
How will you handle this? Serious responses please!

Avatar for ujay

I am the department head of a local successful company. We recently hired a very beautiful 24 y/o lady at $11/hour with benefits. She did not select the right major in college and she is now straddled with a $35K student loan. She is smart and would like to go to nursing school to improve her wage prospect. The local community college nursing school costs around $40K. She is reluctant to take on more debt. No financial help from parents who are rural farmers, and have other children to care for. I do not want to attract unnecessary attention from fellow staff and employees regarding my interest in her. I want no flirting or gifts. I am 52, married, with son in college. I do not need sexual harassment charges. I simply want to invite her to my office one day and tell her that I will pay for her nursing education if she agrees to accompany me on biweekly company trips. I will give her 48 hours to think about this. If she says, "I have a boyfriend, or I am not interested", I will simply back off with no further interaction with her. This, I think, will lessen my sexual harassment risk and exposure to other employees. If she agrees to my offer; well, Game ON!. She will become my OTC/sugar baby. How will you handle this situation? Do you think that this is the right way?


last comment
Avatar for Dougster

Dude, you're nuts. Stop even thinking about this.

Avatar for mikeya02

Your HR department would disagree with you

Avatar for GACA

Wow. So...start paying hookers. Actually go to the club to night and treat yourself to a VIP!!!

Your head is way too far up your assistance right now. Even you must know this. Go tonight get fucked by a beautiful escort/stripper whatever.

Your place of employment is the fckn last place on earth you want to play this game!!!!

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

For being a department head you are thinking with the wrong head.

Avatar for Flipper5953

Plenty of very pretty girls in the world, and many have needs. You are trying to convince yourself there is something special about this one. There is not. Check out arrangement finders or elsewhere online for a girl who is actually looking for something like this. There is no way that approaching a subordinate with an illicit proposition ends well for you.

Avatar for warhawks

Bad idea.

Don't do it.

Go to a local strip club instead on your business trips. Pay everything with cash. Leave your phone in your hotel room. Leave no trace of where you've been on your company trips other than on business.

Avatar for jackslash

Go to the closest strip club and offer a stripper the same kind of deal. That's a lot safer and will more likely result in what you want.

Avatar for ididthisonce

Rule #1 - Don't fuck around at the office.

Rule #2 - Refer to Rule #1

Brings nothing but heartache.

The only exception is if you work at a brothel.

Avatar for beguiled

Great fantasy. Disastrous reality. Do not attempt.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

$40k for a community college? - hope she gets a new car from the college at graduation (seems way too much $$$ for a community college but maybe nursing in particular may be extra-expensive?).

You are married and having sex w/ an under-link – too much to lose – most relationships go sour; what do you think it going to happen when you decide to cut her off – could get ugly/uncomfortable for you.

You should reconsider this situation right after you've blown your load with a stripper that way your mind is clear and you can make a decision w/o the little head butting in.

So in conclusion – a 52 y/o married boss having sex with his 24 y/o subordinate – hmm – I've never heard of something like this working out badly.

Avatar for motorhead

Seriously bad idea.

Seriously dude, for one thing, how do hide $40k from your wife?

Avatar for rickdugan

You are violating one of the three fundamental rules of cheating, which are:

  1. Don't Shit Where You Eat
  • Don't fuck your wife's friends, relatives or acquaintances.
  1. Not In My Back Yard
  • Don't fuck a girl who lives too close or uses the same stores
  1. Don't Dip Your Pen in Company Ink
  • Ding Ding Ding. And that's in the unlikely chance that the girl even says yes in the first place.

But hey, there is one bright side. After you lose both your job and your wife and the new girl is done suing your company for sexual harassment, at least her college debt problems will be solved. :)

Avatar for GACA

Seriously. $40k in payment of $1000 can get you laid by some way hot strippers. Under less financially dangerous circumstances. You lose your job for sexual harassment, oh and that proposition will be harassment period -- abuse of position and power.

There are hotter and more horney strippers or escorts. At 52, where is the common fckn sense? Your maturity level sir, is seriously lacking. I know 24 y/o with better sense.

Avatar for GACA

^^^^ @RickDugan...." But hey, there is one bright side. After you lose both your job and your wife and the new girl is done suing your company for sexual harassment, at least her college debt problems will be solved. :)"

LMFAO... great point

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Personally; I would would withhold making a decision until Juice has had a chance to chime in.

Avatar for Corvus

If she is that damn hot and you have to have her, and after you start thinking straight:

Use your personal/business connections to find her a better paying job locally. Then once she is no longer your subordinate, make her the SB offer.

Don't do it while she works for you.

Avatar for ATACdawg

In case you have missed the common message of the preceding posts,

DON'T DO IT! it will end up costing you your job, your friends, your family, your marriage and finally, your self respect. There is no upside to your plan.

Avatar for Diva1975

The guys are right. Do not do that

Avatar for jester214

Either way she get's her education paid for.

Seriously, this is Dougster level stupidity.

Avatar for sharkhunter

so seriously, is this a real situation or something made up?

Avatar for seaboardrr

No No No!!! Under no circumstances should ANYONE ever do this!!!

You aren't talking about her just possibly saying no. You're talking about the very real possibility of losing your wife, your family AND your job. 52, with no job and paying for a 2nd place to live since your wife will kick your ass out is not something you want to be doing. You'd be starting you entire life over and be lucky to get a crappy job doing it. No one would touch you with that sexual harassment charge being the reason you got fired from your last job. Do this and YOU'LL be the one working an $11/hr job somewhere with half of that or more going to the family you just tossed away hoping to get a piece of ass.

Even if you do this and she says yes all she has to do is march right into the HR dept at any moment and you're toast.

Every single person has posted the same thing. DO NOT DO THIS!! I don't think any of us could be any more serious in our responses. Go home and get some from your wife or go to a SC or hire an escort or just go in the company bathroom and jack off to get the little head out of the equation for a few minutes. Stay away from this woman at all costs so you don't do anything stupid.

Avatar for shadowcat

Go ahead and do it. I haven't had much news to report lately.

Avatar for rh48hr

I think it's safe to say you shouldn't do this. I'm not going to get into all the reasons, they have already been said numerous times. But when you see such a consensus among this group take it to heart, it's hard to get us to agree on much of anything. But I think we all agree your idea is a bad one.

Avatar for crazyjoe

I agree with all the pists that say NOOOOOOO

Avatar for ATACdawg

It should say something when there is total agreement among a bunch of guys who seldom agree about anything. ujay, we are trying to take care of your infatuated ass!

Avatar for JamesSD

Don't do it.

I started writing up how to do it right, be more sneaky, try yo mentor her. But seriously, there are hundreds of hot girls out there. You want to get your dick wet, you don't want someone who can blackmail you.

Avatar for whodey

What's the worst that can happen? Divorce? Unemployment? Massive lawsuit?

She must be the most beautiful girl you've ever seen to even consider something like this to even consider it long enough to write this post. Even then it ain't worth it.

Avatar for JohnBuford

Simply not a good idea. Too many things can go wrong.Lots of other women available for what you want without the baggage.

Avatar for mikeya02

I really don't believe this story.

Avatar for JohnSmith69

There are plaintiffs employment lawyers salivating over the prospect that you will follow through with your plan. I suspect that the damages she recovers will be enough to pay for her nursing school.

You gotta save this shit for the club.

Avatar for luv_women

This sounds like a good and fun way to force a change of lifestyle on the job and marraige fronts at the same time.

Avatar for 4got2wipe

Seems unanimous - not brilliant! ;)

I hope you're joking ujay, because this is possibly to least brilliant idea I've seen on here! And that includes crazyjoe's scatological suggestions!

Avatar for ujay

Thanks a million Guys!! I will not do this. It is hard for this board to agree on anything, but this board is unanimous on this. I will stay away from this Delilah! She is a snake in the grass, waiting for me to step on her! I will keep away from her.

Avatar for bvino

The average for 60 credits (two years of College) at the nations community colleges is $6,500.00. Even including pre-reqs and books a 2 year nursing degree (A.D.R.N.) should not cost more than $10,000.00 out of pocket. Either this is a phony story or she is already playing him and he doesn't even know it.

Avatar for ATACdawg

Thank God, ujay. I was sure that you would just ignore all the good advice here and go for it anyway.....

Avatar for DoctorPhil

@ujay “I will keep away from her.”

good luck with that but i’ll believe it when pigs fly or when san_jose_guy comes out of his mother’s basement whichever comes first.

Avatar for ujay

I will stay away from this woman. If she becomes too much to handle, I will simply get her fired. It is probably best for her to get a different job with a different company and avoid the temptation of being close to her. I will begin to set the dismissal in motion.

Avatar for saer

You're planning to get her fired because you might not be able to handle... not sexually harassing her? That's kind of fucked up.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

Holy shit! You're already working on getting her fired because you can't comport yourself appropriately?

Not only are you stupid, you're an asshole.

Avatar for GACA

Seriously, you get turned on and can't control your emotions and somehow this is her fault?

Dear god. If I knew who you were I would report you to your supervisors immediately. Your are not a man. You are a coward. I hope karma bites you in the ass.

Avatar for Lone_Wolf

I concur with everyone else. You would be nucking futs to do this. The power of pussy. Wow.

My bet is you will follow thru on this plan or something similar regardless of the input here. Not judging, I just know how tempting the fine work place pussy is. It will end ugly if you do.

Avatar for Aaron_hip

You asking her the question alone is enough to clean up all her debts, pay for her nursing school and more.

Avatar for rickdugan

A little rough ujay, no? Perhaps try a little impulse control instead. You said yourself that she is smart, which I can tell you from personal experience is a trait all too difficult to come by in employees. It would suck to lose a good asset for a reason like this.

Avatar for just_the_nuts

Papi lol thanks homea

I agree with the board NO !!!!

U have a super high shot at fuckin your life over like this

Seriously go to a club tonight and shower some poor naked young adult lady with that $40k and she will make u forget all about the work bitch plus u want fuck your career and home life

Avatar for infomanone

You will be out of a job and she will sue the company and get a settlement bigger then what she owes in debt!!!! You will throw everything away!!!!

Avatar for Lone_Wolf

Funny. Makes me wonder what a day in the life is for these young really fine baby-dolls. Everyone trying to manipulate them to get in their panties. Must a blessing and curse at the same time.

Avatar for just_the_nuts

Better hope she dont find this thread or your history mr

Avatar for Diva1975

We told you to stay away from her, not to have her fired. That would be such a douchebag move on your part. You must be a total narcissist. Seriously, don't do that to the girl. Just act like a professional. You're unbelievable and not in a good way. You don't deserve all the good advice we gave you here.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

There is a story in Sex and the Single Girl by Helen Gurley Brown, the former publisher of Cosmopolitan.

It is about a guy who set up such a situation. He interviewed a young woman and he told her about being in an asexual marriage and all and said, "I'm gong to make you my girl."

The woman accepted the job and the first day he took her to lunch, on a shopping spree, and then to a motel. And so it went like this from there on, with him handing her cash.

When they separated he gave her a big severance.

So I think the idea is that you don't negotiate. You let her see what you are trying to do, and then you just do it. There is no quid proquo and no agreement or negotiating. So you start by taking her shopping, and then move to handing her cash.

But this was a guy who owned the company himself and had lots of money to throw around. The woman never responded to his "I'm going to make you my girl statement."

But seriously, for a married man to do this is in my opinion total insanity. Need to either be a faithful husband, or get divorced.

And people don't pick the wrong majors in college. They may have trouble deciding what they want to do after college, but that does not mean they picked the wrong major.

Insanity that even publicly funded colleges are so expensive.


Avatar for seaboardrr

WOW. Just WOW. You could have said most anything else and still had people trying to give you helpful advice. You had to go down the 1 path you should have never even thought about and you just turned the entire audience against you.

Avatar for Estafador

And does she get to study let alone go to school. Biweekly vacations means not at school which creates a catch 22. Then she has to stress herself out more holding your old hog? Not sure how that's going to work

Avatar for Estafador

You know what's funny. There was a incident just like this in the news some time ago about a boss firing his employee at the bank because her hotness was sexually harassing. She didnt fight it but everyone thought he was a straight up asshole asswipe

Avatar for Clubber


You'll be playing with fire if you do anything.

Avatar for ujay

I think that to fire her would be the wrong move. Maybe, work on getting her transferred to a different department. It is tough working close to someone that you have strong feelings for. There is a 335lb lady that applied for the same job. Perhaps, it is time to call the 335lb lady up.

Avatar for GACA

Ujay or should I say Vjay your definitely of Indian decent if not from India or Pakistan directly. We don't treat women thar way in the USA. It's always their choice we just develope rhetoric and style to have them make a choice that favors us.

Come on man grow up. Feelings!! as if your the only person on earth that has them. I'd kick you in the balls if I knew who you were.

Avatar for GACA

You procreate? Didn't think it was possible with out balls or a spine... smh

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