
OT - Smartphones and our Downfall as Humans

They never tell you what you need to know.
Fucking Smartphones.

Just a general observation.

I don’t know about you, but when I see my smartphone the first thing that comes to mind is work. Something I don’t get excited about. I’m so plugged in while working I actually carry 2 phones with me. No, I’m not talking to two people at the same time, but emailing on one, talking/txting on the other. Also, no I don’t have a “personal” phone and a “business” phone they both are for business. I guess if I wanted a true personal phone I’d have to carry 3. BTW one is iOS and the other is Android, and Android fucking sucks.
Last week I was at a party for a friend (kids and family members, I was a guest, not my family) and I actually left my phone in the car before going in. After all, every one of my close friends were there and so was my wife, so I couldn’t see the need for anyone to get a hold of me. Since this was something that photos would be taken at, I brought my camera. I’m sitting at a 10-top table, my friends 2 kids (8 and 12) are playing videos games on their phones, one wife is txting someone, the two little kids (both under 6) are watching movies on their mom and dad’s phones. There’s fucking 10 people at this table, and 7 are on a phone, THE WHOLE TIME. I walk over to the bar and my other friend is staring intently into his phone (his family was having the party). I ask him “who the fuck could you be txting, every single friend you have is here for you?” and he replies “oh nobody, I’m watching a CFL game.”
That was just the first 45 minutes of the night. PEOPLE put the fucking phones down and live life!!!! In my strip club guide (which the intelligent people know what a joke) I said “leave the phones in the car.” I just don’t understand how PLs can be in a strip club, with nude or semi-nude women and they’re staring intently into their phones reading some bullshit article on their USA Today app about the top 20 places to buy a fucking burrito in the United States. If there’s a pig on stage and the girl that makes your dick hard is back in the dressing room doing coke, watching fucking Sportscenter on the TV or talk to the damn bartender.

At work, yeah I totally understand, my fucking phones can’t even make it through 8 hours of work without needing a charge because I am on them so much. It’s work, I can’t help it. I am also not going to be one of those faggots lugging in a laptop into fucking Panera while I have lunch. I’m also not going to pose as a college kids who wants free wi-fi and to escape my dorm for a few hours and post up shop using 3 outlets to run my printer, laptop and phone at Starbucks either.

Phones have taken over our life, and it’s a scary thing. There’s too much information, too many expectations, and people expect results too fast anymore. That is all for my rant, can’t you tell I’ve had a shitty week!


  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    it feels very ironic that I'm reading abd writing this on my phone.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I'm glad I don't actually use my phone for work.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Honestly, I think you should chill. You sound like an old fart. Besides my phone to text with and take pictures of strippers.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I need my phone.

  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Ok you win one point. Phone keyboards suck.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Fuck all you motherfuckers!!!!! lol

    I have a trip scheduled for Detroit next weekend, hopefully that will cool me off - I'll be composing emails the entire time I am driving there.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    Good rant.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    Good topic. I totally agree. I went to breakfast yesterday morning and an older couple (late 60's) came in and sat at a table near me. Immediately they both pled out their phones and never spoke with each other during the entire meal.

    If these were a couple of teenagers I could understand it - but given their age - I was shocked.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    And another thing -- I've ranted about this before....

    With cellphones we've become a country of fucjing pussies that can't make a goddam decision in the grocery store without calling the SO back home about what kind of cereal to buy.

    As a single person I get so fucking annoyed at the guy standing in the middle of cereal aisle on his cell phone talking to girlfriend because he's too afraid to msje a decision on what kind of cereal to buy.

    Grow a pair of balls. Grab a box Fruit Loops. And get the fuck out of the way. Jesus Christ you guys with wives and girlfriends can't make a simple decision without calling her first.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    I hate cell phones. It used to be that people would listen for the doorbell or a knock at the door when they ordered pizza, but not any more. Now they want us to call or text them when we get to the door -- and half the time they don't even answer the phone. Nuts, on one delivery to one of the college dorms, I called the girl a half dozen times; she never picked up. Finally, she came to the door, cell in hand, and apologized: She didn't know how to get her messages. Why didn't she just pick up the phone in the first place?

    People at work drive me up the fricking tree with their cell phones, too. We have customers to help, phone calls to answer, pizzas to make, boxes to fold, dishes to wash, food to prep, and a makeline that needs to get stocked, and what are they fricking doing? Playing on their damn cell phones. Hell, one time, one of the assistant managers was so caught up on his cell, he didn't notice all of the pizzas piling up at the end of the conveyor oven. I think we had to re-make a half dozen pizzas because of his screw up.

    Smart phones -- they suck every IQ point out of most people, and most people don't have that much to spare to start with.
  • DandyDan
    9 years ago
    Until I actually got one, which I only got because that was the only way to communicate with some of the people I work with, I called them stupid phones. I do not get how people in the strip club I go to most can spend any time looking at them, especially since they are supposed to be banned there, but you see people using them all the time. Do they think about what people did before smartphones? Do they even think what they did before they had smartphones? My one coworker seems like he can barely function without knowing what's happening in his home life every fucking break at work. I think it may be reflective of the fact that, at least in America, work/life balance is imbalanced.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    There's so many dumbfucks who walk down the crowded streets of NYC eyes glued to their smartphones nearly walking into people. At least they aren't doing it behind the wheel.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I can't rant too much because I do not own a smartphone. Been thinking about getting one a little bit for the past 3 years but not too much. Got an iPad already and I kind of like the fact that you have to contact me the old way by phone except for when I have the iPad hand.

    was at a club last night and a dancer was showing me a clip of a rock concert she went to. after a minute I was thinking I'd rather watch the girl on stage but I watched both.
    one of my older relatives with no omputer tech, no smart anything gets annoyed when others come to visit her and they greet her then they sit down and start looking at their phones. well some do if they don't know how it irritates my relative.

    at work at a group meeting a coworker thought it might be a problem contacting me. it was announced I had no cell phone. it was not a problem at all. being labeled an expert I simply walked around from group to group answering any questions.

    one big reason maybe I should get one, in case of emergency or I'm stuck somewhere and need a tow truck. I would have to walk somewhere. I do not carry my iPad around too much.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I want something like the virgin mobile cost but reliable service. I have serious doubts about the reliability or speed of data and voice with virgin mobile. might just go with AT&T, their speed has vastly improved in my area. they just need a data plus 300 minutes of voice for only 5 extra dollars and they'd get me.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    You should delay your trip to Detroit by one week and come to Penthouse on the 12th.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I still use a cordless home phone and answering machine for 98% of my phone usage. I have an Iphone6 that my kids gave me for Fathers Day. It stays in my car turned off for use in emergencies. The only time I turn it on is if I am outta town or expecting a call. It doesn't get any spam calls.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Smartphone has taken all over my life. I don't even watch TV anymore, everything I watch is on the IPhone. I always have to have my phone with me.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    maybe join smartphones addicts AA or some group?
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Honestly, my only modestly smart phone has made it possible for me to run my business from multiple locations. I have also found the ability to get online from anywhere to be extremely useful at times, such as when I need to line up a last minute hotel room from an airport or for OTC.

    I'll also admit that I don't mind being able to go online when there is a pig on stage or I am waiting for things to pick up at the club. Shit, I even wrote a club review once while sitting in that club.
  • rbn1956
    9 years ago
    I play a lot of poker and it seems like everyone not in the hand are on their phones. I don't mind because then they are not paying any attention to how I play.
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