You white devils bes pey tenchen to wut I say! Yo cracka lives don't matter no mo cept to pay yo reparations give us our free stuff! No justice No peace!
Of course white lives matter. Who else is going to pay all the taxes that keep the government running, the welfare queens watching their stories, chessmaster and twentyfive sitting on porches at 2AM, the illegals getting free everything? If white lives didn't matter, Obama would have his banana republic by now.
Because .. banking? Also mercantilism and proto-capitalism put whites in the right place at the right time to take advantage of colonialism, the industrial revolution, and the information age.
Also whites appear to dies at smaller rates than blacks or Hispanics during police questioning, traffic stops, or detainment (includes incarceration).
I don't see the concentration of wealth (especially generational) helping matters here. It seems like American may be turning into a landed-aristocracy.
Good to see your still posting Juiceman but WTF is up with the whale avatar? I thought all of your avatars had to have some connection to fried chicken.
And for the record, deep-fried whale is fucked up. The gentle giants o' the sea should simply be watched from the decks of ships, not breaded in the Colonel's 11 herbs and spices and fried.
Just to review: fried chicken is WEEE YAWWW but fried whale is FUCKED UP. Remember that Juicebro!
The week after two [presumably] innocent black men were killed by cops and five cops were killed by a black man, I don't see how this thread is helpful in the least. Doesn't it just stir up racial animosity to state that white people pay the taxes that support welfare queens and illegal aliens? Is it useful to insinuate that white people have prospered because of some -isms (colonialism, mercantilism, capitalism)?
I'm not saying that these statements are completely false. It's just that I'm still mourning the events of the past week and think we should be encouraging love among Americans, not fanning the flames of hatred.
Juice was just being Juice - I don't think this thread was meant to be a deep philosophical conversation - on TUSCL we often need to separate what is BS/joking-around and what is meant as a serious statement - this thread was just Juice being Juice and messing around - not meant to have much stock.
I think he was referring to gammanu who said white people pay the taxes that support the welfare queens(black people) and the illegal aliens(mexicans).
I think as soon as we start complaining about people utilizing free speech, we start losing our first amendment rights. If we are too sensitive that we can't ignore someone who we disagree with in silence, and start entitling ourselves to belittle anything somebody says that doesn't fit with our own agenda, then we begin living in a world controlled by government.
Stop complaining too much about what people write in TUSCL, because the ability to say what you feel, without inciting civil unrest, is what makes America great! Anything we've read on this website is considered a piece of fiction, so if it upsets you, then maybe you should leave the USA if you're that sensitive.
OK I'm getting off my soap box for a long time. I got some writing with my wife to get ready for our next episode. Peace out on all of this fiction TUSCL lovers!
^^^^To JimGassagain-I wouldn't complain about people utilizing free speech even liars, but I don't need to listen to it. I don't think anyone is needs to leave the USA. Some people here, have an agenda that is contrary to what you are saying, trying to deny others their rights, the only thing anyone is complaining about is the people making anonymous statements to which they belittle others while secure in their anonymity and making up lies and twisting truth to suit their agenda. In other words bullies hiding behind a computer making stupid statements that would earn them a punch in the mouth if their identities were known. Just to clarify not the jokers that think its all in good fun, but those hard core idiots that intentionally try to provoke and do the equivalent of yelling fire in the crowded theater. BTW that is not protected free speech, that is inciting a riot and we all know that is illegal.
^ IDK Juice - I think Deuce's unwarranted attack on your person/thread may be grounds for a Juice Ignore - but I'll leave that up to you since you da-man
I kid of course - I guess we gotta put disclaimers
Again, twentyfive is throwing stones from his glass house. And again, thank God if both chessmaster and twentyfive have me in ignore. Finally, the two most disrespectful and least intelligent hatemongers on TUSCL will no longer interrupt our discourse
Late last night I was trying to find this discussion to see if there was any reaction to my post, couldn't, and wondered why. Then I realized: I had juicebox69 on ignore and couldn't see anything he posted! Before I logged in yesterday, his thread titled "Does whyte lives mater?" [sic - this is the kind of thing that put him on my ignore list in the first place] appeared and I responded to it. Once I logged in, the thread was no longer visible. This morning I realized why I couldn't see it last night and took him (temporarily) off ignore. This addresses juice's question.
My post was not directed at juice at all. If you read what I wrote, you'll figure out who I was referring to as unhelpful. Since my comment last night, the least helpful response was from a new TUSCLer who prides himself on "good reviews or happy posts". At this delicate moment in our national dialog about race, it is appropriate to be sensitive about inflammatory remarks directed at either white or black people. My entire point was to urge white and black Americans to communicate civilly and try to understand each other's perspective. No, I am not going to "leave the USA" -- don't be ridiculous!
Deuce, my guess in the Jim comment was that the gist of this congregation called TUSCL is that this is a site for strop clubs, and everything should be taken as fictitious pieces of work. I believe if you read too far into people's posts, you start driving yourself mad for no reason. If people are looking for more literal prose, this isn't the forum. Although agreeable in where your heart is Deuce, trying to change beliefs around here is wasted effort. Freedom of speech goes hand in hand with freedom to ignore.
Juice I didn't think Deuces remarks were directed, at you and neither were mine or this one, you know I like to have fun and play around more than a little bit, but given the current climate in the country, it doesn't hurt to be a little more sensitive to the feelings of others no need to enrage people that are already upset.
last commentHow can I get compensated for this Travis tee ?
Also whites appear to dies at smaller rates than blacks or Hispanics during police questioning, traffic stops, or detainment (includes incarceration).
I don't see the concentration of wealth (especially generational) helping matters here. It seems like American may be turning into a landed-aristocracy.
Like the KKK?
I wish my trans-fats would work the same way in my ice scream. Sad face :-(
Barry Whyte is much under-appreciated. The Great One
And for the record, deep-fried whale is fucked up. The gentle giants o' the sea should simply be watched from the decks of ships, not breaded in the Colonel's 11 herbs and spices and fried.
Just to review: fried chicken is WEEE YAWWW but fried whale is FUCKED UP. Remember that Juicebro!
Said she's going to L.A.
But she never got there
She never got there
She never got there, they say
The KKK took my baby away
They took her away
Away from me
The KKK took my baby away
They took her away
Away from me…
I'm not saying that these statements are completely false. It's just that I'm still mourning the events of the past week and think we should be encouraging love among Americans, not fanning the flames of hatred.
Juice was just being Juice - I don't think this thread was meant to be a deep philosophical conversation - on TUSCL we often need to separate what is BS/joking-around and what is meant as a serious statement - this thread was just Juice being Juice and messing around - not meant to have much stock.
Gamannu95 on ignore.
Stop complaining too much about what people write in TUSCL, because the ability to say what you feel, without inciting civil unrest, is what makes America great! Anything we've read on this website is considered a piece of fiction, so if it upsets you, then maybe you should leave the USA if you're that sensitive.
OK I'm getting off my soap box for a long time. I got some writing with my wife to get ready for our next episode. Peace out on all of this fiction TUSCL lovers!
I thought Deuce had Juice on Ignore ???
I kid of course - I guess we gotta put disclaimers
Deuce your conduct is not tolerated on this site and thread
Deuce your on Ignore
My post was not directed at juice at all. If you read what I wrote, you'll figure out who I was referring to as unhelpful. Since my comment last night, the least helpful response was from a new TUSCLer who prides himself on "good reviews or happy posts". At this delicate moment in our national dialog about race, it is appropriate to be sensitive about inflammatory remarks directed at either white or black people. My entire point was to urge white and black Americans to communicate civilly and try to understand each other's perspective. No, I am not going to "leave the USA" -- don't be ridiculous!
Must suck being you on Ignore
It's the juice agenda