I don't put much stock in such 1 to 10 rating systems. Seems like guys talk about that because they are asking, what would other guys think of this girl, and what would they think of me if I were with her.
I only care if I like the girl. It is not all looks either. I'm not looking to gain approval or status by being with her.
Agreed ButterMan. Most people here say she's a 8, but that the tattoo knocks her down a point or two. I don't agree with that. I don't like the tattoo, but that doesn't knock her down for me.
last commentSolid 8
I'm gonna say 9 as well.
6, mainly because of tattoo. Solid 8 without it.
6, mainly because of tattoo. Solid 8 without it.
solid 9
About a 7 - but if i saw her in the club she'd probably be an 8
It's hard to see in the picture, but she does have a nice big ass. I don't care for the tattoo, but I can look past it. She's exactly my type of girl.
Ya she's a 7.5 in 2D bur if she's got a sexy personality she'd be a high 8
Minus 1 for the tattoo
Minus 1 for the fake looking tits
Net of 6
She needs to lay off the Chackin fangers a little
6.5. I can see how others rate her a lot higher, but she's just not my type. Plus I strongly suspect fake tits.
A 6.75. She is kinda chunky.
6.5. She loses 1.5 for that gawdawful tatoo.
I don't put much stock in such 1 to 10 rating systems. Seems like guys talk about that because they are asking, what would other guys think of this girl, and what would they think of me if I were with her.
I only care if I like the girl. It is not all looks either. I'm not looking to gain approval or status by being with her.
Hermetic Initiation
Ironic. If not for her lower half she would only be a 6. The tattoo does not bother me.
Eh, make it 6.5 if not for her thickness.
I don't like to judge someone off one pic, so here's another pic of her, this them with her clothes partially on lol.
I bumped her to a 7-7.5
You guys are bitching about a tattoo? Damn near ever stripper I know has some sort of tattoo.
Agreed ButterMan. Most people here say she's a 8, but that the tattoo knocks her down a point or two. I don't agree with that. I don't like the tattoo, but that doesn't knock her down for me.
Fuck all the tattoo haters. Inkwork is hot. Body is a 8 face is a 7. So 7.5.
Inkwork makes the girl seem like something wilder, kinkier. Makes her even more "other"
8-9. Might change if she was undressed.
I'll go 7. If she didn't have that tattooo and the tits were real she'd be an 8.
I'm waiting for Dtek to chime in. We both saw her in the club.
I think she looks better in the second picture. Based upon the pics I'd say 7.
I wouldn't hurt my neck to get a second look.
I'm not really that attracted to her.
Solid 8-8.5. She's really cute in the second pic..
Definitely COI material.
I'd give her a solid 7.5
(And I wish that she had MORE tats!)
maybe approaching a 7.
Great smile - nice thick booty - sexy tiny bikini too. Right now she's an 8.5 - and I give her a bit of a boost for the belly chain.
She definitely has the potential to get heavy - but she looks great now.
6.5, not my type but not outright ugly.
I feel like we’re in the Olympics judging women’s gymnastics – “And the Romanian judge gives her a 7.5”
Perhaps we should have Stripper Olympics where we judge the dancers on important factors like ass and tits size – yeah – I’m all for that.
Solid 8.5 I like them with a little meat on the bone, cute face. log hair, nails done and tat is not too bad
Around a 6.5.
Solid 8.
Pic is photoshopped though