
Waitress question

Breathe, breathe in the air
Tuesday, December 2, 2014 7:56 AM
Is a waitress a good source of information for knowing which girls give high mileage dances? Do dancers ever ask waitresses to recommend guys to them and maybe tip them accordingly? Apologies if, like many subject,s this has been covered before.


  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    In my opinion waitress are not a good source of information because their turn over is higher than that of the dancers. Most are not there long enough to know who does what or they turn into dancers themselves.
  • Alyssatanggg
    10 years ago
    I use to work as a bartender/waitress. To be completely honest, it really depends on the waitress! I know for me at least, the girls became sisters to me, so I had a pretty good source of information. I often recommended guys to them, though customers never really asked me questions about the dancers themselves. If they did, I would've answered truthfully. In any case, if I recommended a girl and a custie liked her enough to get a dance, I received half of the dancer's tip anyway. All in all, I say ask! It never hurts to find out. :)
  • joewebber
    10 years ago
    your CFs are a good source. if they are close with another dancer, they will most likely know about the other girl's mileage,
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    I had a waitress that would pimp for me. She knew what I liked and all the girls she recommended were worthwhile. My current fave barmaid doesn't seem as in tune, but I have my regulars and I don't need to ask her about the veteran girls.
  • VeryBigDawg
    10 years ago
    My experience is that waitress will recommend her friends, no matter how good or bad they are. Thus are prejudiced and not good source of information.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    The main purpose of waitressing in the club is preparation to be a dancer. Absent an unusual situation where the waitress has been there a while and you know her well, there are a lot better ways to get the kind of dancers you want than relying on a waitress.
  • VeryBigDawg
    10 years ago
    Londonguy, do they have waitress at FKK clubs? If so, what a waste. lol!
  • Subraman
    10 years ago
    If you have a good relationship with the waitress -- as defined by, you tip her well and she knows it and is appreciative -- she can be a great source. But if you are not tight with her, like everyone else in the club, she's there to make money, and her loyalty to the girls will be higher than her loyalty to you. She will recommend to you either her friends, or the girls that she knows will tip her for sending you their way, and that might not be what you're looking for. In general, I find that if I make friends with the waitress/bartender/bouncer/manager, and by "make friends" that includes tipping, I can get killer info from them. Otherwise, they direct customer to whichever girls tip them best or that they like the most.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    Everything in SCs can be a crapshoot so one can either get good unbiased info or biased info or just plain bullshit. For the most part; I’m with the others that have mentioned that most likely they will recommend their friends or whomever takes care of them tip-wise.
  • londonguy
    10 years ago
    @verybigdawg - no, no waitresses in FKK clubs. In some clubs you just help yourself at some bars - to juices and water only.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    10 years ago
    I have two stories about helpful waitresses: 1. In Las Vegas, at one of the larger clubs, I was ready to get dances, but I didn't see a dancer that particularly suited my interest at the moment. However, the floor was so crowded and there were other dance areas not visible from where I was sitting. A waitress come over to me and in addition to taking my drink order she asked "What type of dancer do you like?" I gave her an easy description, and she then said, "I'll send on over to you." (There were so many dancers on shift at that moment that it was no problem finding one that suited just about any customer's interest.) 2. In what is now the Deja Vu, city of Industry, CA, the waitresses would really be observant of which customers were spending money and which weren't; then they could advise the dancers accordingly. One example that I observed was: A dancer had just arrived on the floor to start her shift. A waitress who had already been there for at least an hour came over to the dancer while she was sitting with a customer. The waitress asked the dancer, "Are you cold?" That was their code for "the customer you're sitting with hasn't bought any dances or drinks for dancers since he's been here." They had several other coded phrases as well.
  • gawker
    10 years ago
    Not too long ago, my ATF was away, my CF was out of town and I was horny. I went to my favorite club, was greeted by a hug from the bartender who I've always tipped well. I explained my predicament and she told me who I wanted to see. I asked the one who she recommended for a dance, described what I wanted in VIP and 30 minutes later watched her licking the cum off my dick. The bartender got a real good tip that night.
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    Some of the other dancers would know.
  • slaux.pas
    10 years ago
    Just ask other customers if there dicks are falling off. All girls that have sex also have disease that make your dick fall off. That is why I just look and then jerk off in the bathroom stall
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    I used to date a waitress who dances when she is low in money. Yes, she knows a ton about dancers, but she only told me about 10% of it.
  • DandyDan
    10 years ago
    Considering that all waitresses I've ever met in strip clubs are either strippers-in-waiting or ex-strippers, I would have to think they are a poor source of information. I remember only once ever asking one to recommend me one and the dancer in that case wasn't that great. I suspect the waitress was just telling her friend to visit me.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    I sit at the bar and a good barmaid can be helpful. MY favorite one would even call me if some new dancer started that she thought I might like.
  • chandler
    10 years ago
    I've received some good intel from waitresses who were formerly fave dancers of mine. If they hadn't been, I would never have asked.
  • magicrat
    10 years ago
    My experience is the waitresses either recommend friends or dancers they like who haven't made much money. In every instance, the dances have been lame.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    magic, Ergo mt qualification, "good".
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    No, I don't think waitresses are a good source for that kind of information. I also think it will likely cause you problems to try and have such discussions with them. Waitresses are not dancers and so they are outsiders. They are not clued in on the private stuff, like mileage. And besides you never ask a female the kind of stuff we talk about here. It will create opposition to you. For basic stuff like how many dancers are on for that shift, I always ask male door keepers and bar tenders. As far as female bartenders and they sending you dancers, I agree with gawker, and also with the article posted by NationalTraveler, which I highly recommend. SJG
  • Subraman
    10 years ago
    SJG, no offense, I disagree about waitresses being outsiders. They're insiders most of the time, and they absolutely have an idea of who are the crowd-pleasing dancers. But the question of whether they'll tell you, rather than point you at their friends or the girls who tip them, is a different question entirely. Like anyone else in the club -- make friends with them (via tips) and you will find you can get good advice from them
  • warhawks
    10 years ago
    Waitresses are definitely insiders, if they have been at the club for a while. They know who sits with who. Who are regulars. Who comes in to see which dancers. They share the same dressing room with the dancers and are all up on any drama happening. I consider them a good source of info, if you get to know them and treat them well.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    From my experience, waitresses are great for a cup of coffee and bacon&eggs. I love bacon&eggs. Do you?
  • ATACdawg
    10 years ago
    Why not ask a bouncer which girls give him the most enforcement problems in VIP? Hmmm. Might not work so well .....
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    Waitresses know the score. I have a friend who been waitressing in a SC for almost 20 years now and she'll let slip juicy details from time to time if I ask her things. She knows all about the regulars for my regulars, who gives extras and who doesn't, who is sleeping with who for the bi/gay dancers, who's in jail and for what... I always tip all the waitresses generously and it pays off in all kinds of ways.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    I still disagree. I don't think you can get that sort of information from waitresses, and I also think you degrade your reputation in the club by trying to. SJG
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    Waitresses have eyes and ears, SJG. Even if they aren't privy to everything going on around them, they can still add 2 and 2. And at the end of the night, if they get some of the tip-outs that the dancers give, then they have a financial stake in knowing the score. At one of my old haunts, I had a couple of regular servers who'd ask me if I wanted to get this dancer or that one for me, and it'd almost always my ATF at the time. Nuts, there were times those servers would have my drink to me before I even ordered one.
  • Subraman
    10 years ago
    @sjg: okay if you've made up your mind, and a whole bunch of guys telling you differently doesn't matter. But I know for a fact there are waitresses who know the score, certainly as well or better than the bar staff, since the waitresses are flitting among the tables, interacting with both customers and the girls,etc. The only issue is whether they'll tell you the truth (or something close to it)
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    If you go in there asking about who does what kinds of extras, then that makes it look like you are looking for anything female that will preform extras upon you. This is the epitome of treating dancers like vending machines. If you ask waitresses this, it will get back to the dancers and it will make you look like a creep. Or maybe I should say, it will make you look like their typical customers. If you want someone to fix you with a dancer, then it will have to be someone who knows what is going on in the dancer's lives. It will have to be someone who is dealing with customers in an erotic manner on an ongoing basis, so she shared in the experiences. Here, in this outstanding article NationalTraveler talks about his second girl, from NY. I am sure someone fixed him with her, and it would not have been a waitress, as the waitresses don't usually deal with customers in an erotic manner. [view link] Jestrite50 shows how to handle waitresses, one sucking his dick, while he DFK's the other, and they keep swapping positions: [view link] If you want to engage with waitresses, then do it. But engage with them as the young women they are. Don't ask them to gossip about others. SJG
  • jestrite50
    10 years ago
    When I go into a club that i've never been to before I always start out by flashing a lot of cash and tipping the waitresses heavy. At that point the waitresses will usually sit with me if their customers are taken care of or at least come back and sit with me when they have time hoping for more tips. I watch the dancers and see how they respond on stage and if I see someone I like I will give the dancer $5 or $10 to go get her and have her sit WITH US. As the dancer and the waitress sit at my table, I tip the dancer heavy for the dances I saw on stage even though I was not at the stage. Money gets their attention. Then after I tip her I move over close to her and encourage the waitress to come on over close to me. I attempt to "put the make" on both of them by caressing their thighs rubbing their backs kissing them, kissing their necks and making good conversation with them telling them how hot they are and suggesting maybe they both could show me a little fun. In the clubs I go to waitresses are allowed to give dances but don't go on stage. Sometimes the waitress will go get us some drinks and I will again tip her heavy. Sometimes she will say she's gotta go take care of customers and that's ok too because she leaves you to have some privacy with the dancer and you turn up the action with the dancer by moving your hand down to her thong caressing first outside then gently lifting her thong moving in to the clit. This takes time and is not a slam bam approach but it works for me and has worked over and over again. The girls love being "courted" and will end up giving you whatever you want. But you have to move slow and be gentle.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    I kinda have a niche taste and many people; especially females; think I would like a particular type when I don’t and often prefer something else they would have thought I would not like – so I rather choose myself. I have actually had dancers tell me they had seen me b/f at the SC but had not approached me b/c “I thought you were not going to go-for-me/like-me”
  • Subraman
    10 years ago
    SJG ... you claimed waitresses are outsiders, which is incorrect, they are in-the-know. Now you're preaching about not asking them about who does extras or gossiping about anyone, neither of which is required in order to get good advice from them. LOL I get it now ... YOU don't know how to engage the waitresses, that's ok.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    One barmaid I know also works on bikes, and has worked on mine. I trust her!
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Subraman, the ones who are insiders are the ones who actually engage with the customers in erotic ways. Those who do this are not going to talk about the specifics with those who don't. As far as asking a dancer to recommend who gives "high mileage", I think that is ridiculous. I think a guy who does that is making himself look like an ass. About the only thing I can think of which would be worse is to ask a waitress to give you that kind of information about dancers. I certainly have never done anything like this in any situation in my entire life. You never ask women to gossip about the sex lives of other women. Instead, I look to Jestrite50's above post. He approaches the women he likes directly. Being that it is a strip club, the flashes money and he passes a fair amount of it around. As he is describing, this often gets him right into their panties. If he likes a girl, he comes on to her and courts her directly. He doesn't let her sell him dances, he doesn't talk about extras or mileage. He doesn't treat her like a prostitute or even worse, like a vending machine. He makes responsible advances, and given that it is a strip club and that the women work there for money, he passes a fair amount of it around. SJG
  • jestrite50
    10 years ago
    In the clubs I frequent waitresses would never give out that information even if they had it. Dancers in my area won't give it out either. I have never paid for extras per se but I get plenty of them. The girls like me because I take care of them and they show their appreciation accordingly. I have never asked or negotiated for extras. Besides if you go in asking how do they know you're not a vice cop or a liquor control agent ? They aren't going to answer those questions unless the know you well. And if they know you that well you shouldn't have to be asking those questions.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    For myself, I've never asked a dancer if they do "outside work" or anything about what they do. That is no one's business. You don't talk to women that way. If you do, they you are just making a fool of yourself in front of them. Jestrite50 is the one who knows how to engage with women. We are very lucky to have him here on this forum SJG
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