
What percent of dancers eventually do some form of Prostitution?

I know we've sort of discussed this before, but the topic came up with a dancer today.

Only thinking of girls who strip for at least a year or more, what percentage of dancers do you think eventually at least occasionally do OTC or backpage work? This could be 10 years later or anytime in between?


  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    If you pose that question on TUSCL: 99%

    Pose the same question on StripperWeb: 1%
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    LOL, and the real number is clearly in the middle... somewhere.

    Remember though, SW girls do love to talk shit on extras girls, so obviously they exist!
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    At least for around here, I think the % for backpage work is excruciatingly low ... but strippers tend to be on the prettier side, and bp is scraping bottom on the pecking order.

    I do think that if you count girls who only do rare OTCs with a small group of favored regulars -- JS's mythical low-volume pussy -- then the percentage of do some sort of "happy ending" either in the club or outside it is probably decently high.
  • londonguy
    8 years ago
    Some would say the minute they start giving lap dances they are prostituting themselves.
  • HungryGiraffe
    8 years ago
    Suggest asking the question a bit differently: "What percentage of sex workers, who start out performing as dancers, move along the spectrum of sex work to activities generally considered prostitution or real sex for money?"

    I'd say it's 100%. Chances are every stripper will find someone they really like and are happy to spend time doing something they enjoy and get a few extra bucks. No big deal.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    I have said this before, most girls have a few favored PLs that they do more for than others, very few don't do anything with anybody, and just about the same number will do anything with anyone that has the money to pay for it. This seems to vary by club some of the clubs are almost brothels, here in Florida and others are pretty low on extras.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    If you define a hand job or titty fuck as an act of prostitution, and if you only include girls who dance for at least a year, I'd say at least 75% do it occasionally. If sucking or fucking is required, I'd say it's slightly less than half.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    The question of sucking or fucking for money must take into account the amount of money. The percentage is something like this:

    Amount %
    --------- ---
    $2000 99%
    $1000 95%
    $750 85%
    $500 60%
    $400 50%
    $300 40%
    $200 30%
    $100 20%
  • 4got2wipe
    8 years ago
    Ace table jackslash!

    Do you have the equation for that?
  • ButterMan
    8 years ago
    If you include any type of OTC work I'd say abt 50% do it eventually.
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    "Prostitution" in most places includes more than just fucking and sucking. It's usually defined as something like "providing sexual services for money." As noted before, hand jobs, titty fucking, even lap dances that grind on your dick fall into that category.

    Nor are OTC and BP the only places such things occur.

    So I'd guess the number approaches 100%, depending on the region and how prostitution is defined there.
  • impala
    8 years ago
    I think it goes deeper than all that. One of the real qualifying questions are "why is she dancing" and that will help us determine the rest. We have all personally known dancers who do and don't do extras in and out of the club. Are they dancing because they want to (to make a few extra bucks, because there board, or maybe there an exebitionust). These dancers generally (IMO) don't do the extras because they don't have to. But if because they have to dance(only means of support, drug addict, etc.), these dancers (IMO) have a much lower self esteem, and in many more cases much more despite. If we focus on what percent of dancers are in the second group that will give us our answer.
  • Phoenix133
    8 years ago
    I agree with impala that his second group would be more likely to be doing extras.

    On another note I think in general at least 75%.
  • sclvr5005
    8 years ago
    I'd say somewhere in the 10%-25% range.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I don't know. But for dancers whom dancing in their sole source of income, the pressure to succumb must be enormous at times.

  • rickdugan
    8 years ago
    At any point in time, I would say about a third will do what I will call hard core prostitution, which I would define as fucking and sucking. More in some areas and less in others. Keep in mind that there is a very high turnover in the industry. On any given nights, there are clubs all over the country with relatively new girls who will not stay in the business for long and who will never suck and fuck for cash (or at least reasonable cash). Keep in mind too that, as twenty said, there is a healthy contingent of girls who do this selectively.

    But since every area is so different, I'm not really sure how a national stat is all that meaningful. I could go to someplace like Pasco County and have them lining up, yet have to jump through hoops as a regular in some midwestern city. At the end of the day I'd be curious about how folks around here view this on the local level.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I think a lot of it depends on two things, 1. Age of Dancer, 2. Mileage Level ITC.

    Start with 2. Where I live the clubs are no touching. So many come to dance there specifically because there will be major lines which they never cross. So they do not intend on doing anything like OTC.

    As for 1., many girls come to dance, knowing that because of their young age they will get lots of attention and money, without really doing much. But as they get older, this changes. The young ones still believe that they are in the Good Girl category. Much of this comes down to their marriageability. And just like youthfulness, they know that once this is lost it can never be regained.

    But with enough time, this all changes. And they can see that the newer ones are getting more attention than they are.

    Also, guys are making p4p offers all the time. The girls always say no. But in fact, with most of these guys they'd be happy to go out with them for free, or even just to go home with them that night. But because of the way the guy talks about it, treating her like a prostitute, she refuses.

    Eventually, mostly out of boredom and loneliness, she accepts. She will come to rationalize this because of the money. But money was not her original reason for accepting. Her original reason was just that that sort of an offer is the highest grade of male attention she is getting. So either she accepts or she goes home and talks to her cats.

    I have seen this development too many times to remember, in my decades of clubbing in our local establishments.

    Also, this understanding flows from my first experiences, in the Sunnyvale Brass Rail, when I tried to get a girl's phone number.

    When she thought I was like everyone else, inviting her for p4p, then she was a stone wall. But once it dawned on here that I was not like that at all, that I was talking to her as a potential GF, she changed her tone completely. She became apologetic. And then when I came late from work the next day, there was her voice on my answering machine. Face to face in her club, there was always titillation in her voice. But on my answering machine she sounded like a typical woman, a bit whinny.

    See, a guy learns starting in jr high school that the women held up as sex symbols, like fashion models, movie actresses, and centerfolds, are outside of his social league.

    So I wanted to know, did that also apply to the Go Go Dancers at the Sunnyvale Brass Rail? And remember, this was back at that one window in time when I was the same age as the girls.

    Well, turns out it did not apply. The girls were quite approachable and they did not see themselves as above me. And the fact that I was not a polished pickup artist or experienced womanizer, or anything else like that, clearly helped me.

    This Cathy was just like the girls I'd gone to high college with.

    Well sort of; there were differences. The college girls were elitist, as most of them came from well off families. And they were conformist. So I was faced with the same difficulties that one Elliot Rodger faced. He faced them even though he was rich, mostly because he was not of a the normative social type. I was not rich or of the normative social type, and so college was a frustrating experience.

    Okay, this Brass Rail Cathy was definitely working class. And so she did not have this type of social armor. So as she extended herself towards me, then problems did ensue and wires did get crossed and her feelings being very close to the surface, they did get hurt, and she did get mad.

    I had come on to her real straight. But I was more just testing the waters. I was not really prepared to pursue a relationship with her, across the cultural divide which separated my life style and work environment and hers. I had not intended to hurt her feelings, and I have learned from that mistake. One should carefully consider their intentions before really coming on to a woman.

    But I also learned that if you go about it the right way, most of the unattached women in strip clubs are totally civilianizable.

    When it comes to those completely into FS-ITC and OTC and escorting, this may seem hard to believe, but it is still true. Our most popular and active OTC and escort girls will from time to time re-appear as married, and married to very ordinary guys.

    I don't know how long the courtship went on for, but it must have been there.

    Also, watch this if you want to learn more:

    and also this:

  • unclewillSea
    8 years ago
    I have never met a stripper that wouldn't fuck and suck for money.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    ^^^^^^ I have met plenty for whom it is a major point of pride and identity that they don't do that.

    But then our local clubs are softer core, no touching. So they attract a different sort.

  • Hugh_G_Rection
    8 years ago
    My inner-troll would love to see UnclewillSea's comment about never having met a stripper who wouldn't fuck and suck for money posted on SW. Better, it would be a joy to see it posted and attributed to Yoda :)
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