The readers digest version of my story. My wife was a few years into her sexual devolution. I was in Vegas on business. Was reading about things to do and I came across topless shows on the strip. I loved them and was quickly hooked.
Next trip to Vegas I started looking up strip clubs. I imagined strip clubs as dangerous and full of crack whores, but I figured Vegas would be safe. I went to Spearmint Rhino at 5 pm on a weekday. It was dead. Got a lap dance from the first stripper who asked, and I LDKed 60 seconds into it. Not my proudest moment. From there forward I started going to clubs in every city I visit.
I was dragged to a club by some co-workers and was immediately hooked. It was not long before I was going as often as possible and scheduling trips and work around the chance to go to strip clubs. Luckily I was finally able to get the addiction under control after about a year. What a wild ride and I wouldn't change a thing. Well, most things.
In my 20's and never went to a strip club before. My bosses boss, who used to be the plant manager twisted my arm and talked me into going with him. I had no idea of what to expect. One guy I knew it wouldn't have surprised me if he took me to some kind of whore house truck stop the way he talked. Anyway it was a nice strip club. A lot of dancers approached me which the boss liked because he got the view as well. It was a few months before we went again. After that I got tired of waiting and ventured out on my own much more frequently. Some people at work said my boss corrupted me. I might have visited on my own eventually. I was way underpaid so if that was a little fringe benefit, I enjoyed it. My boss did pay the cover charge for us. I had been saving every dollar I could and my first strip club visit, when I was told to bring a lot of cash, I brought $50. I usually carried a lot less cash around than that.
Read my article on my trip to TJ back in 1961. Back then there were no "strip clubs" in southern California. We went to go go bars that eventually morphed in strip clubs over time.
Mine started very innocently. I hadn't been to a strip club in over 10 years. After I got married, I stopped going. Not that I went that much before. I had been for bachelor parties and that was about it.
One day, at a work Chistmas party, a business associate said he was going to take me to a bar after the party. I had no idea we were going to a strip club. He just said, "follow me to a club where I know a lot of people." I was hooked after seeing so many hot, fit, young girls all dressed up and willing to have sex with me.
Ever since then, I've been going off and on. For a few years, I went 3-4 times a week after work during the week. I've been going MUCH less since my divorce. I've realized I was going so much because I was so miserable being married to my mean, obese, controlling wife. I dated a stripper for a couple years. And did a lot of OTC with her and many other strippers at various clubs. Now, I've been focusing on civilian dating, and having a really good time doing that. But still hit a club after work once in awhile. But now it's like only once or twice a month if even that any more.
After listening to stories from some of the guys in high school, I decided to see one after getting my drivers license. Bad experience at the time so I stopped going. Earily 30's the urge to see naked women flamed up. Good experiences ever since. Been mongering for 25 years now.
Boredom. I was in Nashville on Halloween Night 1991 because of work. I saw a billboard for the Classic Cat Showbar ( might HAVE started with K's, don't remember) downtown. I can still remember the shock of seeing a room filled with naked girls.
I was in Minneapolis for my first live Vikings game (2009) and a buddy of mine and I went to one of the local clubs the night I got off the plane. This was my first time ever going to a strip club and ever since then I've been hooked!
A bachelor party for a brother in law. I had so much fun even though I had no idea we were going there so I had little money with me. I went back the following week much better prepared! That was over 20 years ago.
I had just graduated college and a friend (who never had a knack with the ladies) talked me into going to one, mainly because I was intoxicated. I met a hot stripper the same age as me who was equally intoxicated and we performed oral sex on each other. I went to see her again a few week later and with her sober, she was a totally different person. With the exception of a few trips here and there with friends it would be several years before I would get into strip clubs again which came with traveling for work.
Years later a trip to seductions and sundowner in Niagara falls Ontario made me realize there are clubs out there that offer more than lap dances. All this time I thought what happened on my first strip club trip was a fluke!
In college I used to take to bus to school. At one of the bus stops there was a strip club across the street. I went in there one day, and the rest as they say is history.
About 20 years ago a really good friend of mine bugged the shit out of me all day after we got out of class. He wanted to hit some SC's for the first time but I didn't want to go. Literally, every minute for several hours he'd ask "You wanna go now?" as we played football on the nintendo. Finally I couldn't take it any more and said i'd go if he'd shut the fuck up. That night we hit 3 different SC's ranging from high end down to a flat out dive bar. Neither of us knew what we were doing or what to expect. We got a few table dances but I didn't want to stare at the dancers. I didn't know if it was rude or not to just stare at their tits and ass or not so every dancer I just looked into her eyes like you would anyone else you met OTC. Looking back I'm sure I came across as a deer in headlights college boy. We were so pathetic I think between the 2 of us we spent less than $40 all night at all 3 clubs. After about 5 hours or so we called it a night around 1 or 2am.
Fast forward to last summer. Mrs sea had mentioned for several years about wanting to go to a SC. Sometime around the end of last summer she said she decided she def wanted us to go ASAP so last Fall we finally had a chance to go. She quickly fell in love with it and has turned into a SC hound. I love watching her in a SC.
My first day on my first job I was taken to a topless joint for lunch as part of a tradition, or so I was told by my then co workers. Never looked back!
In my early 20's I went on vacation with a buddy to Florida. We drove past a strip club in Ft Lauderdale sometime late one afternoon. Scared shitless we both went in anyway. Other than stage dancing they only had table dances where the girl actually danced ON your table. I saw this stunning dancer on stage and asked her to dance on our table, up close and fully nude, I was hooked. I wanted to go back the next night, but my friend wasn't interested. It didn't take long being home that I checked out every club in my area.
Early 70's I was in college and a topless dancer bar opened up in a nearby town. Back then there were no private dances of any type, just a girl dancing on stage topless. I still thought it was pretty cool. Through the years I witness the evolution of the strip club. In 1981 went to a club in Montreal and saw my 1st table side dance; a few years later went to a club in Raleigh NC where for a dollar the stripper on stage would come over and DFK you. Later in Charlotte NC I experienced my 1st lap dance and I was hooked.
When I was in college I went to a bachelor party for a co-worker. We hit three clubs that night. I didn't have much money and in fact I don't think I even got any dances. But I was definitely hooked. I went off and on for a number of years using tuscl to locate clubs in different towns but I really started started going again after my divorce. I was dating civilian chicks but their craziness was getting on my nerves. I decided to just start going to sc 's and went back to my old standby tuscl for intel on clubs. I had never written a review of a club so I hadn't read about what can go on in the clubs. Signed up, wrote my first review and the rest is history.
6 Steps 1. Went to bachelor party for friend. Was massively depressed by sad looking old PLs staring at dancers. Stayed away for 15 years. 2. Got married 3. Had kids 4. Had no sex for better portion of decade 5. Went to SC on business trip near hotel on a whim 6. Got immediate boner. Then LDK. Been happily partaking ever since.
I had gone to a few strip clubs in my twenties with a few friends a few times, only time I got a lap dance was on my 21st birthday (I guess for some reason I thought lap dances were a lot more expensive than they actually are). My friends bought me the LD and it was only for one song but the grinding was good. Of course since I didn't know what I was doing I didn't get to touch her.
I eventually moved and went several years without going to a strip club. I wanted to go over the course of a few years but had no one to go with and I didn't think anyone went to a strip club alone.
I eventually got married and the strip club urge disappeared. After I had been married a while my sex life with my wife got less frequent. The urge to go to a strip club came back. After doing some reaearch I realized that lots of guys went to clubs alone. I still was hesitant to go but then when I saw some reviews of my local club was full nude and allowed full two way contact I couldn't pass it up and decided to go.
Originally I planned to only go one time and get a couple lap dances and hopefully get to squeeze some new tits and get it out of my system. After my first visit to this club I was hooked. I got LD's from three different dancers that night, all three let me squeeze their tits and encouraged me to suck their nipples. I went to the VIP room with the third dancer (who is my ATF) and just planned for maybe a more intense laps dance, I was unaware that extras were very common at this club (and I didn't believe that you could have sex with a stripper at any club). She gave me a HJ in the VIP room without me asking for one. I felt bad that I got the HJ but I also wasn't getting sex from my wife.
I went back regularly and each visit I started getting more confident and wanted more and more. I got dances from many different dances (and became a regular of several dancers) and went to the VIP with a few where I got either a HJ, titty fuck, BBBJ (one with CIM), and even went to the VIP with two dancers at once for a combination HJ/titty fuck which was amazing. Eventually that wasn't satisfying me and I finally got FS from my ATF ITC (and she asked me if I had a condom before I asked if we could have sex) and then we started OTC. I also got FS from two other dancers ITC.
So basically I went from just wanting to go for a couple lap dances and full two way contact to get it out of my system to wanting FS.
It sounds horrible, but I didn't feel all that guilty about going at first since I wasn't gettin any action from my wife, I felt a little guilty about the HJ though. The more and more I went I still felt guilty but I guess I just ignored it. I remember right before I got FS ITC I really thought about it. But after that it made it much easier to have sex with a stripper. I felt bad but it was almost like "you've already cheated once, what's the point in stopping now?
I first found the Sunnyvale Hip Hugger, at the El Camino and Mary, by it's signage. Then I think I found the Brass Rail from the phone book. Both of these places are widely known anyway.
But they are not like what people post about her. They were no touching then, and they still are. I really like both of them, but tragically the Hip Hugger was recently closed down.
During a business trip, the cab drove past Tattletales in Atlanta on the way to my hotel. After dinner I caught a cab back to TT and, as others have said, been hooked ever since. Hell that was so long ago, the dancers still had hair down there!
I was in college in Boston in the early 1970s, and my roommate, who was a theater tech major, worked at the Pilgrim Theatre. He handled all of their tech work -- lighting, sound, and whatever else needed to be done. What he didn't tell me for quite some time is that the theater featured strippers.
The Pilgrim Theatre was one of the most infamous places in an area of downtown that was called the Combat Zone, Boston's way of containing the seedier elements of society (like yours truly, I guess). The typical thing at the Pilgrim Theatre was for them to show what were then called XXX movies for an hour, put live strippers on stage for 30 minutes, then repeat that rotation. At age 20, I had never seen a stripper, and I asked my roommate about it -- and wondered whether it would be OK to bring my girlfriend, who was as curious as I was. He said sure, and told me that they didn't do anything the law didn't allow. Sounded safe enough for me.
We came into what looked like a normal movie theater with a stage. Yes, the porno movie was going full tilt, as graphic as anything you'd see online today, and the most startling thing was that instead of the movie soundtrack, all you could hear was loud rock music blaring from the speakers. Much to my delight, it was the Allman Brothers. Sweet!!
The strip show was quite an eye-opener for my 18-year-old girlfriend and me -- apparently the law allowed the girls to dance in nothing but high heels, and the expression "spread eagle" took on a whole new meaning for me.
I transferred to a university in the Midwest, and I definitely hit a few strip clubs there with my buddies, but at that time, I don't think there were anything resembling lap dances, let alone extras.
Fast forward 25 years and 20 years of marriage. I started traveling more (on my own) for work and got the itch to see some new sights. In 2000 I started visiting clubs pretty regularly whenever I could. I think I've been going to Follies in Atlanta that long, and I can remember going to Tootsie's in Miami when it was in the old location. I discovered TUCSL only a year ago, and if you read my reviews, you'll see I've made good use of the knowledge I've gained here. Thanks to all my TUSCL brethren (and sistren) for all of the tips!
We had a going away party at work and the guy leaving wanted to go to a local topless joint. I was part of his group, so I went along just for grins. Lol - look at where that got me.
I just remembered, my first encounter with a topless stripper was in college. I went to a fraternity party and they had a topless stripper in the basement. I had a lot to drink, probably why I didn't remember everything super good. Anyway they were getting kisses from the topless dancer for a dollar. Someone must have given her one for me because she was dfk me before I knew it. She seemed to be taking extra long. The fraternity asked me and a few others to join but said it might add another year. I was thinking forget that, an extra year of college? They were wild. I guess I would have fit right in. I never knew faternities were so wild until they told me a few stories and had pictures. They had a beer bong that ran the full height of a hotel building. I probably should have expected some wild people if the campus got rated the most violent in the nation the prior year due to too much celebration.
The fraternity was more like a strip club except only one stripper.
I've read all of these and most are really good stories.
One thing that shocks me, I surprised nobody said "well I was picking up my sister from her shift at the club, and I walked in to see what it was all about and kinda liked it." LMAO
I went a handful of times when I was in high school and college with groups of people. Always had fun but never spent a lot of money.
After college I started a job with lots of traveling. It didn't take long for me to get bored spending 3 to 5 nights in a hotel in towns and cities I didn't know at all.
One night went into a strip club just looking for something to do, quickly realized that looking at naked women and having them grind on you was a nice way to spend an evening. Still haven't found anything better to do when I travel.
Hit a rather hard dry spell, brother took me to Vegas had a blast, wasn't hooked till I moved to the Southeast. Now I'm fckn hooked. Addicted. Girls in the west coast selling looks. Out here they sell the whole package.
In the early 60's at age 16 my best friend and I went to a strip club because we heard they served minors. The dancers were no where near as hot as my GF. In college if I wanted to see, feel, or touch naked women I just lifted the sheet on my bed. I was the president of my fraternity and in 1967-68 we'd hire strippers or hookers for shows and extras. I went a few times in the early 70's but wasn't impressed. Once on a business trip to Atlanta in the late 1990's with my boss, he brought me to The Gold Club and we brought one of the dancers back to our hotel where she took care of both of us. I started using escorts and pretty much just escorts from2000 to 2009. Then one night I stopped for a drink and a piss at a strip club, met my ATF, and have been hooked ever since. I was fortunate to have a lot of female company before marriage and until the heartbreak of a hysterectomy spoiled sex at home, there wasn't a demand. Now that I'm an old fart and still enthralled by hot young pussy, I am content to pay for it when I have to.
I went with buddies once post college, but we were all stereotypical young broke guys who were more interested in drinking. A couple years later I went to one for a bachelor party, but I was dating my Crazy Bisexual Ex gf at the time so I wasn't exactly thirsty.
My first trip solo was impulsive, to the club closest to my work. It's got hot girls but is low mileage, but I really enjoyed talking to the dancers, one in particular who evolved into a platonic OTC friend for a time.
My evolution has been gradual and still in process. I'm still happy with 2 way LDs and the occasional lapgasm. But I'm thinking a lot more about OTC (ITC FS doesn't interest me much).
"I was drunk the night my sister started her new career as a skank ass stripper. I went to the Hog Pen Club to pick her up, in the rain. When I got to the club in my old pickup truck she'd done got screwed in the ass by all the bouncers."
In 1991 I was visiting a relative in south Florida and he took me to my first strip club. I don't remember the name but it was somewhere near Ft. lauderdale, high end, and full nude. I was shocked at all the gorgeous nude women who looked like they had been air-brushed and stepped off the pages of Playboy or Penthouse. I went to a few others during the '90s but it was the same experience, usually with a group, and we visited high end places with no touching. I had my first lap dance with two way groping in 2001 and that's when I really got hooked and began visiting clubs on my own. A couple of years later a dancer made me LDK and my desire to visit clubs and repeat the experience became a high priority. Fortunately for my wallet and my marriage I've never lived anywhere with readily accessible good mileage clubs so I only visit clubs a couple of times a year when traveling alone and I've never had the opportunity to visit any one club more than a few times. I appreciate the reviews on TUSCL since I'm almost always visiting a club in a new town.
When I was in my early 30s I met a girl in a singles bar who was a stripper. She told me about the club in Detroit where she worked. She described the lap dances there, which were very tame by today's standards but sounded unreal to me. I had heard of lap dances before, but thought they were only done at a few seedy joints in Times Square for old perverts in raincoats.
The next week I headed for Detroit and the Wild Mustang (now the Toy Chest). The girl I'd met wasn't there, but I was knocked out by the selection that was. I had brought about $50, thinking that should be more than enough. I don't think I said no to any girl who asked to dance for me. I got one $10 dance each from maybe four different girls, and thought I was being very extravagant. It wasn't until a later visit that I learned about VIP dances.
last commentI might have visited on my own eventually. I was way underpaid so if that was a little fringe benefit, I enjoyed it. My boss did pay the cover charge for us. I had been saving every dollar I could and my first strip club visit, when I was told to bring a lot of cash, I brought $50. I usually carried a lot less cash around than that.
Mine started very innocently.
I hadn't been to a strip club in over 10 years. After I got married, I stopped going. Not that I went that much before. I had been for bachelor parties and that was about it.
One day, at a work Chistmas party, a business associate said he was going to take me to a bar after the party. I had no idea we were going to a strip club. He just said, "follow me to a club where I know a lot of people." I was hooked after seeing so many hot, fit, young girls all dressed up and willing to have sex with me.
Ever since then, I've been going off and on. For a few years, I went 3-4 times a week after work during the week.
I've been going MUCH less since my divorce. I've realized I was going so much because I was so miserable being married to my mean, obese, controlling wife.
I dated a stripper for a couple years. And did a lot of OTC with her and many other strippers at various clubs.
Now, I've been focusing on civilian dating, and having a really good time doing that. But still hit a club after work once in awhile. But now it's like only once or twice a month if even that any more.
I was in Minneapolis for my first live Vikings game (2009) and a buddy of mine and I went to one of the local clubs the night I got off the plane. This was my first time ever going to a strip club and ever since then I've been hooked!
A few hours, and several romps with a very attractive and cooperative little Vietnamese girl, later and I've pretty much been hooked ever since.
With the exception of a few trips here and there with friends it would be several years before I would get into strip clubs again which came with traveling for work.
Years later a trip to seductions and sundowner in Niagara falls Ontario made me realize there are clubs out there that offer more than lap dances. All this time I thought what happened on my first strip club trip was a fluke!
Fast forward to last summer. Mrs sea had mentioned for several years about wanting to go to a SC. Sometime around the end of last summer she said she decided she def wanted us to go ASAP so last Fall we finally had a chance to go. She quickly fell in love with it and has turned into a SC hound. I love watching her in a SC.
1. Went to bachelor party for friend. Was massively depressed by sad looking old PLs staring at dancers. Stayed away for 15 years.
2. Got married
3. Had kids
4. Had no sex for better portion of decade
5. Went to SC on business trip near hotel on a whim
6. Got immediate boner. Then LDK. Been happily partaking ever since.
Strippers = brilliant solution!
I eventually moved and went several years without going to a strip club. I wanted to go over the course of a few years but had no one to go with and I didn't think anyone went to a strip club alone.
I eventually got married and the strip club urge disappeared. After I had been married a while my sex life with my wife got less frequent. The urge to go to a strip club came back. After doing some reaearch I realized that lots of guys went to clubs alone. I still was hesitant to go but then when I saw some reviews of my local club was full nude and allowed full two way contact I couldn't pass it up and decided to go.
Originally I planned to only go one time and get a couple lap dances and hopefully get to squeeze some new tits and get it out of my system. After my first visit to this club I was hooked. I got LD's from three different dancers that night, all three let me squeeze their tits and encouraged me to suck their nipples. I went to the VIP room with the third dancer (who is my ATF) and just planned for maybe a more intense laps dance, I was unaware that extras were very common at this club (and I didn't believe that you could have sex with a stripper at any club). She gave me a HJ in the VIP room without me asking for one. I felt bad that I got the HJ but I also wasn't getting sex from my wife.
I went back regularly and each visit I started getting more confident and wanted more and more. I got dances from many different dances (and became a regular of several dancers) and went to the VIP with a few where I got either a HJ, titty fuck, BBBJ (one with CIM), and even went to the VIP with two dancers at once for a combination HJ/titty fuck which was amazing. Eventually that wasn't satisfying me and I finally got FS from my ATF ITC (and she asked me if I had a condom before I asked if we could have sex) and then we started OTC. I also got FS from two other dancers ITC.
So basically I went from just wanting to go for a couple lap dances and full two way contact to get it out of my system to wanting FS.
It sounds horrible, but I didn't feel all that guilty about going at first since I wasn't gettin any action from my wife, I felt a little guilty about the HJ though. The more and more I went I still felt guilty but I guess I just ignored it. I remember right before I got FS ITC I really thought about it. But after that it made it much easier to have sex with a stripper. I felt bad but it was almost like "you've already cheated once, what's the point in stopping now?
JS – around what year did you become “introduced” to the wonderful world of SCs?
But they are not like what people post about her. They were no touching then, and they still are. I really like both of them, but tragically the Hip Hugger was recently closed down.
The Pilgrim Theatre was one of the most infamous places in an area of downtown that was called the Combat Zone, Boston's way of containing the seedier elements of society (like yours truly, I guess). The typical thing at the Pilgrim Theatre was for them to show what were then called XXX movies for an hour, put live strippers on stage for 30 minutes, then repeat that rotation. At age 20, I had never seen a stripper, and I asked my roommate about it -- and wondered whether it would be OK to bring my girlfriend, who was as curious as I was. He said sure, and told me that they didn't do anything the law didn't allow. Sounded safe enough for me.
We came into what looked like a normal movie theater with a stage. Yes, the porno movie was going full tilt, as graphic as anything you'd see online today, and the most startling thing was that instead of the movie soundtrack, all you could hear was loud rock music blaring from the speakers. Much to my delight, it was the Allman Brothers. Sweet!!
The strip show was quite an eye-opener for my 18-year-old girlfriend and me -- apparently the law allowed the girls to dance in nothing but high heels, and the expression "spread eagle" took on a whole new meaning for me.
I transferred to a university in the Midwest, and I definitely hit a few strip clubs there with my buddies, but at that time, I don't think there were anything resembling lap dances, let alone extras.
Fast forward 25 years and 20 years of marriage. I started traveling more (on my own) for work and got the itch to see some new sights. In 2000 I started visiting clubs pretty regularly whenever I could. I think I've been going to Follies in Atlanta that long, and I can remember going to Tootsie's in Miami when it was in the old location. I discovered TUCSL only a year ago, and if you read my reviews, you'll see I've made good use of the knowledge I've gained here. Thanks to all my TUSCL brethren (and sistren) for all of the tips!
The fraternity was more like a strip club except only one stripper.
One thing that shocks me, I surprised nobody said "well I was picking up my sister from her shift at the club, and I walked in to see what it was all about and kinda liked it." LMAO
After college I started a job with lots of traveling. It didn't take long for me to get bored spending 3 to 5 nights in a hotel in towns and cities I didn't know at all.
One night went into a strip club just looking for something to do, quickly realized that looking at naked women and having them grind on you was a nice way to spend an evening. Still haven't found anything better to do when I travel.
Once on a business trip to Atlanta in the late 1990's with my boss, he brought me to The Gold Club and we brought one of the dancers back to our hotel where she took care of both of us. I started using escorts and pretty much just escorts from2000 to 2009. Then one night I stopped for a drink and a piss at a strip club, met my ATF, and have been hooked ever since.
I was fortunate to have a lot of female company before marriage and until the heartbreak of a hysterectomy spoiled sex at home, there wasn't a demand. Now that I'm an old fart and still enthralled by hot young pussy, I am content to pay for it when I have to.
My first trip solo was impulsive, to the club closest to my work. It's got hot girls but is low mileage, but I really enjoyed talking to the dancers, one in particular who evolved into a platonic OTC friend for a time.
My evolution has been gradual and still in process. I'm still happy with 2 way LDs and the occasional lapgasm. But I'm thinking a lot more about OTC (ITC FS doesn't interest me much).
"I was drunk the night my sister started her new career as a skank ass stripper. I went to the Hog Pen Club to pick her up, in the rain. When I got to the club in my old pickup truck she'd done got screwed in the ass by all the bouncers."
I was hooked from then on!
The next week I headed for Detroit and the Wild Mustang (now the Toy Chest). The girl I'd met wasn't there, but I was knocked out by the selection that was. I had brought about $50, thinking that should be more than enough. I don't think I said no to any girl who asked to dance for me. I got one $10 dance each from maybe four different girls, and thought I was being very extravagant. It wasn't until a later visit that I learned about VIP dances.
How could I not get hooked.