
Providing dancers' names in reviews

Thursday, February 19, 2015 5:49 AM
Lately I haven't been posting dancer's named in any of my reviews. If I'm referring to a particular dancer I'll use descriptions like body type, hair color, tattoos etc. The only time I think names are appropriate in reviews is when referring to ROB's. Does every person reading my need to know that my favorite provides BBFS in the VIP??? I think those kinds of details should be reserved for PM. However, I've been noticing an increase in the amount of users posting names in their reviews. What do you think the standard should be? Are named appropriate in reviews and under what circumstances?


  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I haven't notice any appreciable increase in reviewers using dancer names in reviews but I agree 100% that it shouldn't be done. Why take a chance on getting your favorite busted by the club or share her with the world. I have noticed that on USAsexguide this is much more common practice and I don't post on there. Robs should get named. There have been times when a stripper has asked me to use her name in a review "I could use the business" but in that case, I'll do her the favor but won't print details of why I like her.
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    I never post the name of dancers, or even x----y. Why take a chance of outing a favorite to either the club or a LEO? I do post the names of dancers that I know have retired in the context of things that made them attractive to me, but nothing more. Now, if I ever run into a ROB, I will spread her name far and wide!
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I never post names, and I ignore what others might say about specific dancers because tastes vary so widely others opinions really don't matter to me. I might take note of a ROB reference but even then I prefer to make my own judgments.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    When I have a new dancer give me a great dance, I will mention her name but never in conjunction with any extras if any were provided. I will also name the ROBs and air dance names. I enjoy helping out dancers that entertained me with a positive review and I'm quite aware what not to say as well. I also enjoy other's reviews who mention my favorites. Some echo my experiences with them which is positive of course, and some make them seem like a different person, both in personality and relative contact. It just goes to show that the dancer's opinion of a PL is a fundamental part of the experience. One of my faves is always available to make me cum one way or another, but she's not necessarily like that for others.
  • Thekingof32
    9 years ago
    I noticed it primarily with a couple clubs in jacksonville. One of the recent reviews goes as far as to give the dancer's name, menu and price.
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    I agree with what JS69 says. I used to try to remember names I'd seen in reviews, but then it seemed I was always being knocked out by a different girl nobody had mentioned. For me, the key point is that what happens in private between me and a stripper is confidential. I'm even pretty guarded about revealing anything to other dancers or patrons in person or in PMs. On the internet, I may tell about my experience in generalities, but there's no way I'm going to name or even imply who it was with.
  • foxhole
    9 years ago
    I have spoken to multiple dancers and all of them have been very enthusiastic about their names being mentioned on forums such as these. It's free marketing if some one mentions them in positive light and a great referral. As long as one does not go into explicit details of what they offer they are more than happy to get mentioned by their dancer names
  • chukko
    9 years ago
    I used to drop names a lot, but I don't do it anymore. I'll typically give the first initial and asterisk the rest. I don't want to ruin her reputation or tarnish the value of future dances.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    If a dancer seriously wows me or she pisses me off, I'll use her name -- credit where credit is due and all that. But if extras are involved, I'll do what I can to avoid using her name, again, unless she's a ROB and she pisses me off.
  • MrDeuce
    9 years ago
    Yep, I agree: out the ROBs as a public service but conceal the identities of those who provide you with pleasure. I read a review recently in which extras were mentioned from a dancer named something like "Na**sha". Way to conceal her identity, dude!
  • 3LeggedMan
    9 years ago
    One time I wrote about a great new girl at my fave club. People at her former club were searching for her and I thought I'd be a good guy and share the info. A few weeks later, after I waited 7 hours for her to free up to dance with me I figured out exactly what the harm could be to name a dancer in a positive review.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Yeah, I definitely treat my favorite dancers like good fishing spots.
  • Tiredtraveler
    9 years ago
    I am terrible with names anyway so I hardly ever post them. If I get a particularly nasty ROB I will write her name down so I can make sure to post it with all details.
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