
First Time OTC Questions

Thursday, October 30, 2014 12:48 PM
Recently had a dancer offer to give "house call" lap dances. I've never done a house call before and I've got some questions: - I saw a few people say NOT to have a stripper come to your place. Why's that? - What should I wear? The club I usually go to has a moderate dress code, but would athletic shorts or other "comfy" clothing be weird? - What should my general expectations be? I plan on asking her a lot of questions before we meet up, but I want to get insight from you all, too. Thanks in advance for the help!


  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    Is "house call lap dances" a euphemism for paid sex, or are you really talking about lapdances? If she is the one who introduced the term, but you are expecting actual sex? Are you sure that the two of you on the same page as to exactly what is on the menu? Let's start there and work our way forward.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    I go back to what I always say, the more rapport with the girl before it gets to this point, the better. But I also notice that there are numerous postings about OTC sessions on this forum. Most of them seem like real nice escort sessions. The girls seem to like to go all out, GFE, Multiple Rounds, etc. Lots of people, like rickdugan, who are extremely experienced. SJG
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    I agree with rickdugan but for starters...It's your house so wear whatever the fuck you want.
  • quickstopnirvana
    10 years ago
    She introduced the idea and the term and her words were "house call lapdance". I'm not expecting anything extra.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    " I go back to what I always say...." --- Yes, you have Did you read "More Sinned Against", yet? It's only about seven pages or so. It's kinda gritty, so be prepared.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    "extra"? I can't imagine anyone setting up an OTC without intending to give their girl a nice fucking. If you just want to socialize with her, take her out to dinner. Build rapport first, set up P4P gigs later. Anyway, you are posting on the right forum, as we have many who do OTC's continually. Welcome. SJG
  • quickstopnirvana
    10 years ago
    No, what is that and where would I find it?
  • quickstopnirvana
    10 years ago
    Well, I DO want a lap dance. She said we could get "more wild" with "loud spanking" and "two way touching" (quotes are her words). So not simply socializing, ha.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    P4P = Pay for Play, like sex for money. If someone sets up OTC ( Outside the Club ) with a stripper, then this is what it is. I can't imagine your stripper not also understanding this. How much money have you agreed to pay her and for how much time? SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Usually people only go to the trouble of setting up OTC if they are planning on more than 2 way touching. Usually it is to be more like an escort session, like kissing, oral sex, multiple rounds of vaginal sex, etc. These girls are not shy or timid. Like Mr. Duggan says, need to make sure you and your girl are on the same page. Should have built such rapport with her before setting this up. How much money and how much time were agreed upon? SJG
  • quickstopnirvana
    10 years ago
    We haven't talked details yet, but I plan to. This won't be happening for several weeks, possibly months depending on my budget. She vaguely mentioned something like $50-100/hour.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Here's my guess. She wants to come to your house and give you lap dances. In the process, she's going to tease you and coerce you to pay ever increasing amounts of money for just a little more. You might eventually end up having sex with her, but you'll pay some insane amount of money to do it. My opinion, this is a bad idea. Sex 0TC is great, but lap dances OTC is kind of stupid. Maybe for a bachelor party or something like that, but not one on one. In any event, if you do this, I would not do it at your house unless you're okay with strippers or their drug dealer boyfriend's showing up at your door in the future with all sorts of random stripper shit.
  • quickstopnirvana
    10 years ago
    Gotcha. Yeah, it seems like maybe this won't be a good idea (for me personally). Thanks for the insights so far, all.
  • Dolfan
    10 years ago
    To directly answer your question about why a lot of people say don't bring a stripper to your home, it should be fairly obvious. As a group, they aren't the most scrupulous bunch. There are plenty of stories floating about of guys who've invited dancers over expecting to get laid and ended up beaten and robbed. Even if its not that severe, the risk of petty theft of anything small enough to fit in a purse is high. There's other concerns, are your neighbors nosy, do you get unannounced visitors or have others living with you? As far as what to where, I'm with sc - its your house, wear whatever the fuck you want. And what to expect, as others mentioned that something you really need to decide yourself and talk to her about before hand. Some folks will tell you to be very explicit, I'm not really in that camp. My experience with OTC isn't that extensive, but in every case the only explicitly discussed detail was price. I've never had an issue with my expectations being met, and I've always expected things to go a lot further than a lap dance, usually more than once. I've also never had any of the problems I mentioned in response to your first question. But, my home situation may not be like yours and my strippers might not have been either.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    As JS69 mentioned – most PLs meet up w/ dancers in order to get more than dances. If the clubs in your area are low-mileage low/no contact clubs; then LDs OTC may be worth it. Many strippers are psycho and have totally fucked up lives; i.e. you don’t want to get personally involved w/ them and that means not letting them know where you live or work – get a cheap by the hour motel. It’s business and not pleasure for *her* - meaning as in any business transaction where $$$ changes hands; you need to iron out the details before agreeing to anything – and this means she agreeing to what you want for $x; not her saying vague stuff like “we’ll have fun”. It doesn’t seem you are ready for this step; I suggest keeping it ITC and maybe some ITC VIP until you are less SC/stripper green.
  • quickstopnirvana
    10 years ago
    Thanks for the continued info!
  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    We haven't talked details yet, but I plan to. This won't be happening for several weeks, possibly months depending on my budget. She vaguely mentioned something like $50-100/hour. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Are you saving up your allowance for this? Does your mother know that you are sneaking into strip clubs? ;) If your budget is strained by a girl charging $50-100/hr, there are much more productive ways to spend your scarce entertainment dollars than paying a girl for pointless LDs.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    10 years ago
    I'm always in the minority on this subject, but I've had no problems with having had a few dozen dancers over to my house for OTC sessions. In most cases, I've gotten to know them well at their clubs, first. A couple were after just one or two times meeting them ITC, then it was OTC.
  • shailynn
    10 years ago
    Here's the deal - if you want to meet this stripper (and it sounds like you're very inexperienced in this) here what I would do if I were you. 1. Sit down with her and tell her what you want. Do you just want lap dances? Do you want a blow job, sex etc. do you just want to talk? I think you two should come to an agreement. Some agreements between strippers and guys go into such detail as to where the guy is allowed to cum and how many times he is allowed to have sex in the amount of time he has paid for. 2. Price, agree on a firm price for what you want. Tell her you want to know what price she wants as you don't want to get up sold. An example could be: "I am going to give you $75 an hour for 2 hours worth of lap dances and I will be wearing a Tshirt and underwear and you will be giving lap dances in the nude." Or "I am going to give you $200 to have sex with me, during this time I am allowed 1 sog." Sog is also known as "shot on goal" slang for cumming. Example: "this cunt I met the other night let me get off 3 sogs for only $150." 3. Agree on a place to meet. Yeah I'm sure this ho is nice and everything but I'd refrain from letting her know where you live if I were in your shoes. If you're on a budget I'd get a room at red roof inn or motel 6 for $50 and go from there. PS - if you're on a strict budget I'd just join [view link] website grab a bag if Cheetos and jerk until your dick turns orange.
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    $50-100? That sounds like a price she's using just to get in your front door, something you don't want to do. Like the others have warned, chances are there'll be some major upselling going in. I answered one stripper outfit that advertised in a rag back in the Twin Cities. Girl came to my door -- beautiful young woman -- along with her driver. Luckily, he just gave my place a quick once-over, then I gave her the agreed-upon fee and she turned it over to him. Not 30 seconds after he was out the door, she told me she needed more money -- $150 -- that what I had just paid was for the driver and the company. Stupid me, I agreed to that. I asked her to wait in the entryway of my apartment building (yeah, I wasn't going to leave her alone in my apartment), then hit the nearest c-store for the required amount. After I got back and we started to get to business, she said if I wanted FS, it'd cost more -- another $600. Yeah -- No. I settled for what little I was getting and called it a night. For a couple lessons on giving her your main phone number, I met a low-level provider on one of those phone-chat services. All she offered was oral, and I thought it was going to be a one-time thing. One night after work, I was just settling in for some TV when I got a phone call: "Do you want some oral tonight?" No "Hi," no "How's it going?" Just "Do you want some oral tonight?" I was just glad no one else picked up the phone. Another time, a few days after one provider visited me at my place, I got a call from another provider. I had no idea who she was, although she introduced herself as a friend of that first provider. I turned her down, then called that first provider. She said that, yeah, she knew that other girl; she was visiting from out of state and she had gone through the first provider's stuff and that's how she got my phone number. If this is really your first time -- and if you're really balking at $50-100 -- wait, okay? This just isn't the time.
  • quickstopnirvana
    10 years ago
    To those mentioning price - I'm a college student, so every bit matters, yep. Brazzers can't sit in my lap and I can get Brazzers porn for free on pornhub anyways. Other advice seems solid. I haven't told her where I live yet, so no worries there.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    Good luck bro, you are going to be ROB'ed.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    I'm with Club_Goer on this one. I've had strippers over with zero problems. Same goes for times I've spent over at the abodes of strippers. Since it is your home and it is around Halloween, I say dress up and go from there. Ask her to dress up. Maybe as a slutty Ebola victim who has a pulse on the economic boom.
  • Tiredtraveler
    10 years ago
    I would never ever invite a P4P into my home the first few times we got together. You do not know her except during ITC 'conversations'. I would find neutral ground, hotel etc., for the first few rounds. Bringing a stranger from that world into your home is risky to say the least for you and her. I don't take civilians I just met back to my home. Taking strangers to your home is an invitation to be robbed or worse. She should have better sense than to want to go to you place by herself and likely won't. I had a girl offer to come over and "party" with me at my place. As we continued to talk about it it eventually came out that she would be bringing a 'friend' to make her feel safe. Likely a 6'5" 300lbs guy with no neck. The party never happened not that I would have ever brought her home with me anyway. Maybe I am just paranoid but to me it's like wearing a condom even though you're pretty sure she's clean, on the pill and you've been snipped or like always bringing a gun to a fight. Worst case from being too careful you end up LDK-ing to porn.
  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    If you're a college student, then just find a real date and use your limited cash more productively. Seriously now, blowing cash on private LDs is an older man's game. If your self confidence is that low, then find some pig willing to spread her legs for you and get laid already.
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    I cosign with Rickdugan getting laid in college should be easy breezy. Just hit a frat party, they're drinking and horny. Just swag it up boy, swag it up. College girls ain't looking for much
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    I agree with the above: not at your house. It's like the thread where a dancer used a PL's cell phone and the number started circulating. I've only had one P4P woman ever at my house and she was a MILF neighbor who had a sideline business. Pity she moved away...
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    @Quickstopnirvana, Yes, this does not all sound right. It may not be that the girl is being tricky. It may just be that you are not communicating well with her. Usually people only set up OTC if they want an escort type session. If it is just to be basic dances, then just do that with her at the strip club. Likewise, if she is really a pro, she would give you a fixed price, not a $50 to $100 range. And as others have pointed out, usually people don't want to bring their stripper to their home. And also, if your budget is being strained by this, there are better ways to spend your money. First of all, why not just approach her as a civilian. Get real about yourself and spend some time talking to her and then ask her out to dinner. A social invitation, not any kind of a pay for play arrangement. If you present yourself the right way, it should be fine. Better than proceeding with pay for play. Let her see that inside the strip club, you are a good customer. But outside it is different. If you do decide that you still want to set up pay for play with her, then if you want to take her to your home, okay. But be clear what it is you want and be straight with her. It should work. Most people who do this want an escort session. Better that you refrain from closing any deal with her before you are sure that you and she are on the same page. SJG Standord, Leonard Susskind [view link]
  • quickstopnirvana
    10 years ago
    I have decided that for now, I am NOT going to go through with it. Thanks for the continued info, all.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    ^^^ At least you saved yourself cleaning up the place @SJG.. is the literature I suggested too gritty for you? They are not like the Joker-like Hannibal Lector stuff
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    @quickstopnirvana Get to know this girl as you like, and then decide for yourself where you want to go with her. Better if it comes from you, rather than she trying to "sell" you something. SJG @mikeya02, I did click on a link you provided, and yes, it looked like it probably would be most gritty. Right now I have other responsibilities though, so it will have to wait. A great author who goes into such things is Colin Wilson, starting with this 1956 book, [view link] In there Wilson starts by discussing a turn of the century French novel. Inferno? Not sure. But it is readily available in translation. It starts with a guy talking about riding on street cars and about how he likes to look at the women and to see their skirts rising up. He ends up watching a couple having sex all the time through a peep hole under a picture in his apartment. Then he ends up watching a homicide. Wilson uses this as the starting place for his work. I think this is where you are trying to go with your conversation, into the experiences of people who live in some marginal realms and who may be transgressive in various ways. SJG
  • 3LeggedMan
    10 years ago
    After a fun session in VIP with my CF, I was sitting with her chatting. The topic of her income came up and I suggested that maybe she'd be happier if she took home all the money I spent at the club that night, which she agreed would be much better. We decided that I'd get a motel and she'd meet me there for similar activities to what happens in VIP. So, starting up OTC was a simple matter of suggesting she could get the club's share of my expenses. We've done that about 5 times since and we both leave the motel smiling each time.
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    I should just set up some OTC myself. Going to the club is getting prohibitively expensive.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    @ 3 legs: Long time no hear – I had been thinking you had not posted much in a good while – nice to see you back.
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