
Ever wonder what strip clubbing will be like in your 70s?

layin low but staying high
Monday, September 21, 2015 6:24 AM
This is the most pathetic thing I've ever seen in a strip club. My worst nightmare would be to become this guy. I came to see DS2 at her club. My regular table is occupied. The guy there is at least 75, and my table is covered in flowers. For hours, this guy glares at every dancer on stage. Then he approaches each one. They do their thing. He tips them $1 and then hands them a rose. He hands it to them like it's made of solid gold. Seriously he acted like he had the greatest system ever devised. The girls handed the roses to the DJ who I was later told just tossed them. And if the guy really liked a dancer he'd give them an entire bouquet of flowers to go with their one dollar bill. They were the cheapest bouquets sold, the ones with carnations dyed unnatural colors. These too were given to the DJ for safekeeping. Even more pitiful is the fact that I've seen this guy at other strip clubs in the area, some as far as 150 miles away from this one. All he does all night is tip each girl $1 on stage and try to fondle them as they walk off stage. Dancers have told me that he has never bought a dance and only tips $1 and nothing more on stage. I've seen him do the flowers thing only once before. Apparently he saves that for nights when he wants to be a big spender. Most nights the dancers tolerate him, take his $1, and move on. But I've seen a couple get really pissed when he "hugged" them as they got off stage. The guy is mostly harmless, and he seems to enjoy running his system, so I guess he's just another one of the crazies itc. But I desperately don't want to ever become this guy. Shadowcat is my role model for how a 70+ yo PL should conduct themselves in a strip club.


  • Mr_O
    9 years ago
    You don't have to be 70+ to do stupid things in a club. I've not seen what you describe to that level, but similar PL things.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Every once in a while my buddy and I see a super old guy in the club, and we always do the same thing. Look at each other and say, "fuck, I hope that's us in a few decades!". Yes, your particular old guy could probably use some freshening up on his System, but in general, respect to the old guys
  • Experimental
    9 years ago
    I mean I just can't believe an old man would give girls money and flowers in a strip club and try to cop a feel. Why, thats sexual harassment! Maybe the girls should get lawyers and sue? Could you help with that Johnsmith?
  • goldmongerATL
    9 years ago
    Once saw a really old guy dressed like the the Most Interesting Man in the World. Rocking a pencil thin mustache. Girls were flocking to his table. He took one of them to VIP. I asked another dancer what was the story. She said he was regular big spender and while she could not speak for the other girls, it was the biggest cock she had ever had.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    JS69 - Truthfully having money helps. I've also been told that I don't look or act my age. Every time I get pissed off at a slow moving old person, I have to remind my self that I are one too. But I'm not slowing down. I think this Saturday I will be making history. A 21 yo legitimate college student(4 days a week) has agreed to an afternoon delight and dinner. I got a text this morning from her "sounds awesome". I'd call her a 9. You saw her on your last visit and approved.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Young men who are inappropriate are "childish", old men are "creepy". I hope I can avoid being creepy in my sunset years.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Scat, I've been talking to DS2 about arranging some afternoon delight sessions. She lives less than a mile from my office. I may go broke with this one.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    JS69 you are never going to make it to 70 at the rate you are going . Best enjoy it now ;-)
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    On the other hand I hope to make it to 90+ and get shot by a jealous husband or boyfriend
  • warhawks
    9 years ago
    Hey, if it makes the guy happy, sounds like he's having a good time running his version of "the system."
  • 11bravo88
    9 years ago
    Last time when I was at DJVCOI, I saw this real old PL, must be in his mid 80's groping and fondling dancers' butts. Interestingly the dancers did not seem to mind. Must be a regular. Did not see if he got any private dances or went to VIP.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    I saw an old guy in the strip club last week, and I wondered how that ancient geezer could even care about hot girls any more. Then I realized I was looking at my reflection in a mirror. The old guy who gives a rose and a $1 tip doesn't know what the monthly social security check is for.
  • Lone_Wolf
    9 years ago
    Saw a dancer leading some dude that looked to be well in his 90's back to the couches. Dude could barely walk and dancer had to help him. Looked really sweet actually.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    OK. There is a guy older than me that comes into my favorite club. He is a regular. I can tell that he is really old by his very slow walk. 6 inches at a time. He is well liked by 6 or 8 5's and 6's that he buys table dances from and they basically just jerk him off. He is there for about an hour and probably spends $100 getting HJs. The girls like him because he is easy money.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    In my 70's, I will be fucking hot young strippers P4P.
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    One of my very pretty young faves at my regular club was telling me about a seriously feeble old man who crept into the club one day recently just after the doors opened. She was hanging around near the entrance at the time, and was concerned about him falling over in the dark club and injuring himself. When she went up to ask if he needed any help, he gasped a request that she couldn't quite make out. On about the third repetition, she finally understood him to say, "I want a blow job." She told him she couldn't provide that for him, but she'd ask around. She went over to where a group of strippers were hanging out and said, "Who wants to blow some old geezer before he croaks?" Right away, one of the girls jumped up and said she'd do it. I asked my fave who'd been up for it. She started to describe her, then seeing her across the club, said, "Oh, there she is over there." It was probably the dumpiest looking girl in the club. Whenever she's on stage, I try not to look. The day I get so old she's my only option is the day I give up strippers.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    chandler: It's true I've also lowered my standards with advancing age, but only in civvi life with g/f's as I'm looking for more than a pretty face. My last g/f was fat and dumpy, but the most fun on a date of any dancer. But in a club or OTC? No, if I'm paying for it, I demand quality! I suppose if I don't age well, I'll just need to pay more huh. I wonder how much that girl got?
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    Pretty sad. These old guys are pretty pathetic. I'll quit clubbing before I become a 70+ year old nightmare.
  • 11bravo88
    9 years ago
    This is seriously the most fun thread I have read since joining TUSCL, Jackflash seeing his own reflection made me laugh so hard I almost fell off my chair. Wonder if these old geezers were able to come after BJ or HJ.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    Well I got 45 years until I'm 70. I'm hoping it's out of my system by then and maybe have a sugar baby or god forbid a wife.
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    I'm turning 70 later this week and I'm far from the oldest geezer in my regular club. One of my faves was doing a bunch of lap dancers for an old gent ( mid - 80's) and he pissed himself and got her all wet. He paid her and left and she went to the dressing room and showered. It's time to stay home when you think you're cumming and piss instead.
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    There is really old guy at my regular club that will fall asleep in his car waiting for the club to open at 11. these girls complain about these creepy old guys but they should be glad there tipping. I don't know if i'll still be clubbing in my 70's or not but if I am i'll be a lot like Shadow cat!
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    On my birthday this year I became closer in age to 70 than 40. I don't find any humor in this thread. :)
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    gawker, always the best stories even when they don't invoke you.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Motor, if that was some sort of problem I'll say 56
  • Ch3ll
    9 years ago
    I'll agree with 11bravo88 this has been quite the funny thread. The most awkward I saw was a guy probably in his 60s who came in the club and was trying to smack strippers walking by on the butt with a $1 bill and he was flashing it at some as if to beckon them to him. I guess an old man has to do what he has to do. I hope I'm not too far from my current me as far as behavior in the strip club if I'm still going by 70. I'm separated, soon to be divorced at 30 and hopefully by 70 I have a wife that's there to the end.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    IDK how to comment on this one – off the top of my head I think one should know how to, and be able to act, properly in a particular social setting – the dude should know that roses don't pay the girls' bills – some people just seem clueless or just don't care as to how their actions affect others.
  • warhawks
    9 years ago
    Once saw a guy come in with a walker. He could barely move. I don't think I'd be in the strip club if I couldn't walk without some type of assistance.
  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    I already have a retirement plan involving strip clubs. When I turn 70 I am going to get a job as a strip club DJ and require all tip outs to be paid with sex from the dancers. LOL !
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    No way I could see myself clubbing in my 70's. My cut off will be on the last day of my 69th birthday, I will smother myself between the boobs of the most heavily endowed babe that I can find - all natural preferred. I'm sure it will be very traumatizing for the girl, but that's her problem.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    As we all know strip-clubs are all about $$$ - as long as I can contribute as a custy ($$$) and enjoy myself w/o it being too much effort or a pain-in-the-ass for the dancers; I would like to keep going.
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    9 years ago
    I can't picture myself still clubbing in my 70's unless I am just flat out filthy rich. Based on my family's life expectancy history it is unlikely that I will even make it past 65.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    lowpaw, if I had to bet, I'd say there's no way anyone's tits are big enough to smother you at 69. They'd have to go below her waist at least!!
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    Lol well rockstar - I expect to have shrunk to half my size by the time I'm 69, so even a C cup would probably do me in!
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    John, that couldn't've been SJG's dad, could it?
  • Jackmd
    9 years ago
    Personally, I hope to die a dirty old man. Of course, I've been told that I can go now.
  • skibum609
    9 years ago
    On a board where people think they are something special because they text their hooker and then pay for sex, a guy living out his own harmless fantasies is pathetic? Lmao. Young men are fucking ridiculous after 40 years of being feminized.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I celebrated my 70th birthday 3 years ago by taking 2 strippers to VIP. Because I was a regular at the club they compted the room.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    "John, that couldn't've been SJG's dad, could it?" Interesting theory to be sure. But no gravy, he was underweight, no signs of subterranean living, no obsession with Asian dancers, never offered to wash a car once that I saw. Probably not.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    The way I see it when I'm 70, I'm still gonna want to have sex, but the wife won't give it to me. I'll be too old for anyone (besides oldies in the nursing home) to want me. I'm gonna have to go to the strip club to get some sex. Of course escorts are a option, but that's too risky for me.
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    Only 6 years before I find out. Hopefully I'll go out with a heart attack while doing a busty beauty. Then, I won't have to pay! A double win! :-)
  • Ch3ll
    9 years ago
    ATACdawg, she'll get that money once she's shopped until the CC is declined.
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    But I still won't have to pay and it will leave her with a beautiful memory of me. Triple win!!!!
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