
Dancers with a room temperature IQ

avatar for JohnSmith69
layin low but staying high

I know that most dancers are not dumb as dirt. Many can carry on an intelligent conversation, many seem to be of at least average intelligence, and there have been a few that I would call very intelligent. Nevertheless, there are those that you sometimes encounter who perfectly fit the stupid stripper stereotype. What's your favorite example?

This is an actual conversation I had with a dancer shortly before the last presidential election.

Me: I'm betting that the president is going to loose to Romney.

Dancer: yeah, roamy, is he President?

Me: what?

Dancer: no that's not it. What's the President's name?

me: you mean Obama?

Dancer: yeah that's it. And what are those party things, which one is he?

me: do you mean republican and democrat?

Dancer: yeah yeah, which one is the President? I get those confused.

me: you have beautiful breasts.

Dancer: you can suck on them if we do a 15 minute VIP.

Me: let's go


last comment
avatar for shadowcat
10 yrs ago

Been lots of them but the one that comes to my mind first is the dancer that thought California was separated from Mexico by a canal.

avatar for GACA
10 yrs ago

^^^^Duh it's called the Rio Grand :p

avatar for shadowcat
10 yrs ago

GACAclub - You must have gone to the same school as she did. The Rio Grande doesn't come close to California.

avatar for GACA
10 yrs ago

I was kidding... I use to border hop between SD and TJ weekly, and then to Mexicali and Calexico for spring break.

avatar for mikeya02
10 yrs ago

John, have you ever seen Water's World? It's not a stripper thing.

avatar for Estafador
10 yrs ago

ever talk to a stripper about stocks and bonds....I did,. I don't remember exactly how the conversation went, but I just gave up and said she's really cute trying to think. SHe actually thanked me and felt a pleasurable chill when I gave her the magic touch (wasn't even penetration, I love being me).

I actually lost a boner because the stupidity was strong with this one.

avatar for MrDeuce
10 yrs ago

My favorite recent example:

her: You have really soft hands!

me: I haven't dug any ditches recently.

her: Oh, is that what you do for a living?

(Keep in mind that I'm a bespectacled overweight pasty white guy who obviously has some kind of professional job and hasn't done much manual labor in decades!)

avatar for Dougster
10 yrs ago

@JohnSmith69: hold on. You thought Romney would beat Obama and you're talking about how dumb the stripper was?

avatar for ATACdawg
10 yrs ago

Strong the stupidity is in these!

avatar for JohnSmith69
10 yrs ago

Dougster, yes I did think that and logically so. The economy was in the bottom of the toilet at the time and the economic boom was merely in your imagination back then.

avatar for JamesSD
10 yrs ago

Dougster nailed it.

Romney never had a chance. 2016 will be rough for whoever wins the Republican nomination, but at his best Romney was probably a 2:1 underdog who ran a mediocre campaign.

Anyways, on the whole strippers seem to fit the average bell curve for intelligence. Some bricks, some very clever girls, a lot average.

But yeah, never talk politics with a stripper. Even if you agree with them, you likely won't agree with their reasons.

avatar for crazyjoe
10 yrs ago


avatar for JamesSD
10 yrs ago

LDs in my club are $10 each, posted. I've had more than one stripper try to tell me "I can give you 2 for 20" like it's a deal.

Either she's dumb or she thinks I am.

avatar for mikeya02
10 yrs ago

James, I'm guessing the girl didn't want to do one dance, she wanted you to spend for two. That's how most girls are at cheets.

avatar for Lone_Wolf
10 yrs ago

Ha! I've had dozens of conversations very similar to that.

I try not to dwell on it too much because I'm usually handing them cash that takes me hours or days to make for only minutes of their time. Makes me wonder who has the lower IQ, me or her.

avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
10 yrs ago

@ JamesSD: Tell her you need change first, but approach it this way:


avatar for crazyjoe
10 yrs ago

^^^ great plan

avatar for jackslash
10 yrs ago

Telling a favorite stripper about my trip to Paris, I mentioned I had seen Napoleon's tomb. She said, "Who's Napoleon?" While I don't expect strippers to be experts in history, I do expect a high school graduate to have heard of one of the most prominent figures in European history. What do they teach in high school?

avatar for JohnSmith69
10 yrs ago

Mikey, waters world. Funny stuff. I hadn't seen that before. He should interview strippers.

avatar for zipman68
10 yrs ago


@jackslash -- to be fair, I suspect many of her classmates knew who Napoleon was. On the other hand, she knew that she could get an A in the class by giving the teacher a BJ.

Who is to say which knowledge base is more important?

avatar for rockstar666
10 yrs ago

Dancer: coughs

Me: Uh oh, you might have ebola!

Dancer: What's ebola?

Me: A disease that can only be cured by swallowing cum. After 24 hours of showing symptoms you die if not treated.

Dancer: We'd better get started then!

avatar for chandler
10 yrs ago

Not the dumbest thing I've heard, but kind of funny...

I recommended to a stripper the Danish comedy "The Klown" on Netflix, but added that it was subtitled, in case that was an issue for her. She said, "You mean I have to do all that reading?" I replied, "Well, unless you understand what they're saying in Danish."

avatar for tttclub
10 yrs ago

While many strippers are complete morons, it's pretty much anyone under that age of 25 these days. I know college grads that can't write unless it's in cell phone text form. And when it comes to current events, no clue. I think u get a diploma these days for just showing up. Since the news is packaged in nice and neat 2 minute segments these days, you would think they could at least follow along for a little bit. Unfortunately we are all screwed in about 20 years when these idiots are in charge by default.

avatar for crazyjoe
10 yrs ago

I asked one dancer with huge bolt ons what she would do if her boobs fell off. She did t think it was a joke so she explains how she would call the doctor to fix it

avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 yrs ago

I like’m smart enough to know what they are supposed to do as a stripper – any smarter and I personally find it counterproductive – personally I don’t get turned on by a dancer’s intellect – tits; ass; and mileage is all the “intellect” I need and look for in the SCs.

IME “smart” dancers are often counterproductive b/c they seem more adept at taking more of your $$$ while delivering less.

avatar for JohnSmith69
10 yrs ago

ttt, you sound like an old fart. People have been saying the same thing about the younger generation forever, and somehow we always survive the transition.

avatar for alcrutch
10 yrs ago

@JamesSD, I literally just had this argument with a stripper on Saturday. She told me she'll give me a special at 2 for 20 and I replied aren't all dances $10. She didn't get how she was not giving me a deal and then when i finally said what is 20 divided by 2. she got angry at me and said Look I don't do math, now do you want the deal or not. At that point i just gave up paid her the $20. Anyone at that level of stupidity needs the money a whole lot more than I do

avatar for PhantomGeek
10 yrs ago

Last summer, a dancer tried to tell me that Obama was going to run for a third term. I explained to her that he's limited to two terms by the Constitution. She still insisted he was going to run for a third. I shrugged and we went back to some LFK.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 yrs ago

I was at a SC late yesterday afternoon – I asked the female mentally challenged bartender for a water which was $4 – I gave her a $20 – I then notice her for the next 15 minutes tending to other customers and not giving me back my change – I had to get up from my seat and go all the way to the other side of the bar to ask her for my change – she did not even recall what I had given her and she asked me “how much did you give me?” to which I said “a $20” – she proceeded to give me my change but I thought she was going to give me shit about it.

If you are tending to a customer; part of that is giving the customer back his change b/f you proceed to doing other things – I don’t like female bartenders b/c for the most part I think they just got the job b/c they look cute and not b/c they are good bartenders.

avatar for ATACdawg
10 yrs ago

?????? - papi, at my favorite club ALL of the bartenders are female, hot and very competent. Only one of them has made the switch to dancing but they could all make a killing at it.

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