
Auditions to replace "brilliant"?

avatar for 4got2wipe
In a brilliant place!

Since I've started posting here I've played the game of trying to embed the word "brilliant" at least once in each post! It helps that I've developed a system where anything good is "brilliant" and anything that isn't good is "non-brilliant" or something similar! Plus, I've used "brilliant" as a synonym for "LOL"!

Still, it may be time to retire the "b word" or at least dial it back! I'm thinking of replacing it with various shades of good from Newspeak! If I like something a lot I'll use "doubleplusgood" if it is something dicey like an upper decker (I looked it up) I would say "doubleplusungood"!



last comment
avatar for NinaBambina
9 yrs ago

I've always liked the word "Superb."

avatar for londonguy
9 yrs ago

You could use 'Ace" or 'The bees knees', or maybe 'hunky dory'.....all British alternatives to Brilliant?

avatar for 4got2wipe
9 yrs ago

Ace suggestion londonguy! I like them all!

avatar for rockstar666
9 yrs ago


avatar for twentyfive
9 yrs ago


avatar for ATACdawg
9 yrs ago


avatar for Meursault
9 yrs ago


But I like "ballz" better. It makes for nice symmetry when you want to use "bullocks" when you feel negatively toward something.

avatar for Mate27
9 yrs ago

"Nooooice!" As a form of saying nicely done. It's better if we can hear u say it. Sorry, but the way people are saying it on tv and such seems to be a thing lately.

avatar for JohnSmith69
9 yrs ago

Variety is one of the characteristics of good writing. You don't need a word to use all the time. You just need to use whatever word(s) fit the particular topic.

avatar for MrDeuce
9 yrs ago

I find your use of "brilliant" quirkily charming. You might mix in an occasional "brill", as the Brits sometimes do.

avatar for rh48hr
9 yrs ago

I vote for Nooice


avatar for londonguy
9 yrs ago

Or you could say "the dogs bollocks" like we do?

avatar for londonguy
9 yrs ago

@ MrDeuce. We use Brill far more than Brilliant.

avatar for crazyjoe
9 yrs ago

You started brilliant, it got traction,now it is unstoppable!

Brilliant! Brilliant! Brilliant!

avatar for MrDeuce
9 yrs ago

Thanks, londonguy -- I thought so!

avatar for Confucious
9 yrs ago

Brilliant is good, but I agree that variety is the spice of life and makes things interesting.

Why not mix it up a little?

Brilliant! Smashing! Superb! Nooooice! Outstanding! Fantastic! Tremendous! are all good options in my opinion.

Keep us guessing. Then, when you do use brilliant! it will be more appreciated.

avatar for pensionking
9 yrs ago

That is so fetch!.

avatar for twentyfive
9 yrs ago

The reason behind my suggestion that you use fantastic is as follows

Three old ladies are sitting around the pool in their retirement community talking about their successful grown children

The fist lady says to the other two my son is a lawyer and he is so rich and handsome for my ninetyith birthday he sent me on a two month cruise around the world on first class cabin on the queen Mary

The second lady said great, and the third lady said fantastic.

The second lady not to be bested said my son is a rich and handsome man also he is a nurosurgeon and for my ninetyith birthday he purchased a little piedaterre in the south of France so whenever I feel like a change of pace I head over there sometimes I go shopping in Paris other times I head to the Costa Del Sol.

Any way the one lady who spoke first said how nice and the third lady said fantastic.

A few moments passed the first two ladies turned to the third and asked how about your son.

She replied my son Marvin is a good boy and I don't like to brag but for my ninetyith birthday Marvin "the plumber" as everyone calls him he does ok he isn't wanting for anything he signed me up at an exclusive finishing school for ladies and one of the first things that they taught me was to say fantastic when I really mean bullshit they said it would make me more popular and they were right.

avatar for yndy
9 yrs ago

Perhaps: Stunning

avatar for rl27
9 yrs ago

Why not start in the middle, and use the word adequate. That way if something is good it's adequate. If it's bad it would be below adequate, and if it's really good, then stupendously adequate.

avatar for Clubber
9 yrs ago

Since from the get go I thought "brilliant" was anything but, I would suggest something dramatic like, good and bad!

avatar for motorhead
9 yrs ago


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