
The Dream Stripper aka DS

Some of you like to make fun of JohnSmith for his DS concept, but I know where's he coming from. He's saying his girl is a DS for him, not necessarily everyone else.

That being said have you ever had a DS?

I'm thinking back and my ATF is probably the closest thing to that. First of all one of the hottest girls I have ever met. She was interested in me like I was in her, and we ended up dating for two years. The sex was incredible. She didn't do drugs and she didn't have a rough troubled past like most strippers. She was in school studying to be a occupational therapist. When I think about it, she's not like any stripper I have ever met, she is like my dream of what a stripper is. So yeah I guess you could say she is my DS.

What say you?


  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    If I had a Dream Girlfriend, I might have had a Dream WIfe, and there would be no need for a Dream Stripper
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    My now defunct ATF was as close as I've come but she was such a flake I would hope something better will come along now that I'm in the market. I'm a DS kind of PL in principle.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    True true Mikey. Do you have a dream wife?
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    I never got married....played the field too long...always thought something better would come along
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    None of you motherfuckers have a DS?
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    No but I had a nightmare wife. :)
  • seaboardrr
    9 years ago
    I have a DW and we want some DGF's. Close enough?
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    JS69 was making terrible fun of me over Purple Dress Donna. She and I ended up melting into each others arms and having an incredible makeout session before FS.

    But my original point of telling the story was to show that how the front room selection process goes is the biggest determinant of how the back room will go. With Donna the key was that I had spotted her out a side door washing her car. So I had broken out of the serial selection process that AMPs usually use. They showed me four girls and I kept explaining about the one washing her car and in the purple dress. Then someone figured it out and went and got her. When it was set up like that, great things happened. She was not just whatever was available. AMPs don't really intent to offer GFE sessions. But Donna approached it with the feeling that I only went in and sessioned because of her. And this was largely true.

    What I was trying to show was that the same thing applies in strip clubs, except in strip clubs it is much easier because those are hang out places. So you can fraternize freely and lead it. You don't have to let the girls sell you dances.

    JS69 was making terrible fun of me. But with his DS and now with his DS2, he is far more intensely involved than I ever was with Donna.

    I am happy for him, and I feel that via time spent with those women, and with doing what he needed to with his marriage, he is doing better.

  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    9 years ago
    I have a dream bartender that I am working on right now for the past three weeks at a regular club. She is a perfect 10 to me. I go to that club every week on the slower nights mainly just to see her and keep her some company. As a matter of fact, I've refrained from going to strip clubs as it has been a month now. She often pours me some mighty strong drinks and occasionally offers me a free one on the house. I tip her about $2 or $3 per drink. I'm heading back tomorrow and I believe that our chemistry is great enough to the point that she will offer her phone number and perhaps see each other outside the club.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    JohnSmith is just another TUSCL egomaniac and idiot who thinks he is better at paying hookers than everyone else. We merely have ATFs while he has a DS.
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    I can't wait to be robbed of half my net worth.Gives me that warm and fuzzy feeling.Scat,are you still paying that migrant worker?
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    My ATF was very much my DS. Her looks, her body, her sense of humor were my ideal. Her skills at cocksucking and her willingness to accommodate my sexual wants, wishes, and fantasies still amaze me. However she is a drug user/abuser and that finally got to me. She is well on her way to killing herself and I will not support or enable her demise. I have supported her through 8 or 9 trips to detox/ rehab but she gets out and goes right back to using. So she now has a new "Sugar Daddy" who has deep pockets and no qualms about enabling her.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    @Gewings- good luck with that bruh!

    There was this waitress at one my local clubs that could qualify as a Dream Waitress. She was white, I'm not into white girls like that, but goddamn she was thick! Probably the best ass I've ever seen up close on a white girl. She was blonde. She was very nice and friendly. Unfortunately she moved to Missouri. I regret not trying for OTC with her.

    Another time there was this bartender at a club I don't go to often. Jesus Christ she was fine! Thick, gorgeous face, mixed/exotic looking. She was very friendly and nice. Unfortunately I only saw her once at that club. I wonder what happened with her?

    Good memories.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    With or without the dachshund, you just can't laid. Hehe, sorry dude, I just had to. It was a good read of a particularly pathetic moment. Anyone here that says they've never fucked up is either a liar or the creator of the The System™. Maybe it's time for a Detroit trip and get your game on.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    Lol. No.
  • rockie
    9 years ago
    Dougie: Let's try the reality dope slap that you seemingly have never seemed to grasp. This is a website about strip clubs. If one was to actually find themselves in a strip club - it is not a free visit! By proxy, any visit to a strip club whereby you pay actually pay for an interaction makes us all on the PL scale. Now Dougie doesn't pay, but lives on this board full time ...zzzzz. Oh, but Dougie's above it all (in his mommy's basement)! We've got the Lap Dance King, Dougie is the Subterranean King and we've got a lot of social climbing to do to reach his level. Thanks, but I'll wade in my own pathetic loser pool!
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago
    "He's saying his girl is a DS for him, not necessarily everyone else."

    Sure seemed as though he was looking for approval!
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    I think that almost anyone who spends enough time and money in clubs has had his version of a DS over the years. The real variable is how far each guy has been willing to go to capture and keep her attention.

    I liked one girl enough that I even took her out on the town in Manhattan multiple times and sent her home with a solid cash payment on top at the end of the night, after of course we had dessert in my hotel room, She was gorgeous, sexy as all hell, beyond charming and a blast to hang out with. But even so, I had no interest in becoming her SD, which is what she wanted, or otherwise dropping tons on her.

    At the end of the day, it is a matter of emotional stability and self control. Guys like JS and gawker (no offense guys) keep trying to convince us that it was all about the incredible sex, but the reality is that they were also using these girls to fill emotional voids in their lives. Hey, it's their money to blow, but it is a pointlessly dangerous exercise that is simply never going to end well.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    @shadow: Nice joke and haven't we all. ;) But if I remember correctly, didn't you have your own as well at one point? I remember reading a lot about Gridget when I first hit this site...
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    "At the end of the day, it is a matter of emotional stability and self control. Guys like JS and gawker (no offense guys) keep trying to convince us that it was all about the incredible sex, but the reality is that they were also using these girls to fill emotional voids in their lives."

    Sort of but not exactly. The sex is my only focus, goal, and objective. However, when you have incredible physical intimacy over a long period of time with a nearly perfect young thing who makes your every wish and desire come true every single week, it's almost impossible not to develop some level of emotional bond with her over time.

    I don't seek nor especially want an emotional connection with a DS, but they give such an amazing GFE, it's impossible to avoid over the long term. At least it was for me this time. I suppose that for those of you who are never PLs, you might not have the same problem.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    JS, you're far from the first guy on here who has had great GFE services from a hot stripper with skills. The only variables are how much it affects each guy and in what ways. You're far from the first lonely guy to get too caught up in a talented stripper and you won't be the last, but denying the role of your own emotional issues in all of this will just make you prone to getting to sucked in again in the future. In my humble opinion you should consider what you paid her to be tuition and find ways to manage your future exposures to these sorts of feelings, as many of us have had to do at one point or another.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    rickdugan - gridget was/is my ATF. We had a run of it for 8 years. She referred to me as a friend with stripper benefits. But I would not label her as a "dream". We just grew on each other.
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago
    Hey look, shadowcat used ATF correctly! Gridget? Not Gidget.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Enjoyed reading about JS69's ride, but the DS concept doesn't work for me, it feels like over-romanticizing the relationship, and I think that can be a slippery slope.
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