The Thrill Is Gone

avatar for sinclair
Two different points for one topic:

1) The thrill of strip clubs has greatly diminished for me. One of the reasons is that I see better looking women outside of strip clubs than inside strip clubs. I notice in most reviews of most clubs, TUSCL guys will admit 9's and 10's are rare, and they have to settle for a 7 or an uncommon 8. I think truly beautiful women are going to be able to make money without becoming a stripper and having hordes of PL's groping them, sucking their tits, finger blasting them, etc. A 9 or 10 can be in Playboy, Hawaiian Tropic, regular modelling, or command a rich guy as a benefactor or sugar daddy. Women further down the scale are less beautiful, so they need to get naked or topless in a strip joint just to get the same amount of attention as a 9 or 10 with more clothing on. Then, there are tons of women in the strip club scene who are 1's through 6's. They don't get much attention even when they do take it all off. Basically they resort to stripping in the hopes of making a subsistence income (possibly off the raincoaters) because they have no marketable beauty or job skills.

B.B. King is in hospice care right now and probably won't live too much longer. I think he is one of the best guitar players of our time, at least on a Gibson. I had many great afternoons and evenings sitting in his blues club on Beale, getting drunk and watching live bands.


last comment
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
Yes, generally the hottest women won't be stripping or won't have to strip.
avatar for seaboardrr
10 years ago
But on the flip side the hottest woman could KNOW she's hot and feel she doesn't need to do anything sexual and end up being divorced like some of the recent threads have talked about. Like you always hear; show me a smoking hot 10 and I'll show you a man tired of fucking her. Sexuality and confidence can make a 5 turn into an 8.
avatar for GoVikings
10 years ago
The thrill is gone? Crazy talk!

Who is this and what you done with the REAL sinclair?
avatar for rattdog
10 years ago
ay sinclair,

i see that you travel to a lot of clubs in a lot of different states. if what you posted is true in almost all of the clubs you visit then well, i dunno. what can i say thanks? thanks in the sense that it's not probably even worth to book a trip to a city where the clubs have great action with girls that are 8's, as those types of girls are becoming more of a rarity. this trend is not good as i have noticed this for quite some time now in my neck of the woods. now it's becoming nationwide. now i have to pay more and shop around via backpage, which is a pain in the ass expensive process.
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
Take a break and save some cash. But the falling unemployment rate is going to drain some talent.

Right now locally I only want to watch about 50% of the talent on stage, and only half those girls will motivate me to move to the rail. There are still diamonds in the rough, especially for those of us who don't mind a dirty young 7 who will give a good two way contact LD for 20 bucks.
avatar for tobala
10 years ago
9's and 10's are fun to look at, fun to fuck, but most of them have the personality of a rattlesnake. The clubs have been full of 5's to 8's as far back as I can remember for all the reasons stated above. Maybe you just need a break from clubbing.@ seaboard- he might not be tired of fucking her, but he's definitely tired of listening to her bitchin' !
avatar for sinclair
10 years ago
rattdogg, I think you can still find clubs in the United State that are 7-up factories, but only in a few select cities will there be a club where just about every dancer is 7 or better. I have been to alot of top 100 clubs on here, that were not as impressive as their ratings made them out to be.

Lets say a hypothetical club has two dozen dancers on shift. Then maybe only 3-4 of those dancers are at least a 7.0. Most the guys in the club will be competing for those 3-4 dancers. You are going to be paying cover, buying expensive drinks, possible tip walk to deal with, and you may not even get to pull one of those 3-4 dancers back for lappers due to their regulars locking them down and every other guy in the club gunning for them, So the scarcity of "minimum fuckable talent" turns your visit sour, unless you drop your standards down to anything with a wet, 98 degree, three-hole course.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Keep looking. Your dream stripper is out there. She's just waiting for you to find her.
avatar for jackslash
10 years ago
B. B. King is great. The thrill is still there.

avatar for rickdugan
10 years ago
sinclair, there are still plenty of places where 9s and even 10s can be found. Rich husbands and modeling gigs don't exactly grow on trees, contrary to popular opinion. Besides, some of these girls don't want any husband, at least not yet, choosing instead be their own bosses and make good money in the process.

But I will say that most of these girls won't be found in the middle of nowhere. These girls tend to learn their worth pretty quickly and often migrate to clubs in wealthier areas. There are exceptions as not every girl is mobile, but a young hot girl isn't going to spend too long dancing in the middle of nowhere Wisconsin if she can make chunks of money in Chicago, Vegas, NYC, etc.

But if the thrill is gone, then you may want to take a break. No sense in throwing good money away on something that you are not enjoying.
avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
I don't need a 9 or a 10 to turn me on, or to make a strip club trip worthwhile. Reasonably attractive naked women still do it for me; I see no reason to eschew the good in pursuit of the better.

After 35+ years, I still enjoy the hell out of clubbing.
avatar for shailynn
10 years ago
I have to agree on some points, the overall quality of the girls 10 years ago was much better than what I see today. Maybe it's me aging but that's not all of it.

I think the emergence of sugar daddy websites, and camming have taken a considerate chunk out of the quality girls that normally would be stripping today if those options weren't avsilable. I know a few dancers turned cam models and they all were 8s or 9s. I think they had to be something special in the looks department to be so successful at camming that they could quit stripping all together.

the appearance of girls have changed and a lot of us don't like it. Tattoos, piercings, the goth look and purple hair all are very common these days and often diminishes the quality of the girls. A 7 all tatted and pierced up may drop to a 5.
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
Send me your pierced goth girls please!

Tattoos need to stay off the front of the torso but are fine otherwise
avatar for bvino
10 years ago
I see beautiful girls everyday where I work. I would rather offer money to a 7 or 8 and get nudity and sex than offer sex to a 10 civilian and lose my job. I never expect raging beauty in a club ,I guess I go for the simplicity of it and not the amazing spectacle that never arrives.
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
The other night I saw a few 8's or maybe 8.5 and at least one 9. She looked so good, I wondered if she was a porn star. These girls were getting dances at the regular lap dance price of $25 per song. I saw several guys go back with them. I guess the money can be there. Of particular note was that the girl I rate slightly higher, I do not remember seeing her before. I am very familiar with the other two. One of them still looks at me funny probably wondering why I showed up on facebook. I don't care. I know she's not interested in me anyway. She doesn't show up on my facebook suggested friends anymore. Although I accidentally found her in another pic of one of her friends. I thought the comment was quite amusing even the guy's female friends did not think so. I will refrain from posting it here in case someone has identified me.
avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
I hear this "things were so much better 10 years ago" stuff, and I frankly just don't see it. I saw pretty girls in the club then, and I see them now in about the same numbers. I had sex in the club then, and I have it now at about the same frequency. I got takeout from dancers then, and I get it now about as often.

Sure, things go in cycles, but I don't think the amplitude is as great as implied by some of the comments I've seen.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
I think dancers' looks to a large extent may be inversely proportional to mileage/extras.

I had very few SC experiences in the 90s and the few visits I had the mileage was not what it is today (often air-dances) – in the clubs w/ mostly air-dances; there seemed to be a lot better looking women.

One current prominent example is Cheetah vs Follies in Atlanta where it seems Cheetah has great lookers overall and it's mostly an air-dance club – where Follies is high-mileage but with less attractive girls (or so I believe is the consensus).

I often read-reviews of low-mileage clubs with very good looking dancers but not necessarily the same w.r.t. high-mileage clubs (except maybe Detroit).

Seems the high mileage and extras have driven many dancers away.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
w.r.t. BB King – he is 89 y/o - he's had a very long life expecially for a musician.
avatar for mjx01
10 years ago
In general, I would agree that the thrill is gone (or at least seriously diminished.) However, IMO, declining dancer quality is only part of it. Another big part of it (for me anyway) is that most places I visit, the dancers just have shit attitudes anymore. I liked clubbing a lot more when the dancers had (or were faking) "happy" and "fun" attitudes. All this "woe-is-me" shit these days is such a mood killer. I want to go to a club to have a good time, not listen to dancers bitching about her life.
avatar for just_the_nuts
10 years ago
I agree with George micro dong

Im 16+ years and counting
avatar for Estafador
10 years ago
I stop and think, your absolutely right. I get excited far faster from girls outside than inside thus my mind thinks "if the girls outdoors are this damn fine, the gilrs indoors will probably put my penis in a wheelchair". And when i get to the club im always less than thrilled these days to the point where i cant go without weed glasses, and even that gets kind of boring sometime quick. Still sinclair, cant say you CAN'T have fun with an 8
avatar for Estafador
10 years ago
I say it all the time, send me your tatted hoes. Somebody's got to love them and that someone shall be me.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago

“Mean nothing”

“If you have; a broken heart”

Taking it back to 1983:…
avatar for pensionking
10 years ago
Holy hell am I depressed now.

Need Cleveland Cavs to lose to make me feel better.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Maybe you need to switch it up a bit to keep things interesting. You know add a bit of challenge. Why not see if you can invent a System to pay hookers for sex?
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
I could post messages on dancers Facebook accounts if I wanted to mix it up a bit but I don't know if that would generate positive messages or not. I'm already wondering why two girls keep popping up to the top of my suggested friends list. Maybe they're clicking on me to look at more interesting stuff on my friends or relatives pics. I don't have hardly anything for them to look at so I figure that's it.
At least I don't have a dead girl popping up at the very top of my suggested friends list. That just seemed creepy when that happened. Strange thing was, I remembered meeting her. I think she used to hang around me on occassion. I had no idea why.
avatar for alldaylong
10 years ago
I only go for clubs w 8+ fully aware that w it comes more $$. Id leave if they all truly left.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
I was going to say there are lots of clubs with 8-9 dancers. Then I went to two normally good clubs tonight. Best girl anywhere was a generous 6. Now I don't know . Damn I miss my 10.
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
I don't know other markets, but I know the 9s here tend to be very low mileage, and finding a good mileage 8 is like panning for gold.

Once you get into 7 territory it's a lot better, especially since my 7 may be someone else's 5. I like cute college girls with a little baby fat on them, which seem like second or third tier to most guys.
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
Fortunately for me my CF is a 9 who gives GREAT mileage. If it wasn't for her, I don't think I would be hitting any Portland clubs up, the quality is getting so bad.
avatar for MrBater2010
10 years ago
I can't help but wonder who turned the lights on in the last club you were in? LOL
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
They could install more blue led lights wherever you guys are at. Whenever they turn that color on, I have trouble seeing anything. Make everyone blind. I won't tip anyone at the stage if I need shades just to see the stage though.
avatar for whodey
10 years ago
Just saw that BB King died. Truly a legendary musician that will be missed.
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