I was wrong .....

avatar for JohnSmith69
Like many of you, I'm a slightly older guy, conservative, kind of set in my ways, convinced that I'm right about most things. So it's extremely humbling to find out something about which I have been totally wrong my entire life. That's what happened to me recently.

I've been completely anti-drug my entire life. Occasionally I was kind of a dick with my kids trying to make sure that they never smoked pot. I had little respect for pot smokers. I thought they were lazy, shiftless, and lacking in ambition. While I questioned the obscene amounts of money that LE spent on enforcing drug laws. I otherwise have no problem with the notion that marijuana should be illegal. I didn't really distinguish between marijuana and other drugs like cocaine or heroin.They were all illegal drugs, I had no interest, and they were a blight to society.

I was dead wrong. Completely. Can't get more wrong. I love getting high and am going to do it for many years to come.

I've learned two things through this. First, you can't criticize something if you don't understand it. And sometimes, and this is true with marijuana, you can't understand something until you've experienced it. Second, there is at least some truth to the adage that "you're only as old as the women you fuck." When you build a regular relationship with a young woman, she will challenge many of the assumptions that you base your life on. And listen to her because sometimes she may be right.

With one exception that you will see below, I'm not planning to make a big pitch for marijuana in this post. Everybody decide for yourself. It's all good. But there is one thing about pot that seems particularly relevant to this board and so I am going to share that. Marijuana enhances the strip club experience in a way that alcohol cannot touch. When I'm high in the club, I don't just hear the music, I feel it and I see it too. I've been listening to music for 50 years, but I never really heard it, I never really understood it, until now. And the second thing is the combination of being high and naked women. Marijuana enhances all sensations and makes things that are good that much better. In strip club terms, what this means for me is that most dancers are elevated by about 1.5 points in looks. So a7 becomes an 8.5, an 8 becomes a 9.5, etc. Now of course this can be dangerous. If you make a 5 into a marginally acceptable 6.5, you will be ashamed of yourself in the morning if you're not careful. But when you find a 9.5, or that one in a million dream stripper, for the first time in your life you will experience an 11 +. It's getting even better now that I've figured out how to smoke pot in the club without detection.

And when the night of clubbing, fucking and sucking is over, the pot will cause you to slowly drift off into a peaceful sleep. You wake up in the morning refreshed, with no hangover of any type, and at least partial memories of a great time the precious night.

So if you never tried pot before, or if your use was very occasional or decades ago, just consider the possibility that the guy with the dream stripper sex stories might be onto something. We've got to be willing to consider the possibility sometimes that what we think is right might actually be very wrong.


last comment
avatar for GoVikings
10 years ago
"I had little respect for pot smokers. I thought they were lazy, shiftless, and lacking in ambition."

avatar for ididthisonce
10 years ago
I smoked it as a teenager and simply put it down for many reasons. I generally felt that if you wanted to get high, then smoking it would get you high. If I was a skeptic about it, then smoking would attain hardly a buzz....To me, it was just a mental thing.

As I get older, I find my taste in women changes. Women that I wouldn't have taken a second look at a decade or two ago (high or not) such as 45 year old MILFS -GILFs are now viewed in a different light. Thru a series of rationalizations, the pool of women that I find attractive grows each day. That could be a good thing...right?
avatar for gawker
10 years ago
I smoked pot back in the 60's (that's the 1960's). Ended up forgetting about it when my wife didn't like it, had kids, began a career, etc. several years ago a lawyer friend was on chemotherapy and began smoking weed to alleviate his symptoms and he offered me a blunt. Well, I'm not sure if the pot is stronger or my perceptions have changed but the effect was much stronger than I remember. Now that my state has legalized medical marijuana I think I feel a case of glaucoma coming on.
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
Pot can make a person lazy. But I know a lot of pot smokers with advanced degrees. The pot heads at my college were largely computer science majors, and all of them graduated.

I view it like alcohol. I think a lot of teenagers can't use it responsibly. It can contribute to questionable decision making. But like booze it can be used responsibly and be fun.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
I’m 45 and never done a drug in my life nor put a cigarette in my mouth; and only began to drink socially when I started SCing in my early 30s (and currently don’t drink due to a minor health setback a while back).

Honestly; I am not educated enough to say pot; or other particular drugs; are bad and should not be done.

For me often times drugs, and other things; are a way of dealing w/ the symptoms and not really the core problem – kinda like an escape.

But we don’t live in a perfect world and in today’s world many people are often overworked; under-slept; and overall over-stressed; and many are unable or not in a position to solve/remedy these issues and can only try to alleviate the symptoms – that’s why so many in our society are not only habitual drinkers; but the psychiatric drug market is huge (whether it’s anti-depressants or just sleeping aids).

Marijuana is a natural product for the most part AFAIK and does seem to have positive medicinal effects akin to other natural herbs – but IDK enough about the possible side-effects to say one should avoid using it.

Personally – I’ve always strongly disliked smoking in general and could not see myself w/ a cigarrete in my mouth and the same sorta thing would apply to a joint (although I’m aware one can get the effects thru other means other than smoking it).

I don’t think I’ve ever met a person that became a better person or became more successful b/c of drinking or doing drugs – although this is not the same as saying one can’t be successful doing those things.

My strongest objection against me using it personally is becoming sorta dependent on it and I would not personally like to go down that road.
avatar for Corvus
10 years ago
My experiences and feelings are similar to Papi's. However, that being said JS69, have your DS deliver to me some quality weed and I'll give it a try along with her and report back on my little experiment.

To each their own.....
avatar for lookingforpink
10 years ago
Lots of good comments, however I hired my first employee in 1978. I have worked many 'Potheads' and believe me, that if the same set of people where not 'Potheads', I would be much more able to enjoy my Strip Club experience with the additional income. Potheads made good employees for repetitious jobs, but they lose their ability to problem solve, and also become very complacent in what gets done over the course of a day. Fun to hang out with though. Not for me. I struggle enough with issues, sure do not need for my brain to be lost in a could of smoke. You verify why I never started. Make a 6.5 into an 8 is a good reason not to start. LOL. Miss me a Crown & Water.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Papi, marijuana no longer necessarily involves smoking. It used to. However, using vaporizers is the new thing, and it's very different than smoking. In smoking, you burn the plant at a high temperature and it releases all sorts of toxins and you cough like you have lung cancer. But with a vaporizer, you breath in steam, not smoke. It does not have the toxic crap that you get with smoke. Plus with concentrated marijuana all it takes is a handful of puffs of vapor and you're high. Take five puffs of steam over a couple of minutes and you're there.

The DS is a purist and has always smoked blunts but those things kill my lungs and make a horrible smell. It almost got us kicked out of our last hotel room together. I'm in the process of converting her to a vape, and she's excited about it.

Not trying to convert you if that's not what you want. But I'd be glad to bring the vape next time I'm in Miami if you want to see that what I'm saying is true.
avatar for bvino
10 years ago
Beer goggles are bad enough but pot goggles? I am allergic to smoke of all kinds so Marijuana was never part of my life. I am 57 and certainly knew a ,and know, a lot of pot heads. They are all a little slower than they used to be and hard to hang out with owing to their slightly stupefied demeanor. More power to ya' JOHNSMITH but it sounds pretty funny for an adult to be extolling the virtues of losing ones self control. Try to be safe and have fun.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Corvus, if any of you guys could ever get high and then have a bareback fuck and suck session with her, you would each and every one become a convert over night. But it ain't gonna happen.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
I'll try the vape w/ your DS; just wait out in the hallway :)

Thanks for the info though; but not really too curious at this time.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
"it sounds pretty funny for an adult to be extolling the virtues of losing ones self control"

Isn't loosing self control, in the sense of the type of self control that society says men should have, exactly what strip clubs are all about. In a strip club we do what men everywhere wish they could do but don't because their wife, kids, community, church, mom, female friends, etc all tell them that they must have self control. If that was me I wouldn't go to strip clubs.

I think 50 is actually a great age to start having this kinda fun. Cause I've got the maturity, experience, good job, and responsible lifestyle all in place. In other words it's a lot less likely that pot is going to negatively Impact me like it would a teenager. Plus I'm tired of being a boring old fart.

Now I gotta go cause there are little green alien bugs crawling on my skin and I need to deal with that.
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
No it ain't gonna happen. I'm not flying all the way across the US just for a piece of ass. I tried pot a few times back in my 20's and it did nothing for me. I did go to many parties where I was the only non smoker in the place. So if you believe in second hand smoke them maybe I got stoned. My best friend was a minor dealer. Only sold to his friends.

I went through 25 years years of random drug testing before I retired and still managed to have a fulfilling sex life. So I think I can get through the rest of my life with out it.

One of my favorites has a BF that is a drug dealer and she has told me several times that she likes me because I don't judge her.
avatar for ATACdawg
10 years ago
Despite everything, if you intend to be on a job search in the near future, pot is a really bad idea if you are going to face a piss test. THC is fat soluble and will show up for at least a month after quitting.
avatar for Estafador
10 years ago
I only use it when getting top from how's or going to the strip club (once each. Planning to experiment more with it). Otherwise I exclusively smoke when my stoner friends come over to my house
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
Brains wiring is different for everyone. Some people don't need to smoke pot. And today's strains way more potent than anything in the 60's 70's ...you will get high, not maybe get high. Hydroponic-Indo is the best shit ever.

But again not every brain can manage dome people get more depressed after smoking. Some will want a better high go to stronger drugs. But that's the same for alcohol. .
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Esta I assume you were high when you typed that.

GAC, definitely true. It affects everyone a little differently. For me it's almost all good but I agree that's not always true.
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
I've tried one cigar (a guy I worked with had his first kid and passed out the cigars) and had a few drinks in my life, but that's the extent of it and it's been enough. My brain and my body are messed up enough as it is; I don't need to be throwing any major wild cards like drugs into that mix.
avatar for mjx01
10 years ago
I 2nd what ATAC said... if your job requires you to piss in a cup, you are SOL.
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago
Won't say I haven't smoked, but rarely. It was OK, but nothing special. I'd rather a few Jack's and that is legal and I don't have to worry about that. I am subject to random testing and don't wish to deal with that. Easy choice for me.
avatar for bubba267
10 years ago
Without going into the details, I've personally seen the the devastation of dependence on marijuana. Today's pot is a different drug than 20 years ago.. Folks that say it isn't addictive haven't seen what I've seen. Does it matter if it is a psychological dependence instead of purely a chemical one? Different strokes, but I personally want to feel in control of these things, and not starting is the only guarantee that the "addictive trait" gene in my family tree isn't expressed.
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
I actually hope it stays illegal everywhere near me or gets legalized nationally because I do not want to get exposed to second hand smoke and test positive on some random drug test. I do not care for smoke in general. I was exposed to some funny smelling smoke at a rock concert with Rush with Blue Oyster Cult opening back in my college days. To add to the effect someone spilled a glow stick on my arm and I absorbed some so I had like glowing veins for the whole concert on one arm.

I try not to judge people for their choices even if I disagree. My suitemates one year were using drugs. They did not try to give me anything. I think they were afraid I might really go crazy. Someone told me I had a natural high. I was thinking that's not true unless I've been exercising a lot. I used to be very fast on a bicycle able to go 45 to 50 mph on a flat road and saw a lot of amazed people on occassion riding in their cars. Lol, I once remember a cop gunned his engine when I passed him on a side road. He was on a different road or I wouldn't have passed him on a bicycle. Even then I heard about cops pulling people over for speeding on bicycles. My average speed was only about 15 mph but after an hour, I definitely felt the runners high and it lasted for hours.
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
I wonder if bats sound different when you are on drugs? I used to occassionally hear them when they swooped over me. I was making ripples in the air bicycling around disturbing insects and they were swooping around getting them even though a few times they came within inches of my head. That was usually more towards dusk or just after it got dark. I tried not to bicycle too much after dark because others have a hard time seeing you.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Yes bats sound different when high. Everything sounds better when high.

Honestly it sounds like you guys are describing some different drug that I've never heard of. But to each his own. Not trying to convert just sharing what I've found and the impact it has on strip clubbing.
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
Maybe aliens have been giving me drugs. I can deny everything. lol
We just need the men in black to make everyone forget all about anything unusual taking place atPP and kill any investigations. People's memories are not reliable after Allen encounters. Maybe I have had contact. Actually if true, they are constantly watching me and that would explain all the flashes of ghosts. I did meet some weird people at PP. Probably aliens. I think one girl even told me she was from a star system I never heard of. I just can't clearly remember very well.
avatar for Ironcat
10 years ago
I have ben smoking pot since 1970's - I hold 2 masters degrees and a PhD and am highly successful in my business. Am I a pothead? OK, I probably am, but I do use it responsibly - never drive under the influence and only get high after the work I must do is done. Just like someone who enjoys drinking alcohol, one can do so in a responsible way.
avatar for 4got2wipe
10 years ago
I don't have much desire to try, but I do think pot falls in the category of "not worth paying the cops to stop it"!

All of these laws have costs so we should focus on consequences! Have the cops film a standard sobriety test and if you fail you're in trouble! Doesn't matter if you're drunk or stoned! But if people smoke pot or drink that is really they're business! ;)
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
Iwould be ok if orostititiin, pot, and a few other things were legalized across the country so that cops could focus on real crimes instead of using tax payer money trying to stop things many people don't care if someone else is using or doing. We waste so much tax payer money in this country when it could all be legalized and taxed instead. You would think we must have huge budget surpluses everywhere to spend so much money as a country attempting to stop everything.

Of course I do not want a stoned or wasted driver going the wrong way down a road and killing people but there is a big difference in my opinion between what they call the legal limit and really getting wasted and driving somewhere. The cops are never around if you spot someone breaking the law out on the road. They are too busy investigating reports that someone had sex at a strip club somewhere. Our tax payer money getting wasted.
Then our tax payer money gets wasted more in the court system paying all these people for the court cases. I see no open sex in strip clubs. What happens is somewhere sometime when the club was slow, someone supposed got away with touching someone's titty or some other action and the prosecutors want to shut a place down because of it. The next thing they'll do if successful shutting everything down is go after illegal activity in your homes like playing Yathzee. Yes, it's illegal to play games in South Caolina if using dice and the game is based on chance. You could argue skill is involved but it would be like arguing against some high dollar prosecutor who can throw a gazillion charges out there.

Actaully I think there is more money to be made going after strip clubs in other states so that's probably where the prosecutors will go later on. Wasting more tax payer money.
Just posting sort of as a rant but in case any politician wants to take a chance and save tax payer money and let the police go after crimes most people care about instead of worrying about joe blow or Jane smith touched a titty in a club, then here it is.
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
Prosecutors in South Carolina are worried someone might get aroused in a strip club. Really? Is that worth spending tax payer money on? Investigating and then prosecuting?
I say no. I was once a victim of a hit and run driver whom no one saw and a victim in years past of a vandal in a parking lot. There were no police around. Apparently now they are worried a dancer could get aroused by her jumping on a customer like she was a cheerleader and putting her vaginal area near my face for a few seconds max. Really? I never even knew a girl could get aroused so easy. I don't get aroused very easy either. Soliticors and prosecutors are worried though and tax payer money is getting spent investigating and prosecuting.
If females in clubs get aoused that quickly, you should all send your wives to strip clubs to learn the secrets of how to get aroused in under 3 seconds.
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
The Dancers often have at least two bikinis or thongs on as well. apparently there is a law against approaching or any contact with certain body areas even if it's just a guys nose that may actually be the contact. I think some people are too worried over trivia. I never heard of a girl getting aroused while wearing a bikini because some guys nose touched her bikini area and it only lasted a couple seconds max. Even ten seconds would be amazing if it lasted that long if a girl was able to get aroused that fast. This is apparently considered lewd and lacitvois behavior that could aid in getting a club shut down and investigated apparently.

I think laws need to change or cheerleadering practices might get shut down next. Cheerlaeders might get aroused too easily and be performing lewd behavior when they lift a cheerleader up and hold her up.
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
I don't think any good comes from alcohol or drugs. To me they seem just like Born Again Christianity, a denial system, a way to dissociate. What is most important though is never ever to let anyone pressure you into them.

avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
So does smoking make this site seem far out?
avatar for chessmaster
10 years ago
Only a pothead would post a topic encouraging drug use on strip club board full of old guys.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
chessmaster, guilty as charged I suppose. It's harder to teach an old dog new tricks than I realized.
avatar for magicrat
10 years ago
Given you admitted background, I'm just wondering where you score your weed? Does DS bring it? I know it isn't all that difficult, but I would have a tough time finding a reliable source, especially for the kind that is used in the vapes.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Magic sent you a PM with answers

This picture demonstrates a point I was trying to make about weed.

avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
@magicrat: I had the same question. If I were so inclined, I wouldn't have the first clue where to get the good stuff, and couldn't trust most of the strippers I know who use it.
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
Well if I didn't want to buy from the dealers that are usually in the club, I know 3 strippers that have drug dealing boy friends. I knew 4 but one of the BFs got shot. But I'm not interested.
avatar for magicrat
10 years ago
Apparently there is a wide variety in quality and strength in the weed world. I bought some from a stripper once and it wasn't much according to my sources. It did cost about 1/4 of what the going rate is around these parts so there is that I suppose.
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