Hey, I tried to email you the other day to see what was going on, but I got a return saying that your email was no longer effective. Basically I wanted to see how you and your wife was doing, and get your phone #, somehow I lost it, or gavin got a hold of it, who knows. Well anyways, email me, or call me, I still have the same phone #. OH and BTW I am going to be moving to Ohio in a few months, and was thinking about going to your club... well anyhow, I will say more later. GIVE ME A CALL YOU DORK!
I don't live in Ohio anymore, we are trying to get closer slowly back to my hometown, I don't want to push Andrea away from her family to fast, so we are talking it slow across the country. I don't have your number anymore, and I don't have your email any more, AND I don't have a vip membership on here to veiw it, sooooo you can use my Yahoo email, I unblocked it now so you can get through. K
Love sara