no, she will be 100% sober in VIP to scream and threaten you if you try to touch her during the LD. Also some strippers hate giving LDs and would rather make their $ on drinks kickbacks.

    If a unknown-chemistry/stranger stripper starts asking for "drinks" and it isnt a drink hustle club, I just shut it down and say I only buy LDs, she can sit or leave, if she leaves, it probably means she didnt want to LD anyway or hates doing LDs. If I want to be nicer about it and there is no waitress, I'll open my wallet and ask how much her drink is, if her "drink" is reasonable, I give her the $, and NOT call a waitress, and tell the stripper to goto the bar herself if she wants a drink. 75% the time they pocket the $ and dont get a drink.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    I don't drink myself. So if I don't want to buy her one I simply say that since I don't drink, I don't buy them. Seems to be accepted.
  • rickdugan
    8 years ago
    To me, who asked who about the drink is irrelevant. If I want her to stick around then I buy her a drink and if i don't then I send her away. Simple. If a girl is a prospect, buying a drink is a very inexpensive way to spend a little time with her and feel her out. But with that said, any girl who orders one of those $20+ mini-champagnes that some clubs sell, just so that she can squeeze out a few bucks in commission, already has 1 1/2 strikes against her.
  • wallanon
    8 years ago
    "You guys are insane for letting the stripper order her own drinks, especially if you don't know what they cost."

    Or maybe some of us just don't care. If a dancer is still sitting there long enough to be offered a drink, she already did enough to make it that far. Most of the time I'll take a flyer on a new dancer if I find her interesting. So by that time I've already set aside $50 or so dollars in my head that's hers. If she does something stupid (like demonstrate ROB behavior or push for dances I didn't mention right away), then that is just cash I get back for the next dancer or some tip money when she gets sent off.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->"Or maybe some of us just don't care"

    Wallanon, if you don't care whether or not the dancer orders a $25 drink, then that's great. No judgement, if that's what meets your needs and expectations. But the clear attitude in the thread is frustration and anger at girls who do that. So for those guys who do care -- that is, all but one or two people in the thread -- I'm counseling that they take control of the drink orders. I have been doing this for years, it's the only the way I could possibly afford to go on 4-hour drinking marathons with strippers 1-4x/month. What I do is pretty simple. I tell her what we're ordering -- I'll give her a little choice (like which choice of alcohol) so that she feels a bit empowered, but that's it. I then order for both of us, often at the bar (no, the bartender is not giving me a water shot. Neither is the waitress). Most of the time, as long as you use the assumptive close and are in complete control, she just goes along. If she tells me she wants something that I know is expensive, 95% of the time it's easy to sweet talk her into seeing things my way ("if we do $20/shot rounds, I can afford two rounds before I start dipping into your tip money. We're going to be drinking here for the next 3 hours. Do you want better shots or do you want the extra VIP dances?"), and if I can't, I dismiss her.

    In short --
    - if you don't care if she orders expensive drinks, that's great, let her order what she wants
    - if you do, take control of the drink order before the waitress comes over or you go to the bar. If you don't do that, and she orders an expensive drink, consider it your fault, not hers, and be more pro-active next time
  • maho
    8 years ago
    Great points wallanon. Buying a dancer a drink - regardless of cost with the range being $10-20 in my experiences - is a small investment for 10-20-30 minutes of their time to get to know them better and determine if I want to spend more $$ on them.

  • maho
    8 years ago
    "Anyway, to answer the question: if I let the stripper order her own drink, and I don't even know the price, I'm pissed at myself, not at her."

    The clubs I visit, the drink range is $10-$20. So a girl orders a $20 drink. Why would I be "pissed at myself"? It's an extra $10. I'm in a strip club.

    Luckily, I've never liked a dancer long enough who is drinking expensive stuff to have bought them multiple drinks.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    ^^^Actually, to that point, if I were just buying the dancer one drink, I wouldn't care if it's a $20 drink either. For me, because I'm doing marathon drinking sessions, it's more important to control the drink prices to stick within my budget.
  • maho
    8 years ago
    "What I do is pretty simple. I tell her what we're ordering -- I'll give her a little choice (like which choice of alcohol) so that she feels a bit empowered, but that's it."

  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->"The clubs I visit, the drink range is $10-$20. So a girl orders a $20 drink. Why would I be "pissed at myself"? It's an extra $10. I'm in a strip club."

    maho, I didn't quote a price in that quote, you did. If you're ok with a $20 drink, and she orders one, of course you won't be pissed. What if she orders a drink with a price you're NOT ok with? High end clubs might have even more expensive drinks .... still ok if she orders something that turns out to be $40? $50? If so, again, that's great. If not ... then I'd say it's on the customer for not taking any control of the situation
  • maho
    8 years ago
    Agree Subraman with your last post on controlling prices. Makes sense.

    Have hung out with some dancers for hours at the club. The most they've ever ordered is 3 drinks total.

    Have never had an instance of a girl ordering a mega expensive drink sticking around for more. I've determined I don't like her enough while visiting to do VIP and send her on her way, ect.

    That said, I do have a favorite at the moment who before our last visit to VIP wanted to order a drink to take with her. Now I know she was going to be drinking most of this with someone else, but she only drinking $10 stuff so it's no biggie. And maybe she needs it for a "chaser" after our VIP sessions - if you know what I mean. :-)
  • sclvr5005
    8 years ago
    At most of the clubs I frequent there are ladies drinks offered in both large and small, and if you don't specify which you want to buy they will automatically bring a large @ $13. it's a terrible business practice, and thankfully at least one club realized that andsis now offering only one size ladies drink for $6.
  • maho
    8 years ago
    I quoted those prices because that's what I've experienced. :-)

    I visited Penthouse, Flight Club, and Coliseum. Expect for Coli during the day drinks at a minimum are going to run $10 with tip. Most expensive drink I've ever had someone order I think was $19+ so it was $21 with tip.

    Yeah, a $40-$50 drink....shame on me. :-)
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    maho: Yeah, again, if you happen to know all the drinks at your club are within your budget -- whether that budget is $5/drink or $55/drink -- that's great. I'm just trying to relate how I -- a cheap guy, who drinks for hours at a high-end club with super expensive drinks -- manages the stripper drink expectations and my budget :) Like I said, strippas gonna strippa. Can't blame them for strippa'ing when it's drink time. lol

    Another thing I've found with strippers -- most of them (at least the ones I want to party with!) all seem to find the words "we're doing shots tonight, do you want tequila or vodka?" to be perhaps the best phrase in the English language :) I'm only half-joking, the same girls who would order a vodka soda and sip it, are totally game when they can tell themselves they "have to" do shots because of the customer. Easy for me to control shot prices by doing the ordering and picking the brand. We MIGHT be drinking Don Julio, but it won't be 1942 :)
  • rickdugan
    8 years ago
    ^^^ Subraman, I hear you, but all of that is way too much work for me. Also, since a lot of what I do involves trying to convert a girl to OTC, I'd hate to start the process by coming off like a controlling and cheap jerkoff by telling her what she can and cannot drink, including steering her to well liquor.

    Now I enjoy drinking with strippers as much as anyone, but many of the ones I deal with would object to having their alcohol options so tightly controlled as they have preferred drinks. Many of them also look to pace themselves at least a little by drinking mixed drinks rather than taking shots as they need to get through a full shift still standing (even if just barely). Most of these girls weigh less than 130 lbs for fuck sake - the ones that you deal with must have iron stomachs and livers to do shots for 3+ hours.

    My last three OTC partners were drinking (1) fireballs; (2) Dragonberry bombs (with a little extra paid for a double shot - fuck if I know what it had in it but I know she was getting lit) and (3) Crown. Each was quite comfortably numb by the time we headed to our next stop. If I tried to run a game like yours, I have no doubt that it it would wreak havoc on my OTC game, for a variety of reasons (from girls who won't tolerate that treatment to those too fucking drunk to function).

    Now I'm not criticizing here. Do what works for you. I just find rolling with things a little more [to a degree] to be a bit more beneficial for what I do. Most girls know better than to order a super expensive drink without asking and when it happens to me, which is rare, I just cut her loose after one. It doesn't take most girls more than 4 or 5 stiff drinks to feel very good, so I'm not overly concerned. I will say though that I also steer clear of tourist traps that charge obscene prices for alcohol, which helps as well.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Rick, I get your way too, definitely whatever works.

    The one thing I'd say is, it's my impression that the strippers don't usually even know what I'm doing... or maybe they know and don't care. Like I said, perhaps the result of always going slow dayshifts, they seem to love that I"m buying them drinks at all. I just use the assumptive close all the way through .... "we're doing shots today!" (pause for her to cheer :) ... then I say "you choose! vodka, tequila, whiskey, rum, etc.". She picks. I go to the bar and order the well shots, sometimes chilled (makes them downright drinkable). In the majority of cases, they're the ones bugging me for more shots ... or in other words, if they are unhappy at all, I can't tell one bit. While my slow dayshift girls love this, I was in Vegas at Spearmint Rhino recently, and I got what felt like exactly the same reception, from those high hustle girls ... they seemed super excited we were doing shots.

    You're right, the girls are tiny ... obviously, for a 4 hour trip, I slow us down on shots and fill us full of coke and redbull in between, as time goes on -- we're not doing a shot every 20 minutes for 4 hours straight. I also almost always buy them lunch or dinner.

    Like you, my end game is OTC. Unlike you, from what I can tell, I'm moving at a much slower pace. rarely trying to get her to OTC that night; instead, I'll see her a few times and then try to arrange a multi-hour or all-day OTC the following week. By that time, she knows I'm getting plenty of VIPs
  • ellocohombre
    8 years ago
    At the clubs where the waitress pushes you to "buy the lady a drink" does the dancer get credit for each drink she sells? If so I would say no don't buy the drink.
    And is there really alcohol in there or just soda water.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    I think less of the stupid cunt. I'll still get a dance or two.
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