What is a unicorn worth?

avatar for JohnSmith69
By the end of this thread, unless I come to my senses before then, weed plans to disclose one of the greatest mysteries in tuscl history

And no, it's not Emily's breast size.

In this thread, weed plans to disclose what I pay the DS for a date.

A date lasts at least 6/8 hours up to 24 hours. Lately it has been averaging maybe 8-12 hours. Sleepovers are common but by no means required. We've done about every fun activity that you can imagine on a date. That fun is followed by an incredible sexual union. After we thoroughly suck and fuck while high, there is always a couple hours at the end to snuggle, chill, smoke, talk, play, and experience extreme pleasure with my perfect sexual match who turns me on more than any other woman ever has. Everything is available, and I have not worn a condom with her since early in our relationship. Pictures are not the focus like with video girl, but they are allowed. I can have any kind of sex as often as my old dick can perform. It is a perfect GFE in every positive sense of that term. She does everything that I want, exactly as I want, as often as I want. Every sexual fantasy I've ever had has been experienced with her many times except a threesome.

But before I disclose this number, I think it would be interesting if everybody would share their honest, best guess as to what they think I pay. The number you are guessing is the OTC payment that is always due each time. This price has never varied. It does not include my gifts or amounts that I spend on food, travel, lodging, etc to be with her. And this is not what I pay for trips with her which is more complicated. This is what I pay for a single date.

How much do you think I pay for a unicorn?


last comment
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
whatever they ask...
avatar for Ugluck75
9 years ago
um, $800 cause I remember you saying it was a pretty high amount. Thank goodness I don't have to pay my ATF a whole lot cause I couldn't afford it.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
Actually she was so young and inexperienced the first time that she never even asked for a specific price. I offered her this price because I was so in awe of her and I wanted to fuck her regularly without any type of limits. I have paid her this same price for every date since then.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
Yes it's a pretty high amount.
avatar for Bavarian
9 years ago
$800 sounds about right
avatar for Corvus
9 years ago
No, $800 is too high.

I say $788.23 exactly.
avatar for Corvus
9 years ago
And, yes, all of us are curious about Emily's breast size too.

And when are the shirts going to be ready?
avatar for mikeya02
9 years ago
If you don't give her 1000, you're a cheapskate
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
$700 - survey says?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
For what you pay her you can probably have 10 women in TJ - ever thought of that.
avatar for rh48hr
9 years ago
I'll guess $1,500 Johnny. What do I win?
avatar for jackslash
9 years ago
$400. You're not an idiot. You know that pussy is not worth more than $400.
avatar for Cowboy12
9 years ago
My guess is $500
avatar for ime
9 years ago
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
John if you want to brag then just go ahead and brag otherwise you know me and I know you, and I like you personally, but I really don't give a rats ass how much you pay your whores !
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
Just trying to do something interesting since the discussions have sucked lately. But if you guys want to be assholes about it, so be it. Consider this post withdrawn.
avatar for RandomMember
9 years ago
Ask your therapist.

...at least he will pretend to care.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
Seriously, if this sounds like I'm bragging then forget it. That wasn't my goal.
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
I give John credit for not being that pathetic.
I say $800 or $900.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
But upon reflection, why is it bragging to overpay a stripper for sex? I thought this would be more like something to be embarrassed of, not something to be proud of.
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
It is not something to be proud of but you're a lawyer that smokes weed and pay hoes for sex, kind of ironic.
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
I still think you're an idiot because if spend as much as you want us to believe you should be fucking a new stripper every week.
avatar for RandomMember
9 years ago
Serious answer:

Knowing John-Boy's psychosis, and his desire to remain attractive to teenagers, I would imagine the dollar amount is closer to $2000.

If I have a very attractive partner that I trust, we're both tested, and it's gone bareback, I'm willing to pay in the $600 range for the exclusivity.
avatar for Meursault
9 years ago
Is "Unicorning" when you strap a horn to your face and she rides it? If so, I wouldn't pay much for that. Or maybe she straps the horn to her face. I would pay even less for that.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
9 years ago
I would guess around 700 and feel it would be worth it for the GFE you describe. Man, it would be fun to have that type of scratch in this hobby. Mad envy
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
9 years ago
"But if you guys want to be assholes about it, so be it."

On essentially every thread, there's a statistical certainty that at least one person, if not several people, will be assholes. Why did you expect this thread to be different?

"But upon reflection, why is it bragging to overpay a stripper for sex?"

It comes off as a humble-brag with regards to your wealth and ability to throw money around without any apparent care.
avatar for mrrock
9 years ago
Ok not gonna read ahead and guess between 1500-2000.
avatar for NinaBambina
9 years ago
She is not a unicorn. I get you love her so much that you created the title "DS," for her, but you can't just upgrade her to a unicorn. Wtf? Unicorns don't exist. If she were a unicorn, she would have been way more unattainable than sucking your dick the first time she met you (wow, real chase), hell if she were a unicorn she might not be attainable at all. You sensationalize everything.

I don't even know what to guess. I'll say $1200-1500+
avatar for Bavarian
9 years ago
JS, don't leave us hanging. Post how much you pay for a date with the DS. I bet when you take into consideration how many hours you spend with her, it's good value.

I do agree with Nina, the DS is no unicorn.

That title is reserved for Nina.
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
To Ishmael JS69 knows very well that it's a humble brag all of his protestations to the contrary, if he didn't get that he wouldn't have insinuated that anyone who thinks otherwise is an asshole.
avatar for JamesSD
9 years ago
Given the length of the dates and her hotness, I'd consider $600 to be roughly fair market value. More if you live in NYC or SF, less if she's in KC or another moderate COL area.

I don't think you do a cool $1k per date.

I will guess $800.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
Nina, the term unicorn is what others have called my DS because I supposedly make her sound too good to be true. My use of that term was a "58 year old" man's attempt at humor which obviously didn't work at least for you.

I will post the number shortly.
avatar for NinaBambina
9 years ago
Not too good to be true, just sensationalized so it can seem that way for you. If she were a unicorn, you wouldn't have already found multiple DSes since her.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
Since most of you answered the question and don't seem to have your panties all in a wad over my alleged arrogance, and since I promised to reveal the number, I will.

I pay the DS $1K for a date of the type I described.

Now let the derision begin. For trolls and stripper boyfriends, the word "derision" in this context means to call John Smith an idiot for overpaying a stripper for sex.

I also wish I could also disclose Emily's breast size. I'm betting C cups but can't confirm yet.
avatar for ime
9 years ago
Nailed it
avatar for metaldude
9 years ago
High for stripper sex? Yes, of course, very high. But put it in the context of a top escort and 1000 for 6 hours to overnight is well below the norm. Many may scoff at John but he's getting what he wants at a price he can afford. Who am I to judge?
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
Wow. I hope you're lying but I think not.
avatar for magicrat
9 years ago
I say keep doing it as long as you are enjoying it as much as you obviously are. Honestly in this clubhouse, it takes a lot of balls to admit how much is paid for that desired experience, as the badge of honor is usually getting as much as you can for as little $ as you can. Deep down a lot of us are envious of your ability to do this regularly.
avatar for mrrock
9 years ago
I don't think 1000 for 8-12 hours is overpriced it's really quite cheap. My CF for example charges 250 an hour. I usually knock her down to 100-150 an hour by getting longer times though but still.
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
Congrats. If you're not lying you have more money than sense which a lot of people do.
avatar for NinaBambina
9 years ago
Well you have to remember he's not paying her by the hour... Even if the "date" lasted only 6 hours, he's paying her less than $200/hr. For a 24 hr overnight, he is paying her like $40/hr. That's not a bad deal at all. There are high end escorts who charge 1K for two hours.
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
Just in case you were wondering John the amount you pay her is fine if it's worth it to you, my issue was not how much, rather why do you think anyone who can afford that amount really cares, the ones who care can't afford it so why if you like them why do you want to go out of your way to rub their noses in this particular kind of shit. I personally have my own preferences but I don't want to come on this board and literally tell anyone that I'm better than them, just because I'm bored and stoned.
avatar for NinaBambina
9 years ago
For a unicorn she is actually quite inexpensive ('cause she's not a unicorn). A unicorn would be getting more than 1k for overnights.
avatar for Dancer_
9 years ago
Idk why ya'll moan over that price. FYI, high-end escorts in big cities charge at least three times more than that for overnight. Just look Eros up. Also you guys praise Europe with its legal prostitution and thus cheap prices but again, even there, you will have to pay at least a grand for a night with pretty call-girl.

And yeah, I know that you guys mostly deal with strippers but then again, prices on VIP-rooms(offering enough privacy) start with 1k per hour in NYC, NOLA, Vegas, etc

So yeah. John is getting a good deal
avatar for NinaBambina
9 years ago
Agree with dancer95.
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
Ok Nina and dancer95 just reiterated what I've been saying all along, which is she's not really much of a dream stripper or a unicorn.
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
I heard she's a 6 from somebody that saw pics of her.
avatar for K
9 years ago
As long as you think it is worth it, then it is. I'm curious if your defense of it is a sign that perhaps you no longer think you are getting the value for the money.
avatar for NinaBambina
9 years ago
Twentyfive - from what I've read about the DS she sounds like JS69's perfect train wreck. Was she the same DS who got pregnant? If so, the guys who "can't afford" her are probably the ones fucking her for free, or perhaps in exchange for drugs.
avatar for JamesSD
9 years ago
We can all agree NYC and Vegas has completely whacked out pricing. The cost of McDonald's in NYC is way more than it should be.
avatar for JamesSD
9 years ago
As for the $1k per date, like the girls pointed out, it's hardly crazy. More than I would ever pay, at least at this point in my life, but it's the equivalent to walking into a car lot and paying sticker price... Probably could negotiate a little lower, but it's your money.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
9 years ago
Everything is relative. If I had JS type cash, there are a few honeys I would spend 1k on no problem.
avatar for RandomMember
9 years ago
John are stilll taking her on fun shopping sprees for purses and shoes? For some odd reason you stopped writing about the shopping trips????
avatar for Bavarian
9 years ago
Not bad at all for what he's getting. Dinner companion, bareback sex and multiple hours.

I'm not into redheads so she would not even register in my PL radar but all that matters is that she is a goddess in his eyes.
avatar for Dolfan
9 years ago
I'm not gonna call you an idiot for overpaying for sex. I do agree with Nina, you do have a tendency to sensationalize. Your posts all have an investigative reports feel to them. Its like I'm watching Rossen reports. That said, I do read some of them so I can't bitch too much.

Anyway, back to the point. The answer to "what is x worth" is always "whatever someone will pay for it." If its worth it to you, which it obviously seems to be, then do it. Based on your descriptions, we probably share a similar taste in women. However, I'm not looking for the sort of activities/relationship you have. I'm more of a hang out for a few hours & go on your way kinda guy, and there's no way I'm hitting it raw.

To me, the more interesting figure would be the total spent. If it came with some sort of approximation on number of encounters it might be interesting to compare that with what people spend on civis. I dont know about anyone else, I've found dating to be expensive as shit, to the point where strippers are cheaper.

avatar for Bavarian
9 years ago
There's no way JS will reveal how much he has spent on the DS. Paid dates, trips, shopping sprees. It all adds up quick.

i don't see how civie dating is more expensive than strippers. You can have dinner and a movie for less than $100, which after cover and drinks would just be enough for 10 minutes of a stripper's time
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
25 already has his feelings hurt over me revealing what I pay per date. Chessmaster too, although I'm used to him acting like a petulant, jealous little boy.

Given the emotions involved, it's probably best that I don't reveal the overall total spent. I was just trying to come up with a discussion topic of general interest, and I think I at least accomplished that.
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
I'd be lying though if I said I wouldn't pay a $1000 to fuck some strippers raw...if I was a 58 y.o. lawyer with a grand lying around.
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
LOL my feelings hurt, hardly, my simple point was if you want to brag go ahead and brag, stop being so fucking coy like a little girl with the I've got a secret routine, that might be cute if you were a little kid, but you are a grown ass man, act like one.
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
JS - often times when one expresses their views openly and freely one opens themselves up to criticism by some - at times being too honest has it's price.

You've had your detractors in the past w.r.t. your stories and as you should remember there are some that rag on you for it but most are ok w/ it and some like them - it's your prerogative to live your life as you wish and express your opinions as you wish and if some folks don't like them then as the old saying goes "you can't please everyone" - you are not going after anyone nor insulting anyone, just expressing your thoughts which you have a right to.

We all spend our $$$ how we see fit and how it's best for us - many of us say "oh if I had that kind of $$$ I would .,." and yet when they get some $$$ they often don't act the honorable way they say they would - it's your life and if you have the means to do something most of us can't then that's great and if you wanna share your exploits most of us are not bothered by that but apparently you will have your detractors.
avatar for JohnSmith96
9 years ago
What to look out for in a JS69 post:
An obsession with teenage girls that gets creepier by the day.
References to how his Special Whore is Special, and how he was the first to do anything sexual with her (and her endless namesakes) EVER. Because naive, innocent girls make up 99% of strippers.
Desperate attempts to relive lost youth by throwing around money, in amounts he pretends he doesn't really need approval of by fellow tuscl posters.
Repetitive descriptions about how submissive his hookers are, almost as though every time he writes a post he's fapping simultaneously. (She is my perfect sexual counterpart, the yin to my sexual yang, her Tiny Pink Pussy was so tight, my dick lost circulation, etc.)
A lack of understanding about how women fake orgasms.
Talking about weed the way your nerdy friend in middle school talked about it when he was trying to sound like a badass.

Anything I missed?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
And as another old saying goes - "the opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference" - i.e. I think Nina's bashing is really hot passion seething within her that she is not your DS - she just is unable at this time to come to terms with it but in time she'll throw herself at you.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
Papi, you and Lone Wolf have definitely got Nina figured out.

To my new troll, why don't you at least try to be creative and funny like SJGay. Nobody but your own kind is interested in bitter, hateful, jealous ranting.
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
^i think it's brilliant!
avatar for Bavarian
9 years ago
JS, if you and Nina ever meet, you have to post the story.

She might not fuck you but she is attracted to the fact that you're an experienced attorney, willing to worship her and able to pay her a good chunk of money.
avatar for JohnSmith96
9 years ago
Oh one more- constantly referencing The Little Head, the way Bruce Jenner references "Caitlyn".
avatar for JohnSmith96
9 years ago
Lol @ the most pathetically cliche example of mid-life crisis talking about originality.
avatar for Bavarian
9 years ago
Maybe JS can mentor and show Nina the ropes of being an attorney in exchange for lap dances?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
^ :)
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
I like you Nina. If you were ever an extras girl I'd pay you a ton.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
^ get ready for the comeback

avatar for rh48hr
9 years ago
I think those who might think JS overpays says that because they cannot afford that price. I for one cannot. I have other responsibilities financially that doesn't afford me that luxury.
avatar for JuiceBox69
9 years ago
Dancer95 nailed it plus one

But seriously fuck all that shit last night I enjoyed a young 24 year old bitch and busted my nut all for $75
avatar for jackslash
9 years ago
$1K is a fortune to the poverty-stricken, destitute, impecunious strippers living on the bankrupt streets of Detroit. My friend Wreck can have his way with 20 strippers for that amount at Bogart's.

avatar for seaboardrr
9 years ago
Sorry, but a true unicorn would do it because she loves hanging out with the two of you and would do it for free. Paying any price is just a normal prostitute/escort/whatever you want to call it business arrangement for sex.
avatar for RandomMember
9 years ago
^^^No. No. NO! These are dream strippers, not prostitutes.
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