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Joined May, 2016
Last Seen Aug, 2016


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9 years ago
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Do I exist?
You can tell Nina is five foot nothing by her disproportionately midgety chest in her picture. Sexy.
avatar for JohnSmith96
9 years ago
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Do I exist?
It's hilarious. She ignores some and pulls out that false bravado on others...
avatar for JohnSmith96
9 years ago
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Do I exist?
@crazyjoe sees the light.
avatar for JohnSmith96
9 years ago
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Do I exist?
I think the real question is, are you REALLY as big of a narcissist as you seem? What this thread actually says is pretty…
avatar for JohnSmith96
9 years ago
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Nina told me to shut the fuck up
I'd really hoped we'd gotten rid of her with this thread and some off the other "not kissing Nina's ass" sentiments on the board…
avatar for JohnSmith96
9 years ago
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Where in the World is JS69?
We all know I won that stand off with Nina...the crying stripper story makes sense now right?
avatar for JohnSmith96
9 years ago
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Biggest Sex Opportunity Youve Passed Up?…

Here's mine. I hung around gawking at her, thinking I was being silly but too high to realize she must have noticed my ogling...she…
avatar for JohnSmith96
9 years ago
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Making bitches cry just for sport
You beat me to it, OP. I really do like breaking in the new ones and if they seem like victims of sex trafficking,…
avatar for JohnSmith96
9 years ago
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Is the lap dance really better when the stripper is crying?
Sorry, too high to post the link properly! (Shocker, I know)...let's try that again:…
avatar for JohnSmith96
9 years ago
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Is the lap dance really better when the stripper is crying?
You all seem surprised at how creepy I am in this post. I'd like to remind you, I've been creepy for a long time.…
avatar for JohnSmith96
9 years ago
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Nina told me to shut the fuck up
Nina for the love of GOD- SHUT THE FUCK UP. I'd say it's your turn now...I'd rather crazyjoe repeat everything x's 10 than read…
avatar for JohnSmith96
9 years ago
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A bloody mess
I had an EROTIC Erotic Worshipful Session of Sensual Sex with my Special Unicorn Whore.
avatar for JohnSmith96
9 years ago
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A bloody mess
I didn't fuck her, I worshipped her Tiny Pink ( Bloody) Pussy.
avatar for JohnSmith96
9 years ago
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OTC: Age and Race
I've found that really, really young girls are easy to influence and buy. Strippers older than 19- why even bother with those hags? I…
avatar for JohnSmith96
9 years ago
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Strippers Finding Religion
Juice doesn't like 'em underage and suicidal like me, so it's okay.
avatar for JohnSmith96
9 years ago
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A bloody mess
I think everyone knows that I only brag about fucking the DS on her period to cope with the reminder that she's old enough…
avatar for JohnSmith96
9 years ago
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What do you hate to discover during a strip club visit?
Whenever I see there aren't any girls with braces or pigtails dancing that night.
avatar for JohnSmith96
9 years ago
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Sex sucks
@random you're right...I just got so horny thinking about it I couldn't type straight.
avatar for JohnSmith96
9 years ago
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What is a unicorn worth?
Lol @ the most pathetically cliche example of mid-life crisis talking about originality.
avatar for JohnSmith96
9 years ago
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What is a unicorn worth?
Oh one more- constantly referencing The Little Head, the way Bruce Jenner references "Caitlyn".
avatar for JohnSmith96
9 years ago
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Sex sucks
Nothing compares to mouth fucking. I feel like captain of the varsity football team when I've got a hot, impossibly young teenager gagging on…
avatar for JohnSmith96
9 years ago
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My proudest moment was picking up DS3 from her parents' house, carrying a gun and hiding from her daddy. I felt like such a…
avatar for JohnSmith96
9 years ago
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I'm looking for a DS
She can only be a DS if she wipes her mouth off after giving the guy before you head, so that she can convincingly…
avatar for JohnSmith96
9 years ago
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What is a unicorn worth?
What to look out for in a JS69 post:
An obsession with teenage girls that gets creepier by the day.
References to how his Special Whore…