
avatar for eyeamlong
What's up with guys coming to a strip club,,, standing & staring,, at other customers being grind on with Lap Dances.... I cannot figure this one out... I'm at Follies, 12 noon last Thursday,,, I take a seat on the couch,,, one of my favs come over start dancing for me.... The club has been open for thirty minutes,, Three rows of empty couches,, we're the only one's in this area.....On song two ,, this guy come over with a beer in hand ,,, stand about 2ft. away, facing me and girly,,, Just staring & smiling.. WTF... Once the third song started,, I motion with my hand for buddy to take a seat,, He doesn't get the hint... So I tell girly to stop dancing .... Soon as she stop ,,,The Looker moved on to the next lap dancer.. From my understanding ,, he never get dances,, just a fucking ........... Looker-On


last comment
avatar for footballguy
10 years ago
That's messed up, nothing kills that sounds like it would.

When I'm walking past booths that are occupied on my to/from getting a LD I try to be respectful and not look in the occupied booths.
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
Because of it's location Follies attracts a lot of illegals working for the minimum wage. They don't have much money or class. Perhaps this makes the case for a cover charge on the day shift. I have had many Dancers including the Latinas complain about them not spending any money.

Worst case I ever saw was not at Follies. I was getting dances from my ATF in a semi private couch room. There were two other couples in there. On couple sat across from us. When one song ended the dancer got up and left. the customer stayed there and played with his dick while watching us. We decided to stop after that song and go back later. While my ATF was getting dressed the next song started and the perv moved down to where the other couple was, pulled out his dick and started jerking off. My ATF ran out and got a bouncer who promptly kicked the guy out.
avatar for jackslash
10 years ago
This is why I like the setup of Detroit clubs. The lap dances (and "lap dances") are done in a private room with a curtain.
avatar for eyeamlong
10 years ago
Scat,,, I will agree with you .. I was also at Follies Sat 1:30-4:00 pm... around 3pm, the club was pack wall to wall.... Two girls dancing on each stage,, I'm on the couch getting dances... Once again, several guys squeeze between the couch and two small ViP rooms ... Looking and smiling .. don't get me wrong ..I know this is a good way to check out who is giving high mileage dances ....But to stare, is just plain rude... Once my eyes adjusted to the club .. I saw you on Sat, Scat.. didn't come over to speak ..I was afraid to lose my spot on the couch ... Bar-none, The best lap dance seating in America
avatar for kingcripple
10 years ago
Standing two ft in front of you and just watching seems kind of creepy. but sometimes i go in just have a drink or 3 watch the girls and have lunch. the club i go to is more like a sports bar with two stages with poles and hot girls on them. i dont really see a problem with it. But then again, standing two feet in front of you staring. yuck!
avatar for eyeamlong
10 years ago
@kingcripple...If they're in a stance position,, looking straight ahead,, And someone is getting dances to your side ,, are behind you ... I can see turning their head from time to time .....But to turn their entire body ... And stare,, at someone getting lap dances ... yes Creepy!!!
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
eyeamlong - You must have just left before I went to VIP because we sat on the couches for about 15 minutes waiting for a room.
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago
Tell the jerk to hit the road! End of story. Well, unless he stays, then you have to decide to man up out let out go.
avatar for Estafador
10 years ago
they broke. Tell him to step back a couple feet, and by then it shouldn't be bothersome since he's not close enough to be distracting. OR like me, I could be trying to observe the talent. You don't know how upsetting it was to see older gentlement hog all the HOT chicks and I'm left with the breadcrumbs. Hell when I take a chick and walk by a dance, I gasp, mouth agape seeing a girl 5x hotter than the one I'm with and makes me want to just cancel. I'm just throwing out reasons but they could just be too broke to afford anything except the minimum.
avatar for eyeamlong
10 years ago
@Esta ... You are right , maybe they're broke. If you ever been to Follies, a man would have to be crazy, to come there broke. I'll call it "Torture"... And yes I'm one of those older guys (60) .. that locks down a girl for a few hours .. but she is usually 300-400 dollars richer.....
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
10 years ago
I was in a strip club once, dayshift, and a customer who had to turn his head to look behind him was similarly gawking at the dancers giving lap dances. The deejay noticed this, and was able to turn a bright spot light on the customer and announce over the p.a. that lap dances are for paying customers only. The customer simply turned his head back to the forward position, and otherwise ignored the deejay while the light was on him for the remainder of the song.
avatar for ime
10 years ago
You gotta pay to play, and at Follie's I noticed if you have a girl you really want someone else probably wants her too.
That place gets busy, so if you don't get to her soon you need to have plan B and C ready. It makes sense for the girls though, why keep moving around looking for $10 or $20 at a time when they can get more for staying in one place.
avatar for eyeamlong
10 years ago
I like that one .. C_Goer ....
So true ..>ime...I'm usually there 12 noon weekdays.. no later than 1:30 weekend...
avatar for ime
10 years ago
do they open at noon? I thought it was 1pm, but if so that would explain why I would get there and all the good seats were taken, ha
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
That type of thing is the main reason that I only do private VIP dances out of the public eye.
avatar for eyeamlong
10 years ago
(ime) 11.30 am Monday-Friday ... Sat & Sun 1:pm .. I've been allowed in as early as 11.25am weekdays
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago

You might forgive some of us should we be peeking at two women. :)
avatar for chandler
10 years ago
It happens to me occasionally, but not enough to be a big problem. At Follies, what usually annoys me is not so much the staring as the middle aged white guys who think nothing of coming around and making eyes at the girl I'm with. Get your own pussy, douche.
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
I don't stare, but I do glance occasionally. I'm trying to see which strippers give good dances. I glance sitting down tho.
avatar for sclvr5005
10 years ago
Sorry lopaw but I'm also guilty of ogling women getting a lap dance. It will always get way more attention than guys would.
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
Yeah, always want to know what the dancers really do!


Clapton, Crossroads
avatar for steve229
10 years ago
Private Eyes
They're watching you
They see your every move
Private eyes
Watching you
Watching you
avatar for farmerart
10 years ago
Any habitue of the Mississauga pus buckets will not be unnerved by onlookers. The miserable VIPs in those clubs have zero privacy.

The only way not to be a looky loo is to keep your eyes shut at all times.
avatar for bkkruined
10 years ago
I had a couple "looker-ons" last week.
At Dolly's, in Washington Park, Il, I was back in one of the booths. Well, the guy next to me apparently took 2 girls back to the booth with him. The walls between were about 5 feet, so I kept seeing the girls heads as they stood up to switch. One of them kept making eye contact and looking down at what I had going on in my lap.
I actually kinda liked the extra attention.
avatar for bkkruined
10 years ago
And this other time, in Bangkok, Crazy House, upstairs, the after buying too many girls drinks so I wouldn't feel so cheap about feeling them up and fingering them all, mamasan gets one to start dancing on my lap, and begins encouraging her to pull my pants down / cock out.
That was all fine and great, except she was just putting on a show with it, grabbing it with her hand and putting her head in my lap, bobbing, still in her hand, jumping into my my lap, thrusting up and down. No insertion into anything but her fist. Of course, she's also running around the floor getting all her friends to come look at it.
Well, I'm surrounded by 2 other "dancers" (I guess), mamasan, and 2-3 waitresses that apparently I've bought drinks for, looking over and seeing these two old grey haired homos that keep craining there neck around to get a better look of my junk, as I kick back and let it hang out.
Seriously, If you want to see some cock, they've got bars for that there. If you want to see some women, buy'em a drink or two, or just offer to barfine them. But sit and start at my cock, then turn and chat with each other. I felt like I should've gone over and asked them to buy ME a drink for the show.
avatar for bkkruined
10 years ago
And then there was the other time, at the Star of Light. Sitting on the couch getting sucked off by two of the women there. Dude up at the bar keeps glancing back, after 2-3 times he makes eye contact.
He waves, says "sorry, just waiting for her to finish up for my turn" pointing on the one who currently has me in her mouth.
Fair enough. But if he'd turn the @#$^ around he'd have a shorter wait.
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago

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