
Question about pants

I know this subject has been discussed on multiple occasions in the past, but I'm tired and a little tipsy and don't feel like looking up previous discussions.

Where can I get pants for strip club use that aren't sweat pants but might as well be as far as lap dances are concerned? I'm currently in a hotel room in Harvey, IL or, as I like to call it, "Chicago PL HQ": less than 1/2 mi each from Skybox and Club O, 4 mi from Arnie's, 6 mi from Club 390, 7 mi from Jimmy's. My plan was to stop at Skybox (0.2 mi away!) to get dances from Avery, described on SCL as "nice and thick and gives great dances". However, I was turned away by the bouncer because I was wearing sweat pants -- but they were my "dress-up sweats": black, thick material, with zipper and 3 pockets. WTF? The only other time I've ever been refused admission to a strip club in 1000+ visits was at Industrial Strip in Hammond, IN a few years ago. I was wearing obvious sweat pants and was rejected, so I went to my car, changed into these and was let in!

The funny thing is that I've been admitted to Skybox on multiple occasions wearing these exact same pants -- I guess they're tightening their rules. On this trip I have only two pairs of pants: "obvious" sweat pants in a thin dark blue material and "dress-up" sweat pants as described above.

Can some of you PLs recommend a source of soft pants that look like dress pants and would pass muster with a bouncer at a club with a dress code?

This story has a happy ending (so to speak): I drove the 6.5 miles to Jimmy's on Lincoln Highway in Chicago Heights (no cover, unlike Skybox), bought a pitcher of Hacker-Pschorr, and hung out for 2.5 hours, getting a couple of dances from each of three hotties until a veteran dancer whom I had met in August took me to the promised land. By the way, Papi_Chulo would have *loved* this place! After 10 there were about 15 dancers, of whom a dozen were black and three were white. I have seldom seen so much fine chocolate in one evening!

Anyway, help a brother out! I want to try again at Skybox in early February, but apparently even my dress-up sweat pants are too pervy for them.


  • JuiceBox69
    9 years ago
    Just pull your pants down. If the club don't let you then you really shouldn't be spending that hard earned cash on a establishment like that my good sir
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    Wait outside the club for the bouncer, and at 2AM pop a cap in his ass.
  • JuiceBox69
    9 years ago
    Lmfao !!! Jack you got me rolling hard
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    My 'club' pants actually came from Kohls. they're navy blue/black, very tailored and have a drawstring so no belt. I actually wear them on stage with suspenders, but they double as club pants not only because there's no belt but the material is pretty thin.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I have a pair of Patagonia pants that are a very thin material almost like nylon. I wore those for years until the bouncer at Heavenly Bodies one day said he'd let me in this time, but next time he wouldn't. This was just a few months ago. The same guy (Mike) owns HB and Skybox, so maybe they're paying more attention now.
  • Longball300
    9 years ago
    I like these:


    Soft and smooth with the expando waistband. Several dancers have commented positively on them. What is this? The Fashion Network?
  • IHearVoices
    9 years ago
    Why pants that could pass for dress pants and not actual dress pants? The material is pretty thin on most of mine. I buy mine off the racks at department stores, but you could probably find some dress pants with thin material really easily - and really cheap - at a Goodwill or wherever.
  • vincemichaels
    9 years ago
    Go to a Salvation Army store or a store of that type. You can pick up a pair of thin material dress pants, dirt cheap.
  • DroidX
    9 years ago
    ABC (anti ball crusher) pants from Lululemon. Expensive, but super comfortable.
  • JuiceBox69
    9 years ago
    Juice keeps it simple and pulls them down
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    LDK keeps it simple. Basically anything soft that adheres to the dress code.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    LDK keeps it simple. Basically anything soft that adheres to the dress code.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    LDK keeps it simple. Basically anything soft that adheres to the dress code.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    LDK keeps it simple. Basically anything soft that adheres to the dress code.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    LDK keeps it simple. Basically anything soft that adheres to the dress code.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Yeah; for clubs that pay close to attention to attire; you may be SOL.

    For one; I always try to buy my SC pants in black so they look less athletic and a bit more dressy per se.

    I also try to avoid anything w/ a zipper since I prefer to practice the art of commando and a zipper and commando can be a painful experience especially w/ an big-bootied ebony.

    Similar to Jabberwock; I have a pair of black lounge pants which are very thin and light and these are what I wear when I wear pants to the SC – I wear them w/ a nice collared shirt and black shoes (vs sneakers) so I overall look more more dressy and my lounge-pants won't stand out as much – but the ones I wear do not have a zipper so a bouncer paying close attention and having a strict dress-code may notice.

    You can refer to my article “Latest additions to my Personal Perv Wear collection” (https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=2…) and the comments others had there.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    If you have pants on for a lap dance, you're doing it wrong.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    ^ LOL
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    All this fashion talk is scaring me.

    This ain't Queer Eye for The Straight Guy
  • dtek
    9 years ago
    For clubs that have a dress code, wear microfiber slacks and go commando (wash your ass before you go). The girls say I dress almost as well as the guys who use the system. I'm pretty sure it's not SS too!
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    Honestly a pair of dark wool dress pants is easy and inexpensive for utility sakes. All clubs will accept the attire, and if you have a low key polo with it? Then you'll appear to be the creepy dude for the "copa feel" treatment you so desire.

    I think someone posted a stripperweb article and most strippers agreed that a polo with dress pants is highest rated by dancers. A pair of wool dress pants can run you as low as $30-$40 brand new at a Ross or Kohls. Goodwill will have slightly used with decent brand names sometimes for $5-$10 a pair. I can't get past buying someone's old pair of dress paints, even if you guess it is slightly used.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Why don't you try wearing a nice kilt
  • MrDeuce
    9 years ago
    Thanks for the suggestions, guys! Having been turned away from a strip club last night for the first time ever (out of 1000+ times!) , I will have to break down and buy some thin dress pants, or something that will pass for dress pants, before my next trip to Chicago in February. On that trip I plan to visit Skybox in Harvey and Heavenly Bodies in Elk Grove Village, both of which seem to have gotten a bit snooty in their dress code. Being a mid- to lowbrow strip clubber, I can mostly do without the high-end "gentlemen's clubs", but I *have* to see Avery at Skybox, I miss my Japanese and Colombian chiquitas at HB, and I must reconnect with Venus, formerly of Club 390 and now allegedly at Atlantis. (Note: Atlantis is high-brow, but Skybox and HB certainly aren't!)
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