Mardi Gras, Gilforn

avatar for norman2
I recently discovered a wonderful place in Gilford NH, that I would never have believed could exist in this location. Near the home of Peyton Place, On a Crossroad north of Gilford and south of Weirs Beach, are the most wonderful people. They address you by first name and talk normally to each other. The most outstanding person is Meghan the bartender, riout out of Cocktail. All the drinks circle in the air, and her mesmerizing mane of blond curly hair to her butt is constantly in motion.

After awhile, you realize all eyes are on her except when the girls take the stage, who are all equally beautiful. Haley, the commet, and Destiny are unforgetable, are are Morgan and all the wonderful other girls. Untimately you realize all the bouncers are huge, but they are polite and personable. You have to smoke outside, which is a sonderful place to hang out with a view of the White Mountines.


last comment
Hmmmmm...shill much??
avatar for troop
14 years ago
just skip the club, stand outside and enjoy the view of the mountains and save your money.
And not a very good shill, either.
avatar for Prim0
14 years ago
I almost would expect that crying indian from the old litter commercials to be standing outside selling cigars! How beautiful it all sounds.

A better shill would be that the LDs are high milage and nearly free.
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