Offeror Remorse
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
So she sat down next to you and she is sweet and cute, so you offer to buy her a drink. She says yes, but then she is called up to the stage, but she says she will gladly accept when she gets back. But once you see her onstage, you realize that she is bigger than you thought and you really don't want to do anything that makes her hang around.
What do you do? You're on the clock here. ;)
What do you do? You're on the clock here. ;)
If a stripper asks me to buy her a drink (and I consider her worthy of my time and money) I ask her if she would rather have a $10 drink or a $5 tip. 90% opt for the tip. To the other 10% I tell them "Sorry"
Yes, I can be a cheap SOB sometimes. And yes, sometimes my SC philosophies contradict one another.
Or it may just be best to get cock-blocked by another dancer more of your taste; i.e. seek-out another dancer.
Yeah. Not sure how seeing a girl up close translates to realizing she's big only when she gets on stage like Lopaw said.
However, I've been in situations where a fugly latches on to you and won't let go/ can't take a hint.
Most times I've left and gone to another club. Not worth the time and money. And since my clubbing time is more and more less frequent it seems, my tolerance for girls not my type has gone way, way down.
I've done that before and it started a fight between the strippers. Not a good idea!
I think we call that a moped.
At the bar she seems OK enough. It sort of private and no one else is looking. Ditto for the hotel room later. When she got on stage and everyone else was looking, that is a different matter. That's why big girls don't do well in SCs, IMO, but they do OK on webcam, for example. In the SC, everyone is judging your choice, then they get to see her walk back to the guy in the suit at the bar, then later they leave with each other (maybe).
See, a moped is fun to ride -- until your friends see you on one. ;-)
That's just one off-the-cuff explanation. But maybe I am off base here.
Dancers have feelings, too.
@Esta: I don't really give two fucks about her feelings, but I DID feel a sense of obligation after making the offer.
There was a happy ending to this story though. Fortunately another PL seemed to enjoy her stage routine more than I did, so when he tipped her on stage and I ignored her she followed the money. That was a time wasting bullet dodged. ;)
Not impossible.
I don't like dancers approaching me from behind and getting up-close to chat me up where I can't get a good full view of them.
I'd say some do and most don't – if they did they probably wouldn't be strippers :)
I use to black-ball strippers all the time for not doing me right; but I've learned not to expect much from them other than providing services – I've had dancers do me wrong on one visit and then do me very-right on another.
I've learned to let most-things slide (most but not all) – in the case of a dancer asking for a drink and then not spending time w/ me (she walked-on) has happened to me in the past particularly in dives.
You did mention she sat w/ you for a while; so one can look at it as the drink being compensation for her time – also; for w/e reason some dancers don't ask for dancers and assume if the custy does not ask them is that the custy is not interested – so it could have been that she thought you were not interested in anything more since you didn't bring it up while she was sitting w/ you?