TUSCL.NET: Site Feature Wish List
Rhode Island
What features or services would you like to see implemented on Tuscl.net?
I'd like the ability to subscribe to certain clubs and get a notification whenever that club is updated with a new review or other changes. I know that a user can "like" a club, but I'd like that feature to also include getting updates.
I'd like the ability to subscribe to certain clubs and get a notification whenever that club is updated with a new review or other changes. I know that a user can "like" a club, but I'd like that feature to also include getting updates.
That way, when a troll repeatedly comments on an five year old thread, it *won't* bubble up to the top of the discussion list.
+ a notification when someone Props one of your reviews or when when there has been a Prop comment to a review (not yours) that you have propped (sometimes you Prop a review and the reviewer, or others, Prop something in reply to your Prop)
+ AFAIK there used to be a club discussion section for each particular club; many TUSCLers seemed to like this feature but I don't recall it being around when I joined
That would be a good field to add to the club's description
2. +1 for an edit/delete feature for posts, if for no other reason that to be able to go back and fix grammar and spelling.
3. The ability of a reviewer to remove troll props put on his reviews, similar to what a member has for his profile props. The flag function would still exist for legitimate gripes - this would simply move the prop function back to its intended purpose. The existence of trolling on the review side cannot help but have a deterring effect for potential new reviewers, especially If one of my heavily trolled reviews is the last one listed for a club that someone is considering posting a review for.