Yeah. I've gotten dances from Property this past Sunday. The tall, slim light skinned chick. That is a ridiculous name. I thought about that myself the moment she told me. Other ridiculous ones that I've heard are Promise, Lucky, Dream, and Rainbow, and Thunder.
"Yeah. I've gotten dances from Property this past Sunday. The tall, slim light skinned chick. That is a ridiculous name. I thought about that myself the moment she told me. Other ridiculous ones that I've heard are Promise, Lucky, Dream, and Rainbow, and Thunder."
Rainbow isn't bad! I bet there are girls with stoner parents who really are named Rainbow! The rest: non-brilliant!
Goodness, Persuasion, Obsession, Sensation Black Beauty, Bubblin' Brown Sugar, Sexy Black Luscious, Tasty, Slippery Q: Which one of these ten girls was white?
I met Property. It is an apt name, She came over to dance for me, but first went to the bar and bought a beer. she brought it over to a dude on the couches and then returned to me. After my one table dance, she took my $10 and I swear she gave it to the dude on the couch! I then noticed she had no money in her garter even though this was already about 3:30.
I can't remember if one dancer in Indianapolis called herself "Sensation" or "Temptation." She called me a gentleman because, even though I caressed her crotch, I didn't stick my fingers in her. Another one called herself "Omni," but she really wasn't all that. And a ROB I met at the (thankfully defunct) Bear's Den in Shelly, MN called herself "Sugar," even though there really wasn't anything sweet about her.
Ironfox -i was just about to make a comment on the names you put down because I've had dances with girls with that name. But then I noticed we have been to some of the same clubs. Lol
There was an asian dancer named Malayse. I told her that it sounds like malaise, which means feeling sick. She didn't believe me at first, so I told her to look it up. She must have because the next time I saw her she was called May, then latter China.
@Propsi: Not that weird. Back in the 70s, in the original Mission Impossible series, Barbara Bain played a character named Cinnamon Carter, the femme fatale of the IMF team.
I got another one for you guys a few weeks ago I was talking to a dancer and when I asked her name with the DJ playing some loud music I thought she said Breastly and I called her Breastly for about 20 minutes until some how the music died down and she corrected my mishearing her name was actually Presley. We had a good laugh and I got to say Breastly was much more fitting cause she had fantastic DDs.
"Slim". Wtf kind of selection is that? Apparently that is all she is too because I wouldn't get a dance from her at this high end club since she's notice of a looker.
to NigelCharles there is a character on the ABC comedy blackish named Rainbow I think her given name is Rae Dawn Chong and is the daughter of stoner comedian Tommy Chong to MrDeuce was it Goodness or Obsession ? not funny unless her name is Black beauty and she named herself after a horse
With a stage name like "Your Little Sister," I have to think that her tagline would've been "Incest is best." I wonder just how many mongers would've gone in for that.
@4got2wipe- I knew a dancer whose real name was Chastity once, but I don't remember a dancer calling herself that (Chastity's dancer name was Sugar, which I thought was misleading). As for Charity, she does, in fact, work in a club with someone who goes by Faith.
"With a stage name like "Your Little Sister," I have to think that her tagline would've been "Incest is best." I wonder just how many mongers would've gone in for that."
Why go across the street when you can just go down the hall? (Sorry couldn't help myself.)
"As for Charity, she does, in fact, work in a club with someone who goes by Faith."
Brilliant! Now all they need is Hope!
Reminds me of a comedy I saw once! Can't remember the name but it had a character whose parents' religion was based on a Bible with a misprint! The misprint was "faith, hop, and charity" so the hopped all day on the sabbath!
last commentThe first time I heard that I was like "wtf" that's a normal name, you need something more exotic like "sinnamon" or "Shanaynay"
Rainbow isn't bad! I bet there are girls with stoner parents who really are named Rainbow! The rest: non-brilliant!
I've heard Chastity before and "Émario"...
Black Beauty, Bubblin' Brown Sugar, Sexy Black
Luscious, Tasty, Slippery
Q: Which one of these ten girls was white?
She is Property. "His" property.
I suppose Charity is better than Chastity! Plus, it would be brilliant if she had friends named faith and hope!
"I met a dancer named Dancer once"
to MrDeuce was it Goodness or Obsession ? not funny unless her name is Black beauty and she named herself after a horse
"Did she let you come on her Property?"
Double brilliant!
I also used to spend a lot of time with a blonde named "Toy." She was a lot of fun to play with both itc and otc.
Why go across the street when you can just go down the hall? (Sorry couldn't help myself.)
I've seen many stupid tattoos but that has to be in the top 10 most non-brilliant tattoos I've ever heard about!
"I'm sure I've posted this before but the strangest one I've ever heard was "Your Little Sister."
OK, that's a stupider name than "Pretty Like Drugs"! I hope she didn't tattoo it on herself!
Brilliant! Now all they need is Hope!
Reminds me of a comedy I saw once! Can't remember the name but it had a character whose parents' religion was based on a Bible with a misprint! The misprint was "faith, hop, and charity" so the hopped all day on the sabbath!
not quite Stripper names but could bem and David Alan Grier is still funny as hell.
I met another one there about a week ago who had a strange name but can't remember it anymore.
Storm: Yep.
Me: Storm?
Storm: Uh Huh.
Me: Storm as in...Storm from the X-Men?
Storm: ^_^
I couldn't make it up even if I tried.