
Familiar Faces in the Strip Club?

Rhode Island
Tuesday, December 8, 2015 5:56 PM
Have any of you folks ever accidentally run into people from your non-strip-club life inside of a club? Meaning family, co-workers, friends, i.e. people who didn't know that you went to SCs, and you didn't know they did either. If so, how did you handle it? Years ago, when I worked at a small company in RI (about 30 employees total), I decided to hit the Foxy Lady after having a few beers with friends. I was there for about 30 minutes and they ran a 2-for-1 dance special. All the girls were hustling the crowd to find any takers, and this smoking hot, short-haired brunette sidled up to me and said, "Hey baby, wanna dan -- oh shit!", because she had been working at my company for about three weeks in customer service (there's some obvious jokes there). So, we had an awkward moment. I told her that I didn't give a shit how she made her money and that I'd keep my mouth shut (I did). She agreed to keep it to herself that I was a strip club patron (she did). Contrary to what you might read in Penthouse Forum (or Papi_Chulo's most recent article), we did not go on to have any kind of ITC experience. We did a good job at keeping things light, casual, and covert at work. Still, she only lasted another month or so at that job. I have no idea if she left because her secret was in the building, or perhaps she just realized that she liked easy money more. I also never saw her at the Foxy Lady after that. Ishmael


  • Phoenix133
    9 years ago
    Yes I have had this but only 2x was it weird. 1st time I was on stagr. It was my second song so my top was off I was doing my floor work and turn to give the other side of the stage some attention and my friends uncle was sitting there! No one knew I stripped mind you. I tried best to hide my shock and continued with my performance. After I was done I looked for him when I got off stage. We both agreed to keep it hush hush, I didn't see him and he did not see me. He came in a few times after that and I even gave him a lapdance which was kinda weird especially since he made it weird.... funniest thing was his ex wife worked there for a week after I seen him come in though the two never ended up there at the same time thankfully. The next was I ran into someone I went to school with. He was a less popular kid and I didn't realize it was him till he turned to face me after I greeted him. I was so nervous about everyone finding out my secret I bumped my head on stage against the pole. :( though I don't think anyone noticed if they did they didn't say anything. Luckily he took a liking to a different girl and ignored me most of the night. I've also ran into a few people I knew but not well and a few of my bf s coworkers before we got together I've seen come in the club.
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    Wasn't this just asked?
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    Ran into my old principal several times while I was working at several different clubs. Tried to act like I didn't see him but he flagged me down and became a regular. Ran into my boyfriend-at-the-time's step dad at one of the clubs I worked at where extras were prominent. I know he got his dick sucked by one of the girls. I caught him on the way out of the club to make sure it was actually him, it was, he didn't recognize me so I told him who I was, he was a deer caught in headlights. I told him I wouldn't tell his wife and he was relieved. A couple weeks later he and my boyfriend's mom invited us over for a BBQ. She had no idea about any of this and still doesn't. It was very awkward, but as I spent time with them it got less awkward. But ewwww.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    This is why I only strip club when I am away from my hometown.
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    I saw another one of my old teachers just last Thursday, after the Lions game. I wanted to go up and embarrass him (haha) but I was so busy I never found the time.
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    I was dating a bartender in a Jersey bikini bar when in walks the guy that worked for Macy's and Bloomingdales who I just inked a deal with to build displays for the Tri-state area.I was out the emergency door quicker than a cat on a hot tin roof. Never mix business with pleasure,
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    td, Was that guy the only one you had an affair with to ink a deal? Remember, I know the truth about you.
  • Phoenix133
    9 years ago
    Ninabambina wow that's awkward to have to see former teachers! I'm glad that one never happened to me only seen them at stores like walmart
  • MrDeuce
    9 years ago
    A former favorite of mine in Austin, a beautiful Italian-American girl with huge natural breasts, told me about running into her high school math teacher (from Michigan) when she started stripping in Las Vegas. She was embarrassed, but so was he, so they agreed that their chance encounter would stay in the club. Man, I miss her lovely face, long black hair, great conversation, enormous breasts, and sensual (but non-sexual) lap dances! I think she's my all-time favorite non-extras girl.
  • vincemichaels
    9 years ago
    After I broke up with a girlfriend, I was enjoying the company of one of my ATF's when I looked up and here was a guy that had started dating my ex. Talk about nervousness. I still saw my ex from time to time, but she never mentioned the encounter. We only live once, and as Henry Ford once said. " Never complain, never explain " He was a wise man and when I run into someone I know at a club, it's cool. We are there for mostly the same thing.
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    Wow,Club is getting creative in his old age.Hey Club,you don't know shit,the only thing you know is Scat's [view link]'re a old,fat biker that can't ride anymore and can only polish his Harely when nobody is [view link] keep brown bagging your lunch boy. Club,take a guess on what that Macy's contract netted me.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I just ran into a coworker at my club for the first time Friday. It killed my mood.
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    I never look at or really notice any of the other patrons in a club, but apparently a few co-workers have seen me and they freaked out, not realizing that I was a monger. On 2 occasions it was months later that they told me. I guess if the roles were reversed I would probably freak out too. It's not every day you see a female coworker slobbering over dancers and then an hour later see her giving a presentation to a work group.
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    ZShortly after I bought a new condo I bumped into the general contractor/developer at my favorite club. We bought each other drinks and since I knew his family he made it a point to mention that he had never been there, etc. Later my ATF told me he came in about once a month, was a big spender, and was seeing another dancer OTC weekly. It's amazing what they know about us.
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    td, Might try asking someone that gives a fuck about you. Oh right, there is no one that gives a fuck about you. You aren't even worth the effort to click "ignore", plus I keep you here since it is funny watching you make a fool of yourself.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    I ran into my pastor once and . . . LOL just kidding. Only recall turning into an old college friend @ Tootsies shortly after I had moved back to Miami from Dallas and had started SCing again in Miami (circa 2012) – I was not embarrassed at all; he actually saw me and called out my name and we caught up on old times. Dude is married w/ 2 grown kids and I've met his wife; nice lady and not bad looking; but my friend is a bit of a devil and the dude hits Tootsies in the late-afternoons after-work almost every day and knows most of the dancers by name (real name) and pretty much all the staff – back in college he was already married (he's about 8 years older than me) and had small kids and I never would have thought he was such a playa.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    It seems we in the U.S. are a bit too uptight about sex compared to other countries where it seems much more matter of fact (as it should be IMO; it's a natural thing that everyone enjoys yet many go around as if its a big no-no). I wish I could run into a hot chick in a club that I know in the civvy world; I would not be shy; I'd try to get w/ her and perhaps enjoy any fantasies I may have w.r.t her – in fact; the fact that it seems somewhat taboo makes it more fun and exhilarating and makes me want to try it even more.
  • DandyDan
    9 years ago
    I see one of my coworkers occasionally. We usually say something, then we part. One thing I did notice is we both like the same girl for lap dances.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    I've run into LDK, but didn't know if he was coming or going
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    @motorhead: LOL! WRT the subject at hand, let's see. I saw a married coworker exit the lap dance area at a local club, along with a girl known to provide BJs in that area. The brother of a good friend, then married. A local dancer showed up as a temp at the company at which I worked. A now deceased local pastor and television "celebrity" wearing a ridiculous disguise. My son's ex-girlfriend, after they'd broken up.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    Several years ago I was at the bar in a strip club when all of a sudden my girlfriend walks by! Honest to God! I darted out of their pretty fast and hustled on home in order to ensue the eventual argument she had with me, outside so the neighbors could hear. Needless to say we were living together and the relationship ended a year after that. A friends wife was a dancer and all of a sudden to my surprise she bounced into my lap. She said if she dances for me then I couldn't tell on her. Apparently her husband didn't know, and their relationship too ended within a year of that incidence. I'm sure there's more shocking stories to be told.
  • skibum609
    9 years ago
    I ran into the guy I buy weed from 75 miles from home. he was with a bunch of gang bangers and pretended not to know me, so I apologized and walked away. We've never mentioned it.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    One girl from the Sunnyvale Hip Hugger, one who really liked me I found working in a lingerie store at the Sunnyvale Town Center. And then another one had told me that she worked in the Super Cuts there, and so I came and she cut my hair. SJG
  • sshrfrsky
    9 years ago
    Happened at least 4 times. Once was a woman who works at the place I usually get my haircut at and so does my wife. She was with husband or boyfriend and far enough away that we never crossed paths. Actually happened twice with her. I try to stir clear of her now and although I'm not 100 % sure I was seen, it's more than likely. The others were work related. The most fucked up one was my first and only visit to a club out off state and seeing a new business partner of my employer. Didn't even realize it at first. Once I did my visit pretty much came to an end and I tried to avoid him for the rest of the short stay.
  • rl27
    9 years ago
    I have seen a coworkers once in over 25 years. I occasionally see people who I recognize from work but don't know who they are. Not once have I or the other person indicate we knew each other. I have seen a few ex dancers over the years at work, usually in a customer support / customer representative role.
  • luvemthick93
    9 years ago
    I'd love to meet a girl I know in a SC. I have a large circle of colleagues that I graduated college and attained my professional license with and there are some stunners that I know in that group. I know there's a low chance of seeing them perform at a club because since they got their license they're pretty well off, but it's still a fantasy I have often.
  • dtek
    9 years ago
    I have seen the judge from my divorce case at a club I go to. Didn't realize it until after the first hearing where her attorney grilled me about my strip club spending.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    Ha ha! ^^^ I also saw my ex girlfriend at a club, too. She saw me but pretended to be all tied up with the shenanigans she and her male compadres were up to with getting dances. It made me laugh and was quite entertaining.
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