
the going price

Thursday, October 22, 2015 1:49 PM
It seams to me if a girl truly wants to play4pay the cost is $200 and I've noticed this from BP hookers, strippers and massage parlors But If they are truly not down the price goes up a lot and if you pay the price the service isn't as good either How you boys feel about this in light of your experience


  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I agree. You can get a FOB Asian who no speakee English for $160, but $200 for an hour of fun with a reasonably attractive girl is the rate around here. The 9's and 10's command a lot more if it's P4P.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    If all you want to do is fuck cheap then go for it. But I would check "her" genitals first thing, before you have a drink. [view link] In the meantime, I'll stick with my Perfect GFE dates with gorgeous regular strippers. You get what you pay for.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    "Seams" what are you a mutherfucking tailor? Mine alters my suits for a little over $100.
  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    @Shailynn Lmfao !
  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    I'm to poor for 9s and 10s I can only afford the 6s and 7s
  • thunda99
    9 years ago
    Hey Smith! We don't all have fucking wads of cash to give away! I'll bet I've banged hotter chicks than you for a fraction of the price!
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    13 year olds will do it for a Subway
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I'm not picky about free pussy, but if i'm paying for it I have depressingly high standards.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Dude, Hess days I bang a lot more 6 and 7s than I do 9s and 10s. Either my standards are way higher than a lot of guys or some of these jokers on here are full of shit
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    I used to know girls that millionaires were chasing....and they'd run off with a sleaze with a gram of coke
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    Yeah Rockstar,so does your wife.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Thunda, more power to you if you get the hot ones cheaper. I tend to just pay what I think they're worth.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    Thunda, that's not a big accomplishment. Johnsmith69 overpays to fuck whack hos, then comes on here to brag. I bet bavarian could bang hotter chicks for half the price.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    I have banged strippers for $200, but $300 to $400 is what I pay an 8 or 9.
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    9 years ago
    I'm glad that I live in the South. I've banged a 9 for only $175, complete with a GFE and an unlimited amount of time and a few 7's and 8's from $100-$150.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I guess the economy in the South allows for lower prices.
  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    One man's 6 is another man's 9
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    I'm not disputing what gewings posted, but I have high standards for my ratings and I've never been able to score a 9 anywhere for less than $300, including in the south. 9s are often top girls in their clubs and even in small money markets there are usually some guys with deeper pockets who are willing to pay for talent. Truth be told though, by my standards, true 9s are hard to come by in smaller southern markets anyway as the girls who look and act that good often know there value and migrate to better money areas. With 8s and below, I agree that locale can make a big difference. In my current local market, I can hit legit 8s for as low as $150 while the price tag rises in northern or other big city locales for similar talent. As far as true 10s, I haven't come across them in recent years anywhere outside of NYC (multiple), DC (Archibald) and Atlanta (Cheetah), but I'm sure that they also exist in other high end clubs in markets like Dallas, Chicago, L.A., etc. But where I have seen them, and likely in other places as well, nobody is fucking those girls for anything close to $200 or likely even $300. Many of those girls are making far more than that per shift just for plain vanilla activities with guys who fall in lust and have deep pockets. Anyway, just my experiences fwiw.
  • l_MN
    9 years ago
    I'm with Dugan. I wouldn't touch a girl that charged less than $500 an hour with any of your dicks. You guys can deep dick some reject if you want because I stick to the dimes. Money is no object.
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    9 years ago
    Well, just to put things in perspective, I don't go to clubs to seek OTC dates. I go strictly for the dances and occasional VIP. The few times that I've done OTC was with dancers that I have known and gotten dances from for a while. In all cases, they were the ones that initiate the offer which puts me in better bargaining power. Due to their comfort level and the rapport that we develop, I never had to pay more than $200 for the full GFE and this is with 8's and 9's.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Gewings, the explanation is helpful. I can see how that system could lead to getting cheap sex with hot striopers. The girls bringing it up are desperate for $ in all likelihood. And they have the incentive of keeping you coming back to the club to see them. I just don't have that kind of time or patience. Plus it would be too infrequent for me to just wait until a cute dancer makes the offer.
  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    But what if you don't desire to fuck 9s and 10s ? I mean most them bitches are not down to earth Give me a hot 7 with a bubble down to earth personality and I will spend myself silly $500per hour ? Good lord man ! I was talking $200 for a evening I tell yea wait either some of you guys are rich as shit or full of shit
  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    Correction ***bubbly not bubble *** Lol
  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    Also thank you everyone that commented to this thread You guys made this thread not me and I thank you Thank you for information thank you for laughter thank you for being my brothers in strippers
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    I get my rocks off just having the 7s or 8s offering to meet up with me OTC. It's a guessing game as to whether they are really into me or figure fucking me for a quick cash infusion while having some fun as a bonus. I found OTC a hassle compared to the cheaper less dramatic ITC fun. No phone # exchanges, no hiding/discreet to meet up, and no psychotic drama from the bitches. They get angry/emotional as soon as they don't get what they want from you OTC, and I'm someone that puts up with no bullshit drama.
  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    Like your style meat
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    "I'm not picky about free pussy, but if i'm paying for it I have depressingly high standards." I'm always paying for it, but when it comes time to meet, I find that the escorts have depressingly high standards.
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