
How should I handle this issue on my OTC date with a new stripoer

layin low but staying high
I have a date tonight with the cute little stripper who told me that our sex is free.


I'm about 95 percent sure that the sex is not free. Having spoken to her recently itc to set up the date, I think no talk of money beforehand is her standard practice. This seems to be mainly because of a fear of LE but might also be in part because she doesn't like to discuss OTC specifics in the club where we might be overheard.

My question is how I should handle the $ with her tonight. I see three options:

1. Before sex I bring it up and seek agreement on a price.
2. After sex I give her $300 which is my standard non DS price.
3. Say nothing about money and see how and when she decides to bring it up.

My current thinking is that 3 is very tempting because it leaves open the possibility that it might be free or very cheap (I'm thinking Follies prices here) but it invites lots of drama and repeated monetary demands. I was tentatively thinking I'd follow 2, so I can refuse future requests for monetary help on the grounds that I already paid her.

So this is my first "free" stripper. How should I handle it tonight?


  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    My fucking spell check will not allow me to type the word ...

  • gawker
    9 years ago
    You must have the new iPhone - P. That's for prude -
    I'd go with #3 and play it by ear. If she says afterward that you owe her a grand, tell her here's $300 and then tip according to how the night went. Good luck and have a fucking good time ( or a good time fucking)
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I'm a firm believer in business before pleasure. So 1 would opt for #1.
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    I say number #3. If you can get it for free, why pay? If she asks for help later you can help her if the price isn't too high ... or don't help her, you already fucked her.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    I'm with rh48hr
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I always assume sex is free unless she's obviously a sex worker, and in that case she will be clear what she'll do and for how much. In this case, I'd assume sex is free since she's not asking for money.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    The sex is free, but the condom is $500
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    Let me clarify something though. If you want to fuck her more, helping her out would be the right choice. But if you are not getting what you want out of the sex, it's easy enough to move on and you don't have to help her.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Given her silliness over this, I personally would not consider 1, bringing it up before the date. In fact, MOST of the OTCs I've had through the years are along the lines of #2

    So it's between 2 & 3 for me. Since I think you ARE going to be paying, the thing I like about #2 is that you're throwing down your number first, I've had this kind of thing with one girl where in a good number of OTCs we never discussed price, I just dropped a wad of cash into her purse (however much I felt that OTC was worth, based on what we did) as we left the hotel room. She never even looked at it in front of me, so I basically dictated the price I usually dropped in $200.

    'course, there's something to be said for rolling the dice and going for #3, and seeing if you hit the jackpot.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    4. Have sex with her first. Then if she brings up money, tell her you respect her too much to insult her by paying her for sex.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    scat, #1 is how I've always done it and am most comfortable with. However, she expressly rejected agreeing upon money up front in our original discussions. Therefore, unless she brings it up beforehand, I feel like that door has been closed.

    Joe, good point. I will insist upon my own condoms.

    Jack, I like that but not sure I can pull it off with a straight face especially since she doesn't want to smoke weed on our date.

    I expected that most of you would vote for 3, so maybe I'll try it. That's outside of my comfort zone but I suspect that this girl has a higher mileage pussy than what I'm used to despite her very tender young age. So maybe I need to learn a new approach in dealing with dancers of this type.

  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    When I have been in this situation I go with #2, slip money into her purse, and tell her at some point "I put something in your purse for you."

    You should be able to know the difference by now between a "date" with a stripper (i.e. free, she really wants to be there with you and wants to be your girlfriend) versus "this girl is fucking me because she needs money. Yeah she may like to hang out with me but she needs money and is just too shy or unassertive to bring it up." I can't tell you how many times I have done that "hey I slipped something into your purse" and see the relief on the girls face, after that, she can truly enjoy the night. My needs have been taken care of, her needs have been taken care of, and she didn't have to have that awkward conversation.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    shailynn and I have similar styles here. Just based on conversations here, I have a feeling most guys here have never even tried #2, and I do think it's not for the faint of heart, but hey, OTCing is not for the weak and cowardly ( ha ha! Just teasing!). I totally agree with shailynn that at this point you should be able to tell the difference between a date and a "date" with a stripper, and I think her trust level in you, not to mention her relief at not having to bring up what for her is probably a topic that makes her incredibly uncomfortable, will go a long way with her. Being her CFC (current favorite customer, stop rolling your eyes at me) can bring real benefits IME.

    In my OTC career, I've almost never chosen #1 or #3; #2 has worked out incredibly well for me, netting me lower-priced OTC plus stripper goodwill
  • Lone_Wolf
    9 years ago
    #5 put 300 in a gift bag with a bottle cheap perfume. Tell her you didn't have time to get her a nice present so you hope this will work.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Expert adult womanizers keep their women on retainer, they don't pay for sex. They "look after them".

    So there are ways of inquiring into her finances and offering to help, or just doing things like taking her shopping.

    The worst way to insult a civilian is to treat her like a prostitute. The best way to flatter a prostitute is to treat her like a civilian. This should inform every single communication you have with her.


    Stones, 1981
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    ^^^ in my experiences most strippers need money over a shopping trip. They need money for bills and gas. The girls that you find on sugar daddy websites that have normal jobs are the ones that want the shopping trips. Most strippers will think "wtf am I gonna do with this expensive purse or this fancy dress, I need money to pay my cellphone bill." When you give money you're enabling them to purchase what they want or need. When you buy them something you THINK they want you just took the power of choice away from them.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Maybe she meant the act of talking to you about having sex w/ you was free – not the actual sex

  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Be careful – she might be a tranny
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    4) leave her a $25 Walmart gift-card – most strippers love Walmart and its low low prices
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Actually this smells like the ole “let me give you a dance and if you don’t like it you don’t have to pay me” SS – or maybe she may be afraid you are possible LE
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    Not talking about money isn't the same as her saying it's free. If the unspoken understanding is that you'll pay her, I'd give her $200-$300 afterwards.

    If she says it's free, I'd take her at her word. Talking about price beforehand or giving her money anyway would be an incredible insult.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    I think we need to be realistic here. A young girl does not fuck an old guy for the fun of it. So the question for you is: Do you want her to try to cultivate you as a sugardaddy? Because that's what is coming if you leave the financial expectations ambiguous and do not pay her for services rendered. If I were you, I would choose option #2, much in the way that shailynn recommended. She may protest, but not too vigorously I'm sure.

    I had an incredible Russian girl that tried to make me her "boyfriend" in very similar circumstances. She too claimed not to be having sex with me for money, though it was clear from other conversations that a "boyfriend" could be counted on to help with bills and other things from time to time. I'm sure this would have cost me much more in the long run than paying her on a p4p basis. The first night I fucked her, I slipped the money in her purse at the end of the night and she did indeed protest, though she didn't try to give it back. I told her it was for her transportation costs, lol. ;) Thereafter, she went out with me twice more and accepted the cash payment in the same manner, with neither of us having to say anything further.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Some dancers *are* experts at the long-con and are willing to play the long-game.
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago

    Alex: GHB. Duct tape. Chloroform. Toda la noche.

    JohnSmith69: what is “what would san_jose_guy do?”

  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I just got back from the date. Holy shit. I still can't believe it. The sex was totally free, and it's not a long con. Hard as it is to believe, she was actually fucking me for fun and not for any type of financial gain. Hell I think she had more fun than I did.

    We talked about what we were doing and why for well over an hour beforehand, and it is not a con and she was not doing it for money. She was offended at the idea of payment, and Ibnever brought it up again. She wants to do it again for fun and money will never be discussed again.

    Before you say I'm either lying or am naive, wait a day or two until I can post the full story to provide more context.
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago

    and then this rainbow shot right out of the unicorn’s ass i shit you not….

  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    ^^^ LOL. Exactly. Either he is as naive as he claims not to be or this little story is a figment of someone's imagination.

    Of course, we can choose to believe that a young hot stripper fucked an old guy for the heck of it with no agenda. I think my next story here will be about the threesome that I had with Halle Berry and Giselle Bundchen... ;)
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    Well, I *know* that "free" sex is possible with a stripper; that's the deal the MILF and I have had for a few months now. I *do* buy her lunch, and I *do* pay for the taxi when she has to use it, but that usually comes to less than about $40. I also spend some money in the club, but again, that's less than $50 per visit. She has the same attitude your DS II does, she's not a hooker. She figures she could deal if her husband found out she was cheating (they've apparently both done so before), but not being a whore about it.

    That's just about as "free" as it's ever gonna get for me.

    So yeah, I believe you, just like I do about the DS. Maybe you're making it all up, for some reason the alleged psychology experts on the board might fathom, though I can't, but I can't deny the plausibility, so I give you the benefit of the doubt.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    "no no no she didn't want any money, I just took care of her rent and car insurance."

    I know tons of 20 year olds that love to fuck guys in their 50s for free - happens all the time!

    I'm betting JS got this girl high as fuck so she'd be down for anything
  • Lone_Wolf
    9 years ago
    The only thing free on this earth is a mother's love. Hold on to your wallet because now you owe her.
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    "Before you say I'm either lying or am naive, wait a day or two until I can post the full story to provide more context."

    No problem. I'll give you a chance to get your story together first.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Young women fuck old guys all the time, without ever expecting to get money. They are attracted to guys because of their intellect and social position.

    In Tom Wolfe's Novel "Bonfire of the Vanities" it explains something like this. The above words are mine, but they show it in the text.

    One guy didn't even want to go on a college lecture circuit because he was getting tired of being stormed by young coeds who expected to bed down with him.

    The Zen teacher Alan Watts was always on such speaking circuits, and always having more young women after him than anyone could ever do anything with.

  • seaboardrr
    9 years ago
    sjg, do you ever leave the house and stop googling the inter web thingie?

    While a good deal of women do seem to prefer older men I think most would stay within a 10 year or so age diff. When we start talking 20-30 year age gap IMO I think the # of women who like men that much older drops dramatically. Women find older men more mature and financially stable. They are able to provide for them and their lifestyle and usually ready for a family.

    JS, you might as well go ahead and put several hundred $$$ in an envelope with her name on it because I'd take the odds that before too long she'll be asking for help with a "bill". Expect the worst and hope for the best.

  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Young women do go for older men, even 20-30 year age gap. It is not only financial stability and maturity. It is also social position and intellect. The girl wants to be exposed to this.

    One commentator said that it is about 10% who are interested in this. The ones who are not are dressed "trendy", as they are conformists. They are only interested in guys their own age.

    The ones interested in order guys are non-conformists and the unmistakable signature is that they are dressed outlandishly. These are the kind I have always liked anyway, even when I was the same age as them. And their interest in older men I can personally attest to.

    JS69, I still suggest treating her like a civilian at all levels, until their is some indication from her that she wants otherwise.

    If she has to pay rent, and asks you if you have paid your own rent, then you might ask her is she has paid hers. But otherwise, she is 100% civilian.

  • bubba267
    9 years ago
    Ah... how jaded we've all become. I've had it happen, once, in 30 years so yes, it is possible. Only time will tell if something else reveals itself.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Maybe she wants you to become her pimp?
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