Old Strippers (vets) vs New Strippers (rookies)

avatar for shailynn
They never tell you what you need to know.
So this past weekend while I was hanging out in 3 Detroit strip clubs I observed something interesting.

I wanted the attention of 2 older dancers (both over 30) at two different clubs, but both were tied up. Sitting there waiting at both clubs, I noticed all the other dancers that were tied up with regulars were older as well (over 30) while almost all the younger dancers (under 25) sat alone playing on their phones or in groups of 2 smoking. Granted most of the PLs I saw were late 40s at the youngest.

Aside from JS69 it seems lately (at least to me) more PLs like the older ladies, maybe for their conversation skills? I personally do, and I feel a lot safer as in less likely getting ROBBED by an older dancer in addition to the high quality strip club conversation I am used to.

What are you seeing in your clubs when referring to ages?


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avatar for predsfan4life
10 years ago
I'm probably younger than most here (29), but I pretty much only go for the girls 25 and under, but I can't say that I've noticed any sort of preference in general in my area.
avatar for jackslash
10 years ago
An old stripper (over 30) is still younger than me.
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
I'm mid 30s and tend to aim for 25ish dancers.

The fact is, the young hot ones don't HAVE to sit with PLs to sell dances. They can walk up to guys and sell VIPs by just showing up. Maybe not 100% of the time, but often enough they can sit on their phones and just "wannadance?" guys.

I'll take the 25 year old 7 most times, assuming she gives me enough on the sales floor do earn a trip to the LD area.

Usually 30+ dancers don't do it for me. There have been exceptions, buy those were unusual cases.
avatar for Bavarian
10 years ago
I guess it depends on the shift. At Baby Dolls-Dallas, the vast majority of the dancers in the night shift are under 25. I'm mid thirties but I still go for the under 25 dancers. They just look better.
avatar for SuperDude
10 years ago
Younger is dumber. I don't like dumb.
avatar for gawker
10 years ago
My ATF of 7 years duration is closing in on 30. She's older but no wiser than she was at age 23 ( well, maybe she's a better liar) . I've been spending a few bucks on a 21 year old and it might be time for a change. Younger is usually fresher, less sullied, and more malleable.
avatar for Estafador
10 years ago
If your there at the age of 30, you probably already know you make more money being legit than a rip-off bitch. So yeah, I'd say they know what a man wants and a man wants to not be treated as a quick hustle.
avatar for Estafador
10 years ago
@predsfan, sorry champ your not. I'm 24 and ranukam is 26. Your definitely the middle man my friend.
avatar for DandyDan
10 years ago
The odd thing about the club I visit the most is that the majority of the dancers are under 25, which has been true since the day it opened, but the ones I go for, and the ones I see giving out dances the most, are over 25 for sure. I know some of them are at least 30 and I know for a fact one of the ones I like is 40 for sure. I wouldn't mind buying a dance from her sometime, but she is always occupied.
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
Not seeing that at my favorite club.
avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
I don't see that either at most of the clubs here. Both older and younger hustle, and both older and younger sit in their asses on their phones.

I prefer younger girls in general. Firm breasts, smooth skin, tight pussies, uninhibited. Yeah, that's for me.
avatar for chessmaster
10 years ago
The best age for strippers is 25-30. I think most people have a preference unless she's too old. I think the ones most interested in young girls is the old farts.
avatar for chessmaster
10 years ago
avatar for ATACdawg
10 years ago
I've said it before; older strippers who have kept themselves in shape are like gold to me. We share life experiences. With some we can talk about and share pictures of our grandchildren (really!). A woman who is still stripping into her late 30s or her 40s knows how to please a man and how to be pleased by him. My ATF and my backup fave at another club are both in their 40s and both are top earners in their respective clubs. Both could pass for being in their 20s but neither feels any need to cover up her age.

In my book, a hot woman trumps a hot girl any day of the week.
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
I like them ages 22-26 (their prime years). I do notice that the older girls have more regulars.
avatar for warhawks
10 years ago

Older dancers have to have regulars. It's harder for for girls in their early 30's to late 30's to get guy's to buy dances from them. (Typically, a dancers career is over by her mid 30's. There are exceptions, but they are few and far between in my experiences).

Younger, hot, fit, tight girls can sell dances to most any PL who walks in the club. The older dancers have to set up a connection with a PL. So they tend to have more "regulars" or just a few core guys who come to see them. Those guys are their bread and butter.
The younger girls know they can just wait around for any drunk horney guy to come along.
avatar for shailynn
10 years ago
Great comments Warhawks and ATACdawg. I totally agree...

For me I tend to go for the older ones. Even though I'm in my mid 30s having even a simple conversation with most 21 year olds is like pulling teeth, where if a stripper is over 30 and atill hot, 9 out of 10 times I can easily talk to her for an hour. I think the experience in the club and practice at talking to PLs certainly helps the vet dancers, in addition to similar life experiences.
avatar for predsfan4life
10 years ago
@Estafador "sorry champ your not. I'm 24 and ranukam is 26. Your definitely the middle man my friend"

It's "you're", that shit gets on my nerves. I only said I'm probably younger than most at 29, which is most likely true, not that I really give a fuck either way, it's not a badge of honor or something, just an observation.
avatar for alabegonz
10 years ago
I notice older dancers are savvy enough to give me a good time, which is actually perfect for me being a guy who just sits there and watches the show. But I do spend on dances, it's just that I don't spend it that much on dances.

And if she asks why I don't spend that much and if she insists to know why? I would say I usually put that money on having other than dances. If she gets it, she will continue the conversation, if not she will simply walk away.

Tell you my man, I've had a good amount of girls wanting to know more about the money that goes there.
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