Jealous Dancers

avatar for JohnSmith69
I hate jealous dancers. They are the ones that treat you like their private possession just because you spent some money on them. They hover over you, glare at other dancers who try to talk to you, and generally do everything they can to be the sole recipient of your money even if you'd like to play around some.

On the other hand, I really appreciate dancers who have no jealous streak and are willing to share. For example, I'm with the DS a few days ago at her club. I am her main source of income for the evening, and she will stay with me the entire time if I want her to. She keeps things entertaining by inviting other girls to come play with us. She knows my tastes in women well, and she invites the girls over that she knows that I am going to be very attracted to. Maybe she's just confident that I have already earmarked my kids inheritance for her, or maybe it's just her outgoing nature, but I find it very appealing to be with a dancer that has enough confidence to do this.

Does anybody else have any experience, good or bad, with jealous dancers?


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avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
I had one bring over her best friend and told her while holding my cock "This is mine. If I am not here, you and only you are to take care of it". And the friend was called to duty several times. :)
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
I've noticed some clubs the dancers are more cut throat and competitive than others. One classic move is another dancer swooping in when the dancer talking to you has to go on stage.
avatar for ATACdawg
10 years ago
Once the dancer who was my favorite at the time said she had to go on stage and not to let any other girl sit down with me. ????? She said that stuff could start a "stripper war" which she said was not pretty. I have to say that at that point I would have been interested to see what would have happened?

The other time I had come to the club to see one of the girls. She was still back in the DR and one of the girls was giving me quite the show. When my dancer came in and sat down with me Mary Jane (on stage) said, "Hey, what are you doing with that guy!". Thinking quickly I told her that I had come in to see the girl who had sat down with me. "Oh. Never mind, Renee."
avatar for sclvr5005
10 years ago
If you club long enough you will eventually run into a jealous dancer or two. Many are divas who think that they own the club. I don't tolerate that stupid high school shit. The second I witness that kind of behavior I kick her to the curb and move on to someone new.
avatar for chandler
10 years ago
It's never been a problem for me, because I always make it so graphically clear from the start that I'm there to play the field. That should ward off the jealous types. The one exception was a couple years ago with a dancer who started out joking about me "cheating" with other girls in the club. At least I thought she was joking, since she was always clowning around. But she wouldn't let up with the jealous nagging, until it got so annoying I couldn't enjoy her company anymore.

After I cut her loose, she acted pretty cool about it, and we actually got along better again whenever our paths crossed. She was a really a sweet girl at heart, not the kind of possessive bitch you think of as a typical jealous dancer. But her best friend told me that even in high school she had always tended to get jealous, I guess out of insecurity.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
10 years ago
John, I could have written your second paragraph. My ATF was just like that. Then one night she recommended one dancer whom I stayed to see after my ATF ended her shift. I mentioned to ATF the next day that I stayed at her club another three hours after she left and spent time with the other dancer she recommended. ATF's feelings were greatly hurt by that. She didn't talk to me much over the next three months. (Short version of the story. There's a little more to the long version. Anyone is welcome to PM me for a little longer version.)
avatar for beguiled
10 years ago
I like stipper jealousy. It makes my dream stripper try harder. Other girls in the same club know better than to approach me for fear of the queen wrath. Stripper polics knock my socks off, hard.
avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
As sclvr pointed out, if you do this long enough, you'll eventually encounter something like this. You pretty much have to decide whether or not it's worth it.

My ATF never got jealous or took any action to drive other girls away, at least where I could see, but then again, she didn't have to. I made it pretty clear that nobody else there interested me.

At the opposite end, a girl at another club who gives pretty damned awesome head (deep, sloppy, no teeth, no quit, no spit, but that's pretty much all she was good for) interrupted me talking to another girl. She inserted herself between me and the other girl I was talking to at the bar and said, "hey, this one's mine." The new girl was turning to walk away when I said to the old one, "not tonight sweetheart, and if you ever do that again, you'll never see another dime from me."

She hasn't spoken to me since.
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
I HATE it when a dancer that I have danced with once or twice basically pisses all around my table and makes sure that the other dancers know that I am "hands off". It's bullshit junior high school games. Yet another reason for me to quit going to a club for a few months until she either quits, gets fired, or forgets about me (& my wallet).
avatar for jestrite50
10 years ago
My ATF called me on the way home from the club one night chastising me for getting 2 or 3 dances from a gorgeous big busted girl. She said "what's wrong aren't my titties big enough for you ?" I told her in no uncertain terms right then if she ever called me like that again she was done! She called me the next day apologizing and said it would never happen again. I accepted her apology and we never had the issue come up again.
avatar for Eagle1191
10 years ago
Thankfully I have not had this happen to me, kind of silly for a dancer to pull this when they have multiple regulars most times. I could understand if it was not in a SC since that would be different but inside the club no dancer should try to do this.
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
ITC there should be no jealousy by dancers or customers.
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
@shadow- Right now it's 12:45 am out here in Portland, so that means it's 3:45 am in Atlanta. What the hell are you still doing up? Go to bed old man :)
avatar for rickdugan
10 years ago
It comes with the turf. If anyone actually finds a way to successfully manage this issue I would love to hear about it. These girls have both financial need and ego tied up in these arrangements and, for most of them, good paying customers don't grow on trees. Even in a local dive bar, with girls who aren't exactly difficult to get OTC, I've run into drama when trying to juggle multiple girls at the same time.
avatar for magicrat
10 years ago
A line I've used which was stolen from here soon as she quits seeing other customers, I will quit seeing other dancers. Yeah yeah I know it isn't the same. My last experience was my old fav shit talking the new dancer via text on my way home. "You wouldn't believe what she said as soon as you left....."
avatar for deogol
10 years ago
This happens outside strip clubs - it's sales in general. I interact with lots of sales people and they always want to be the "go to" guy for all my business. Male or female.
avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
"If my *wife* can handle me fucking other women, so can you."
avatar for dr_lee
10 years ago
Haven't had strippers jealous over me in an eon. I envy you, sir!
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