Ridiculous dancer names.

avatar for shadowcat
We have done this before but I just heard a new one at Follies and had to share it.



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avatar for shailynn
9 years ago

The first time I heard that I was like "wtf" that's a normal name, you need something more exotic like "sinnamon" or "Shanaynay"
avatar for Clackport
9 years ago
Shanaynay. LMAO
avatar for Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
9 years ago
Yeah. I've gotten dances from Property this past Sunday. The tall, slim light skinned chick. That is a ridiculous name. I thought about that myself the moment she told me. Other ridiculous ones that I've heard are Promise, Lucky, Dream, and Rainbow, and Thunder.
avatar for 4got2wipe
9 years ago
"Yeah. I've gotten dances from Property this past Sunday. The tall, slim light skinned chick. That is a ridiculous name. I thought about that myself the moment she told me. Other ridiculous ones that I've heard are Promise, Lucky, Dream, and Rainbow, and Thunder."

Rainbow isn't bad! I bet there are girls with stoner parents who really are named Rainbow! The rest: non-brilliant!
avatar for deogol
9 years ago
Well, it is being remembered and repeated out here... so marketing-wise it is working!
avatar for NigelCharles
9 years ago
I've met a non-stripper whose name was actually Rainbow. BUT she worked at a Hooters...

I've heard Chastity before and "Émario"...
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
Why not just call yourself Slut or Whore. On second thought those names are probably already taken at Follies.
avatar for Propsi
9 years ago
The strangest name I've heard for a stripper was Cinnamon. Yes, her name was Cinnamon.
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
^^^i know a dancer whose real name is Cinnamon
avatar for bubba267
9 years ago
"Obsidian". It was an ultra cute white girl from Ohio dancing at old Crazy Horse Saloon.
avatar for IronFox22
9 years ago
Delicious, Hennessy, Loca, Bubbles, Kiwi
avatar for sandyman
9 years ago
Not ridiculous, just didn't fit. Older dancer, rail thin, A- cup size, bad teeth, said, "Call me Baby Doll." Absolutely nothing cuddlier about her.
avatar for MrDeuce
9 years ago
Goodness, Persuasion, Obsession, Sensation
Black Beauty, Bubblin' Brown Sugar, Sexy Black
Luscious, Tasty, Slippery
Q: Which one of these ten girls was white?
avatar for rogertex
9 years ago
Slippery ?
avatar for goldmongerATL
9 years ago
I met Property. It is an apt name, She came over to dance for me, but first went to the bar and bought a beer. she brought it over to a dude on the couches and then returned to me. After my one table dance, she took my $10 and I swear she gave it to the dude on the couch! I then noticed she had no money in her garter even though this was already about 3:30.

She is Property. "His" property.
avatar for goldmongerATL
9 years ago
Also met a girl who pronounced her name dee-NAM-a-TAY. Took me a minute to figure out it was Dynamite.
avatar for PhantomGeek
9 years ago
I can't remember if one dancer in Indianapolis called herself "Sensation" or "Temptation." She called me a gentleman because, even though I caressed her crotch, I didn't stick my fingers in her. Another one called herself "Omni," but she really wasn't all that. And a ROB I met at the (thankfully defunct) Bear's Den in Shelly, MN called herself "Sugar," even though there really wasn't anything sweet about her.
avatar for DandyDan
9 years ago
My favorite fat stripper, who had a fondness for swallowing, was named Sunshine. The most absurd one I can remember is Charity.
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
I met a dancer named Dancer once
avatar for 4got2wipe
9 years ago
"My favorite fat stripper, who had a fondness for swallowing, was named Sunshine. The most absurd one I can remember is Charity."

I suppose Charity is better than Chastity! Plus, it would be brilliant if she had friends named faith and hope!

"I met a dancer named Dancer once"

avatar for rh48hr
9 years ago
Ironfox -i was just about to make a comment on the names you put down because I've had dances with girls with that name. But then I noticed we have been to some of the same clubs. Lol
avatar for rl27
9 years ago
There was an asian dancer named Malayse. I told her that it sounds like malaise, which means feeling sick. She didn't believe me at first, so I told her to look it up. She must have because the next time I saw her she was called May, then latter China.
avatar for ATACdawg
9 years ago
@Propsi: Not that weird. Back in the 70s, in the original Mission Impossible series, Barbara Bain played a character named Cinnamon Carter, the femme fatale of the IMF team.
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
I got another one for you guys a few weeks ago I was talking to a dancer and when I asked her name with the DJ playing some loud music I thought she said Breastly and I called her Breastly for about 20 minutes until some how the music died down and she corrected my mishearing her name was actually Presley. We had a good laugh and I got to say Breastly was much more fitting cause she had fantastic DDs.
avatar for Mate27
9 years ago
"Slim". Wtf kind of selection is that? Apparently that is all she is too because I wouldn't get a dance from her at this high end club since she's notice of a looker.
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
to NigelCharles there is a character on the ABC comedy blackish named Rainbow I think her given name is Rae Dawn Chong and is the daughter of stoner comedian Tommy Chong
to MrDeuce was it Goodness or Obsession ? not funny unless her name is Black beauty and she named herself after a horse
avatar for Bushman96
9 years ago
Did she let you come on her Property?
avatar for 4got2wipe
9 years ago
"not funny unless her name is Black beauty and she named herself after a horse"


"Did she let you come on her Property?"

Double brilliant!
avatar for PhantomGeek
9 years ago
Almost forgot about one little cutie who called herself "Pretty Like Drugs." Had it tattooed on her back, too -- just about covered her whole back.
avatar for goldmongerATL
9 years ago
Coming on her property without asking would trespassing. I'm sure you could rent Property if you just went over and talked to her "agent"
avatar for whodey
9 years ago
The weirdest I can think of was a girl named "Yours" She would introduce herself by saying "I'm Yours if you want me."

I also used to spend a lot of time with a blonde named "Toy." She was a lot of fun to play with both itc and otc.
avatar for Eric_Murphy
9 years ago
I'm sure I've posted this before but the strangest one I've ever heard was "Your Little Sister.
avatar for PhantomGeek
9 years ago
With a stage name like "Your Little Sister," I have to think that her tagline would've been "Incest is best." I wonder just how many mongers would've gone in for that.
avatar for DandyDan
9 years ago
@4got2wipe- I knew a dancer whose real name was Chastity once, but I don't remember a dancer calling herself that (Chastity's dancer name was Sugar, which I thought was misleading). As for Charity, she does, in fact, work in a club with someone who goes by Faith.
avatar for shadowcat
9 years ago
Sony & Cher Bono had a daughter named Chastity. She disliked the name so much that she changed her gender and name. Now goes by Chaz.
avatar for magicrat
9 years ago
"With a stage name like "Your Little Sister," I have to think that her tagline would've been "Incest is best." I wonder just how many mongers would've gone in for that."

Why go across the street when you can just go down the hall? (Sorry couldn't help myself.)
avatar for 4got2wipe
9 years ago
"Almost forgot about one little cutie who called herself "Pretty Like Drugs." Had it tattooed on her back, too -- just about covered her whole back."

I've seen many stupid tattoos but that has to be in the top 10 most non-brilliant tattoos I've ever heard about!

"I'm sure I've posted this before but the strangest one I've ever heard was "Your Little Sister."

OK, that's a stupider name than "Pretty Like Drugs"! I hope she didn't tattoo it on herself!
avatar for 4got2wipe
9 years ago
"As for Charity, she does, in fact, work in a club with someone who goes by Faith."

Brilliant! Now all they need is Hope!

Reminds me of a comedy I saw once! Can't remember the name but it had a character whose parents' religion was based on a Bible with a misprint! The misprint was "faith, hop, and charity" so the hopped all day on the sabbath!
avatar for seaboardrr
9 years ago
I knew a civvie once named Sundown. She wasn't a stripper although she could've been if she wanted too.
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
Also knew a gal whos real name was Moonbeam, and her dancer name was Eclipse
avatar for ime
9 years ago

not quite Stripper names but could bem and David Alan Grier is still funny as hell.
avatar for sflguy123
9 years ago
At a club today I heard a stripper called to stage named "Tsunami".

I met another one there about a week ago who had a strange name but can't remember it anymore.
avatar for rh48hr
9 years ago
Nothing is better then Key and Peele names from the East/West Collegiate Bowl

avatar for goldmongerATL
9 years ago
@sflguy123, I met a stripper named Strange :-)
avatar for Propsi
9 years ago
One of my favorite dancers was a girl named Storm. When I asked her, she said:

Storm: Yep.
Me: Storm?
Storm: Uh Huh.
Me: Storm as in...Storm from the X-Men?
Storm: ^_^

I couldn't make it up even if I tried.
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