
Would you buy a tuscl.com collared "Official Reviewer" shirt?

avatar for emily

Would you buy a tuscl.com collared "Official Reviewer" shirt from us? If so, what size? I am polling to see if our community would like us to purchase a limited line.

Design: It would be black long sleeve collared (cotton), possibly short sleeve. Left pock area: Our Logo printed very small with 5 yellow stars underneath it and embroidered "Official Reviewer".


Tuscl.com Manager


last comment
avatar for jackslash
9 yrs ago

No thanks. I don't think dancers would be impressed.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 yrs ago

Of course not.

Most SCers do not want to advertise the fact they go to strip-clubs or are frequent visitors.

avatar for twentyfive
9 yrs ago

You might be able to sell a challenge coin.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 yrs ago

I would buy a shirt with a picture of Founder in the front


avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 yrs ago

I already have a shirt w/ a “FBI” logo on it (Federal Breast Inspector)

avatar for Mr. Ed
Mr. Ed
9 yrs ago

how about official TUSCL mistletoe belts?

avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 yrs ago

How about TUSCL condoms and with the logo on the condom of-course (the SW ladies would love that I'm sure).

Make those petite for me if you would.

avatar for shadowcat
9 yrs ago

I have an official Follies t-shirt complete with their logo and it reads "Vagina Inspector". Unfortunately I can't wear it anywhere else.

avatar for just_the_nuts
9 yrs ago

If this was a question comming from founder with a safe link to pay with then


avatar for vincemichaels
9 yrs ago

Hell, shadowcat, it would be just the thing to wear to the symphony.

avatar for vincemichaels
9 yrs ago

And no, I would not buy a t-shirt advertising my profession. Publicity is not necessarily a good thing in my profession.

avatar for georgmicrodong
9 yrs ago

Well, since this is tuscl.net (I understand the .com redirects to .net; still...), I assume you're a scammer. Unless founder chimes in that it's ok.

avatar for georgmicrodong
9 yrs ago

Although waiting almost a decade to run your game is, I'll admit, a bit farfetched.

Call me paranoid, but just because I'm paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get me.

avatar for anon4231
9 yrs ago

Yeah, I don't see myself wearing a shirt like this - to a club or anywhere else. If it were something nondescript - a little logo (and ONLY a logo with no words) as an inside joke - it might MAYBE be different.

Something that outright says "The Ultimate Strip Club List" though? It's feels like it'd either advertise that what happens in the VIP will NOT stay in the VIP (which may mean nothing fun happens) to a savvy dancer, or it's just advertising that you're a frequent pervert (which may get a laugh around some jobs, but might end up being a career-limiting move in others.)

avatar for mjx01
9 yrs ago

OT: does anyone else find it a bit strange that this thread wasn't started by founder?

avatar for likes2look
9 yrs ago

Remember George, even paranoids have enemies!

To answer the original question, no, I am not interested in letting everyone I know how much of a pervert I am. Also, good reviewers (restaurant etc) strive to remain unknown so as to get a true reflection of the level of service in a business.

avatar for JohnSmith69
9 yrs ago

Maybe Emily is Founder's dream stripper.

avatar for founder
9 yrs ago

Emily works with me

avatar for sharkhunter
9 yrs ago

I never wear long sleeve shirts except for very special occassions.

To answer the question , no, I wouldn't wear it. I used to rarely even mention I post reviews online and mentioning it didn't always go so well with dancers who didn't already know about the web site. Iwould spend a few minutes trying to calm her down that I don't mention names or anything specific about dancers unless of course they deserved it.

They were even more paranoid than one boss I had who I showed an aerial photo of his house and yard and property tax information. It was publicly available. His response? Don't tell anyone about the web site. I guess they say ignorance is bliss.

avatar for IwillLapAdancer
9 yrs ago

I would have bought one, but the last of my disposable income went into some stripper's cleavage.

avatar for lopaw
9 yrs ago

With a wife that is very aware of my wardrobe, I'm gonna go with "no".

avatar for ATACdawg
9 yrs ago

Mr Ed said "how about official TUSCL mistletoe belts?"

Nah. I'd go for an official TUSCL cameltoe belt!

avatar for sharkhunter
9 yrs ago

I have over a dozen shirts from previous strip clubs I never wear anywhere.

What might be interesting is a shirt that has

Do you TUSCL?

I'll tell you if you do really good.

avatar for sharkhunter
9 yrs ago

I could tell the religious it means the ultimate sinners cookie list

of things to avoid.

I could tell others it was the ultimate social club, some tiny outfit I found online but they seldom meet up, just got started. lol

Then if a dancer gave a good bj, I could tell her but tell the others nope, not good enough. Maybe next time after the lap dance.

avatar for just_the_nuts
9 yrs ago

Is Emily's Miss Founder ?

avatar for grand1511
9 yrs ago

We like to see clothes come off....not be put on.

avatar for HungryGiraffe
9 yrs ago


avatar for Corvus
9 yrs ago

Sounds just like many of the shirts I wear, so, yea, I might wear one. Size XL. But I have to ask, buttons or snaps. And does the front pocket close (to keep my money and ID somewhat safe) or is it an open top pocket?

And I'm a cheap bastard, so I would have to know how much? Or maybe those of us with over 70 reviews get a discount!

By the way Emily, nice avatar pic.

avatar for mikeya02
9 yrs ago

Make a limited edition Juice Crew shirt

avatar for mjx01
9 yrs ago

@founder: thanks for the answer

avatar for Confucious
9 yrs ago

No way I would wear one. I wouldn't wear any strip club related clothing in public. If the shirt came with a free lap dance, I might buy one for the lap dance and then donate the shirt to Goodwill.

avatar for motorhead
9 yrs ago

Post a screenshot

avatar for JackKash
9 yrs ago

t-shirt, no. However, I like the idea of the gold stars. How about simple gold star lapel pins? Discreet. And, you would only be eligible to buy a pin (informed by founder and Emily) after you reach a certain milestone for number of reviews and/or number of clubs. So you can get a 1 star pin, a 2 star pin, a 3 star pin, etc for reaching different counts. For those of us who a t-shirt would mean trouble with an SO, we could make up many reasons why we might have one of these while keeping the truth to ourselves. Same if you decide to visit a club and wear it, you can tell the dancers why you have it, or not. And, it's a secret discreet way to meet other members if you see someone in a club wearing their's.

avatar for JohnSmith69
9 yrs ago

I like the idea of a tuscl shirt. But "official reviewer" is very lame sounding. I envision a 3XL shirt worn by SJG with gravy stains all over the front.

Here's a great idea for a shirt. I'd buy a half dozen of these. And the language was originally Founder's idea.

"TUSCL.NET -- Where you're only as old as the women you fuck."

avatar for jestrite50
9 yrs ago

I don't think I would be interested. I think it may be intimidating to some dancers.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 yrs ago

A more accurate shirt for TUSCLers would have two big letter in the back spelling “PL"


avatar for jester214
9 yrs ago

"Emily works with me"

Maybe something to announce before a weird post asking about merchandise?

avatar for rh48hr
9 yrs ago

Unfortunately I could not wear a shirt such as that one. It's a nice idea tho.

avatar for warhawks
9 yrs ago

I don't think many would be interested in a shirt that states "official reviewer." Many couldn't wear it because of a significant other.

But maybe just a nice polo shirt with "TUSCL" embroidered on it with maybe gold stars below that might be wearable for some.

avatar for Tiredtraveler
9 yrs ago

Sorry I already have to many logo-ed T shirts that I do not wear.

I don't usually wear T shirts when clubbing. Even when in shorts I wear a polo shirt. I have found if I dress a little better I get better treatment from both the girls and staff.

avatar for sclvr5005
9 yrs ago

"I envision a 3XL shirt worn by SJG with gravy stains all over the front."


avatar for PhantomGeek
9 yrs ago

Something that pretty much advertises that we review clubs probably wouldn't be the most welcome thing in clubs, but something a little more cryptic yet humorous might work, like "Level 5 Monger" or something along those lines. Maybe do those logos up in the same colors as we get on our profiles.

avatar for bigman226
9 yrs ago

My idea for a Tshirt says Let's get ready to T.U.S.C.L.

A play on Michael Buffer

avatar for georgmicrodong
9 yrs ago

OK, since founder cleared that up...

I would not wear a shirt that was obviously from a strip club review site. No more than I'd wear one from a strip club itself. (I too have several of those in a drawer.) As others, I'm not interested in drawing attention to the scandalous side of my life.

If TUSCL had a non-suggestive logo that was not obviously related to the site, I'd consider it. A sort of "secret society" thing, without the melodramatic overtones.

avatar for Clackport
9 yrs ago

I would wear something a little more cryptic.

avatar for sinclair
9 yrs ago

I would be interested. I'd prefer it saying just "TUSCL" versus "The Ultimate Strip Club List.". Maybe a logo of a stripper like founder's avatar? My size is L or XL, depends on the brand of shirt.

avatar for JohnSmith69
9 yrs ago

Whoever Emily is, she now knows what it's like to herd cats.

avatar for just_the_nuts
9 yrs ago

Lol, mo head.....post a screen shot....lol

Emily actually works for me : )

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