avatar for traveler7


joined Jul 2009last seen Oct 2018
Vodka & Strippers....

Comments made by traveler7

discussion comment
9 years ago
avatar for JuiceBox69
Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
Could a stripper realy cum during a dry fuck ?
one of my favs gave a serious grind and often after 5 or 6 songs she'd ask "could we give my pussy a rest". based on the sweat, positioning and moans she was enjoying herself. lots of stuff needs to be "right" but it happens and it's great!
discussion comment
9 years ago
avatar for Mate27
TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
Signs she making a pass your way?
the "wana dance" line sucks and so does the "can I sit here" line. Probably the worst is the "my name is...what's yours" along with the handshake. I found that some of the hottest and smartest dancers just hang and sometimes give you a glance. If you're interested you either tip them well on stage so they come to you or you walk over and start talking to them. Everyone needs patience. I said "maybe later" once to a "how are you tonight", she came back later that night, we had a great time and she became my ATF for a long, long time. Ya never know in a SC.
discussion comment
14 years ago
avatar for steve229
The Favorite Effect?
dude...regulars spend coin and everybody wants a piece. find a nice girl who you enjoy, show her the benjamins and she'll be there whenever you want but if you don't pay, everyone will know and you'll be by yourself again. if you drop her there will be plenty of others to pick up the pieces and you can start all over. oh yea...don't be regular who falls in love.
review comment
9 years ago
avatar for d2k14
Really wish this place would improve.
this place is long past its prime. Went once. It's a dump and no one should waste their time. D2...you are too kind.
review comment
9 years ago
avatar for tuscl
A catch-all account
Anything Goes at Harry O's
Yep, this place one of the worst joints I've ever been in. Calling it a SC gives it too much credit. But once in awhile you just need to sit at the bar, have a beer, be disturbed that places like this exist then go down the street to Beamers.