
Are Out of Towners at a Disadvantage Compared to Locals When it Comes to OTC?

Saturday, February 28, 2015 6:36 AM
IME, the advantages and disadvantages just about balance out and I don't think there is a difference one way or the other. At the end of the day the over riding factor is that hookers have sex with people for money and women who have sex with people for money are hookers. You can pretend you are in some sense "special" to the hooker you are paying, maybe because you think she likes you, maybe because you think you have discovered a clever system and are a master exploiter (along the lines of Gordon Gekko). But, at the end of the day, she is having sex with you because of the money. Another guys puts up the money and she'll do the same with him. Out of towners have the advantage that strippers can have sex with them once, get paid, and they don't have to manage the account ("relationship") any further. They will also pay a little extra, as anyone who isn't a regular will the first visit or two. Regulars in town are known to probably not have axe murdered anyone yet so have an advantage in that sense. But they require customer management energy, whereas reducing the chance of getting axe murdered is not super difficult. So it all balances out and everyone who has the money has an equal chance. What do the rest of y'all think?


  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    Fuck D,if you don't know how to play these slits by now I feel for you.Just tell them your GF works here and all the nasty comes out.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    RickyBoy is contradicting himself on this one. Today he wrote: "Travelers have a natural disadvantage because they are not known quantities. " But in The System he wrote: "You want to find a club with a decent number of fair to good looking women that is frequented mostly by locals.; Ideally you will be the only suit in a club full of hungry women :)" but then he advises to stay out of "business districts" so you don't have to compete with other "suits". So his thinking must be: out of towners are at a disadvantage if they stay near the center of town in business districts, but at any advantage over the locals if they try the divier clubs further from the center of town - providing they wear a suit.
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    Minnows on a bread ball.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    A lot of escorts seek to build enough regulars that they don't have to seek new clients. Being alone with any new guy always represents a risk for the girl. Even.if he's not an axe murderer, a black eye is a legit fear. Regulars probably have a slight edge, as reflected by slightly lower prices.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    Totally depends on a case by case situation. Girls will read the guy before making any decision based on out of town or in town. The in town guy the girl has previous reads on the guy. The out of town guy with just a suit on can get disposed of due to his freaky creepy nature where as another out of town guy in flip flops and gym shorts on can be accommodated for because he is fun, witty, and good looking. Another words charming.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    There are two different kind out of town club visitors. I fit into both categories depending upon the town. first, there is the single visit guy who has no plan to return to the town. This guy is at somewhat of an otc disadvantage. He has a limited number of nights to set up the date, and one of those nights is taken up visiting her club. So the timing often doesn't work for him. Another possible downside is that the girl does otc but wants to get to know him first. He's off her list. second, there is the out of town guy who comes back on repeat visits periodically to the same town. This is the best position for OTC. You don't have the disadvantages of the single visit guy, and you may be more attractive to her than a local cause she knows you won't be there every day to fall madly in love with her and become a stalker.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Meat72: "out of town guy in flip flops and gym shorts on can be accommodated for because he is fun, witty, and good looking. Another words charming." That would be me (minus the flip flops.)
  • londonguy
    9 years ago
    I've always felt and been told that I have an advantage when I am over there, but only because of my accent and my idiotic British sense of humour. Otherwise I agree with you Dougster, the pros and cons probably balance each other out.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    Dougster, I'm sure your charm and wit with your looks sets the girls up, and therefore all you need to do is ask for the business. I would say the same for myself, but generally I don't ask unless they make a suggestion that they would be open to it. Yet I've been such a tight ass lately trying to get to the 1% the girls look for a chump like Rickyboy to make easy bank. I've had my fun, so it can wait for another day, when I'm older and my looks have faded, but my wallet is stronger.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    londonguy? [view link]
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Hmmm...lots of guys named James Bond over there..
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Robin Bakker, Sperm Wars, he explains that primate females are programmed to go for outsiders, as it introduces genetic diversity. But overall I know that strippers and escorts like to have regulars. They don't mind the work of managing the relationship as that is how they make money and it lowers their stress level. People here on TUSCL were always asking for advice about SC's in places they were going to. Finally I just started PMing them and telling them that they can get better treatment in the SC's that they can go to regularly. Most of these places in the US are not so good as to be worthy of sex tourism. Of course something like TUSCL, it is ideal for business travelers, people who are regularly having to go to all different places anyway. So they can OTC with one, and then return to that club and return to her too, at some point. This is a mode I will be in, in not too much more time. I know that Brits go over well with lots of people. The Zen teacher and former Episcopalian Priest Alan Watts used to find women coming up to him in restaurants and getting down on their knees and confessing to him. But when he traveled back to England people were totally dismissive of him and his guru act. Once he was even asked to leave a restaurant. Over all, I would say that you will do better at the local SC's, and that the very best of all is for business travelers who regularly visit multiple cities. SJG
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Now is it a circle jerk or simply masturbation when the same guy serves and volleys using multiple screen names? I've never really puzzled that one out. ;) Anyway... It depends a lot on where you are in my ample experience. In places where the girls are doing whatever they want with impunity, no. In places where there are high percentages of travelers, like in Las Vegas, New Orleans, NYC and other high traffic areas, probably not so much. But in places like Jacksonville FL, Charleston SC, Memphis TN, Cleveland OH, Topeka KS, Milwaukee WI, and clubs in a variety of other tighter areas and with fewer tourists, it most certainly does.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    I love how RickyBoy has watered down his claims regarding The System and the necessity to use one at all over the years - as he saw the consensus of the board was more with my position "just ask" versus his "gotta run a system". So where is he at today? "Just ask" is fine unless it place that doesn't get many travelers, in which case you better run the system. But on one of his previous watering downs it was "just ask" was unless it was a very high end club in NYC or Chicago. Guess what RickyBoy thinks the audience wants to hear changes from day to day, so he change what he says along with it. :-)
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Ah, yes, the Brits are a fantastic race. If you watched their comedians and their Parliament (which is just them blasting each other and making jokes for 90% of the session) you would wonder how they ever get anything done. But they are a very logical pragmatic people with some of the best schools and scientists and businessmen in the world. Can't to make a trip over there!
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    I suspect Brits (and other obvious rich-looking foreigner) have an advantage! Less chance of being a vice cop! Maybe I'll go dressed as an Arab sheik and talk about my oil business! That would be brilliant!
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    My system has been to clean really thoroughly and wash my taint with listermint! But I'll report on my new Arab sheikh system! I bet it will be brilliant!
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    Louisville might be a somewhat special case. It's a tourist trap 2 or 3 weeks of the year during the Derby Festival, but the rest of the time, it's a more or less "middle America" place with a few attractions that pull in *some* tourism. Anyway, during Derby, a lot of the girls who I know provide have told me they don't do that with people they don't know during Derby, due to the higher than normal LEO focus. Most of them *also* say they don't really have to, because there's more money in town. The rest of the year though, they rely on their ability to smell bacon. Which I know for at least one, seems pretty acute. I was sitting with her one day, and a "drunk" guy in a suit came in the bar. She took one look and said "cop." I asked her if she'd seen him before, and she said no, he just has the look. She was apparently right. The next week, the bartender told me about a busy that night involving the guy.
  • ujay
    9 years ago
    I think that individuals who travel regularly to the same place has the advantage for OTC for several reasons: 1. He has a nice hotel room, probably paid by his company, unlike the regulars who may have to use their homes or a motel because it is self pay. 2. Out of towners are seen as having more disposible income than regulars who may sip on a beer all night. 3. No competition for out of towners from other girls versus the regulars who may have be seeing other local girls.
  • londonguy
    9 years ago
    First off, enjoyed the clip from motorhead even though Roger Moore was by far the worst actor of the all. Nice words Dougster, thanks. The clips of parliament you are seeing will be from Prime Ministers Questions (PMQ), a weekly event starting at noon on Wednesday's. It's true that it's a session where they lambast each other. Cameron usually wipes the floor with Milliband though. They are all shysters though. To go back to the topic though, a heck of a lot of girls usually come out with "I know you're not a cop so...." so it's at times like these I am particularly thankful for my place of birth.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Dougster, I can't be held responsible for your reading comprehension problems. Read more slowly if you need to. ;) My positions have remained consistent since the article was published in 2009. I indicated that I avoid strip clubs located in downtown business districts due to competition issues. The article is silent on tourist trap areas because I don't normally club in them, but if I were ever to revise the article I would add an admonishment to avoid those as well. Not because OTC is not necessarily available to travelers to these places, and I never said otherwise, but because the competition breeds ROBs and, when OTC can be scored, it is often a poor ROI proposition. I've taken girls out of clubs in Vegas, Manhattan and the Block in Baltimore, by ways of examples, and they were among my worst experiences from an ROI perspective. It may be time to post a Part Duh to that article. :)
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    You've been all over the map on it RickyBoy, b/c you are trying to distance yourself from "The System". Because you realized it was a bunch of non-sense and the only advice it gave was either useless or counter-productive. All "The System" was was a snapshot of your worldview and your self-confessed "personality damage". How you felt there was nothing behind the suit you wore and hence how you couldn't handle "competition" from other "suits" who had something behind them to back them up even in the domain of paying hookers for sex. The article just reeks in every sentence with your rationalizing you life as a poser which didn't go away even when it came to something like paying hookers for sex. You are constantly counselling people in "The System" to try and put up the air of deception (e.g. lie about your job) that your life was all about. So now that you know to be on better guard, and know better what people here want to hear, you are thinking of a Part II to "clear up" misunderstanding? Want to give it a shot?
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Link to The System for people to decide what their interpretation of it is: [view link]
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Dougster, the only thing I've tried to distance myself from are your 3,000+ satirical posts of a single article posted 5 years ago. Seriously dude, you have some real issues. ;) 8000 of your 12,000 posts were done in the last two years and a solid half of them are focused on me. That is 0 for the Seattle club scene, of which you were purportedly a part (and we know you lied about that too) and 4,000 posts dedicated to little ol' me. At least 1,000 of them were essentially blank posts dedicated solely to bumping threads about me. I can only come to the conclusion that you have a man crush on me. Are you secretly seeking my approval? Do I remind you of a father figure that spurned you as a child? LOL.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    RickyBoy: "I can only come to the conclusion that you have a man crush on me. " Ah, I think this is something you would like to be true. Remember guys with your self-confessed "personality damage" are only capable of 4 means of thinking a) fantasy; b) projection; c) confirmation bias; and d) splitting. Think you covered all four of those pretty well in your last post. (Hint the sentence I quote is all four wrapped into one.) So RickyBoy, let's see if you can back up what you claim. I have a link ready to go here of me making a number of posts discussing the Seattle club scene (also a PM from a former well know member confirming the details are correct and then going on to blast you). Now this is despite you saying I made "0" posts. So what are you willing to put up at stake saying I have no such links to posts? Willing to bet big on what you say RickyBoy or is it all just talk? :-)
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Yup, it's a man crush. Nice tapdancing kid, but anyone who has been here for the last few years understands the extent of your weird fixation. I have neither the time nor the interest in combing through thousands of troll posts, but if anything I'm under-estimating the number of posts dedicated to me. And I'm not even including your suspected aliases in that count, lol. You're one scrambled dude. Internet or not, you obviously have some OCD tendencies, if not a full blown syndrome. 5 years regurgitating the same concepts over and over. Don't you ever get bored with yourself? Oh yeah, and if you managed to sneak a post or two about Seattle among the several thousand about me, then congratulations and I must have missed them. I can only read about 1/2 of what you post anymore - it is just too mind numbing to read the same shit over and over for 5 years. ;)
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I personally have done better with OTC when I have been out of town but I think part of that was because I was trying harder because I already had a hotel room and nothing else to do.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    I've posted on lots of themes over the years RickyBoy. Strippers, economics, the markets, politics, psychology, science, current events, history, what the best smartphone is (hint not those ancient Blackberrys you still use). Even discussed Nietzsche with SJG guy recently. Far greater spectrum of things than you've talked about. I'm up there with anyone else in terms of breadth of topics. Again due to your the "confirmation bias" and "splitting" aspects of your "personality damage" you only see and exaagerate the ones about yourself. Again, your numbers are pure wishful thinking. But it fits right in with your "personality damage" to only see your own reflection in everything. And I love how you try to back off your most recent exaageration: "Oh yeah, and if you managed to sneak a post or two about Seattle among the several thousand about me" Thought you could get away with that one, and no you are just watering it down to get away with what you think you can. Nice try, but caught red handed!
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    @Dougster: Still posting about me? 4,001 and counting. ;) @Shadow: I am actually not surprised by that. Why should they take things OTC when they can already get paid to do the same things ITC? You're also not exactly known for padding the payout, lol.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    RickyBoy: you continue to be the ass-clown you are I'll continue mocking you for it. Looking forward to Part II of the Watered Down System in particular!
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    *yawn* 4,002 and counting. Lucky us, another year with another 8 to 10 posts per day spewing the same satirical crap over, and over, and over. We've even seen the word "ass-clown" at least 600 times in the last two years. For those of you who complain about the same topics being posted over and over, do you find this to be any better? :)
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Just admit what non-sense The System was and what a statement it made about you and then it ends instantly. Not another peep from me. It's that easy RickyBoy. The power is yours if you want it. The ball is in your court. Take it now!
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    So your story is that you've been fixating over that single article for 5 years and this is what made you a troll? Nah, not buying it. You were trolling chandler and mrguy, among others, long before I arrived, under older aliases. And as far as my approach, I stand by every word. I've taken girls out of clubs in 14 states doing what I do and I expect to add more states as the years roll along. :) Oh, but to be fair about your claims of Seattle coverage, that is [insert here, 2 maybe?] for Seattle and 4,003 for me. Never let it be said that I mis-represented your "record." ;)
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    So I guess we get another 5 years of "ass-clown" and "The System" and "Gordon Gekko" and claims of drunk drunk driving and BBFS with "hookers" and on...and on.......and on................... Would it be too much to ask for you to develop some new material if you are going to keep trolling me? LOL.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    I'll add "new material" at the same rate you and others who complain about it do, RickyBoy. How does that sound? And you are undermining your whole argument that I am fixated solely on you once you point out the others, like MisterGay, that I had fun mocking. Let's see could it be they have something in common with him? Can't admit that they are wrong when it's all there in black and white. I still remember MisterGay saying AIG was $1 trillion dollar in debt and then not backing off when I showed him that he was wrong. Same problem here with you in The System RickyBoy. You are clearly wrong. That's fine anybody can get things wrong. But how many can admit when they are versus just get themselves more tangled up? The real problem is how The System encapsulates your world view and personality damage in exactly one posts. Which is why I know you can never back off it. So yes, another 5 years (at least)! And, of course, it's not just you. Stevie-girl was wrong about the boom and buried himself deeply. How long do you think I plan on bringing that one up? So just stop thinking it's about anything to do with you and your greatness. It's just you being wrong, a dipshit, and unable to back down when you are. Stop doing that, and I'll never mention The System again.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    4,004. Man crush continues with more BS rationalization for it. Ok, got it. :) If you don't agree with my way of doing things, you CAN propose an alternative. And don't say "just ask" because of course I ask, we all do. Except for you of course, but you don't get out much I'm sure. ;) Well, if you need to keep trolling me (and you know you do), +1 for some new material at least. ;)
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Look - 5005 now, RickyBoy, and counting. Think I can make it to 10,000 this year? What are the odds maker in Vegas saying? Where is the line? Do they need more CPUs to keep track? Oh, but more importantly: You keep leaving half of the "just ask" part out of "just ask" RickyBoy. My alternative is not "ask", It is "just ask". As in No System Required. It's only two words RickyBoy, I think even you can keep that many straight, yeah? "Just ask" is my contribution, and it's just expressing what any reasonable person already knew, in place of your The System and apparently it gets alot more usage than your faggoty System as well.
  • Diva1975
    9 years ago
    Going to a hotel room with a strange man you've never met? so NOT brilliant!
  • jester214
    9 years ago
    Careful Rick, you've almost backed Dugly into a corner. When you do that you go on "temporary ignore", lol.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    I should stay out of this, but I don't want to. What hasn't been said that already has been said?
  • Holdem2
    9 years ago
    Diva in all seriousness what's that dangerous about meeting a guy in a hotel? You have already vetted him at the club. You can read people better than we can. Meeting at a nice hotel should be relatively safe. The guys name, license plate number, contact info, and credit card info are all on file. Probably even some cameras in the lobby. Rick: +1 for man crush. That one had me laughing.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    I call it like I see it Holdem. He claims that he is really just fixated on one article from 5 years ago, but his posting choices speak louder than words. Thousands of posts focused on everything from my entertainment choices to my "personality damage." What else could it be? In fact, I think it has evolved from a crush to an outright obsession. I'm starting to get a Fatal Attraction vibe coming off of him. ;)
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    Just keep the rabbits locked up and safe then, Rick.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Ah, poor RickyBoy, wishes people would just forget all about his Narci System and what an idiot it shows that he is and recognize him for the strip club genius that he is. 5968 (and counting!)
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