
OT: If you could live anywhere within the United States

They never tell you what you need to know.
Friday, August 7, 2015 2:57 PM
... Where would you live and why? Motörhead, you can't say in a VIP booth at Penthouse Club. SJG you c any day in an AMP in San Francisco!


  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    I did a thread a while back asking about retirement and SCs where I stated I would like/prefer to retire in an area w/ good SCs and that would be a priority for me – I was in the minority which just speaks to my PL dedication. I don't really have a solid place in mind where I'd prefer to live – I live in Miami but the quality of life here in many ways sucks and often borders on f'ing 3rd-world quality. I would def *not* want to live somewhere cold so it would have to be somewhere warm, on the cheap or at least affordable side, and w/ good SCs. I would like to say Atlanta b/c I love all the fine chocolate there – being that I am not well-traveled; I did like Houston when I visited – warm; lots of SCs; good looking dancers; big city but not as many of the big city issues; based on my limited knowledge. So in my limited knowledge and for the reasons I stated above I'd say Houston for now.
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    i'm originally from virginia. i currently live in virginia. for most of my life, i've lived in virginia and wisconsin. if i could live anywhere within the united states........i'd probably pick miami. i'll be honest, though, i've never been to florida. but what could be better than living next to papi chulo, a plentiful amount of latinas AND warm weather year round :-)
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Miami, Florida.
  • farmerart
    9 years ago
    In USA?..........nowhere.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    Right where I am, with a summer house in north eastern Pennsylvania.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    shailynn But why can't I die happy??? :)
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    I'd certainly like to live in a city with better weather and SCs but can't think of that are also major financial centers. So, yeah, work trumps all. Now if Detroit had good finance jobs... Colorado if I didn't care about SCs either.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    If I were solely picking on climate and quality of life, I would pick Santa Barbara CA but since all of my family is in the Atlanta area and so is Follies, I'll stay here.
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    9 years ago
    @Papi: I though Miami had a good quality of life? Outside of my eight years in the military, I have lived in Georgia my entire life. Since ATL is the black strip club capital of the world and one of the largest strip club markets in the nation, I have no desire to relocate or live anywhere else unless I'm getting a HUGE increase in my income..
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    I always thought I wanted to live in Florida until my mom and dad retired there (what a shock -- lol). Sure the winters are lovely compared to the brutal snow abd cold of the Great Lakes region. But the summers were dreadful. I would never be able to get used to the heat and dripping humidity. I like cooler weather but not cold. And very little snow. I've thought about somewhere like Albuquerque, NM or maybe Boise, Idaho. And I've heard Ashville, NC might be what I want.
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago
    Have to be only one place, Hyder, Alaska.
  • EarlTee
    9 years ago
    As a proud American, born and bred, I must agree with farmerart.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    ^ LOL you SOB
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    San Diego. Too bad the clubs down there are shit.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “... @Papi: I though Miami had a good quality of life ...” There's lots of things wrong w/ Miami – many people that visit say they'd like to visit but not live here. + no major industry other than tourism for the most part which generally does not provide high paying jobs – sure there are a few people driving around in Ferraris but that is def not the norm – most people are working their ass off just to keep above water and many are just plain struggling big time + it's become a banana republic – Latin America is a basket case and rifled with corruption – Miami is mostly Latin and the Latins (mainly Cubans) run everything here including almost every gov office – thus many of the issues of Latin American have been imported to Miami + Housing is a bit expensive relative to incomes – and b/c of the massive population influx from abroad and other states; hard to find adequate and affordable housing + rude people and horrible customer service in stores etc. I could go on but my hands are getting tired – in a nutshell not everything that glitters is gold – i.e. it's fun to party here but not live here IMO.
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    9 years ago
    ^^^Wow, never thought about it like that.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Los Angeles is a close second for me.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    Probably not anywhere in america. I would say new York but its just too many people. And I hate the heat so anywhere south is out of the question. Honestly I'd wanna live somewhere in the northeast corridor.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    If given the opportunity, it's a tough one to decide [PS - kept it to United States sorry Farmerart and Londonguy for leaving you out. @Farmerart, totally understand where you're coming from] I could narrow it down to these places, and the * stands for I have no idea how I (or just about anyone for that matter) can afford to live there: Washington DC (downtown, like living a block from the White House or across the Potomac River in one of those huge houses I see when driving on the GW Parkway)* Somewhere in wine country just north of San Fransisco* Austin, TX Honorable Mention: Seattle, WA Las Vegas, NV (yes I really said that) Naples, FL Florida Keys, FL
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    ^ those are all good place to live but not SC
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Yep - you're right - Austin is an okay strip club spot, and it's only 1 hour away from San Antonio, another decent strip club spot. Vegas gets a bad rap for strip clubs, it's strip club scene is expensive but it's fun. If we were talking cities to live in solely for their for strip clubs, this would be a lot easier... I would say: Phoenix, Detroit, Atlanta
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Naples FL. t has most of the advantages of Miami without many of the downsides. Great strip clubs aren't as close as Id like but still within driving distance.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Motor, not Asheville. I lived there for a summer decades ago. Coldest summer of my life. I had a fire at night.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    I would live in Manhattan if I could afford to. But I can live in a much nicer home in the Detroit area and visit much better strip clubs than in NYC. It makes more sense to stay where I am and fly to NYC when I feel the urge. Santa Barbara, CA, has great weather and natural beauty. However, it is another place where I could not afford to live.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Naples is nice Asheville is home to Jackie "Juice" Williams
  • ime
    9 years ago
    Savannah, GA is a cool town i could live there.
  • jestrite50
    9 years ago
    The Big "D" ! I never can get enough there because it's so hard for me to get there. Want to see my Sweetie in the "Big D" She knows who she is ! Really missing her right now !
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Naples, FL -per Wikipedia: "... Naples is one of the wealthiest cities in the United States, with the sixth highest per capita income in America,[5] and the second highest proportion of millionaires per capita in the US.[6] Real estate is among the most expensive in the country, with houses for sale in excess of $40 million ..."
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Savannah is even warmer than where I live, maybe two or three degrees. One of my sisters says I would like Portland most of the year since it is usually cooler there. I'm hot blooded. no idea how the strip clubs are. I think I would get bored in Hawaii with no cold weather except the rare occassion when I visited. 54 degrees was cold for Oahu. Mt St Helens erupted for a second time when I visited Mt rainier but I enjoyed the mountains and cool temps up at 10,000 ft. The western plains, nahhh. I'll stay where I'm at for now. Maybe Greenville SC if the strip club situation doesn't get worse. I remember visiting Virginia beach for a job interview on the base and during a tour of the city, the city was going underwater. Maybe mother nature doesn't want me to move to certain areas. The northern states are too cold in the winter. Florida would probably get hit by hurricanes if I thought about moving there. One relative did one year and a hurricane hit every spot he interviewed at within a week. 4 times. My only memory of southern Florida in July was an all day rain with cold temperatures. I think highs that day were in the 60's or maybe 70. I'm not sure.
  • 11bravo88
    9 years ago
    Maui, specifically McKenna. They don't call Hawaii paradise for no reason at all. Heaven on earth.
  • jester214
    9 years ago
    Within reason I could live anywhere. For now I'll stay where I am. All places have positives and negatives. Here has many friends and most family, can't get that anywhere else.
  • tobala
    9 years ago
    Somewhere around Boone, NC. Parts of western North Carolina is about the only place in the South that you'll never see a 90 degree day in the summer. Not a good area for strip clubs though.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Papi, thanks for the info on Naples. The DS would definitely like living there after the wedding. Santa Barbara is also gorgeous. But I hate So Cal traffic, and having been through several earthquakes they scare the shit outta me. But Bravo is right. Maui is the first choice. I could not afford it which is why I think it didn't come to mind initially. In contrast I could afford to live in Naples.
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    Tillamook, OR. I like cheese.
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    I live in and love Phoenix and wouldn't want to live anywhere else when I retire. The only other city I would consider is San Diego if I had the money to live there. Since sc's suck there I would go to TJ a lot.
  • 11bravo88
    9 years ago
    Second to Maui would be beach cities in so cal like Newport Beach, La Jolla or San Clemente where traffic isn't too bad. Weather is always mild and can be 10 to 20 degrees lower than LA in the summer. Prenty of water sports and fine dining. Lots of SC's in orange county. Malibu is ok but too many celebrities and therefore paparazzies and lookie loos. Traffic on PCH is also terrible, just ask Bruce (Caitlyn) Jenner.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    Ya, if I could live anywhere, it would be La Jolla in San Diego. Warm beaches, mild weather, hot hot hot females...
  • ime
    9 years ago
    I have family in Naples. I'd never want to live there it seems boring and full of rich people who live with a stick up their ass. Though the beaches are nice especially in the winter when its still warm enough to want to go but they aren't packed with tourists, place still is boring though.
  • IHearVoices
    9 years ago
    I'd live at home in South Florida, particularly Broward. I agree with Papi's points about Miami, but things are better in Broward (sans the customer service part, given the experience I had when a security guard accused me of shoplifting). The main thing with Miami is that there doesn't seem to be a pronounced middle class: probably because of the tourism aspect that Papi mentioned. Anyway: my people are in Broward, there are all kinds of SC options, and it doesn't get cold often. That's why I'll be back there in 357 days...not that I'm counting down or anything. Home not being an option, my choice would be the Tampa area.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Yes, San Francisco, the North East quadrant where AMP's and SC's are, would be nice. San Jose, near the Viet Coffee Shops, is nice. But the best would be at the maquiladora I plan to be running, considered as property of a US corporation, about 4 blocks south of the Tijuana Zona Norte. [view link] SJG [view link]
  • DandyDan
    9 years ago
    I personally wouldn't mind moving back to the Twin Cities area. If not that, either the Seattle area or the Portland area.
  • farmerart
    9 years ago
    I have just thought of a possibility now that DandyDan has bounced this topic back to the top of the board. My choice would be Sweetgrass, Montana. It is right on the Montana-Alberta border, barely 6 hours from my rural paradise at Rancho farmerart. I have a convenience mailing address in Montana for a satellite TV service that cannot be billed to a Canadian mailing address.
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    Probably Connecticut for it's inexpensive housing options, closeness to NY and it's overall being in the North East where it's NOT NY but it also doesn't have as much natural disasters as the rest of the country. Because when I BUY a house, I plan to buy it in a shot in one.
  • warhawks
    9 years ago
    Just about anywhere in the Hawaii islands. Ok, yeah, anywhere there. It's fantastic. But clubbing is non existent as far as I know. Close second would be South Florida somewhere. Or the Keys.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Santa Cruz, Monterey, and Santa Barbara are all beautiful places. Not too small and not too big, and on the ocean. Also now that CSU Monterey Bay is in Seaside, adjacent to Monterey, we can say that they are all university towns. All three of these places have some extreme AMPs too. If one wants just to be and to enjoy life, then these three places are all great. But for myself there are things I want to be involved in, and these will be at existing cultural and political hot spots. SJG [view link]
  • MrDeuce
    9 years ago
    I would choose Austin for a number of reasons: * great food (Tex-Mex, BBQ, Asian, . . .) * tons of entertainment (concerts, plays, movies, strip clubs) * Live Music Capital of the World -- just ask 'em, they'll tell you! * swimmin' holes (Barton Springs Pool, Krause Springs, Hamilton Pool Preserve, . . .) * no snow Besides, every city should have at least one conservative :) BTW, I'm typing this in my hotel room in . . . Austin!
  • Cheo_D
    9 years ago
    Money no object? Cali Coast, or NYC More realistic - Austin/San Antonio
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Oddly enough, probably Greenville SC. Not just for the clubs. I have always liked the attitudes there. There are also a lot of great food options. Just an all around fun town to live in. There are also a couple of good schools to hire from if I was looking to build some talent from the ground up.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    As long as it isn't North Dakota, South Dakota, or any small, rinky-dink town, I don't think it'd matter a whole lot to me.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Rickdugan wrote, "I have always liked the attitudes there." What on earth are you talking about? It had sounded like you were originally from either the North East or the Great Lakes Area, but not the South. I am assuming you are talking about White South Carolinians. Strom Thurmond [view link] What is that you like, their attitudes about God, Guns, or Gays? Or is it White Supremacy, or just about social conformity? Don't get me wrong, I do expect to be out there, either Greenville or Columbia, and partaking of what the strip clubs offer. But I'll be looking for those who are decenters from prevailing culture, not its supporters. Probably I'll be getting friendly with black dancers. I like this, in Greenville, [view link] SJG [view link]
  • ime
    9 years ago
    SJG you turd, he has probably actually been there not just looked it up and used google earth so he may have some real experience. I can't imagine its great being in SC but who knows, if it is anything like Charlston it may have potential.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    SJG charging his windmills.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    What sorts of attitudes would one find appealing about the bulk of the population in South Carolina, especially if Rick Dugan was speaking about White South Carolinians. There are no windmills here, we are talking about a place which uses extreme social coercion to impose conformity. The sorts of people they elect are indicative of this. The plays of Tennessee Williams are also quite telling. SJG [view link]
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Have you ever been there, SJG or just reporting back what you've seen from watching TV?
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    That region has been in the news for my entire life. We all take polls, in November. Their "attitudes" show in the sorts of people they elect. The attitudes that Mister Dugan is talking about, have recently been in the news, pertaining to the Confederate Flag they still had at their capital. I have friends that are from the South, and in particular one lady friend who transplanted herself from New York to suburban Atlanta. Before that she was in a smaller place in Georgia, on the Alabama border. She explains in great detail what it is like. Mississippi and South Carolina are the most extreme. Actually South Carolina the very most. I am not saying that nothing good ever comes from their, quite the contrary. But the prevailing culture is one I have questions about. So I am asking Mr. Dugan what attitudes he is referring to when he says he likes them. SJG [view link] Chaka Khan [view link]
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Bree Newsome [view link] SJG [view link]
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