
Older than dirt
On Stripperlover83's discussion yesterday regarding wild stripper stories, I detailed one night with my ATF and several other readers raised questions regarding my activities and reviews. I've only reviewed 7 clubs because I just don't get out much any more. My wife has a chronic condition which is getting worse and I'm her primary caretaker. She and I are at a hotel in Florida as I write this and I just read reviews of the nearby clubs and would love to go, but can't leave her alone. Once a month or so I have a home health care worker in and I go out, but usually just to my favorite club or an OTC liaison.
On the whole issue of DRAMA with my ATF, I plead guilty. She's a 9.5 in my book and rocks my world sexually like no other woman ever has. I could write a book on that topic, but basically it boils down to her working hard to please me and vice versa. I've been seeing her for over 5 years, enjoy her company ( when she's relatively sober), and frankly get a kick out of some of the antics we've shared.
While the word loyalty is not in her vocabulary, I've been the only real constant in her life over these years. Her parents have had it, her BF has either been in jail or rehab 70% of the time. Only lately has she been saying she loves me and when pressed says she loves me, but not the way I want. I'm not sure I want her to love me and I certainly wouldn't characterize my feelings towards her as love. But when we're together I laugh more than any other time, the unbridled sex and sexual innuendo ( innuendo is not anal sex) are a joy, and my financial support of her has greatly diminished as I've cut back on my work.
Her drug use was a novelty initially, but became more and more of a hindrance over the past couple of years and she's in rehab now (6 month) and has listed me as her uncle so I can bring her to court & doctor appointments.
I still enjoy going back to the club where she used to dance and some of the newbies are beautiful and frisky. One has captivated me on my last couple of visits with her looks and a wonderful HJ. Yet another has provided BBBJCIM & FS in the VIP, but my ATF still gets my vote.
Her drama sure beats Saturday night TV.
On the whole issue of DRAMA with my ATF, I plead guilty. She's a 9.5 in my book and rocks my world sexually like no other woman ever has. I could write a book on that topic, but basically it boils down to her working hard to please me and vice versa. I've been seeing her for over 5 years, enjoy her company ( when she's relatively sober), and frankly get a kick out of some of the antics we've shared.
While the word loyalty is not in her vocabulary, I've been the only real constant in her life over these years. Her parents have had it, her BF has either been in jail or rehab 70% of the time. Only lately has she been saying she loves me and when pressed says she loves me, but not the way I want. I'm not sure I want her to love me and I certainly wouldn't characterize my feelings towards her as love. But when we're together I laugh more than any other time, the unbridled sex and sexual innuendo ( innuendo is not anal sex) are a joy, and my financial support of her has greatly diminished as I've cut back on my work.
Her drug use was a novelty initially, but became more and more of a hindrance over the past couple of years and she's in rehab now (6 month) and has listed me as her uncle so I can bring her to court & doctor appointments.
I still enjoy going back to the club where she used to dance and some of the newbies are beautiful and frisky. One has captivated me on my last couple of visits with her looks and a wonderful HJ. Yet another has provided BBBJCIM & FS in the VIP, but my ATF still gets my vote.
Her drama sure beats Saturday night TV.
Gawker, I for one enjoy your stories very much although at times I feel bad for hoe messed up your ATF is... Out of curiosity, how many times has she been in rehab in the 5 years you've known her. I think you've mentioned it before but can't remember the number.
JohnSmith69 - I'll work on a couple of the highlights when my vacation is over. Right now we're in Florida ( from Massachusetts). We've been on the East Coast for 2 weeks; then we're going to be on the west coast for a week, then to South Carolina for a week of golf (weather permitting).
Ime - I think a xeinok is a cross between a copy machine and a Yak.
Xeinok - I think an ime is a short version of a white faced person who doesn't talk, but communicates with gestures. Do you really think that "cheating" makes one slime? Wtf are you doing on this site, then? Oh yah, there's something wrong with you - I just read that somewhere.
And didn't anyone get innuendo is not anal sex? I thought that was a good line.
Seems like xienok has taken Alucards (rip) place as morality police here.
I do find that the situation with this particular ATF is depressing. It sounds like you are cutting back on giving her money, and this is good.
You've explained well what is good about this ATF, about how smart and understanding she is, and about how mind blowing the sex is, and about how fun antics with her are.
How do you feel about her continual drug use and about how she squanders money, and about how she always seems to be getting more and more of it in all sorts of ways. How do you make sense of this?