OT: Proposed Regs for Prostitution

avatar for Flyer78
I have enough of a libertarian streak that I would not necessarily oppose prostitution being made legal. But if it is made legal, it will most assuredly be regulated. With that in mind, I have drawn up a draft of regulations. Feedback is welcome.

1. Every person who wishes to be a prostitute must be registered with and licensed by the state Dept. of Health.

2. Doing business as a prostitute without a valid license shall be a Class 4 felony.

3. All licensed prostitutes must undergo testing for all STD's every 3 months. The prostitute shall submit the results of each test to the Dept. within 3 days. Failure to do either of these will result in the license being suspended.

4. The Dept. shall maintain an internal database of all registered prostitutes listing their full name, business name, dates of registration and licensing, the results of health inspections, and any disciplinary action.

5. The Dept. shall maintain a public, searchable database of all registered prostitutes listing everything above except for full name.

6. All licensed prostitutes shall advertise and do business under their registered business name and no other.

7. Licenses must be renewed every two years. Renewal shall not be automatic, but rather shall take into account the prostitute's compliance with the regulations. Denial of renewal can be appealed to the Head of the Dept.


last comment
You're not *enough* of a libertarian.
Selling sex for money as a hobby, should not be a crime if you work out of a private residence. If you work out of a motel or club, there should be government regulations for STD testing only. Throwing prostitutes in jail with a felony rap is a waste of taxpayer money regardless.
Might wanna work in further developing that libertarian streak. Nevada has these kind of laws and I don't think they are this draconian.

avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
You libertarians don't think things through. Streetwalkers, strippers and escorts will be pimped more than ever. Why? Cause it's legal! Maybe you don't care. Now if you're talking about government built and run brothels where the girls are protected, fine.
avatar for tobala
10 years ago
sounds a lot more authoritarian. we don't need a government beauracracy to screw this up.
avatar for Flyer78
10 years ago
georgmicrodong & JohnSmith69--Do you really think that most places would give the slightest consideration to legalizing prostitution WITHOUT clear regulation?

In my opinion, developing a clear, tight system of regulation in advance is the only possible way that most jurisdictions would even dare to consider legalizing it.

Also, there would be no need for pimps in a system where it's legal for a prostitute to openly advertise. As a matter of fact, we would be very likely to see something like "CraigsProstituteList."
avatar for jerikson40
New York
10 years ago
It is perfectly legal for a man and woman to meet anywhere, not know each other but be attracted for whatever reason, but they decide to go somewhere and fuck. It's also perfectly legal if the man gives the woman something in return for the fuck, whether it is a dinner at Shakey's or buys her whatever. All perfectly legal.

The are what is referred to as "consenting adults".

Now the only thing that makes this illegal is if the man gives her cash money directly for IN EXCHANGE FOR performing the sex act. It's all about intent and purpose.

Now, in my view, making the act of sex between any consenting adults illegal, regardless of intent or purpose, is insane. It's okay to fuck if we want to, even if you give some chick a benefit afterwards, but it's not okay to fuck if we want to FOR THE PURPOSE of exchanging money.

It is beyond my understanding why we make such strict laws based solely on our dislike of the parties' intent, even though they are consenting. In-fucking-sane. But all over the world, for the most part, it is illegal. Strange.
avatar for jerikson40
New York
10 years ago
Hold on, I need to make a correction before the stalkers jump on me....

In my second sentence I said "...in return for the fuck". I should have said "...before or after the fuck".
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
My main concern would be decriminalizing while discouraging trafficking. Take what works in Amsterdam and Nevada and spread it. I'm not very libertarian, but I favor a legalize, regulate and tax strategy.
avatar for jerikson40
New York
10 years ago
While it sounds nice to regulate hookers in terms of STD testing and stuff, why not regulate all women that way? Why not require ALL women to have regular STD tests and present their proof before they fuck a guy they just met?

Again, the ONLY difference between regular women who meet a guy and fuck him and hookers is INTENT and PURPOSE. Why should intent and purpose have any effect on whether we're concerned that the women we fuck are clean?
avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
Don't girls advertise up the ass already? Don't you guys pay for sex without fear already. ...unless you're dumb. Last thing I want to see is a hundred hookers on every street, or legal hookers bugging me in stores, restaurants, or even door to door.
avatar for jerikson40
New York
10 years ago
yeah, I don't know Mikey....I kinda doubt there would be a huge rush of millions of women all over the US to buy short skirts and stiletto heels and run out to the front of Sears and solicit guys for sex. Just like there isn't a rush of millions of women all over the US to become strippers, even though they can make a shitload of cash compared to flipping burgers.

Women don't want to be strippers or hookers. Only a tiny percentage of women can force themselves to do it, or have the emotional problems that will allow them to do it.

Don't worry Mikey....you won't be beating hookers away with a stick.
avatar for jerikson40
New York
10 years ago
And unlike you Mikey, based on my experience in places where prostitution is accepted or even semi-legal...

Yeah, I sure do want to see a lot of hookers walking down the street in short skirts and stiletto heels. Unless they're like those nasty heroin addict crackhead skanks, which I have no use for.

BTW, if you want to regulate hookers, make sure they aren't heavy drug users. No needle marks and shit like that. And they have to be hot. And the government should subsidize their hot outfits. And make them keep themselves in good shape. And free boob jobs. And tanning salons.

Make government work for the people !!! :)
avatar for jerikson40
New York
10 years ago
And Flyer78, you seem to have a rather negative and harsh approach to prostitution. Which is fine. But I favor a more positive approach, where government is not being AGAINST prostitution but rather SUPPORTING it in a positive and beneficial way.

I feel like existing prostitution laws and attitudes are based somewhat on what women want. They want to make it illegal for their husbands to go out and get the sex they need, but the wives may not be providing. We should approach it from a male perspective. Most guys are fine with prostitution, aside from some of the shit they've been taught by women.

So if we want it, let's make it work for us, and tell the women to fuck off.
Seems to me the current system works ok. I have all the paid sex I can handle thanks to OTC with strippers. Plus under the current system there's less competition for me cause most guys don't know how to get sex like a strip club enthusiast does. I don't want other PLs to be able to easily get worship sessions with my DS.
Sure an FKK club in every American city would be nice but it ain't gonna happen.
@mikeya02: "You libertarians don't think things through. Streetwalkers, strippers and escorts will be pimped more than ever. Why? Cause it's legal!"

Maybe. The counter argument is that because the act of prostitution itself is legal, there is a much easier path to *reporting* the abuses, including trafficking. The logic is that since the girl isn't doing anything illegal, she has nothing to fear from the police by reporting the problem.

Now, I'll not argue that it will take some time to overcome the reluctance the continued stigma of being a hooker to lower sufficiently to make reporting such things acceptable to the girls themselves, but honestly I wouldn't expect that to take more than a decade or so, as the older girls "age out" and younger, more accepting ones make their way in.

In addition, a law similar to Canada's that effectively outlaws pimping while allowing prostitutuon itself would make protecting the girls even easier.
avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
@GMD, pimps are already afraid of getting busted. Doesn't really stop them. Put a bounty on them if the girls want to inform on them.
avatar for jerikson40
New York
10 years ago
Pimps are irrelevant. Government provides free internet and website for hookers to drum up business. Similar sites already exist right for hooking up with hookers? Why the fuck does any hooker need a pimp to suck away her cash?

One more thing government would provide: training to hookers in how to run your business and not fall for some stupid pimp. The government will be your pimp, bitch..
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
Apparently the Internet has all but killed pimping as a profession. They're unnecessary middle men.

In general the public at large hates street walkers but doesn't care much about stuff that they don't have to see. Like I noted earlier the big issue is trafficking. There's certainly a debate if legalization or decriminalization would help or hurt there.
"Take what works in Amsterdam and Nevada and spread it"

I hate to break it to you but it doesn't work in Amsterdam. Rampant pimping and trafficking.

I assume it works in Nevada because it's well regulated and limited in scope.

Personally I have no issue with the idea of brothels operated as businesses that maintain a relationship with a government. Outside of that it becomes murkier plus tougher to protect all the parties and the issue becomes more complex.
avatar for jerikson40
New York
10 years ago
There are a lot of places around the world where prostitution is maybe technically illegal, but everyone turns a blind eye, and limits it to certain districts. Especially in areas where foreigners hang out. And it works fine. Lots of "strip clubs" where you can go in and pay to take a chick to your hotel and bang her all night, lots of hot chicks wandering around in short skirts and stilettos, and lots of cops around whose goal is to make sure the foreigners have a good time.

It's all in how you manage it. It CAN work, and has worked for many many years.
avatar for jerikson40
New York
10 years ago
Have you guys forgotten places like Tijuana, Mexico? Ever hear of Hong Kong club? Ever hear of Rio de Janiero and other cities in Brazil? Or Bangkok, Thailand? Or Philippines? There's a long fucking list of places that guys will travel halfway around the world just to find some hot pussy they can pay for sex.

It works. It works VERY well. It's all about how you handle it.
avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
You guys don't understand, pimps USE the internet. Its a big business. not just guys hanging out on corners. Who do you think writes the ads and posts pics for a good number of those backpage girls? It was pointed out to me.
avatar for jerikson40
New York
10 years ago
Mikey...so you mean those black guys who drive the old Cadillacs and have gold teeth and big gold chains and those jeans too big around their waist so you can see their boxers and the big basketball sneakers with laces untied, and sayin' "bitch I smack yo' ass...get back to work bitch" and selling crack on the street corner, those guys use computers?

I dunno, dude. If you say so.

But I think even the government could do a better job of pimping for the girls, huh?
avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
Bye jerikson, either you know nothing about the sex biz, or you're being goofy on purpose.
It def should not be illegal as long as the provider is of age and is consenting.

I’m one for *limited* government but not *no* government – some gov is necessary (and I think the Nevada girls are actually required to get tested weekly – 3 months is too big an interval).

And I don’t think legal vs illegal is the only variable nor the main one when it comes to pimping - often times there are other factors at play – supposedly there are dancers that have pimps but IMO most don’t.
avatar for jerikson40
New York
10 years ago
I was joking a little, Mikey...

In the words of the Joker: "Why so serious, Mikey?" Relax. Take it easy.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
10 years ago
Don't really see the point of your rules Flyer.

For bareback P4P/porn production/hook-ups it would not be a bad idea if there were clinics that issued hard-to-forge certificates with your test results. The penetrate-e is more at risk and has more need to know what they're getting exposed to than the penetrate-er (unless maybe if he's not circumcised). Doubt the gub would need to run these clinics, just monitor them.

Just not enough jail space for stupid to be illegal, so just stay well away from trying.
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
Smart talk at its finest
This thread got real stupid real quick. You can thank a certain idiot for that.

I recommend the OP rush his proposal to his local politician and see how that goes.
avatar for goonster
10 years ago

Here in the US, at the federal level, prostitution is very much *legal*. It is very *illegal* at the state/county/city level except in Nevada, where it is legal in all counties that have a population level below a certain amount, and even then, it is regulated by the state.

It's amazing how many people don't know what's legal and not in terms of the federal government.
avatar for jerikson40
New York
10 years ago
Goonster, that's irrelevant. There's a lot of stuff that is "legal" at the federal level solely because there are no FEDERAL laws against it. A lot of stuff is left to the states to regulate. So the fuck what?? Everyone lives in a STATE, and is subject to STATE laws.
In various documentary radio shows discussing the Netherlands what I have heard is the following. When they make these licensing laws, the women never comply. They go to work, sincerely believing that it will be just a very short term undertaking. So the last thing they would ever want is a permanent record.

So then what happens is they get busted for unlawful prostitution. So then the authorities give them the choice of paying a double license fee and having the case erased, or of pursuing the case. Since the bust is also a permanent record, they go with the double license fee.

So my point is that these licensing rules don't work until the women get busted.

Now as far as legalization advocates, none of them endorse the Nevada model. They look at that as working for a kind of mafia.

The legalization advocates used to endorse the Netherlands model, but no more. Now they just want decriminalization. So there would be no registration or mandatory medical exams.

Does anyone know about TJ? I have heard that there is a licensing rule there, and that there are mandatory medical exams. True? Is it complied with?

I have read that many are unlicensed, especially those who are underage.

So who must be licensed? Street walkers. Escorts? That would be difficult to enforce.

How about those in the Hong Kong Bar, Adelitas, and the Tropical Bar? The same kind of license?

How about some of their other strip clubs, say not in the Zona Norte, and not so blatantly brothels, but where most of the women are regularly doing FS-ITC? Same kind of license? How to explain that outside of the Zona, where such things are technically illegal?

I think that no matter how you do licensing there will be problems.

They say Costa Rica has just decriminalization, so there is no registration and there are no mandatory medical exams. But I hear horror stories of organized crime, underage trafficking, and customers being extorted at gun point.

Everything I have ever heard about the Nevada legal houses has always been negative. Is the criticism legitimate?

avatar for jestrite50
10 years ago
Saying that there will be no need for pimps is like saying there is no need for unions and therefore they will just go away. Pimps will be even more active in a legal scenario providing protection for their girls. Making sure they (the girls) get paid etc. Pimps still exist in Europe and prostitution is legal in many places. Many times the pimp is the girls father hiring out his daughter for sex.
There is always going to be someone running the business. In Asia girls sit in these glass boxes.

Pictured in this, photographs taken by SF State Art Professor:

Someone will always be controlling the place or venue being used. I guess the most extreme of freelancers work the street.


But even they depend upon hotels, and in large measure on the cops.

In SF AMPs they have zero fear of LE. So you could say that it is almost like it would be if it were decriminalized. So it is more competitive.


avatar for Clubber
10 years ago
I would have one rule, they can not even remotely resemble rosie o'donnell, physically or mentally.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Yes, we have to protect ourselves from neurotic women. I used to explain over and over to my wife that there are only two ways, eroticism, or neuroticism. Of course the problem was that she was hanging with friends who were the latter. As such, there was no way that our marriage could be repaired.

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