
The OTC thread – from SW's perspective

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)

I just need a moment to vent about something I know we all experience. Starting tonight, I'm going to ignore men (regulars or guys that I've met once) who don't spend money on me, or spend but eventually expect me to meet them outside of my club. It seems like all of my regulars are trying to get me to meet them outside of work. I wish men understood that it's my job to make them feel important, to make them believe that I really am into them. It's not even just my regulars acting this way, but men I've seen maybe a couple times who ACTUALLY think I like them. I'm worried I'll loose money if I start being a bitch but I see no other way of making my feelings known. I am there JUST TO MAKE MONEY. That is IT.

It literally makes my job so stressful trying to maintain a work relationship with them so I still make some money, but I'm realizing it's not worth it. It's so exhausting. As soon as you imply that we should get together at some point, I'm going to walk away. I don't care if you pay your measly $40 to me or buy me drinks until I'm buzzed - neither pay the bills.

It use to be funny how dumb guys are, but now it's just sad and angering. I just feel so uneasy on the inside and upset. I feel taken advantage of, I guess. Not even sure if what I've shared here makes sense. I'm just fed up.



  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    Papi,whats your point?
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    Not all strippers do OTC. But most will. It may have taken a lot of persistence or a lot of money, but I've eventually gotten the best looking and nicest dancers to come to my home.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    Some of the follow up posts said its a waste of time to spend time with the non-spenders. That's makes sense. But the OP said she was done with regulars too. Isn't that economic stripper suicide?
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    As usual, I wouldn't frequent strip clubs if most of the dancers had the attitude reflected at stripperweb.
  • alldaylong
    9 years ago
    Another sw man hater who wants to be tipped for sitting down and again for taking a poop.

    Good entertainment. Don't take 98 percent seriously.
  • minnow
    9 years ago
    That SWer has apparently not met rick or JS69.............
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    It sounds like she'll soon be done being a stripper.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    This girl needs to find a new job.

    I'm sure I stroke more egos in a single day than her, it's part of my job and it just goes with the territory. Yeah I bitch about it sometimes after work to my friends or significant other...she has the right to vent about it too, but I never say "you know what I'm going to start ignoring my diva-like customers," most of the ones that bring me the most drama also bring me the most business. If she blows off every guy that isn't a total sweetheart like Motorhead she's going to starve as well.

    All she has to do is politely say she doesn't meet OTC and I'm sure guys will still buy lap dances from her. If someone offers her a drink, she should say "how about we do a lapdance instead." If she gives a good dance I'd say there's better than a 75% chance the guy will buy at least a second dance. There, that dumb bitch probably just made $50. Do that 10 more times throughout the night then you made some money!
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    She;s so right. How dare people get mislead when you're misleading them.
  • Eagle1191
    9 years ago
    I have seen after just a few weeks how bitter most of the strippers are on SW, if they have such hate for men and their job the real question has to be "why are you still a stripper ?". The way a number if them complain makes me wonder how they make any money as they are not friendly or welcoming to customers which is what the job calls for.
  • jestrite50
    9 years ago
    So if she goes OTC for free I want her number !!! She can't be that stupid. Any girl going OTC is making $2-$3 Benjies an hour. She should be happy she's making it.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Whoever wrote that would be putty in my hands. The best way to get OTC is for them to suggest it. This means cooling your jets and playing games, like having several other dancers you drop money on and she'll realize she's not the only one. Not to preach a "system" but dancers are not smart and will fall for simple traps. If she does OTC with anyone, just let her see you're looking to get another dancer to go with you and she'll at least state her price. Some girls don't do OTC with anyone and I have no solution for that, but the average dancer who picks and chooses, it's not rocket science.
  • Lone_Wolf
    9 years ago
    Gee, why do these perverted PL's constantly ask these chaste honey's for OTC? Well, the results of my last five attempts asking dancers for p4p OTC fucking.

    One of them adamantly told me should would never do OTC
    Three of them enthusiastically agreed and tried hard to pin me down to committed place, day and time.
    The fifth (unfortunately the finest) initially said yes but then turned out to be a hustler that had no intention of following thru.

    Better than 50% success rate. Makes it hard to resist the temptation to at least ask after finding a honey worth pursuing.
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    I fuck strippers in da juicebox
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Not every dancer can handle the job. There will always be dipshits who think that a dancer like them just because she is nice and flirtatious. There will also be plenty of guys who make cash offers, though that doesn't seem to be what she is talking about here.

    If she can't handle it, then maybe she should hang up her heels. From her exhaustion comments and her remarks about how they don't understand that it is WORK, it sounds like she is a bit anti-social and doesn't really understand human interactions. As all too many of these girls learn quickly, it takes more than nice tits and ass to do the job and many who try simply aren't cut out for it.
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    Bet you want post that comment on stripper web mr ricky boy....lol
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    Fuckin faggot azz pussy
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    All RickyBoy does on SW is kiss their asses.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    The multi-personality damaged Rickyboy points out another flaw in his conflicted mind. On TUSCL he bashes the stripper, but on SW you find him pandering to the stripper. His daughters will make excellent money as strippers when they grow up, what with their training from their dad and all. The apple falls close.
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    Lol !!!
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    Sounds like she is just one of many ho's over there that needs to hang it up.
  • warhawks
    9 years ago

    Funny. I don't seem to get this reaction from girls I'm interested in OTC meetings.

    The smart ones realize they don't have to pay the club all their fees and it's actually less time out of their day to do OTC and guaranteed $.

    Maybe these girls on SW like going to work on a slow day with customers who aren't spending any $ in the club?
    Would you rather do an OTC and make money? Or sit around an empty club for 7 hours maybe going home with no $ or even having to owe fees to the club when you didn't make anything that day?
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    i've never done the OTC thing, so i can't speak on it. but i will say i'm a bit surprised that many strippers do OTC. women are very confusing creatures, but the one thing i know FOR SURE is that they want to feel safe. they never wanna feel like they're gonna get beat up or raped. so keeping that in mind, i'm a bit surprised that sooo many of them meet up with random dudes outside of a strip club. if its at a public place, i understand. but jack said he's gotten them to come to his house, and i believe jack, but its still somewhat surprising to me.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    GoVikings: I know in the dive clubs some girls will fuck anyone, but in my club I'm not aware of any of the girls that do OTC unless they've known you for a while, and even then many don't do it at all.
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    Strippers are another breed. After all the crazy things I've seen them do, I still can't get over the surprise myself at the risks they'll take on impulse.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    GoVikings: as Chandler pointed out, strippers aren't exactly crack decision-makers, or show good judgement when a potential payday is around the corner. On top of that, they do get some feeling for the guy at the club. I know a number girls who at least claim never to do OTC with anyone who isn't a regular, or who they haven't at least met a few times. So there are certainly various levels of risk-tolerance among the girls...
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I have a reasonable degree of confidence if I ever do OTC with my CF, I'm not going to get mugged by her pimp of something. I like to think at this point she knows I'm not going to beat her up. I might smack her ass (okay, I already do that ITC), but we have a professional relationship.

    One advantage of being a stripper but also doing OTC is you can pick and choose your clients. The same way a guy using backpage isn't sure what will show up at his hotel room, a sex worker doesn't know if she's going to get a client who smells awful and is high on meth, or even just seems a little "off".
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    (Ilbbaicnl & dugan) + 1
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    GoVikings posted: "i'm a bit surprised that sooo many of them meet up with random dudes outside of a strip club."

    I think that there is a mental risk/reward element to it for each side. Sure risks exist, but in my experience they are fairly low. The reality is that both parties to the transaction usually have ample reasons not to screw around

    Yes there are some girls who will jump with any guy who makes an offer, but in my experience many girls who are considering OTC tend to ask at least a few questions and get comfortable before taking the plunge. For example, a middle aged business guy probably isn't too serious a risk and likely has lots of reasons to avoid problems, including marriages, careers, kids, etc.

    From a customer standpoint, I tend to steer clear of girls who are brand new to the club and aren't from the area. Beyond that, as long as she isn't high or strung out, is willing to take payment after the fact and will go to a hotel of my choosing, I'm good. Keep in mind that most dancers also have lots of reasons not to mess around, including kids to feed, criminal records that make more LE exposure problematic, a need for discretion, regular clubs that pissed off guys can find them in, etc.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    One of the “golden rules” sorta speak in business is to know your clientale and their needs – too many, not all of course, dancers, think it's only about them – they want to “bank” as they refer to it and want to bank bigtime all on their terms; not on what the paying custy wants.

    They want to entice and turn-on the customer in order to get all his $$$ but are then flabbergasted when the customer she turned on (on purpose) asks-for or wants sex – really? - that's like putting your hand in the dog's mouth and complaining when he bites you.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “... i'm a bit surprised that many strippers do OTC ...”

    Women having sex w/ men for $$$ has been around forever; thus why is called the oldest profession in the world – and most sex providers throughout history probably had encounters w/ men they did not know very well if at all; it's kinda one of the occupational hazards and many a occupation has its hazards.

    Back in the day before the Internet most providers would have to stand on a street corner often in bad neighborhoods and have to get in a stranger's car – at least in a SC the dancer has had a chance to interact with the PL and often times over a period time (weeks/months).

    And PLs take a chance too – they could also be victims.

    In the end; as w/ many things in life; one cannot totally eliminate risk – I imagine most dancers take certain precautions such as getting to know the PL.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    In My Experience, what dances say about it all is that the work is emotionally stressful. This is one of the ways they justify the high costs. But I do believe that it takes a toll on them. I see this when interacting with them.

    That one, she just needs to be fucked long and slow. Getting paid well will also help her feel better.

    Can't worry about such comments. Girls talk like that, but it is mostly to each other.


    Sunshine of Your Love
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    @san_jose_guy "That one, she just needs to be fucked long and slow. Getting paid well will also help her feel better.

    Can't worry about such comments. Girls talk like that, but it is mostly to each other."

    so when a woman tells you NO you can't worry about such comments because what she needs is to be fucked long and slow. maybe you could toss her a few dollars afterward so that, you know, it would help her feel better.

    you really are a piece of shit
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    No means no. But you can't let refusals get to you, get you down. That's what I mean. In a strip club there is no shortage of pretty girls.

  • chandler
    9 years ago
    Papi, I think of stripping as offering far more opportunities to reduce risk than does streetwalking, which is about the riskiest, most desperate part of the sex trade. And yet many strippers simply can't be bothered to take easy, common sense precautions. It's true for things like condom use in the club, and for who they agree to see OTC.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    In the big scheme of things – aren't we perhaps better off that strippers don't have common sense

  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    They need us as much as we need them.

  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    san_jose_guy "They need us as much as we need them."

    us? us?

    you got a mouse in your pocket do you basement boy?
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    Papi....those are great points, and you're right, women having been having sex with men for money for a loooooong time

    But women are also much, much more likely to be victims of sexual assault and domestic violence......that's all I was getting at with my last post
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    Absolutely, Papi. And God bless them for it.
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