
My Experience Dating A Stripper

Strip Club Nation
I met her at one of the local college bars. You know, the types of places where 18-21 are drinking with fake id's, and you can get Jager Bombs for $3. Her sky blue eyes had caught my attention, and I had to see what this lady was all about. I approached her and bought her a few cocktails. We flirted all the way until closing time. Everything seemed to be going great and I made out with her before we left the bar. She told me she was from one of the neighboring states and working as a waitress at a strip club in the city. I rationalized in my head that while she did work in a strip club, at least she wasn't a stripper.

After alot of texting and her sending me risque pictures to my phone, we were going to meet up two nights later. She was working that night, so I was going to meet up with her at the strip club with a pack of Newport's, then we were going to leave to go to some bars and nightclubs afterwards. When I got to the strip club I did not see my spinner, so I asked one of the other waitresses where ------- the waitress was at. The waitress told me that ------- was not a waitress, but actually a dancer. To compound that, she was either in a VIP room or giving lap dances when I arrived. I was pissed because I cannot stand people who lie to me. I thought about just leaving and blocking her number. I figured since I am all about life experiences, I would see how things played out and experience what it was like to date a stripper.

To speed up the story a bit, the whole relationship went downhill from there for me. There was a whole lot more than the lies, flakiness, and immaturity. There were many times I should have drawn a line in the sand and just cut things off.

I learned all about her fucked up family--the abuse, constant moving, and she didn't even know who her biological father was. The couple weeks I saw her, she had to go to court a couple times. From what I could tell, she got caught in possession of a large amount of Ecstasy before I met her. She was young and already a felon. I guess that explained why the only place she could get work was at a titty bar. She also surrounded herself with alot of trash: drug dealers, trailer park trash, and other assorted lowlifes. Her best friend was a black chick. She wanted me to have a threesome with her and her best friend, but I refused. She was naturally gifted with a nice body, but destroyed it with tattoos. Tattoos can look good if they are tasteful and in moderation. It seemed like she'd get any random piece just for the hell of it, like it was an addiction. Heck, in the short time I associated with her, she was getting progressively uglier with each tattoo. I recently looked at her Instagram, and she now looks as inked as Kat Von D, just with shittier artwork. She was very immature for her age. Instead of going out somewhere nice to eat, she preferred to go to some greasy place and order a large plate of cheese fries. I learned and observed that she was big into drugs. She made good money stripping at a competitive club, but always ended up broke, spending most of it on drugs and alcohol. She was young, hot, and probably a nine or better on most guys rating scales. I estimated that she averaged $600-800 per shift after tip outs, and could blow every penny the next day. I always offered to drive because I was a gentleman, but she would never let me because she always had some type of drug on her, whether it was pills, dope (her favorite), or cocaine stashed in her bra. (She was at least considerate enough not to get me in deep shit if we got pulled over in my vehicle. I think this was due to her getting busted with drugs in a vehicle before.) So she would drive, and this was the scariest part of the relationship. She would drive down city streets with pedestrians at 55 mph, giving the finger to people in crosswalks and honking like crazy at other motorists. Not only that, she would be smoking a joint while she was driving. The drug use and the psychotic driving was the point where I absolutely realized I had to serve a burn notice to my 19 year old stripper. I did not want to be around when she committed vehicular homicide or overdosed on drugs.

The only two positives I could draw from dating a stripper were: (1) It was an ego stroke going out in public with a sexy dancer. Guys would constantly be checking her out, and women would be checking us both out. In fact, she dressed too sexy and flaunted her body too much, that I almost got into a few situations where I had to fight off some aggressive guys. Even better were the few times she took me out with small groups of dancers (usually 3-4) that she was friends with. People looked at me like I was a rockstar being the lone guy with several scorching hot chicks around me. One time a girl approached me at the bar when I was out with her and her friends, and my spinner jumped in and threatened to fight the girl if she didn't get lost. (2) The sex was off the charts. I did not know a nineteen year old could be a sexual freak. Most women never accumulate her sexual skills after a lifetime of experience. I am guessing she got exposed to porn and sex at an early age.

Keep in mind everything other than the two above points was fucked up. She seemed fairly normal the first time we met. By the time I ditched her, I had learned she was bat shit crazy and had a lot of issues/baggage. Moral of the story: Don't date strippers!


  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I've had 19 year old sexual freaks in my past. It's more common in the post porn age than it was when I was 19.

    This girl was clearly bad news. She lied about being a waitress but then had you meet her at the club? Maybe it was a gamble, but more likely she just didn't keep track of her lies
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Well - at least you got to fuck her and didn't end up in jail or some other bullshit.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    That's why I often consider P4P “cheaper” all the way around than getting involved in any other way w/ these career losers.
  • sinclair
    9 years ago
    There is a whole lot more to the story, but I didn't feel like typing forever. I might have been a little harsh, but I think deep down she did have some redeeming qualities. After all, she did not want me to get in trouble for her drug habit and usually partook in them out of my presence. We did have fun while it lasted. Thanks for reading.
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    nice read--i'd love to hear more if you feel like sharing---if not----that's ok too
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    19? Uber hot and sexy? It wasn't JohnSmith's DS, was it?
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Many of these chicks are not bad people in that would go out of their way to hurt someone/a-PL ; it's just they make very poor decisions and often don't change their ways and a PL will get caught in their wake.

    Their lives are often out of control and this will often have a negative effect on anyone associated w/ them.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Cool story man. I've dated strippers, and you're right, they are freaks in the bedroom!
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Everyone has redeeming qualities. That doesn't mean you should date them.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    ^ yeah - I'm sure even Charles Manson has a sweet and considerate side
  • warhawks
    9 years ago

    I had kind of the same experience with one girl. Although I hung in with her a LOT longer than you did.

    I had just started going to clubs and I thought I could "save" her. And in the process spent s lot of money and a lot of my time and lost more than I ever thought would happen... on a hopeless case who didn't appreciate all I did for her.

    So, just like the OP, it ended badly and is a life lesson learned..... The hard way.
    Hopefully, others who are thinking about doing it heed our warning and learn from our mistakes.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I love this song when it comes to dating strippers:

  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    19 years old, sexual freak, beautiful, stripper, into drugs. Something about this sounds vaguely familiar.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    ^^^ JS your DS likes Franzia, not cheese fries. Hopefully she's a better driver.

    Great story Sinclair. If that was your stripper at 19 it appears I dated her when she was 35 minus the tattoos. I dated one that looked "rode hard and put away wet" but still was hot as hell. As our relationship progressed out came the stories of sexual abuse, abusive ex-husbands (4 to be exact) misdemeanors (no felonies) and just bad decisions. Eventually there was too much drama, this girl created drama just going out to lunch. I summed her up like this to my friends and sounds like it's par for the course for your Spinner and just about every other stripper. "Everyday we have to make 100s of decisions, so many you don't even notice them
    and this girl always makes the wrong one, every time."

    So simple - get up and go to work or stay in bed / obey speed limit or go as fast as you can / get a good nights rest or party all night before another day of work / save your money for rent or blow it all on xxxxx.

    Either way, every if you're cringing the entire time they sure are exciting! Lol
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    gawker has to be the uncrowned champion of dating a stripper, spending tons of time and treasure to no purpose or appreciation, and giving chance after chance despite his disgust because he just can't stand to watch her destroy herself. It's really sad how damaged some of these girls are.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    Dating a stripper is always like this. She seems nice and normal at first, and since she's hot you overlook all the warning signs. But as you get to know her, you find she's crazier than a shit-house rat.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Yeah, don't be Captain Save-a-Ho.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
  • magicrat
    9 years ago
    I've had regular OTC relationships with 2 strippers in my life, and I have to admit, the sex was kind of tame. My last couple of civi relationships have been way hotter. Both of my OTC gals were in their 30's but do they get tamer as they get older?
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    Sin,I hear what you're saying.Dated a stripper for three years.Never heard of ADHD until she.Put a fat diamond on her finger,thank God I got that back.Went into her club and got her coworkers all liquored up and they told me the deal,yeah she hooks.When I told her I'm going to fund certain political parties,she didn't understand
  • skibum609
    9 years ago
    It sucks being married. We're flying to California Saturday and driving South down the coast, golfing our way from San Francisco to Los Angeles. Then off to vegas.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    My escapades with strippers are they try to be sexual freaks, because it is pretty much established early on that is what the attraction is about from the onset.
  • DoctorDarby
    9 years ago
    I made a vow when I started some 35 years ago that I wouldn't date them for all of the reasons Sin lists in his story. I have stuck to it, in spite of my attraction to a number of them over the years. I've been a buddy, smoked a few doobies, gone out to breakfast, listened to their tales of whoa, and hung out in other bars with a lot of them, but dodged the bullet otherwise. I could have used the wild sex back in the day (when I had no game otherwise) but can't say I regret missing the drama.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I 'sort of dated' my ATF, meaning we'd do OTC and I didn't pay her for it. Like all dancers, she'd have some pretty lame excuses why she'd blow off 1 out of every 3 dates, and I can't handle that on a constant basis, so I haven't asked her out recently. I still see her in the club so we're not really 'broken up' but I've had an old g/f rekindle the flame and I can only handle one girl at a time (besides my wife).

    I agree the upside is having a hot girl on your arm, and she's really fun to be with. The down side is you get all excited to be with her and she stands you up all the time with a sick relative story, a doctor appointment she forgot about, or some such thing. I think the last straw was when she asked ME out for dinner and then she broke the date at the last minute. That's typical for a dancer though.

    The ATF has the usual alcohol and drug use but she's not nearly as bad as most. She's sober at work and still has a ton of regulars who will do anything for her.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Well, that whole story rings completely true. The strippers who have let me into their lives, have many things in common:almost all have pretty tragic upbringings, most are into drugs (at the very least molly, pot, and coke), all have no credit. But the big thing is emotional maturity: I think I'd read, and I absolutely agree, that this type of life (and the life leading up to it) absolutely delays maturity.

    Some of the strippers were also sweet women deep down -- when they weren't grappling with their demons, bad decisions, drugs & alcohol
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Perhaps is not a thing w/ strippers in general (i.e. f'ed up); but maybe the screwed-up subset that is willing to go out w/ us PLs – hmm?
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    Is it really that hard to deal with people as individuals?
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    While I don't doubt the experiences that have been shared here, I think it's worth a reminder that they're not all so incredibly screwed up. I've been with mine for seven months. We've taken four trips together and had dozens of dates. Throughout it all, she has never come remotely close to standing me up, and she's only been late maybe once or twice. I'm late more often than her. And she always responds to every message I ever send her. Sure, it's a tough job and it impacts her. And she does some drugs. But so far at least, her basic good nature and strong work ethic have prevailed. Will it change? Maybe, but I think that's far from a given.
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